April 11, 2012, - 2:35 pm
PLO: “Mike Wallace Was Our Dude in the US Media”
When I told the truth about Mike Wallace, newly beatified “saint” of “journalism,” I was attacked by a number of morons–on both the left AND the right. These idiots disputed that Mike Wallace was a biased fraud and a left-wing advocate parading as a journalist and parroting the Islamic terrorist point of view. Apparently, Mike Wallace’s own statements–on video–that he liked Yasser Arafat, that Arafat was a good-looking guy, and that he had soulful eyes, weren’t enough to convince these fools. Now comes this statement from a former PLO employee, courtesy of As’ad AbuKhalil a/k/a “Angry Arab,” a lunatic pro-Palestinian Muslim atheist from Lebanon who is a college professor at California State University – Stanislaus. AbuKhalil regularly prays for Israel’s death, and he’s presenting us with the real Mike Wallace:

Mike sent me this (I cite with his permission): “As I have-mentioned to you, in the early seventies I was employed in the PLO’s New York office as an English-language news analyst and public speaker. I recall that whenever there was some important news in the Middle East that affected the Palestinians, Mike Wallace would call the office looking for comments or information from the director, Saadat Hasan. Saadat also called Wallace when he wanted to get something out to the media, since Wallace was one of the very few mainstream journalists who had any interest in the Palestinian side of an issue.”
And there you have it. Like I said on Monday, Mike Wallace, Rot In Hell. He’ll have plenty of PLO members to share the heat with where he’s going.
Tags: Anti-Israel, As'ad AbuKhalil, Israel, Mike Wallace, Palestinians, PLO, Yasser Arafat
Jordan’s revoking Palestinian citizenship ought to be news.
It won’t be simply because the Joos aren’t involved.
NormanF on April 11, 2012 at 2:38 pm