August 6, 2012, - 7:12 pm

FREE Haircuts For Your Kids All August – Obamaconomics 101

By Debbie Schlussel

Especially in this tough Obamaconomy, I like to share free stuff with my friends and readers. And while there may be no such thing as a free lunch, there is indeed a free haircut . . . for your kids.

Do you have children, grandchildren, nieces, or nephews in Kindergarten through Sixth Grade? Do they need haircuts? Well, if you answered yes to both of those questions, take ’em to J.C. Penney for a FREE haircut through the end of this month of August. You have to book an appointment, by calling 1-855-JCP-KIDS or by stopping by your local J.C. Penney salon.

One thing, though: J.C. Penney salons are big sellers of CHI hair products, owned by anti-Israel Palestinian Muslim Farouk Shami, who is proud that his father murdered many Jews during Israel’s early days and in pre-Independence Palestine. He has a foundation in his father’s honor and gives the money to HAMAS Palestinians. He won’t condemn HAMAS or Hezbollah, and he donned a Palestinian terrorism scarf claiming Jerusalem as a Muslim City. He’s also attacked White American males, saying they aren’t good workers. Don’t buy any CHI products and be sure to voice your concern about their sale at J.C. Penney’s salons.

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6 Responses

Thanks for the tip, Debbie.

DS_ROCKS! on August 7, 2012 at 1:17 am

Well, one advantage about going to barbers– you won’t meet very many of the OWS people, with their vermin-infested bodies there.

Little Al on August 7, 2012 at 8:49 am

My daughter took her 5 year old son to get the free haircut. You get what you pay for. IT WAS HORRIBLE!!! She had to get him a buzz cut at a real barber to hide all the mistakes!

Boomie on August 7, 2012 at 11:43 am

That kid reminds me of the Aurora, CO shooter. No wonder they want to give him a haircut.

Don’t worry, nobody I know well goes t JC Penney’s salons. They won’t be buying any terrorist hair-dressing any time soon.

I didn’t even know JC Penney’s had hair salons. In fact, I didn’t even know JC Penney had some stores anymore. The last one near me closed up and left years ago.

BethesdaDog on August 7, 2012 at 9:11 pm

For any thing perfect, there need not be a comment, or a commentary, as is the characteristic of pagan Hindu scriptures, but it may be shared, if you may allow, kindly tell how, for where is the share button?

Sudarshan Datta on August 8, 2012 at 1:46 am

    This is no “pagan Hindu scriptures,” Buddy. This is simply fighting terrorism, straight up. Not sanskrit. Get out of here with the “share” button. There’s no share button.

    BethesdaDog on August 8, 2012 at 1:59 am

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