March 16, 2009, - 10:14 am

HOprah Watch: Talk Show’s Male Stripper Compares Madoff to Bin Laden, “Worse Than” 9/11; Oprah Agrees

By Debbie Schlussel
If you wonder why most of America’s women are stupid (and voted for Barack Hussein Obama), it’s not just a lack of critical thinking skills. It’s that they blindly consume and absorb the absolute nonsense that their gurus, Oprah and the hags of “The View,” spew into their empty noggins.
Take the outrage on Friday’s edition of “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” Every Friday, HRHSBotU (Her Royal Highness–or Hugeness–Supreme Being of the Universe) Oprah has on her three “commentators” to gush over her and say the obvious, the stupid, and the ridiculous about news topics. The three are Mark Consuelos a/k/a Mr. Kelly Ripa, whose claim to fame is that he was a male stripper–and completely nude dancer–and is now sleeping with and married to the co-hostess of “Live with Regis and Kelly”; HOprah’s lover, oops, I mean . . . “best friend” Gayle King; and Alexandra Wentworth, an unfunny comedienne, who is married to George Stephanopolous and badly needs an eyelift.


Mark Consuelos, Oprah Commentator/Ex-Nude Dancer, Says Madoff Worse Than 9/11

(Islamist Oprah by Six Meat Buffet)

This past Friday, Consuelos–remember, his major credential is that he was a nude male stripper, er . . . “exotic dancer”–said that having the Madoff last name is like having the Bin Laden last name, that “when people remember the worst event in history, they’ll remember what Madoff did.”
Um, hello . . . ? Yes, it’s tragic that greedy rich people lost their money when they failed to investigate and ask themselves, “Gee, how is this guy able to come up with these kinds of consistently huge financial returns?” Yes, it’s sad that some middle class people foolishly put all of their retirement eggs in one basket with this Ponzi schemer, Madoff, and lost everything. And yes, Bernard Madoff deserves to go to jail for the rest of his life.
But let’s get a little sense of proportion and a tad of perspective here, something that is hard to do, apparently, when your former uniform was a micr-mini Speedo banana hammock. Comparing people losing their money–in part through their own bad investment that they made of their own volition–to the murder of 3,000 Americans by Islamic terrorists? HUH? To say that this is the worst event in U.S. history? These people who invested with Madoff are all still alive. No one hijacked their planes, slit their throats, and flew them into buildings. No one took them away from their families forever and made it so that the buildings in which they worked collapsed on top of them.
Well, if you’re a male stripper with even less historical knowledge or background than, say, an average American 7th grader would have (though I think I’m overestimating today’s American education), I guess you would say that.
It figures if you got your start from “shaking your money maker,” that must be the sole knowledge base from which you make your pronouncements on the world.
And, of course, the pandering Oprah agreed with all of this baloney.
Ah, yes, this is what American women who watch Oprah–the most influential person on television–will now regurgitate, the ignorant historical perspective of a man who took his clothes off and simulated sex for a living.
And you wonder why America is messed up.

9 Responses

“But comparing people losing their money–in part through their own bad investment that they made of their own volition-”
Sorry but they were swindled. This is not like people buying stock in poorly run companies (Lucent, Polaroid, etc.). A lot of people lost money because their brokers put them into Bernard L. Madoff Securities, LLP (Sandy Koufax was one of them). People should be able to invest with the confidence that someone is protecting them from Ponzi schemes. Yeah I know he was a liberal but that does not mean that people deserved to have their money swindled.

Ripper on March 16, 2009 at 10:53 am

This show is a testimony to the problem our country has. Absolutely no common sense. Libtard power.

samurai on March 16, 2009 at 11:00 am

Clearly IMO, Oprah’s a POS, and way past her time. Besides building up her own bank account, what has she done? Opps I forgot, she gave us the faux Messiah. If I had anything to say, she’d been booted off TV long ago.

Jackson Pearson on March 16, 2009 at 1:09 pm

You are living up to your name by ripping off part of Debbie’s quote, namely, “…to the murder of 3,000 Americans by Islamic terrorists?”
The point is she’s talking about stripper guy comparing people losing money in the scheme to 9/11, where 3,000 people lost their lives.
Too bad about Consuelos being such a dupe, he had a minor part in one of my favorite movies of all time, “The Great Raid.”

Jeff_W on March 16, 2009 at 3:49 pm

No one said people deserved to have their money swindled-just that they invested of their own free will. It is sad, but not “life-threatening”. Perhaps “quality-of-life-threatening” but they are still alive!! 3,000 innocent people died. Wake up.

Lou35 on March 16, 2009 at 3:51 pm

Last comment directed to Ripper

Lou35 on March 16, 2009 at 3:52 pm

“Clearly IMO, Oprah’s a POS, and way past her time. Besides building up her own bank account, what has she done? Opps I forgot, she gave us the faux Messiah. If I had anything to say, she’d been booted off TV long ago.”
Jackson, if I had my way with WABC-TV Channel 7 in NYC…you would be seeing the following video linked below at the time HOPRAH comes on…

NEPatriot on March 16, 2009 at 5:38 pm

Also, let’s not forget that ABC was the network which provided the late, unlamented (by me)news bigshot Peter Jennings his antisemitic, pro-Palestinian Arab/Muslim soapbox. Jennings, the erstwhile beau of Palestinian jihad abettor Hanan Ashwari. May Jennings rot in hell. Nice going, ABC. I hope you tank.

commonsense on March 16, 2009 at 10:21 pm

Can you say two airheads talking? Idiots on parade!! MT.HOprah should focus on her 250lb self and leave the world alone. Last week you posted about the immigration officer who methodically and systematically put our nation at risk and he gets 36 months, while Madoff swindled private investors and he is looking at 150 years. I see the priority our courts have. As for Consuelo and Kelly Ripa, she wears the pants and he wears the skirt. Nothing new in Hollywood relationships.

californiascreaming on March 16, 2009 at 11:09 pm

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