June 29, 2012, - 3:27 pm

Natasha Smith Gang Rape VIDEO: Another Lara Logan Fantasist Gets Taste of Islamic “Democracy” in Tahrir Square

By Debbie Schlussel

Over a year ago, I came under attack from the entire Western world–both from the left AND the wimpish right–for pointing out that Lara Logan, the blind, exuberant cheerleader of Islamic extremist “democracy” in Egypt’s Tahrir Square, got a little taste of what she was cheering for. Well, I was right then, and her brutal Muslim heroes who gang-raped her are now in power. And it’s not like power has civilized them any, since a new version of Lara Logan idiocy–in the form of “reporter” Natasha Smith–got hers, too, in the same location. Note how the Daily Mail won’t call these gang rapists what they are: Muslims. Instead, they refer to “animals.” Well, here’s a tip: the gang rapists of both Lara Logan and Natasha Smith weren’t Christian. They weren’t Jews. They weren’t Hindus or Zoroastrians. They were Muslims. They are Muslims. And they are now in power . . . and yet they are still gang-raping Western women in Tahrir Square. And these idiotic Western women–and their fellow imbeciles in the Western media–still act like they are shocked–shocked!–that Muslims would do this. Until these journalistic whores for Islam are willing to point out who really raped them, rather than making a gazillion excuses and euphemisms, shed zero tears for them. They should have expected this. Did she not see–as Lara Logan apparently ignored–the Muslim rampage on the Israeli Embassy in Cairo? I guess they think this only happens to Jews, so it’s okay. Until it happens to them and they want our sympathy. You shall get none from me, Natasha Smith. Like Lara Logan, she’s pawning this off on attackers of “women around the world.” Puh-leeze. This is Egypt. Muslim Egypt. Muslim Brotherhood Egypt. It happened to two Western reporter idiotettes there for a reason. And the reason is backward Islamic culture and the worship of allah.


Clueless Natasha Smith Gets a Lara Logan-Flavored Taste of Islamic Liberation

How many female reporters were raped in the Capitol Mall in Washington? How many female reporters were raped on Ben Yehudah Street in Israel? This massive gang-rape in public during “democracy” Islamo-frenzies only happens in the Muslim world. Because, as I always note, the clash of civilizations only happens when there are two of them to clash. In the case of Egypt, there isn’t civilization. Just a mob of savage Muslims thirsting for uncovered, naive Western journalist female genitals to violate. That this idiot journalism student, Natasha Smith, still doesn’t get that–even after the Lara Logan incident–means she failed and should find a new profession.


A British journalist was brutally sexually assaulted in Cairo’s Tahrir Square as thousands of Egyptians gathered to celebrate the nation’s presidential election results.

Natasha Smith, 21, has detailed how she was violently attacked by a ‘group of animals’ who stripped her naked, scratched and clenched her breasts and ‘forced their fingers inside her’.

She only escaped by donning men’s clothes and a burka and being whisked away to safety by two other men.

Ya see? If you dress like a good little sheet-covered object of property, you’ll be okay. But, in their eyes, anyone who doesn’t–especially Western women, whom they see as whores that are there for the taking (and raping)–is fair game to quench uncontrollable sex urges. Yup, the very same religion that faux-conservative Jeff Jacoby lectured us must be respected for its extra-special needs for modesty, especially among Islamic terrorists at Gitmo. Who wants to volunteer to send Jeff to Tahrir Square, next year?

Writing on her blog, she said: ‘All I could see was leering faces, more and more faces sneering and jeering as I was tossed around like fresh meat among starving lions.’

Hmmm . . . and I thought all she could see were Muslims. I guess it was a different religion celebrating the Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Egypt. Wicca?

The incident occured on Sunday when Egyptians flooded the area celebrating the announcement Mohammed Morsi would be the nation’s first democratically elected leader.

Smith, who will graduate with an MA in International Journalism from University College Falmouth in August, was in Tahrir to film the crowd for a documentary on women’s rights.

Hey, girl, now you have first-hand knowledge on “women’s rights” in Islam. Reality bites, doesn’t it?

As I said back in February 2011, when I wrote about Lara Logan’s rape, this is how Muslims celebrate victory. Not with champagne or a nice catered affair. But with animalistic rape of what they see as the “uncovered meat” of Western women.

Anyone who won’t face that fact is delusional or has a mind as virginal and blank as the 72 virgins.

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106 Responses

Bet she goes back for more research. Liberals never learn.
Next time they might kill her and blame the Jews. Good reporting Debbie.

Ken Brks on July 1, 2012 at 6:10 pm

    LOL. You will win that bet.

    pat on July 2, 2012 at 1:59 am

Wow. I can’t believe this post. I’m a Muslim American woman living in Egypt . . . with a Muslim husband and family who are the kindest, gentlest people I’ve ever met. I don’t cover, I go to bars and clubs and never would one of my friends or family think about touching another woman in this way.

What you are talking about are uneducated, poor masses in a HUGE crowd in Tahrir. Women of all shape and size unfortunately are harassed here. But if you knew about true Islam women are regarded as valuable and with more rights than in Judaism or Christianity. Do not blame Islam for uneducated people. Just like I won’t blame Christianity for half of the American racist population who are popping out kids in teenage unwedded families left and right.

Also – it wasn’t a burka she wore as women don’t wear those here.

