March 5, 2009, - 4:25 pm
HOprah Watch: Oprah Winfrey Endorses Polygamist Marriage on Daytime Talk Show
By Debbie Schlussel
As I’ve noted repeatedly on this site, HRHSBotU [Her Royal Highness, Supreme Being of the Universe] Oprah Winfrey frequently uses her show to praise and whitewash Islam, yet she also repeatedly uses it as a forum to denigrate the far less threatening Christian polygamists who are Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints followers. Oprah’s view is this–Muslim polygamists who hate America and support terrorism: A-OK; Christian polygamists who aren’t bothering me and pose me no threat: Impending great American disaster.
The “reporter” HRHSBotU Oprah uses to give these reports, Lisa Ling, constantly does reports on the polygamy of these fundatmentalist Mormon separatists, but has yet to do a show on Muslim polygamy that exists in this country. (For example, Ali Jawad–the Hezbollah-supporting, convicted insurance defrauder Muslim I got John McCain to kick off of his campaign–apparently has two wives, his American one and the Shi’ite Muslim secretary he got pregnant and married under Islamic law, who now lives in Lebanon.) Ling also did a number of pandering pro-HAMAS interviews in Gaza and sympathetic interviews with other Palestinians who support homicide bombings. Then, Ling’s clueless representatives had the chutzpah to contact me, pretending she never did such things and was concerned about Islamic terrorism funding (she wasn’t).
Today, Oprah and Ling did another one of their “exposes” on the polygamous FLDS sect in Texas. Ling pointed out to Oprah that one FLDS polygamist said that we are no different from him–that we have multiple affairs with different people, and that they are being punished for sanctifying it with marriage.
To that, Oprah responded:
Yeah, I think we need to take a look at that. . . . I think he has a point there.
Great. Can’t wait ’til she and Lisa Ling do the show on Islamic polygamy, since she now thinks polygamy has a point.
Not holding my breath, though.
* Schlussel v. Oprah’s Skank, Lisa Ling
* HOprah Watch: Daytime Queen is Tough on Christian Polygamy; Muslim Polygamy–Not So Much
* Oprah: Daytime Talk’s Jihadi Sister
* Oprah Promotes Queen Rania and Extremist Islam of Jordan
Debbie watches Oprah so I don’t have to!
I’ve always found the double standard interesting. Oprah, all of them. Condemn Christians and Jews for blinking the wrong way, but Muslims can behead, mutilate girls, rape women then kill them for losing their virginity, etc….and it’s all fine because it’s their culllllllttttture.
I had a friend in grad school who was from Jordan (Palestinian, although he’d never actually been to ISRAEL) and his dad had three wives. His mother was first wife and it was an unhappy situation all around. So much resentment, from the wives, and all the kids, over which family got treated better.
The second wife was just younger and prettier. Then daddio went off on a business trip and came home with a Japanese third wife.
Each family had a house, side by side, and when he was mad at one wife, he flung it in her face by going to the next wife and sleeping with her.
Everyone except daddy was miserable.
But it’s their culture, so everybody loves it, right? That’s what Oprah and friends say.
JuliL on March 5, 2009 at 6:03 pm