April 6, 2012, - 1:29 pm

Trayvon Martin VIDEO: Calls Clear George Zimmerman of Racism; FBI Breathing Down His Neck

By Debbie Schlussel

This NBC News report, below, shows that George Zimmerman NEVER told police about the race of suspects in any of his 911 calls until and unless he was asked by the 911 operator. But, as I’ve previously written, even if he were the biggest racist alive, once Trayvon Martin was trying to kill him, he had every right to self-defense and to take all necessary measures to save his life.


What’s also interesting–but has already been in the news for some time–is that the FBI is spending a ton of resources on examining all of Zimmerman’s calls to 911 and every other detail of his life.  It’s truly sickening that this much FBI manpower, time, and resources are being spent on this case of self-defense against a thug with a rap sheet.  Rarely does the FBI pay attention to murder cases when it’s a Black suspect killing a a White man or a Black on Black murder.  Just doesn’t happen.  Because the FBI and its agents are just as politically correct as the mainstream media.  The “victims” they care about are Blacks and Muslims.  The perpetrators they pay attention to are White.  Everybody else . . . well, you’re on your own.

Check it out . . .

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55 Responses

Given some reports that indicated the New Black Panthers’ ties to Hezbollah (relevant insofar as the NBP’s $10,000 bounty on Zimmerman’s head), coupled with the “Fast & Furious” scandal of the Obama / Holder axis funneling weapons to Mexican drug cartels, plus their aiding and abetting illegal aliens and overall running interference for violent criminal gangbangers, as well as their harassment of the NYPD over their counterterrorism initiatives, their aggressive efforts against initiatives by states such as Arizona and Alabama to clamp down on illegal immigration, etc., we can see what else besides what’s been already written, is the ulterior motive behind this witch-hunt against Zimmerman.

ConcernedPatriot on April 6, 2012 at 1:53 pm

It’s really bizarre seeing the big media disingenuously using old pictures of the thug when he was a little boy as if Zimmerman had shot and killed a non-threatening-looking, middle-school kid.

DS_ROCKS! on April 6, 2012 at 2:00 pm

“Southern White Man Named Zimmerman Shoots Black Youth.” Needless to say, if Phil Ochs were still alive, he’d be having a field day with that headline. Particularly after discovering the first name of Zimmerman’s father.

I’ve really been feeling old lately. When I catch a side-view glimpse of someone wearing a “hoodie,” the first thing that pops into my head is the ghost of Xmas future in “Mr. Magoo’s Christmas Carol.” I’m certain that the word “hoodie” did not exist in the previous century. It sounds like something you’d hear in a Beach Boys song, referring to a non-convertible automobile. When I typed it just now, a squiggly red line appeared under it, indicating that it’s still not a real word.

I’m sick of this non-story about a teenager with a lengthy rap sheet that met his demise the same way many teenagers with lengthy rap sheets eventually do.

Irving on April 6, 2012 at 2:06 pm

    Irving, you don’t know shit about Phil Ochs, he was not that kind of guy. If he were alive today I am sure he would take Zimmerman’s side after the smoke cleared, Zimmerman is being lynched by the usual media savvy pimps that prey on gullible blacks for their own benefit. And I include Obama in that crowd as his ratings in urban ghettos have fallen dramatically.
    Obama ain’t no JFK ( see Crucifixion, by Phil Ochs).

    Ron Wolf aka "Columbo" on April 7, 2012 at 4:05 pm

So Barry told the FBI to do all of this by way of Holder (hater of whites). By the way why isn’t Holder in jail for the gun running? Oh I forgot he is half black. Case closed.

Fred on April 6, 2012 at 2:16 pm

So what if he wore a hood over his head, that doesn’t make him a criminal. So… if I were to wear a white sheet over my head, that won’t make me a racist, right? Riighhhttt.

Gino on April 6, 2012 at 2:24 pm

    On Halloween I would give you some candy.

    Ron Wolf aka "Columbo" on April 7, 2012 at 4:08 pm

No Gino, but if you were wearing a white hood and holding down a black man and beating him, and in self-defense, he shot and killed you…he would heralded as a righteous, INNOCENT man.

Legalmantt on April 6, 2012 at 2:35 pm

The FBI and Justice are all about challenging the “stand your ground” law. This case is (a) in Florida (a stand your ground state), (b) the victim is black (racism), (c) the shooter ids not black (racism), (d) hand gun involved (read Brady, Bloomberg, Soros, et al.), (e) election year, (f) black president, (g) black Attorney General, (h) white Republican conservative Governor of Florida.