Abby on July 2, 2012 at 6:58 am

    “But if you knew about true Islam women are regarded as valuable and with more rights than in Judaism or Christianity”
    Uh, and you’re basing this on what exactly? “More rights than in Judaism or Christianity”? Really? How many Christian women do you know in the west that HAVE to wear certain clothes, or have even half of the restrictions Islam places on women? I’m not much of a gambler, but I feel pretty safe in saying NONE. If you belong to some rare group of moderate muslims (especially in the Middle East), that’s one thing. But, by and large, Islam is behind the curve when it comes to womens rights among other things when compared to the modern world and unless you’re in denial or selectively blind to the world around you, you’re going to have a hard time arguing otherwise.

    “Just like I won’t blame Christianity for half of the American racist population who are popping out kids in teenage unwedded families left and right”
    Okay, good..seeing as Christianity and the teachings of Jesus are absolutely against racism. But, let’s dwell on this for a minute. Besides the oh-so-subtle backhanded insult here, do you see the hypocrisy of your statement? You generalize a nation of people that you know almost nothing about other than what you’ve obviously cherry picked from sources that don’t even pretend to be unbiased. Yet, here you are…attempting to take the moral high ground. As far as “popping out kids in teenage unwedded families left and right”, this again has nothing to do with Christianity. You could say the exact opposite in fact. Since the baby boomers and hippies have been elected, they’ve tried to take even the slightest reference to Judeo-Christian values and morals out of everything the courts will allow them. Schools, courts, holiday decorations, etc. All the while replacing it with the if-it-feels-good-do-it responsibility shirking message of today. So crying foul on Christianity (or implying it in this case) won’t work here either. Anyway, that’s my spiel. Feel free to take it out of context, make straw man arguments, spout off pseudointellectual nonsense and what have you. You’ve never disappointed me yet internet.

    Jack Bandit on July 3, 2012 at 11:36 pm

    Please kill yourself immediately. I will hope that your entire family dies in a house fire. RACE TRAITORS BE DAMNED.

    Bali on March 30, 2016 at 2:41 pm


…. the teabaggers and ultracons should realize they are Taliban
themselves. Wether Jahwe, God or Allah .. make Zero difference.

i am anti-religion. Oh. Anti fools, too.

OldEuropean on July 2, 2012 at 6:58 am

These Arabs, slavery, dictatorship runs in their blood. They show the world, they are best, developing nations, good places and infrastructure development but believe me there mind is still crapy and full of shit and uncivilised. They can’t be open minded.

Abrar on July 2, 2012 at 7:02 am

    Are you really blond? :))

    Rohan on July 5, 2013 at 3:29 am


I am an Egyptian Muslim lady and I will not deny that whoever raped Natasha were Muslims and I will not defend what they did because it could have happened to me too. Just 3 comments:

1) Rape is a savage inhumane act that any human…not just non-Muslim will condemn. And if you have checked Natasha’s twitter account you would find a link to all the apologetic messages she got-all from Muslims by the way-condemning what happened to her and offering all the help they can give.

2) Don’t try to convince me that every rape incident you have ever heard of the rapist was a Muslim man.

3)A rapist is an animal regardless of what his religion is.

Sara Sameh on July 2, 2012 at 7:07 am

    Dear Sara,
    Thanks for your insight i just have a small comment…u say u cant deny that whoever did this were muslims…..how can we know that for a fact…..people in the streets of egypt whether tahrir or not are either muslims, christians or even non believers……so how can we say that an incident done by masses of people in a square was committed by muslims just for the sake of the fact that the majority of the country’s population are muslims…..and even if we had checked every single attackers religion and made sure that he is a muslim for a fact how does that make islam involved…..what does an attackers religion have to do with the brutality of his crime……if an incident happened in the UK by a group of savages who happen to be christians would that mean that christians are savages or that christianity is condemned……forgive me these questions are not for you they are questions to the world i understand u know that perfectly well….thank you again for your initiative to clarify

    Rina on July 2, 2012 at 9:08 am

Hmmmm, I guess the many American soldiers that gang raped Vietnamese women during the Vietnam war were all Muslims. Because, you know, only Muslims rape. Hey, and all those pedophiliac Catholic priests, sexually abusing young boys over decades…..they are really Muslims.

You are a red-necked ignoramus. Fool!

Sara on July 2, 2012 at 7:44 am

    “I guess the many American soldiers that gang raped Vietnamese women during the Vietnam war were all Muslims. Because, you know, only Muslims rape. Hey, and all those pedophiliac Catholic priests, sexually abusing young boys over decades”

    Oh FFS, WHERE did it say only muslims rape? Judging from the beligerent tone and ignorant assertions, you probably just skimmed through the article or more likely, just read the title and jumped straight to the comments section so you could bless us with this intellectual masterpiece of moral equivalence. That’s what I never understand about you people. You seem to be SO offended that actions like these take place, until it happens to a person or group your protective of or sensitive about. Then you use those very same repulsive actions to justify or whitewash it. It’s not some game of tag. If it’s wrong when one group does it, it’s wrong when all groups do it. Simple as that.

    “You are a red-necked ignoramus. Fool!” << My favorite part.

    You do realise that ending this poorly thought out rebuttal with a poorly phrased racist remark takes the wind out of its sails, right? Your entire comment does nothing but attempt to justify gang rape with other instances of rape and then wraps it up with racist name calling. …Good job.

