April 6, 2012, - 5:48 pm
Mitt Romney Sides w/ Obama, Feminists on Augusta National Membership
Something happened this week that should tell you something about Mitt Romney: he’s a lot like . . . Barack Obama. Both of them said women should be allowed into the Augusta National Golf Club, home of the Masters golf tournament. I expect that from liberal Obama. I expect better–but will never get that–from “Mitt Happens.”

At a campaign stop in Pennsylvania, Mr. Romney followed suit: “I’m not a member of Augusta. I don’t know that I would qualify—my golf game is not that good—but certainly if I were a member and if I could run Augusta…of course I’d have women in Augusta.”
In 2002 and 2003, when feminist Martha Burk was hootin’ and hollerin’ about the lack of female members at Augusta National Golf Club, home of the Masters golf tournament, I appeared on a number of shows to debate her. That’s because the Augusta National press people saw me on a couple of shows, “CNN Live” and “Buchanan and Press,” kicking everyone’s ass on the topic (I’ve posted partial clips of these before, but eventually, I’ll post the whole clips). After that, Augusta National’s then-press person (now, he’s Tiger Woods’ press person), Glenn Greenspan referred shows to me if they wanted the Augusta take. (After that, the Augusta people invited me to the Masters and gave me an all-access pass–the most coveted sports ticket in the world and the most boring week of my life.) The bottom line–aside from the whines of ugly women, saying, “Me, too! Me too!”–is that it’s a private club.
And that’s how Mitt Romney should have answered press inquiries about it, now that the story is back in the news after USA Today feminist hack columnist Christine Brennan, once again, did Martha Burk’s bidding by whining about whether or not female IBM CEO Virginia Rometty will get an Augusta National membership.
After all, Romney’s church and other organizations he belongs to have members only events that “discriminate”–as we all “discriminate” every single day, from whom we choose to date and marry to our favorite colors, foods, and scents. Many of Romney’s in-laws, for example, could not attend the weddings of their own children to Mitt Romney’s sons because the Mormon LDS church doesn’t allow non-members inside. That’s their prerogative, as it is the choice of any private religion to do as it wants. Just as it’s the prerogative of private clubs to choose their members. Just as it’s the prerogative of Augusta National to do the same.
Romney should have stayed out of it and respected the freedom we hold dear in America to associate with whom we want . . . and not associate with whom we don’t want at private clubs. But he’s no different than Obama. They both want the women’s vote, and both of them are willing to throw everything to the wind to get it. We should expect that from a liberal like Obama, who wears identity politics on his sleeve like a favorite tattoo.
But, now, Mitt Romney is on the same side as feminist Martha Burk, who famously argued that men should have to go before a committee if they want to have children. These are the wacko views that feminists hold in the name of faux-equality.
And Mitt Romney’s now joined Barack Obama down the slippery slope of the bra-burning, sagging refugees of the ’70s.
President Bush was smart enough to stay out of this debate back in 2003. He had an Iraq war to keep his attention occupied. But Mitt Romney doesn’t. He has an etchy-sketchy campaign going.
And he just threw the principle of private associations and their right to freedom of choice out the window. What’s next?
You’ll see little difference in a Romney Presidency from the Obama version. Yes, “anyone’s better” than Obama. But that shouldn’t be the standard. It’s far too low and so low it’s hard to get worse.
We should demand a LOT better than Obama. But we haven’t. So we won’t get it in Romney. Not even close.
Tags: Augusta National, Augusta National female members, Augusta National Golf Club, Barack Obama, Feminism, freedom, freedom of association, Glen Greenspan, Glenn Greenspan, IBM CEO Virginia Rometty, Martha Burk, Masters, Masters Golf Tournament, Mitt Happens, Mitt Romney, private club, The Masters, Virginia Rometty, women members at Augusta National
Yup. Another reason not to vote for “Mitt Happens.”
The guy doesn’t have a conservative bone in his body. And we have people in public life like him who are intellectual and moral cowards.
You can’t say the politically incorrect and principled things because it might cost you votes, a government grant or being invited to grace trendy social circles where every one is a moron.
Men can’t have freedom of association if feminists don’t want it. And Etchy Sketchy’s pandering to them in the end won’t get them to vote for him.
This is the first GOP presidential nominee I find intolerable because he’s completely spineless and unprincipled. Republicans shouldn’t expect to see him really oppose Obama on the things that matter to them. In short, a Romney Presidency isn’t going to be significantly different or better than the one Obama is now running.
NormanF on April 6, 2012 at 6:00 pm