This all ads up to bad mojo.

Unfortunately, if this goes the way some evidence leaked out indicates, the Occupy or Louisville, riots will look very tame from the Sanford Florida riots which will begin after the case is tried in favor of Zimmerman, or charges dropped.

Panhandle on April 6, 2012 at 2:39 pm

I am curious, I was under the impression that putting bounties on someones head was illegal? Why hasnt anyone charged the NBP for attempted murder? Just curious.

John on April 6, 2012 at 2:52 pm

As i have said in a previous story on this, Zimmermans goose is cooked. Even if it all pans out that he was in the right, The Troublemaking outsiders from up north have invested far too much political capital in this mess. They would never accept a not guilty charge. sorry but Zimmerman is toast. Today being good Friday,how appropriate, to offer up a new sacrifice.

Sal on April 6, 2012 at 3:27 pm

Just remember, Debbie, that the slug running the show at the FBI, Robert Mueller, was appointed by… RINO JORGE BOOSH!

Mueller is a holdover and apparently Obwana kept him BECAUSE of his left wing bent.

The FBI has been hopelessly and probably irreversibly corrupted and biased AGAINST American ideals, and this is what we can expect from this co-opted agency.

Ed on April 6, 2012 at 3:35 pm

Zimmerman got out of his car and pursued Martin for no other reason than Martin looked unfamiliar to him. Then Martin dies at the hands of Zimmerman. Many people have called 911 and voice experts have determined it was Martin crying out for help, NOT Zimmerman.

IF Zimmerman had not gotten out of his car to pursue Martin, than none of this would have happened. That is why he is guilty, no matter the motivation.

Lee on April 6, 2012 at 3:47 pm

    You really did leave out a few things. Zimmerman was on neighborhood watch. You do not sit around and ignore thi ngs doing that. Also, if someone sees someone they do not recognize in a gated community, why would they not have a right to see what was going on? Finally, you forget that Trayvon had been suspended from school for ten days for drug possession. He had been dumped at his dad’s girlfriend’s place apparently unsupervised. Despite the five + year old photos being put out for the most part, Trayvon was 17. He was not a little kid, and would have been intimidating. Trying to prevent a crime as a part of neighborhood watch does not make you guilty. What makes you guilty is not giving the same justice to an Hispanic that you would a Black.

    Worry on April 6, 2012 at 5:45 pm

    Sorry Lee, but that is merely supposition on your part. The eyewitnesses, those who saw who was screaming say it was Zimmerman. Zimmerman was looking out for his neighbors. Whlie reaching for his phone he got blindsided and his nose was broken. Then he was jumped on, his head bashed into the side walk repeatedly, as he screamed for help. If you need help with facts, just ask. I am always here to help.

    Visteo on April 7, 2012 at 4:43 pm

This is from a letter I recently submitted to my local paper:
I have wanted to comment on the shooting of Trayvon Martin for sometime but withheld my opinion mainly because I’m white. I surmised I couldn’t voice my thoughts because others thought I couldn’t relate. Well, today I’m forgoing that conclusion. Firstly, I find it troubling that Black Americans allow the Leftist Mainstream Media to use race baiters like Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson to speak for them. It implies African Americans are incapable of speaking for themselves
& need others to think for them.
The killing of Trayvon Martin is a horrible tragedy & needs to be thoroughly investigated.
What I think people are really missing are a few major issues concerning Black America that are not being looked at. While crying “Racism” & fueling outrage Black activists are missing
the fact that 1/2 of all murder victims in America are Black. The majority of those people are killed by other Black people. Instead of running around wearing hoodies these leaders should be concentrating on the breakdown of the Black family. Since the 1960’s the disintegration of the Black family has put more Black men in prison, led to more drop-outs and today 70% of Black children are born to un-wed mothers.
In 1964 23.6% of Black births were to unwed mothers, today it’s 72%. In 1965 the unemployment rate for Black teens was 29% today it’s 40%. When teenagers have children they are less likely to be successful in life. President Johnson’s welfare programs rewarding Black women for having fatherless children only made the problem worse.
In addition, the negative stereotypes of the thug life, drug dealers, Gangtas’s, Hoe’s etc.. and it’s glamorization doesn’t help.
Black Americans should be directing their outrage at the deterioration of the Black family not marching around wearing hoodies.

Hollywood on April 6, 2012 at 3:54 pm

    “The killing of Trayvon Martin is a horrible tragedy & needs to be thoroughly investigated.”