    Jack Bandit on July 4, 2012 at 12:22 am

How about this,

I pay for your tickets and accommodations, you come over here to Cairo, take a course in journalism, and then report what you see. Like any self respecting journalist who reports on events on the ground, Natasha Smith, the brave woman journalist who you called an idiot, came down here to do a film on women’s rights instead of subjectively making all sorts of faulty assumptions without ever stepping foot in the Muslim World. And as any REAL journalist, there are risks that come up. There is no defending what happened to her, but please enlighten me and explain to me what makes up this moral high-ground you think you have only because you celebrate by sipping champagne like the ‘civilized world’? But in a poverty ridden country who’s been sucked dry over the years by the dictators your government supported so dearly the settings are different. But looking out of a single angle subjective lens like yours is the real reason civilizations do crash. This approach to world politics is the reason innocent civilians are brutalized in the Muslim World by Western soldiers, but of course, after reading your website and your bio, I’d safely assume you support that sort of ‘world peace’. Am I the only one here who staunchly believes you are a down right shameless racist? And if journalism to you is writing on a glossy website somewhere air conditioned and neat, then God save us for civilization is crumbling.


Miral Brinjy on July 2, 2012 at 7:47 am

For a minute I thought I was reading something written by Rush Limbaugh. This is one of the most uninformed, short-sighted pieces of prose I’ve ever had the misfortune of laying my eyes on. Anybody with the slightest experience of Egypt or Muslims will see through Debbie’s fluff, but I fear the haters will use it as fuel to advance their own narrow agendas.

Tafline Laylin on July 2, 2012 at 7:56 am

    “Anybody with the slightest experience of Egypt or Muslims will see through Debbie’s fluff”

    You mean people like Lara Logan and Natasha Smith? Or maybe the Coptic Christians of Egypt perhaps? Want to know what I think is “short-sighted”? Being somehow willfully ignorant of the state of affairs in this region. Especially now that the (as cliche as it sounds) terrorist supporting muslim brotherhood has power.
    I think the bigger “misfortune” is letting political correctness blind you to very dangerous ideaologies and groups of people.
    From the smaller “freedom go to hell” people to the larger suicide-bombing, destroy the west and Israel at all costs people. But that’s just me. At this point I’m sure some of the people who think like you will just pass this off as “Islamophobia” or bigotry. It’s a lot easier than actually addressing these issues.

    Jack Bandit on July 4, 2012 at 1:05 am

I actually feel quite sorry for Debbie. Her mind must be an awfully small, dark and narrow place to live in.

Slan on July 2, 2012 at 7:59 am

This Girl is lying and exaggerating no single person saw her or saw that incident in Tahrir that night while she said that 100’s of men were almost rapping her!
FYI Natasha’s bf were asking for donations 3 days ago to help her recover although the medical insurance in UK pays for everything! but after people started saying bad words to her bf she deleted that donation page and posted a thank you note!

I have been searching for any other reliable source than Natasha and her British friend but i didnt find any! no single person in Egypt saw taht incident or witnessed it at tahrir! only her blog where she wrote that and another blog that was created 2 days ago to confirm that story and if you checked it you will know that its so fake and even all comments reflects that!

Ahmed Mostafa on July 2, 2012 at 8:27 am

    Oh f***ing please! …You know what? It’s too easy. Instead, how about you support your claim with some links or sources, hmm? Until then, I say you’re full of s***.

    Jack Bandit on July 4, 2012 at 1:13 am

There are more “beautiful” stories on Islam….. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBcpKisAsNM&feature=player_embedded !!!!!

Abe Bird on July 2, 2012 at 8:37 am

Of course there are no bad guys in non-muslim nations, no one arguing against women rights, nope.
Maybe you should take a look at christian countries in africa. Or maybe you should take a look at how a radio host in the US calls a woman that buys contraceptive a slut. Surely he’s just saying what every christian thinks, right ?

me on July 2, 2012 at 9:13 am

    “Of course there are no bad guys in non-muslim nations, no one arguing against women rights, nope.”
    Ok 1.) Where is that stated in the article? I’ll answer that for you, nowhere. Think before you speak, you’ll save yourself some embarrassment. On second thought, scratch that. You’ll probably give yourself an aneurysm.
    2.) Even in the best case, moral equivalence isn’t a good defense and this is far, far from the best case. Why don’t you ask Natasha Smith if she would rather someone “argue against her rights” or get gang raped? The answer shouldn’t come as a suprise, but judging from your comment…I’d be almost scared to find out your thoughts on it.
    “Or maybe you should take a look at how a radio host in the US calls a woman that buys contraceptive a slut. Surely he’s just saying what every christian thinks, right?”
    …What?!? This is even worse than your first attempt. Are you seriously trying to say that a DJ calling someone a slut is somehow comperable to GANG RAPE!?! You’re either trolling, or you need serious psychological help and shouldn’t be trusted around the general population. …I mean that in all honesty, you should probably get checked out.

    Jack Bandit on July 4, 2012 at 1:35 am

Oh my. The Muslims have found this story. At the same time. Surely there is no central coordination.

Imagine a world without Islam!

skzion on July 2, 2012 at 12:46 pm

I really want to be disgusted by this pathetic excuse for an article, that uses exactly ZERO evidence to back up claims and draws fantastical conclusion from the very limited credible information available (it kind of reminds me of Faux news now that i think about it), but i suspect that author of this smoldering pile of rubbish is literally retarded and so i can’t think as lowly of them as i would of a normal human-being.
Of course most republicans are retarded, racist pigs, who like to complain and point the finger, but never actually try to contribute to solving the problem, god forbid they accidentally help make the world a better place.

