June 21, 2012, - 2:06 pm

THANKS! Facebook Apologizes, Restores Schlussel, Column on Polish Holocaust Complicity; Now Pls Help Restore FB Jews Page

By Debbie Schlussel

Thank you, dear readers and friends, for contacting Facebook. Yesterday, I told you about Facebook’s block of my account and removal of links to my work. You made a difference and got Facebook to relent and do the right thing. It’s proof that you CAN change things, you can move giant behemoths like even Facebook. Facebook contacted me and in ambiguous jargon informed me it was mistaken in blocking me and removing my columns, including the one on Polish complicity in the Holocaust. And I and links to my columns have been completely restored, they tell me. Here is what Facebook wrote:

Ms Schlussel — Thanks so much for reaching out. I wanted to let you know that our User Operations Team have reviewed and restored the content in question. Additionally, we have removed all holds on your account and you should have full access at this time. Please inform me if you are having any further issues.

I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, as you may know, we’re constantly reviewing the billions of pieces of content on the site in an effort to keep it safe for everyone, and in rare instances we will mistakenly remove a post. I want to assure you that not only does the volume of reports not affect our decisions but also we would never intentionally seek to censor a post that abided by our terms; both would be strictly against our policies.

In the future, please don’t hesitate to send me a message if you run into additional problems.


Fred Wolens
Facebook Policy Communications

Again, to all of you dear readers and friends–and there were many who wrote to Facebook on my behalf–thank you from the bottom of my heart. I really appreciate it. Now, we must help get Facebook to restore The Jews page, which is the largest Jewish page on Facebook, with over 251,000 members. As I told you yesterday, Facebook made it inactive after the people who run it posted something critical of Barack Obama. I guess Facebook likes their Jews liberal. Please contact Facebook and ask why the page was silenced and include the link to The Jews Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jews/81970364642. Please e-mail Facebook at press@fb.com and appeals@facebook.com and ask why an anti-Obama post or some other innocuous reason (Facebook won’t say why it suspended the page) got The Jews page silenced.

After I announced the Facebook block on this site, I received hundreds more death threats and vile anti-Semitic attacks from both Poles and Muslim fans of “One Direction’s” Zayn Malik. But no way they are anti-Semitic, right? Also, a top Polish site celebrated the removal and censorship of my work, with a headline that reads (in Polish), a sarcastic “Debbie Asks for Help.” A screen capture of it is posted below. But, no way, they were complicit in the Holocaust, right? Sorry to tell you Poles, that this ain’t 1943, and your attempts to silence me and get my material–while successful briefly–failed. Miserably. Yakshemash, schmucks?

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166 Responses

wow what a level of journalism 😉 not having enough attention around the world? Paypal donations not working well for you? Is that the reason for all this crap you write about?

Pawel on June 22, 2012 at 4:16 pm

what’s wrong with you? why you have so much hate. and you fake everything like you fake your picture on your block…in real you are ugly…ugly personality, ugly face
I am really sorry for you..don’t you feel tired
It remains me movie “Network”..you are much like those woman in the worst side: lack of empathy, sick ambition, able to do the worst just to be famous.
shame on you!

asia on June 22, 2012 at 4:20 pm

    Asia, who in her right wouldn’t hate you?

    skzion on June 24, 2012 at 5:08 pm

This is the email I wrote FB:

I enjoy Debbie Schlussel’s input on facebook very much and I am at a loss as to why her content was removed and her account was suspended. I have come across such vile things on facebook that are allowed to stand that I can’t figure out why Debbie’s account was suspended. All she does is state her (valid) opinion and post links to news items that were broken by others. Isn’t facobook supposed to be a place for the free flow of ideas. What is this rank censorship? She did nothing wrong and I demand that you unsuspend her account. If not, I will just have to accept that Facebook is a partisan outift and that if you use Facebook you should make sure that your opinions conform to that of managemnet. Thank you.

Robert Lefkowitz (former FB user)

And judging by the scum who commented before me, getting DS back on FB couldn’t have come any sooner.

