May 24, 2009, - 6:47 pm
PBS’ Twice A Year Patriotism Fraud: The Memorial Day Concert w/ Gary Sinise
By Debbie Schlussel
Every year, for Memorial Day and Independence Day, Public Broadcasting Service a/k/a Palestinian Broadcasting Service, hosts specials that are replete with pro-American patriotism. This Memorial Day Weekend is no exception with tonight’s program on PBS, “National Memorial Day Concert,” hosted by actor Gary Sinise, who has hosted the show in recent years. The 20th anniversary of the concert airs tonight, live at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
But, while the program is extremely moving (and I’ve enjoyed watching it), it’s a fraud. It’s a fraud because on the 363 other days of the year (the other instance of patriotism is an Independence Day/Fourth of July fireworks special), PBS is a cavalcade of anti-American crap.

On your average night of PBS programming, you can watch Frontline specials about how Islamic terrorists from Buffalo (the Lackawanna Six) aren’t really terrorists. PBS told us they were just nice Islamic guys who were pressured into pleading guilty. Or you can see an “Independent Lens” show featuring Palestinian American Muslim activist Hatem Abudayyeh telling his soon-to-be Palestinian bride’s family how bad America is. Or you can watch an anti-Israel special or a special on what animals and barbarians our troops are. You know, the same troops whose sacrificed lives the tax-funded network pretends to care about tonight.
About the only PBS program that isn’t political is the network’s most popular, “Antiques Roadshow,” but don’t worry, where there’s a will, there’s a way. And the network has the will to somehow make that political (in a left-wing way), too.
PBS uses these two nights–the Sunday preceding Memorial Day and the Fourth of July–to continue to pressure the Congress to fund its 363-night-a-year far-left pap. Yes, your tax dollars continue to fund PBS’ anti-American, anti-war propaganda, and that’s–in my mind–one of the biggest failings of Newt Gingrich’s leadership of the Congress in the mid-’90s, i.e., that he failed to keep his promise to defund PBS.
And by hosting tonight’s Memorial Day concert, Gary Sinise is lending his sanction to that crap. While he’s done wonderful work standing up for our troops and his Lt. Dan charity has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to those wounded in battle, he is lending his name, his presence, and his active participation in the anti-American, anti-troops sentiment the network broadcasts on a regular basis. He owes it to those troops to speak out against PBS’ anti-American BS, but he has yet to do so.
Let’s face it, tonight’s programming on PBS memorializing our troops–while touching–is not meant for the regular PBS audience of 68-year-old cat ladies named for Eleanor Roosevelt, who voted for Obama.
It’s meant to put pretty lipstick on what all other nights is a very ugly pig. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. This broken network is only right twice a year.
PBS doesn’t give a damn about the soldiers who gave their lives so that PBS could continue to spew forth its hatred of America. The network and its execs only care about ratings from you, the Americans who really love America. If you choose to watch tonight, don’t forget that this isn’t the real PBS.
For them–those that run PBS–tonight is just Pure Bull Sh-t. Remember our fallen troops, but remember that, too.
As one who grew up in an America which no longer exists, I am a lover of patriotic tradition.
For me, Memorial Day is the Thirtieth of May, not this weekend, or the last Monday in May.
Memorial Day and Veterans Day are NOT synonmous!
Memorial Day should not be “celebrated”, but solemnly observed, for it is a day for remembering and honoring America’s military dead.
Parades and concerts are inappropriate for Memorial Day.
Veterans Day is the time for parades, concerts, celebration, and honoring the living military veterans.
The fitting occasions for honoring and celebrating our currently serving active duty military personnel are Armed Forces Day (the third Saturday in May) and/or the respective service branch’s birthday (i.e., 14 June is the Army’s birthday, 11 November is the Marine Corps birthday, 16 August is the Airborne’s birthday, et cetera).
Furthermore, there are three hundred and sixty-four days each year in which families can put flowers on Great Aunt Bertha’s grave.
Memorial Day is a MILITARY holiday, and our sole focus on that day should be the graves of military dead.
By federal law, Confederate veterans are now accorded the same status as United States veterans, requiring the graves of Confederate dead to be maintained and respected in the same manner as the graves of United States military veterans.
Most folks are unaware of it, but there is a very large and impressive Confederate Memorial in Arlington National Cemetery, and on Memorial Day, it is customary for the President of the United States to have a wreath placed there, and the Confederate Battle Flag is prominently displayed at that memorial.
As a direct descendent of a Confederate soldier, Corporal Jonathan Trueblood of the North Carolina Seventh Regiment, I’m pleased that is the case.
Miss Schlussel, and other Jewish friends will be interested to learn that the largest Jewish military cemetery outside of Israel is located in Richmond, Virginia, where lie the remains of Jewish Confederate soldiers.
Thank you.
John Robert Mallernee
Armed Forces Retirement Home
Washington, D.C. 20011-8400
writesong on May 24, 2009 at 8:30 pm