Richard Liston on July 2, 2012 at 3:08 pm


    I too really want to be disgusted because you sound like one of those head in the sand liberal bedwetters. Let me guess sherlock. You’re one of those dimwit lib apologists for the “peaceful” religion of Islam and you watch MSDNC right. I’m betting your hero is that guy Rachel Maddow sn’t it. Why else would you stray from the Daily Kos(sacks)and accuse Debbie for having zero evidence to back up her claims. I thought that you moronic libtards hated facts. Well from what I read she has all of her facts straight about you dopey liberals and what happens went you find out how much the muslim fanatics love us infidels. Especially the stupid kind like you and Ms Smith. Oh and BTW if what I wrote to you makes me a racist republican pig then I’m glad. Because I’d rather be that than a simple minded libtard troll who when it comes to the facts suffers from cranial-rectalitis. You see there numbnuts the world is a better place already. You happy now? Good. Also don’t forget to put on your tin foiled hat when you watch the Commie News Network.

    Ken b on July 2, 2012 at 8:09 pm

    “it kind of reminds me of Faux news now that i think about it”

    Still trying keep this tired, little pun going I see. It was clever the first time I read it 11/12 years ago…now imagine how many time it’s been trotted out since then. The same way, by the same kinds of people. All of them seem to think it’s so original and clever. Not surprisingly, any semblence of cleverness usually ends there. So, you can imagine my expectations now. On a side note Richard, msnbc is more bias and misleading than fox ever dared to be.

    “but i suspect that author of this smoldering pile of rubbish is literally retarded and so i can’t think as lowly of them as i would of a normal human-being”
    I love being right. Isn’t it politically incorrect to call someone “retarded”? Just keeping with the “tolerant” tradition the left has I guess. Oh awesome, and you also went for the throat with insults instead of making an actual counter point. Do you guys have a checklist for your comments or something? Also, if you’re going to imply someone is stupid (or call them retarded) you should probably make sure you have your ducks in a row when it comes to spelling and grammar.

    “Of course most republicans are retarded, racist pigs, who like to complain and point the finger, but never actually try to contribute to solving the problem, god forbid they accidentally help make the world a better place.”

    Oh, sweet irony. Ok, I’ll try and explaing this in the simplest way possible. Making broad, sweeping generalizations or stereotypes about an entire group of people is RACIST, you dumbass. How do you people not see the hypocrisy in something so obvious? I mean, do liberals really throw that term out so much that the meaning is completely lost on them now? And “retarded”, again? What are you like 12?
    I’ll break the last few bits down do it’s easier for you.

    “who like to complain and point the finger”
    Uh, I hate to be the bearer of bad news sport but, republicans hardly have the market cornered on that.

    “but never actually try to contribute to solving the problem”
    And this little temper tantrum of your is? Maybe, you should take your own advice.

    “god forbid they accidentally help make the world a better place”
    Well, good news. They don’t have to do it on accident. By and large, conservatives give more to charity and causes than liberals. I would venture a guess just from the general tone, misinformation and hypocrisy of your comment that most conservatives do more to make the world a better place than you do. Another side note Rich, I wouldn’t consider the KKK, Jim Crow Laws, or voting against the civil rights acts doing much to make the world a better place. All of which the democrats did. Just food for thought.

    Jack Bandit on July 4, 2012 at 2:29 am

Read your well written article, I think I found a bosom friend. I come from China, our country is the ceremonies, I have always liked the text, I am also very enthusiastic about writing, I believe, a wonderful text. You can bring the enjoyment of the people heart and soul. http://www.dressesell.com/ here for my article, I hope you can help me to guide us, you can make friends?

skyfox skyfox on July 2, 2012 at 11:58 pm

I pray to God every single night for nasty viral videos of these sex attacks to spread like wildfire across the interwebs showing these arrogant white liberal journo bitches getting taught what real Islam is all about.

Natalie on July 3, 2012 at 3:41 am

To Ken, Natalie and all the other conservatives out there who think that this article represents free and unbiased journalism. Please, get your head out of the crapper, and read a goddamn book. Islam has contributed more to the modernization of the planet than all of western civilization combined.

Making slavery illegal? Islam. Creating algebra? Islam. Correct me if im wrong, but slavery was banned in America what, 100 years ago? As opposed to 1400 years ago.

Now im not trying to go around saying who had the better history yadda-yadda, but when this article says that there is no ‘civilization’ in Egypt, and yes I am Egyptian by the way, I find that insult ludicrous to the point of hilarity. We’ve been around for 7000 years, you’ve been around for 200. I would take a few second to process that if I were you. If anyone knows the meaning of civilization or culture, its us. To quote a famous Russian quote “we will bury you” and by that, i mean that we will outlive you (NOT the meaning portrayed by the conservative
media in the United States).

Furthermore, if you had an atom of fairness or objectiveness, you could easily look up the statistics on rape worldwide, and you will quickly find that in Egypt, the rape rate is 1 rape for every 1,000,000 women. In the US, its 293 per 1,000,000. That is nearly 300x the number of rapes. Who are the savages now?

Real Islam is what the everyday Muslim believes and feels, they have families, jobs, loves and are normal people. If you’d like to get an insight into how people behave during riots, then I suggest you take a psychology class, and you will quickly realize that in high adrenaline situations, where the likelihood of getting caught is low – people tend to act savage.

While we are on the subject of statistics, lets take a look at the murder rates in the US as opposed to Egypt. We need look no further than Washington DC, that has a murder rate of 24 people per 100,000 (most recently, although it was 42 in 2000). Egypt’s murder rate is 1.24 per 100,000. Yes, almost 20x less than that of your capital. Iowa, Vermont and New Hampshire are the ONLY states with a lower murder rate than Egypt’s.

I am not saying that the US is a worse country, I am just saying that to go around insulting an entire nation (who’s people took in your savior btw) is utter idiocy.