Robert Lefkowitz on June 22, 2012 at 4:21 pm

    Free ideas Robert? How about nazi ideas? Do you think they should be “free to publish”? Debbie Schlussel is in my opinion not far away from nazi reading stuff she wrote. How can ones say about “Polish accomplishmment in Holocoust”? Germans murdered more Poles than Jews during the war. What Poles were supposed to do? Stop the killing? Yes, there were people who benefited on that tragedy. That king od scum always come to light in terrible times. But blaming the nation for it is so wrong. Its like blaming Jews in Poland for supporting the Soviets ( and many Jews supported Soviets when they invaded Poland).

    walter kazm on June 23, 2012 at 10:45 am

      To call any Jew a nazi, Mr. Sturmer shows how sensitive you are to what happened during the holocoust. Almost the whole of Polish Jewry (many millions) was exterminated and that can’t happen without the cooperation of the Polish people. Poland wasn’t the only country that was asked to hand over their Jews sir. And what about all the atrocities committed by the Poles AFTER the war. Refugees coming home to find their houses ransacked and then being murderd by their neighbors so that they could keep their stuff. And not only one story like that. I’m sorry sir but if you don’t see the guilt of Poland vis-a-vis the Jews then you are dumb or blind….or a nazi yourself.

      Robert Lefkowitz on June 24, 2012 at 7:17 am

        “Almost the whole of Polish Jewry (many millions) was exterminated and that can’t happen without the cooperation of the Polish people.”

        Firstly the whole sentence should have been written in past tense. Secondly the Germans singled out the Jews, but Poles were only a slightly less worse untermenschen for them. In the 2 first years of the occupation the Jews were sent to ghettos and Poles were sent to concentration camps. In these years for every one Jew, that was murdered by the Germans about 9 Poles shared the same destiny (Polish Jews were 10% of the population). One of the first goals of Germans in occupied Poland was to get rid of the Polish elites and inteligentsia, so that there were no leaders, that could lead the masses against them. It all changed after Aktion, but originally Auschwitz was build to imprison Poles (first transport of over 700 people had about 20 Polish Jews).
        The most horrible thing for the Polish Jews would have happened, if your version of history about the scope of Polish complicity were right- virtually no Polish Jew would be able to survive the holocaust.

        Reading material:

        “Poland wasn’t the only country that was asked to hand over their Jews sir.”

        What do you call Poland? The Polish Govermant? Poland lost the war after over a month and the country was occupied. The Polish goverment in exile fled to the West. It never collaborated with the nazis and the Polish underground founded groups to exclusively helped saving the Jews (Zegota) and also had Jewish groups in the underground army (ZZB – Jewish Military Union).
        The occupied Poland was also the only place, where Germans used capital punishment, if the citizens helped Jews in any way.
        It’s hard to compare the situation in Poland to any other country, but the West did precious little. Jan Karski (he was on a mission from Polish goverment in exile by the way)showed the proofs of German atrocities in Poland by the allies (including the American president and American Jews) did not react in any way. Indifference much? Polish representatives also adressed UN about it.
        Many Jews could be saved, if used foreign visas were issues by the Western and Southern American countries. It did not happen. What happened was Hotel Polski Affair (look it up).

        My question: Why single out Poland as the worst, if no country had a clear concience? To punish the Polish goverment in exile, that actually tried its best and did something for Polish Jews?

        “And what about all the atrocities committed by the Poles AFTER the war.”

