June 4, 2012, - 2:57 pm
Alhamdillullah [praise allah]: Muhammad Ali’s Grandson, Jacob Wertheimer, Bar Mitzvahed – Sting Like a Maccabee
I love stories like this, and I’m sure the Muslim world will be out to get this murtadd [“apostate”]. Technically, Jacob Wertheimer is not a Jew and needs to go through a conversion to be one. But he identifies as Jewish, chose Judaism over Islam, and just had his Bar Mitzvah. His father is Jewish, and his mother, Khaliah Ali-Wertheimer, daughter of boxer Muhammad Ali, left Islam (she’s an “apostate,” too). Muslims love to rub it in the world’s face every time a prominent non-Muslim, especially a Jew or Christian, converts–er “reverts,” in their phony, fantasist terminology–to Islam. Now, it’s their turn. And turnabout is sweet, in addition to being fair play. Wow, that must sting like a Maccabee.

Sting Like a Maccabee: allah NOT the “Greatest” to Newly Bar-Mitzvahed Muhammad Ali Grandson, Jacob Wertheimer
One of his grandchildren, Jacob Wertheimer, was recently bar mitzvahed. . . .
Jacob (the son of Khaliah Ali-Wertheimer and her husband, Spencer) turned thirteen on January 21 of this year. The bar mitzvah took place on April 28 at Congregation Rodeph Shalom in Philadelphia. One hundred fifty people were in attendance. Jacob’s grandfather was among them.
“I was born and raised as a Muslim,” Khaliah says. “But I’m not into organized religion. I’m more spiritual than religious. My husband is Jewish. No one put any pressure on Jacob to believe one way or another. He chose this on his own because he felt a kinship with Judaism and Jewish culture.”
“The ceremony was wonderful and very touching,” Khaliah continues. “The theme of Jacob’s presentation was inclusiveness and a celebration of diversity. My father was supportive in every way. He followed everything and looked at the Torah very closely. It meant a lot to Jacob that he was there.”
Khaliah says proudly that Jacob is an “A” student and a good athlete with Ivy League aspirations. She also notes that the bar mitzvah of Muhammad Ali’s grandson is “a wonderful tale of what’s coming in the world.”
The Wertheimers are not the only Muhammad Ali descendants to have a good vibe with the Jewish people. One of Ali’s other daughters is involved with scientific research in Israel and is a big fan of the country. I know this because I was once on a TV show with her, and she told me.
Float like a butterfly, sting like a Maccabee.
Tags: apostates, Bar Mitzvah, Congregation Rodeph Shalom, Islam, Jacob Wertheimer, Jacob Wertheimer Bar Mitzvah, Khaliah Ali, Khaliah Ali-Wertheimer, Muhammad Ali, Muhammad Ali bar mitzvah, Muhammad Ali's grandson, Muhammad Ali's Grandson Bar Mitzvah, Muhammad Ali's Jewish grandson, Muslim, Philadelphia, Rodeph Shalom, Sting Like a Maccabee
Okay now I am speechless.
I do note that the people who made Mohammed Ali successful and wealthy were Jews.
Jonathan E. Grant on June 4, 2012 at 3:22 pm