Oh and just a thought, look at how many people your government has murdered in Vietnam, Iraq, Serbia, Central America to name a few. For Pete’s sake you dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japan and remain the only country in the world to have used weapons of mass destruction, and you used them on a CIVILLIAN POPULATION.

Self reflect, and try and be more open minded next time. The point of being a liberal (and i’m more moderate than anything else) is to allow everybody to have differing points of view, and enlighten the less privileged such as yourselves.

Have fun enlightening yourselves,
Best of luck,

Amin Abou Hashem on July 3, 2012 at 8:31 am

    Wow, there is entirely too much here to refute, but I’ll give it a chot.
    “Making slavery illegal? Islam”
    Ok, Muhammed owned slaves, he also said that it was okay to own slaves (which a lot of imams still believe btw)and as such, a lot of his followers took him up on that offer. So, when was this made illegal and if it’s so well known, why is it still believed?

    “Creating algebra? Islam”
    Again, very misleading. I’m just guessing, but are you a muslim? Is this some of that righteous and holy taqiyya? Anyway, the Babylonians, Greeks and Diophantus created algebra. Did muslims expand on it? Yes. Did they discover it? No.
    As far as there being no civilization, she was referring to right now and about those acts, not 7000 years of history, which is a matter of opinion. You read too far into that.
    Rape is unnacceptable no matter where it is, period. However, when in a public area a large group of men rip the clothes from a woman in broad daylight, in front of everyone and start to sexually assault her in full view of everyone, that puts an entirely new spin on it. And I adamantly agree, that is savage.

    “While we are on the subject of statistics, lets take a look at the murder rates in the US as opposed to Egypt. We need look no further than Washington DC, that has a murder rate of 24 people per 100,000 (most recently, although it was 42 in 2000).”
    Are you serious? Of course it’s going to be lower when you compare (per capita) a city to an entire country! That’s flat out misleading and even worse, dishonest and there’s no way you didn’t know what you were doing when you typed that.

    “I am not saying that the US is a worse country” Uh, yeah you are. You most definitely tried to do that with that fudging of the numbers.
    “I am just saying that to go around insulting an entire nation (who’s people took in your savior btw) is utter idiocy.”
    I’m greek, should you show me any appreciation for the Alexandrian sea port? No, and rightfully so. I had nothing to do with it. As for “our” savior, even if that was actually a valid point (which as demonstrated before, it isn’t), not everyone in the US is a Christian. So what about the others? And, you’re right. It is “utter idiocy”, but that being the case, you’re just as guilty.

    “Oh and just a thought, look at how many people your government has murdered in Vietnam, Iraq, Serbia, Central America to name a few”
    Are you referring to people killed in wars? If so that’s not murder. Even IF it was, Egypt is far from a neutral country and again is just as guilty.

    “For Pete’s sake you dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japan and remain the only country in the world to have used weapons of mass destruction, and you used them on a CIVILLIAN POPULATION.”

    Yes, regrettably we did. Notice was given to the civilian population days in advance of both events to keep civillian casualties as low as possible. In fact, members of the Japanese military of the time even said that had we not dropped the bombs and the war dragged out, casualties could have been much higher. What’s done is done and there is no way to know for sure, I’ll give you that. However, there are quite a few projections that came to the same conclusion on both sides.
    “Self reflect, and try and be more open minded next time. The point of being a liberal (and i’m more moderate than anything else) is to allow everybody to have differing points of view, and enlighten the less privileged such as yourselves.”
    Self reflect? It seems you didn’t even entertain the thought that what happened was a savage act. You jumped straight into defensive mode and started with the “oh yeah, well you did…” moral equivalence nonsense.
    “The point of being a liberal…is to allow everybody to have differing points of view”
    No, that would be democracy and it’s ideally something everyone should agree on or at least respect but sadly isn’t the case. And if you keep up with US politics, you’d know that liberals are carry more than their fair share of the blame for it.
    “and enlighten the less privileged such as yourselves”
    And there it is, that hypocritical, self-righteousness of the left depsite all the pretty words and claims of tolerance and diplomacy. I will give you more credit than some, you kept it a little more subtle.

    Jack Bandit on July 4, 2012 at 3:29 am

      Your argument is very poorly research and you are sadly misinformed. The entire point of the argument Amin was trying to make was that you should not judge an entire group of people (religious group or otherwise) based on the actions of a few, it seems you unfortunately missed the entire point of his comment.
      Another interesting but unrelated side note, yes an Islamic mathematician did create algebra as a separate field of study and he was the first to realize that algebra could be used independently of geometry. Was it based on previous mathematics? of course, all mathematical advancement is based on older work, this does not mean that the ancient Babylonians are responsible for all mathematical advancement just because their work was used as the basis for it.

      Second of all, Amin is very right in saying that the murder rate in the US is MUCH higher than that in Egypt. The murder rate in Egypt is 0.7 per 100,000, it is 5.5 per 100,000 in the US. Yes it was a mistake to compare murder rates in specific countries to that of a city, but it still does not refute his point. And no it does not necessarily mean that he was saying that Egypt is a better country, he is obviously just refuting the claims by other racist, bigots who claim that all Muslims are savages. A disgusting claim to make and one i would hope you do not agree with.