        Do you mean after 1989? Only then did Poland reaquire it’s freedom. Before that it was a Soviet satellite state with puppet goverment and the citizens were fed Soviet version of history. Some of the points you and Ms. Schlussel use, seem to come directly from “research” biased in this way. It’s called neo-Stalinist history (it’s just a definition, please don’t feel offended).
        Ok, now to the question itself, because you’ve meant IIWW. Atrocities happened, but it’s unfair to just connect it to holocaust to make the narrative easier.
        Any number of dead is horrible, but Yad Vashem documented over 300 Jews, that perished in Poland after the war, because of the antisemitic sentiments. Meanwhile the borders have shifted to the West and big masses of people were relocated from place to place and the new Soviet regime killed anyone, that could opposed them (mock trials and executions). For Poland it was still the war, only this time not against the Germans.
        Before the war Soviet Russia expelled it’s Jews to Poland, so after the war they could not expect the conditions with the new regime will be the same as in Second Polish Republic. Then some pogroms happened, but we can’t tell, if the Soviets played no part in provoking them (just asking the question, I’m not whitewashing history).
        After the pogrom in Kielce the Jews were allowed to leave the country without presenting any documents on the border. Not a big help, but at least they didn’t need to cross it illegally.

        I can’t understand the Anti-Polish sentiment, when no Western country has clean hands after the II World War. There were as many bastards in Poland as in any other country. That’s racial bias and judging from most of the post historical ignorance, my dear ladies and sirs.

        Bart on June 24, 2012 at 2:52 pm

        I meant walter, of course.

        Robert Lefkowitz on June 24, 2012 at 6:59 pm

      Walter, I don’t recall Debbie advocating the slaughter of all Poles. You and your hateful countrymen are such Jew haters that you can’t even think straight.

      skzion on June 24, 2012 at 5:11 pm

Debbie i hope you do realize that the reason why Nazis had established the most concentration camps in Poland was because Poland had the biggest Jewish community in Europe. The reason why Poland had biggest Jew community was because Jews were prosecuted all over the Europe and Poland was the only country open and tolerant to minorities. Jews community lived and flourished in Poland before the war.I do encourage you to visit Jewish neighborhood in Cracow. You should seriously learn history.

Bart Rybarczyk on June 22, 2012 at 4:46 pm

Hey Debbie, Polish guy here. I just wanted to let you know your blog is funny 🙂 Poland don’t care what you think 🙂

Peter on June 22, 2012 at 4:50 pm

    Texas doesn’t care what you think, Peter. Buzz off.

    Joel-Confederate Son on June 25, 2012 at 1:28 pm

      Hay Texan boy,
      the state you live in has rather doubtful history. Remember “Negros” -term invented by you, Texans – you enslaved them, raped them, shot them like animals. Remember the ku-klux-klan? So, don’t teach us about racism and antisemitism, you dumb fuck.
      Kind regard,
      R. Lawman

      Richard Lawman on October 17, 2012 at 4:26 pm


mario on June 22, 2012 at 5:11 pm

blond american idiot 🙂 so typical

yacekplacek on June 22, 2012 at 5:34 pm

Germany won against Greece 🙂 Yuppiiii. Who cares about some asian nation 🙂 Isn’t jewish country somewhere in the middle east? Geografically this is asia… So what this fuzz is about – they have their country what do they want from eastern europeans? And I love the comment from one guy – that Poland does not care about Debbie.

Alfred on June 22, 2012 at 5:35 pm

    One thing I don’t understand.Why majority of the Jews had lived in Poland for 800 years,despite of hate and pogroms.Even the climate was so harsh comparing to where they used to live.Wasn’t it an act of desperation to settle down in this “terrible” country among it’s “terrible” people in that harsh climate,and continue to live there for so many centuries until holocaust?Wasn’t it better to move to countries where people are more compassion,nice,appreciating the newcomers.For example to Danmark.Why the Jews had insisted to live there for so long among those barbarians?.Please explain me.

    katherine von Klassen on June 23, 2012 at 1:13 pm

      Please explain you? Well, Germans have always been barbarians. What is there to explain?

      skzion on June 24, 2012 at 5:04 pm

    Write that again, Alfred. You didn’t make much sense the first time.

