March 5, 2007, - 1:12 pm

Jane Mag Promotes Islamist Couture

I’ve written a lot on this site about women’s fashion magazine’s promotion of jihad and Islamism. The latest is Jane Magazine–the vapid fashion mag that used to run an equally vapid monthly column by Silicone Valley, Pamela Anderson.
This month, Jane has an interesting reason for promoting Islamist Couture to your daughters, girlfriends, and wives: It’s inexpensive. And, in Jane’s view, it’s cool to dress like an Islamic terrorist. Writes Jane:

A few days of overpriced lattes or endless “Where’d you get that?” inquiries from strangers–the choice is yours. . . . Wrap one of these bad boys around your neck and you can legitimately say, “I’m with the band.”

Uh, no. You can legitimately say, “I’m with the Jihad.” In this rare case, the “overpriced lattes” are preferable. And no-one will be asking where you got that ugly jihadist scarf. Trust me.

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7 Responses I missing something? Where, other than the word desert, does it imply links to anything middle eastern and or muslim? Aren’t all scarves supposed to be wrapped around your neck? What’s “jihadi” about that?

ConservativesLovePuns(descent) on March 5, 2007 at 3:55 pm

Hey debs, you can always wear the jewish version of the keffiyeh, if you dont like the “jihadi version” !!.

sue-me on March 5, 2007 at 6:02 pm

These scarves were worn by one of the UN’s favorite terrorists, Arafat. If you look at many of his pictures you will see him wearing a similar black and white scarf as seen above. Terrorists use them to cover their faces in ransom or Jihadi videos.

Minnie Mouse on March 6, 2007 at 12:01 am

So if you want to look like Arafat, why stop there? How about Swastika fashion or the Death’s Head like Urban Outfitters? Let’s bring back Hitler’s mustache for the men. Ooh, maybe we could make fashion out of the concentration camp uniform. (Sarcasm Off)
Look up any Jihadist video on You Tube and you’ll find them wearing those scarves. They are wearing those scarves when they behead infidels. It’s poor taste but perhaps you see nothing wrong with dressing like murderers.

Minnie Mouse on March 6, 2007 at 7:39 am

So if you want to look like Arafat, why stop there? How about Swastika fashion or the Death’s Head like Urban Outfitters? Let’s bring back Hitler’s mustache for the men. Ooh, maybe we could make fashion out of the concentration camp uniform. (Sarcasm Off)
Look up any Jihadist video on You Tube and you’ll find them wearing those scarves. They are wearing those scarves when they behead infidels. It’s poor taste but perhaps you see nothing wrong with dressing like murderers.

Minnie Mouse on March 6, 2007 at 7:39 am

Minnie, that was a catastrophicaly stoopid post the first time you posted it, posting it twice just makes you look twice as stupid.
Everybody in the middle-east wears these scarves, it shouldn’t worry you that middle-class white folks are seeking to borrow their style. (God knows, they need the help!)
Unless of course the true reason for your faux outrage is that you are a nasty little racist bigot.

The Purple Cow on March 6, 2007 at 3:19 pm

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