      Now on the subject of Vietnam, are you saying the the massacre of entire villages filled with noncombatants is not murder?? are you saying that the us chemical weapons in civilian populated areas is not murder?? Or the predator strikes in Pakistan that, on average kill roughly 60 civilians per combatant are not murder??? If so your moral code severely compromised. A war is between two armies not an army and a civilian population.
      As to Egypt being neutral, the last country Egypt declared war on was Nazi Germany, and was on the defensive from an increasingly aggressive Israel for 30 odd years, who started 3 of the 4 wars it has had with Egypt. The one time Egypt initiated hostilities with Israel, it was to regain occupied territory and was fought on Egyptian land.
      Claiming that Egypt is just as guilty of mass murder is one of the most ignorant statements you could ever imagine, i would use a metaphor to illustrate my point, but i could not come up with one ludicrous enough.
      Now on to the subject of the use of WMDs, it is extremely ignorant to say that issuing a warning would keep civilian, losses down. An atomic bomb does not blow up a building it levels entire cities, and it cost hundreds of thousands if not millions of people their lives in the long run, and still affects people to this day. You can not claim that any conventional war would have such devastating and long running consequences, it was an act of cowardice and claiming anything else is a disgusting insult to so many people that suffer from the consequences of that decision to this day.
      You should also remember that Egyptians have lived under a brutal dictatorship for over 60 years avidly supported by the American government for the last 30 years), holding a single Egyptian civilian responsible for the actions of this government is ridiculous as Egyptians themselves are the ones being kidnapped and murdered by the state. You and i on the other hand have enjoyed the fruits of democracy since birth and so are accountable to a certain degree for the actions of your respective governments.

      I would like remind you that the main point of Amin’s comment was that blaming an entire religion for the actions of the few animals involved in this affair is a disgusting and childish claim, that no educated person could accept as fact, as Amin is a Muslim name i would assume that he was defending his religion from these racist assaults and was making the point that Islam has contributed greatly and positively to the world in many diverse ways. This is a very true statement. Of course like, any religion, has its fair share of zealots and nut-jobs, but the entire religion should not be held accountable for them.

      In conclusion i would just like to say that i hope your attempts to refute Amin’s claims are not an indicator that you agree with this article’s racist content, which after all is what the comments section is meant for, as you seem like an intelligent person, unburdened by the curses of prejudice and bigotry.

      Richard Liston on July 4, 2012 at 10:52 am

        “Your argument is very poorly research and you are sadly misinformed”
        Well, for one, where? And two, after reading your reply…you’re one to talk.

        “The entire point of the argument Amin was trying to make was that you should not judge an entire group of people (religious group or otherwise) based on the actions of a few”
        Again, where? Nothing I said suggests this. You’re reaching for a point and after reading the rest of your reply, this is as close as you get.

        “Another interesting but unrelated side note, yes an Islamic mathematician did create algebra as a separate field of study and he was the first to realize that algebra could be used independently of geometry”
        Here’s a side note for you. YOU ARE DOING THE EXACT SAME THING AMIN DID. What I said VERBATIM was that Muslims didn’t create algebra and that is absolutely, factually correct. Study it for yourself if you wish. The Babylonian empire rose and fell while we were still in the BC calendar and Diophantus (200/214 to 284/298) AD lived about 200 years before Muhammed…so take your pick.

        “Second of all, Amin is very right in saying that the murder rate in the US is MUCH higher than that in Egypt”
        That wasn’t point of what I said. The statistics they used were wrong. You don’t compare the murder rate per capita of a city to AN ENTIRE COUNTRY and expect that point to stand up to even the slightest bit of scrutiny. But, seeing as you’re so enlightened, I’m sure you already knew that. Maybe you were just being nice and trying to not embarrass Amin.
        Let’s hang on to this just for a minute. While we’re on the subject of statistics by country, why don’t you look up rapes per capita (as that is a little more relevant to the article).
        If I were to guess based on your comments to this article, you might just be surprised who ends up there (and who doesn’t).

        “Now on the subject of Vietnam, are you saying the the massacre of entire villages filled with noncombatants is not murder”
        Uh, again where? For someone who tries so hard (at least in this comment, the others definitely not) to come across as intelligent, you make a lot of assertions based on little to nothing. I NEVER said or implied anything of the sort.

        “are you saying that the us chemical weapons in civilian populated areas is not murder?”
        I know it’s a typo, and I’m not calling you out on that. However, I’m not sure what your saying here. Are you saying “the use of” or “US chemical weapons”?
        Anyway, the use of chemical weapons in civilian areas is wrong and if it’s “US chemical weapons”, I’m not sure what your referring to.

        “Or the predator strikes in Pakistan that, on average kill roughly 60 civilians per combatant are not murder?”
        Any civilian killed in a war they aren’t involved in is a tragedy, period. However, what people such as yourself often fail to mention is the tactics of the people we are at war against. They hide in areas heavily populated with civilians and engage soldiers there. It’s a no win situation. Yet, very little is said about these tactics only when the tragedies involve the US or it’s allies. Instead of questioning my morals when I’ve given absolutely no reason, maybe you should take Amin’s advice and “self reflect”.

        “As to Egypt being neutral, the last country Egypt declared war on was Nazi Germany, and was on the defensive from an increasingly aggressive Israel for 30 odd years, who started 3 of the 4 wars it has had with Egypt.”
        There’s that selective side-taking again. Honestly, to get into this issue would require more time than I’m willing to commit to this rebuttal. Short version, tensions at the time were very high. Israel was and still is surrounded by countries that wish for nothing more than its complete destruction. They felt that their best interests at the time required them to go on the offensive. As I said before, I’d rather not get into this as it’s still very much a hot button issue, not to mention it’s way off topic. If your unsatisfied with that answer and want to strike that as a win in your column, feel free.