    Joel-Confederate Son on June 25, 2012 at 1:30 pm

you just.. not smart. I’m not suprised 🙂
Have fun

mariusz on June 22, 2012 at 5:37 pm

Listen to Debbie…


Olaf on June 22, 2012 at 6:58 pm

KIELCE 1946 – One Year after the end of WWII

“Until 4 July 1946, Polish Jews cited the past as their main reason for emigration. After the Kielce pogrom, the situation changed drastically. Both Jewish and Polish reports spoke of an atmosphere of panic among Jewish society in the summer of 1946. Jews no longer believed that they could be safe in Poland. Despite the large militia [i.e.: militsiya] and army presence in the town of Kielce, Jews had been murdered there in cold blood, in public, and for a period of more than five hours. The news that the militia and the army had taken part in the pogrom spread as well. From July 1945 until June 1946, about fifty thousand Jews passed the Polish border illegally. In July 1946, almost twenty thousand decided to leave Poland. In August 1946 the number increased to thirty thousand. In September 1946, twelve thousand Jews left Poland.”

Bo?ena Szaynok – Historian at Wroclaw University. “The Jewish Pogrom in Kielce, July 1946 – New Evidence

Der Nister on June 23, 2012 at 9:02 am

    Why dont you provide a link to the whole article? The author is an expert on the subject. She actually attempted to shed some light on the subject and tried to be thorough and fair in her research and conclusions. A far cry from pseudo journalism of D. Schlussel

    coromoggie on June 24, 2012 at 6:57 am

Polish-Jewish relations in Poland have been spanning about a millenium. It’s easy to just call Poles the worst Antisemites, be happy, how better and unbiased you are and marvel, why the group you targeted dares to have a different opinion.

If two groups are neighbours for that long the story has two sides and you won’t get a full perspective by looking in one direction. I’ve just started to read:


About Kielce Pogrom: an atrocity. It happened and nobody is dening it. Over 40 Jews were murdered in it and Yad Vashem documented over 300 such Jewish deaths after the IIWW. Still you cannot just walk over the fact, that it was not the end of war in Poland – we were occupied by Soviets until 1989.

Bart on June 23, 2012 at 6:31 pm

“Almost the whole of Polish Jewry (many millions) was exterminated and that can’t happen without the cooperation of the Polish people.”

Firstly the whole sentence should have been written in past tense. Secondly the Germans singled out the Jews, but Poles were only a slightly less worse untermenschen for them. In the 2 first years of the occupation the Jews were sent to ghettos and Poles were sent to concentration camps. In these years for every one Jew, that was murdered by the Germans about 9 Poles shared the same destiny (Polish Jews were 10% of the population). One of the first goals of Germans in occupied Poland was to get rid of the Polish elites and inteligentsia, so that there were no leaders, that could lead the masses against them. It all changed after Aktion, but originally Auschwitz was build to imprison Poles (first transport of over 700 people had about 20 Polish Jews).
The most horrible thing for the Polish Jews would have happened, if your version of history about the scope of Polish complicity were right- virtually no Polish Jew would be able to survive the holocaust.

Reading material:

“Poland wasn’t the only country that was asked to hand over their Jews sir.”

What do you call Poland? The Polish Govermant? Poland lost the war after over a month and the country was occupied. The Polish goverment in exile fled to the West. It never collaborated with the nazis and the Polish underground founded groups to exclusively helped saving the Jews (Zegota) and also had Jewish groups in the underground army (ZZB – Jewish Military Union).
The occupied Poland was also the only place, where Germans used capital punishment, if the citizens helped Jews in any way.
It’s hard to compare the situation in Poland to any other country, but the West did precious little. Jan Karski (he was on a mission from Polish goverment in exile by the way)showed the proofs of German atrocities in Poland by the allies (including the American president and American Jews) did not react in any way. Indifference much? Polish representatives also adressed UN about it.
Many Jews could be saved, if used foreign visas were issues by the Western and Southern American countries. It did not happen. What happened was Hotel Polski Affair (look it up).

My question: Why single out Poland as the worst, if no country had a clear concience? To punish the Polish goverment in exile, that actually tried its best and did something for Polish Jews?

“And what about all the atrocities committed by the Poles AFTER the war.”