    That is a true statement. But here is the deal: it wasn’t being investigated. The Sanford Police Department declared it to be self-defense, apologized to the Martin family (a clear contradiction!) and refused to release the 911 tapes. Now voice experts claim that it was Martin on those tapes crying for help, not Zimmerman, which correlates with what witnesses initially stated before the police pressured them to change their story. So, you had an unarmed dead teen, no charges being filed, and what honestly appeared to be a police coverup and at the very least police incompetence (and yes, the police are “government” just like public schools, HHS, HUD, EPA and the other government agencies that conservatives despise). What else was the Martin family supposed to do in order to cause an investigation and trial to take place other than to contact the media and the activists to apply pressure?

    “What I think people are really missing are a few major issues concerning Black America that are not being looked at. While crying “Racism” & fueling outrage Black activists are missing
    the fact that 1/2 of all murder victims in America are Black. The majority of those people are killed by other Black people. Instead of running around wearing hoodies these leaders should be concentrating on the breakdown of the Black family. Since the 1960?s the disintegration of the Black family has put more Black men in prison, led to more drop-outs and today 70% of Black children are born to un-wed mothers.
    In 1964 23.6% of Black births were to unwed mothers, today it’s 72%. In 1965 the unemployment rate for Black teens was 29% today it’s 40%. When teenagers have children they are less likely to be successful in life. President Johnson’s welfare programs rewarding Black women for having fatherless children only made the problem worse.
    In addition, the negative stereotypes of the thug life, drug dealers, Gangtas’s, Hoe’s etc.. and it’s glamorization doesn’t help.
    Black Americans should be directing their outrage at the deterioration of the Black family not marching around wearing hoodies”

    Here is the deal Hollywood: while what you are saying is 100% true, it has nothing to do with this case. This case is about George Zimmerman chasing down an unarmed teen in his car in the middle of the night, terrifying the teen into attacking Zimmerman before Zimmerman could do him any harm, and then Zimmerman having to shoot Martin to save himself. That really is all this is about. And the only thing that raising those other issues in this context does is make people think that terrorizing random black male teenagers on the streets in the middle of the night is perfectly legitimate, legal and moral behavior, such as the people who refer to Zimmerman as a “hero.” So, he’s a hero for killing a teenager who curses on his social media account and was caught carrying marijuana? Right … like you can’t go to any university and see those frat boys – the kids of rich people who are future doctors, lawyers and stockbrokers – doing that and worse.

    What happened to Martin was no mere “tragedy”; it was a crime and should be treated and investigated as such. The “tragedy” is manipulating this into a racial and political story. Yes, the Obama administration and the civil rights leaders are doing so, and I despise them for it. Shelby Steele had an excellent column in the Wall Street Journal yesterday talking about that. But what conservatives are doing in this case – totally ignoring that Martin’s reaction to a man chasing him in the middle of the night was perfectly reasonable and nothing that shouldn’t be expected – is just as despicable.

    Gerald on April 6, 2012 at 4:25 pm

“But, as I’ve previously written, even if he were the biggest racist alive, once Trayvon Martin was trying to kill him, he had every right to self-defense and to take all necessary measures to save his life.”

And why was Trayvon Martin “trying to kill him”? Or did he have the same self-defense rights as did Zimmerman? I want someone to try to advance the utterly ridiculous idea that Martin knew or should have known that Zimmerman was neighborhood watch. Or that Martin decided to interrupt his trip to the store to buy candy for his little brother to beat and rob somebody out of the blue.

Self-defense law does not cover people who provoke confrontations with their own threatening, aggressive behavior. And people who are the target of a violent aggressor are not obligated to allow the aggressor to “make the first move.” Keep in mind: Martin had already attempted to run away. Zimmerman chased him down. And Zimmerman at no point identified himself as neighborhood watch when he confronted Martin.

I hate that this has turned into some “right wing/left wing black versus white” issue that causes people to take sides and ignore the issues in this case. And while I 100% agree with Martin’s parents for taking their case to the media in order to pressure the government officials into having a trial, I do regret their actions since. They should have dropped out of sight as soon as it was announced that there was going to be a grand jury trial.

But the truth is that Martin acted the same way that a great many people would to being chased by a suspicious adult male in the middle of the night. And I despise the fact that his racial/political nonsense is keeping people from admitting that. George Zimmerman should have stayed in his car, and if he ABSOLUTELY HAD TO confront Martin (he didn’t because Martin wasn’t committing a crime or threatening anyone but still) THE FIRST THING OUT OF HIS MOUTH SHOULD HAVE BEEN “Hello, I am neighborhood watch …”

Martin had a right to defend himself too, and I say without reservation that I most certainly would have also were I in that same situation. I am not going to give some guy who chases me down in the middle of the night the benefit of the doubt, and if someone WANTS such a benefit of the doubt, they should just call the police and stay in their car.