        “Claiming that Egypt is just as guilty of mass murder is one of the most ignorant statements you could ever imagine, i would use a metaphor to illustrate my point, but i could not come up with one ludicrous enough.”
        Seeing this lets me know that you didn’t really read my post, you just skimmed along (or that your reading comprehension skills leave a lot to be desired). My point was the exact opposite after they accused the US of this. I said that IF the US was guilty (in regards to war casualties) then Egypt would be as well. I’d say nice try, but judging from your lack of understanding, you’d just take me seriously.

        “Now on to the subject of the use of WMDs, it is extremely ignorant to say that issuing a warning would keep civilian, losses down”
        How so? When people are warned of what is going to happen and it’s potential magnitude, it absolutely can cut down on losses.

        “An atomic bomb does not blow up a building it levels entire cities, and it cost hundreds of thousands if not millions of people their lives in the long run, and still affects people to this day”
        I’m well aware of what an atomic bomb is and does. As stated earlier, people were warned of the scope of the attack.

        “You can not claim that any conventional war would have such devastating and long running consequences, it was an act of cowardice and claiming anything else is a disgusting insult to so many people that suffer from the consequences of that decision to this day.”
        I could talk about Japans imperialistic conquest of China or the suffering there, or maybe the Bataan death march, but then I would be getting as off topic as you have been. I didn’t claim that, projections from both the US and Japan did. Take it up with math. If quickly ending a war is an “act of cowardice”, that’s on you. As far as me “claiming” or paying “disgusting insult” to anyone, I’ve already explained their projections stated it. Any war will potentially have long lasting ramifications. To try and pin it only to this incident is dishonest. Unless you’re referring to WWII survivors or their immediate family, who is suffering? Both cities have long been rebuilt and are thriving. In fact Hiroshima is now Japan’s “City of Peace” and hold conferences as such in the international community. Before I move on, I can only guess where you’ll attempt to take that or how you’ll try and twist it around. Let me clarify, I am not saying the cities are better off for the bombs. Ideally, the war wouldn’t have happened in the first place.

        “You and i on the other hand have enjoyed the fruits of democracy since birth and so are accountable to a certain degree for the actions of your respective governments.”
        Wow, really? I’m not sure what country you live in, but I can tell you that in the US when it comes to going to war or making those decisions, unless you’re the President, a Senator or Congressman, you have no say in the matter. It’s also worth mentioning that trying to justify the actions of a savage group of people who gang raped a woman by saying that “Oh, well they lived in a dictatorship” (paraphrased of course) is even more disgusting than you try and paint others to be for less offenses.

        “I would like remind you that the main point of Amin’s comment was that blaming an entire religion for the actions of the few animals involved in this affair is a disgusting and childish claim, that no educated person could accept as fact”
        Here we go again with someone being disgusting. At this point it just sounds like your projecting. I assume you’re referring to the article here. If that is the case, the article never stated that the entire religion was responsible, just the men in the crowd. As it was a victory for the Muslim brotherhood in the election and Islam is the religion of almost 95% of the population, I can’t imagine that it was the Coptic Christians or Jews there celebrating. So, the probability is pretty damn high that they were Muslims. Again, just so this sinks in and you don’t got twisting words around, this is not saying ALL Muslims.

        “as Amin is a Muslim name i would assume that he was defending his religion from these racist assaults and was making the point that Islam has contributed greatly and positively to the world in many diverse ways”
        Since when is talking about a religion a racist issue? Islam is practiced by a lot of different ethnic groups. Or was this the typical liberal knee-jerk reaction to anything they disagree with? As far as contributions, there has been. I agree. However, the Achilles heel of Islam in particular is progressing with the modern world. Which is why places in Europe have the issues between Muslims and non-Muslims they do. The more hard-line Muslims that move to other countries don’t adapt. Instead, they insist that they have a separate culture with it’s own governance or worse that the country and its culture change for them. I can only imagine how you’ll spin that, and I am under no illusion that any of this was going to convince you otherwise. However, rationally you have to take the good with the bad. You can’t tout the contributions without also admitting the failings. Well, you can, but not if you want anyone to take you serious. Otherwise, you come across as a bias, pretentious, pseudo-intellectual douchebag who paints their own insecurities and shortcomings (such as being disgusting) onto others.

        “Of course like, any religion, has its fair share of zealots and nut-jobs, but the entire religion should not be held accountable for them.”
        Again, this isn’t to say all Muslims. I fully believe there are moderate and peaceful Muslims. But Islam has more than its “fair share”. If you have any doubts look at the majority of terrorist groups and its connections or ideologies.

        “In conclusion i would just like to say that i hope your attempts to refute Amin’s claims are not an indicator that you agree with this article’s racist content, which after all is what the comments section is meant for, as you seem like an intelligent person, unburdened by the curses of prejudice and bigotry.”
        Once again, you cry racism and again, I’ll ask where? I agree that the men who did this are savage and the fact that there have been no prosecutions is disturbing. I agree that statistically, they were most likely Muslims considering the event and the religious distribution of Egypt. I don’t agree however that this article was racist. Even if it was as hateful as you imagine, it would be anti-Islam not racist. And as stated before, the author was referring to these men.
        To be perfectly honest, I don’t know how to take the compliment at the end. Reading some of your other comments and their tone and the fact that sarcasm rarely translates well when written or typed, I don’t think you’re being serious and I don’t care. I replied only to set some things straight and because I absolutely hate being misquoted or taken out of context. I’m sure that if you reply to this, you’ll likely end up doing the same thing all over again. So, this is me saying that if you’re into getting the last word, go for it. I’m at my limit for internet debating, but at least try to argue a against a point that I actually made instead of making assertions.