Do you mean after 1989? Only then did Poland reaquire it’s freedom. Before that it was a Soviet satellite state with puppet goverment and the citizens were fed Soviet version of history. Some of the points you and Ms. Schlussel use, seem to come directly from “research” biased in this way. It’s called neo-Stalinist history (it’s just a definition, please don’t feel offended).
Ok, now to the question itself, because you’ve meant IIWW. Atrocities happened, but it’s unfair to just connect it to holocaust to make the narrative easier.
Any number of dead is horrible, but Yad Vashem documented over 300 Jews, that perished in Poland after the war, because of the antisemitic sentiments. Meanwhile the borders have shifted to the West and big masses of people were relocated from place to place and the new Soviet regime killed anyone, that could opposed them (mock trials and executions). For Poland it was still the war, only this time not against the Germans.
Before the war Soviet Russia expelled it’s Jews to Poland, so after the war they could not expect the conditions with the new regime will be the same as in Second Polish Republic. Then some pogroms happened, but we can’t tell, if the Soviets played no part in provoking them (just asking the question, I’m not whitewashing history).
After the pogrom in Kielce the Jews were allowed to leave the country without presenting any documents on the border. Not a big help, but at least they didn’t need to cross it illegally.

I can’t understand the Anti-Polish sentiment, when no Western country has clean hands after the II World War. There were as many bastards in Poland as in any other country. That’s racial bias against Eastern Europe and judging from most of the post historical ignorance, my dear ladies and sirs.

Bart on June 24, 2012 at 2:56 pm

Find out in internet about “zagiew”.Nice reading.

katherine von Klassen on June 24, 2012 at 5:05 pm

Find out about “group13” in Wikipedia.

katherine von Klassen on June 24, 2012 at 5:13 pm

    Find out about filthy krauts and polaks in wikipedia.

    skzion on June 24, 2012 at 5:17 pm

      Dear skzion, wikipedia is not the best place to look for racial slurs, you apparently need to use for any conversation you are in.

      I would like to point you to urban dictionary site or some blogs(like this one), if you need vocabulary help and also want to see the usage.

      God be with you.

      Bart on June 25, 2012 at 1:27 pm

Debbie…what do you do this all the time. My father’s family were killed by SS Gestapo because they had helped Jews? Any questions? Your religion tells about a love so why do you hate Polish, expecially Polish people?? Are you devil? Maybe you have to go to catolic prist and talk to him about your exorcism because your behavior is really very bad. It is not a joke… .

Eddy on June 25, 2012 at 8:14 pm

Eres tonta como una piedra y fea como una blasfemia .
Polonia es un país maravilloso

Jose on July 2, 2012 at 12:58 pm

After reading all that crap, i assume you are completely idiot, in this case i judge all jewish nation on you as a person. That means, all jewish people are idiots with no history knowledge whatsoever. World would be better without idiots, in this case it’s a shame that Hitler didnt kill all jewish people, world would be much smarter now.

Pretty stupid statement right? This is pretty much what you did. Judged all poles based on few idiots. Well done, your grand dad would be proud of you. I bet he would kill you himself.

Perry on July 6, 2012 at 2:33 pm

I realy dont know how someone like You can be a journalist.Its pure bullshit you’re talking about just to attract readers i bet.youre pretty sad i must say . A lot of polish people were killed because they were helping jews! IF YOU DONT KNOW THE COUNTRY OR ITS HISTORY THEN STAY THE F*** OUT OF IT AND DONT WRITE BULLSHIT COS THATS NOT COOL MAN NOT COOL !

shannas00 on July 7, 2012 at 4:19 am

What a nasty piece of work. YUK

steve watson on July 13, 2012 at 4:14 am

I am highly amused by this conflict.

Zeruel on July 21, 2012 at 7:31 pm

Dear Debbie,
if you’d had written about French or Germans what you have written about Poles you would be declared “Persona non grata” in those cantries. And then you wouldn’t be able to go there and fuck around your shaven cunt in Paris or Berlin, so watch it. I hope you’ll drawn in your own hate, meanwhile I suggest -seek psychiatric help. You are nothing more just very sick schizophrenic.

Richard Lawman on October 12, 2012 at 5:03 pm

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