Gerald on April 6, 2012 at 4:12 pm

@ Gerald Here is the deal Hollywood: while what you are saying is 100% true, it has nothing to do with this case. This case is about George Zimmerman chasing down an unarmed teen in his car in the middle of the night, terrifying the teen into attacking Zimmerman before Zimmerman could do him any harm, and then Zimmerman having to shoot Martin to save himself. That really is all this is about.
Wow Gerald! I didn’t know you WERE THERE!!!!
You sir have obviously bought into the Race-Baiting. I’m always glad we have arm-chair quarterbacks like you to call it all and straighten the whole thing out. My submission has EVERYTHING to do with what transpired with that poor innocent “suspended” for weed “coming from Bible study” “racist, foul profane” tweets poor Black kid. If black America stopped blaming everyone else for their condition and quit acting like gangsta’s maybe ignoramuses like Zimmerman wouldn’t be following them in the first place!

Hollywood on April 6, 2012 at 4:45 pm

Wow Gerald I can see by your rants you were ACTUALLY THERE! My letter has everthing to do with this. If Black Americans didn’t ACT like thugs they wouldn’t be PERCEIVED as thugs. Trayvon, suspended for weed, profane tweets. He was a thug in progress.

Hollywood on April 6, 2012 at 4:50 pm

Gerald seems to be tone deaf. First, he is off subject. The subject of this post is the FBI’s persistence in trying to go after Zimmerman, for the clear purpose of putting him in jail, in the absence of any evidence of a crime, even a 1984ish “hate crime”.

With Zimmerman’s undisputed injuries, isn’t it obvious he had a right to defend himself, regardless of race?

Given the disproportionate criminality of black people, wasn’t this enough of a reason to follow him, indeed a lawful activity?

Several paragraphs of semi-coherent meandering do not change this.

Just like Gerald’s comments have backfired, the FBI, switching to a larger-scale scenario is taking an extreme risk in its behavior. We all remember Watergate, and Nixon’s associated downfall.

With the publicity this case has generated, and the resources from conservatives all around the country available to Zimmerman, he will have an adequate defense, both in legal and in media terms. There is the potential for the FBI’s politically correct agenda to be exposed as never before in recent times.

Gerald’s faux-conservative comments about the decline of the black family re disingenuous. While this is indeed a problem and should be addressed (although after half a century it is becoming tiring), a sharply posed conflict in society must be addressed directly, and primarily, in terms of those issues actually associated with the event in question. Those issues are the witchhunt being conducted by Jackson, Sharpton and their sycophants, the FBI’s seeming total transformation into a political police, and, if the black family is going to be addressed once again (does Gerald consider part of the solution throwing more and more money at black organizations?), then let’s also address the phony issue of racial profiling which has become a new 1984ish crime.

I am not dealing in this post with Gerald’s leaps of logic in interpreting the conflict between Zimmerman and Martin without a shred of evidence.

Little Al on April 6, 2012 at 4:55 pm

Since Gerald appears to be an eyewitness to what happened in Sanford, FL, perhaps he can answer a question for me that nobody in the media seems to be addressing: What on earth was Trayvon, a black teenager from South MIAMI, doing walking around a gated community north of ORLANDO in the middle of the night? Was he visiting his grandparents who live there? Was he visiting his friends who live there? Was he working on a community service project for the people who live there? How did he get there in the first place?

I don’t know about you, but when I see a gated community I know that the gates mean “Keep out if you have no business being in this neighborhood.” So I stay out of those neighborhoods. I don’t drive through the gates to just cruise around and look. I don’t get out of my car to go walking around gated communities for the heck of it. When I see a neighborhood with locked gates at the entrance I get the message that they don’t WANT me there! If I saw a “Neighborhood Watch” sign I would expect to be stopped and questioned if I did get out of my car and go walking around behind the gates.

I’m not saying this kid deserved to die for being somewhere he didn’t belong for no apparent reason in the middle of the night. But could one of you eyewitnesses please answer those questions for me? ‘Cause the impression I’m left with is that this kid was up to no good.

DG in GA on April 6, 2012 at 5:41 pm

STILL not with you Gerald.