        Jack Bandit on July 5, 2012 at 11:05 am

          Excellent comments, Jack Bandit.

          JeffE on July 8, 2012 at 12:49 am

    OK, but what have you Muslims done for us lately?

    The Muslim world has stagnated for the last millenium, give or take a few hundred years.

    The Israelis have won more Nobels in science and economics in the last decade than the Muslim world has won since the prizes began.

    BethesdaDog on July 4, 2012 at 3:35 am

To Ken,
You uneducated, narrow-minded, redneck, slavery-loving, ignorant imbecile. Your single-digit IQ and complete lack of critical thinking skills, is what is wrong with america today. I particularly like how you automatically assumed i was American, it seems many ignorant American’s have a problem comprehending that there exists a world outside of the U.S. How about a few statistics to set you straight: in Egypt 1 in every million people has been raped, in the U.S it is 293 per million, almost 300 times as many. I suppose these were all perpetrated Muslims, according to this childish logic.
I am embarrassed to have to call you a fellow human-being, you belong in a zoo, as your stupidity is a danger to man-kind.
What kind of a sick mind, would blame an entire religious group for the actions of the few scum that are to blame for these disgusting events. Should all Christians be blamed for the Spanish inquisition? Should all Jews be blamed for the massacres at Sabra and Shatila? Should all Americans be blamed for the 1 million killed in Iraq? Or the use of chemical weapons in Vietnam? or the mass extermination of Vietnamese villages? I could go on and on but i have made my point. Your logic is flawed and your moronic arguments would not be accepted in a middle-school debate. Next time you wish to argue a point, I suggest you do some research and be better prepared to back up your claims, even if they sound like the moronic ramblings of Bill O’Reilly and the like, who i assume is your hero, just as he is for all other empty minded racists. I hope one day you will grow-up and educate yourself rather than copying Rush Limbaugh’s idiotic arguments.
And in case you were wondering, yes you are the scum of the Earth.

Richard Liston on July 3, 2012 at 8:31 am

    “Should all Jews be blamed for the massacres at Sabra and Shatila?”

    Actually, Richard Liston, none of the people who participated in the massacre were Jewish, which makes your question inoperative.

    Here are the facts about what happened at Sabra and Shatila:


    JeffE on July 8, 2012 at 1:00 am

My family and I spent yesterday at the Meadowlands Fair in Secaucus, NJ. While we were in the petting zoo I noticed an Islamic family: male, 2 females, and children. The male had the standard un-trimmed beard, and was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. The women were fully-covered, one of them (probably the wife) was completely covered, save for the eye-slit.
The temperature was in the 90’s.

………and the male’s t-shirt said: Islam: A Global Solution.

guitarguy on July 3, 2012 at 10:24 am

Just looking at that picture….are you sure that was a woman they raped?

BethesdaDog on July 4, 2012 at 3:30 am

That other woman was probably his other wife. (Assuming he didn’t leave his third at home.)

Don’t assume anything.

BethesdaDog on July 4, 2012 at 3:31 am

So, why they still sending female reporter to do this job?

TON on September 1, 2012 at 4:41 am

Here is the glowing quote from your article that demonstrates the essential character of your moth eaten soul:

“And these idiotic Western women–and their fellow imbeciles in the Western media–still act like they are shocked–shocked!–that Muslims would do this.”

First of all, exactly what “western wom(a)n” or someone from the “Western media” has expressed any such “shock” that “Muslims” might rape someone? Perhaps, unlike you, they were too horrified at what happened to their colleague or friend to express their outrage at the existence of Muslims in the world, which no doubt is always the first thing on your mind. If it weren’t the “Western media” you so stupidly attack, you wouldn’t even know about this incident. Now, I’m not going to waste my breath defending Islam, since I personally neither like nor care much about Islam. But now that we’ve clarified the idiocy of your first sentence, we can now move on to that character defining second sentence:

“Until these journalistic whores for Islam are willing to point out who really raped them, rather than making a gazillion excuses and euphemisms, shed zero tears for them.”

First of all, who the f*ck are you to tell people how they should talk, or how they should describe their attackers? So if someone doesn’t define the religion of one’s attackers, we shouldn’t sympathize with them? What kind of worthless human being are you? I can understand directing your anger at her attackers, but YOU just attacked the VICTIM for not responding to her attack in exactly the manner YOU wish. YOU have no moral right to demand this, FROM ANYONE, especially the victim of an assault. Got that, you moral cretin? Your form of “political correctness” is even worse than the more common type. I’m sorry if the victims of sexual assault don’t act and speak to the likes of your political sensibilities, but that’s just too damn bad. Get over it, and yourself. The “whores for Islam” part of that sentence is easily the most disgusting part of that sentence. Besides being idiotic (one doesn’t “whore” for Islam, or anything else, by not saying it’s name), it is the way every rapist sees his victim, as well as those who seek to blame the victim for her own plight. As if this wasn’t enough, you make your nature very clear with the third sentence:

“They should have expected this.”

That’s what some people said about the Central Park jogger, too. Remember her? After all, it was said, “everyone knows” that Central Park is dangerous after dark, but here she was, running in a skimpy jogging outfit, as if she had perfect freedom, or something. Did you also demand that the papers, not to mention the jogger, go on and on about the ethnicity of her alleged attackers? Well, DID YOU? If not, why not? Were you among those who questioned her right to be there, at that time of day? If not, why not?

Finally, I will refrain from hoping that you are someday sexually assaulted, and that these two women you have blamed will be the first people you turn to for sympathy. It is tempting, but it would be wrong.

A. G. Phillbin on December 1, 2012 at 10:57 am

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