Skunky on April 6, 2012 at 5:42 pm

    Skunky, he just takes Trayvon as if he were a manequin. The tweets, gangsta videos Trayvon made about himself, his bragging about beating on a bus driver, and the 10 day suspension for drug possession seem to make no difference. Also, why was Trayvon allowed to wander around at night unsupervised by any parent or adult while suspended for drug possession? I have a feeling that dad, who just dumped Trayvon at a girlfriend’s house, did not really care that much about him until after he was dead. Also, his mom’s effort to file a commercial patent on her son not too long ago should have raised a red flag. Trayvon Martin was of little value to his parents until he was no more. That in a sense is an even bigger story.

    Worry on April 6, 2012 at 6:03 pm

i guess the moral of this story is, that if a thug starts beating the crap out of you, shut up and take it.

John on April 6, 2012 at 6:55 pm

    Angela Corey wants to waste several thousand dollars on an open and shut defense case.

    Self-defense is a complete defense to a murder charge. When your head is being bashed in, that isn’t second degree murder – not even close.

    And as she as admits, given all the national publicity surrounding the case, its impossible for George Zimmerman to get a fair trial.

    Every one thinks he is guilty so by definition, only one verdict will be acceptable to the mob: a guilty verdict.

    In the unlikely event he is acquitted in state court, I fully expect the Feds to try him.

    NormanF on April 12, 2012 at 1:05 am

Federal Bullies Inquest for a media-driven story.

Lars on April 6, 2012 at 7:20 pm

Zim figured he could get a better deal with Satan than he was getting from martin.

Travis T on April 6, 2012 at 7:21 pm

@Worry,”I have a feeling that dad, who just dumped Trayvon at a girlfriend’s house, did not really care that much about him until after he was dead”.
I forgot about that, good call!!!

Hollywood on April 6, 2012 at 7:33 pm

    Thank you Hollywood. I am beginning to see this as a story of parental neglect. Trayvon did not become a wanna be gangsta with tatoos on his arms and ultra nasty tweets and Facebook videos overnight. His bragging about beating on a bus driver and getting suspended for drug possession at school were not the results of parental concern or supervision. Trayvon walked down a long road to meet that 9mm bullet that night. If it were not Zimmerman, it would probably have been someone else. Trayvon’s future held getting killed or rotting in prison for years, and not much more the way he was going.

    Worry on April 6, 2012 at 9:03 pm

The media and the Martin family wouldn’t have to keep lying and changing their story if they had the truth on their side.

This circus started because the family wants to get paid. They want to sue the HOA for wrongful death, hard to win when no actual crime has been committed.

As I heard the news breaks, every half hour, all I heard was the family lawyer saying “a white man gunned down this poor child in the street”. Get home from work look online and the picture looks like a 10 year old and a latino man. Every time they claim something (he was never arrested, roll tape handcuffed and questioned for 5 hours at the station)it gets proven false.

The media and politics are helping keep this story alive by lying and showing misleading pictures. Just look at the cover of people magazine, the kid looks like he might be 10 in the full cover shot.

ender on April 6, 2012 at 9:27 pm

Long term this is going to become quite difficult. All these morons boo-hoo-hooing over this corpse as if they actually knew him. It’s only been a couple of weeks and I’m about to puke already.

CornCoLeo on April 6, 2012 at 11:12 pm

If anyone had any doubts about where all of this was going, doubt no more: http://www.voanews.com/english/news/usa/Obama-to-Introduce-TV-Showing-of-Classic-Film-146420485.html

It is so nice thet the USA Network is giving President Obama what is essentially free advertising by allowing him to make introductory remarks.

It is nice to know that our “President” thinks that the message of “To Kill a Mockingbird” is still current and topical. I guess the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Voting Rights Act of 1965, as well as subsequent legislative acts and judicial decisions made over the past fifty years were meaningless. Mr. Obama is telling us that he still has to deal with a nation of “Bama” crackers who just hanker after lynching black men.

How is this not spitting in the face of all non-Blacks, as well as the genuine civil rights leaders of long ago? It tells the former that they are just a bunch of racist segregationists beneath the skin. As for the latter, it effectively deems their efforts and sacrifices to have been either inadequate or simply unsuccessful.

The general public will probably not understand how deeply offensive the USA Network’s conduct is in this regard. It is quite wittingly assisting the Obama Administration in its effort to stir racial tensions and even race bait prior to the November elections.

Worry on April 7, 2012 at 8:15 am

    That’s right Worry. 20 years in a racist church is a lot of years to be really in love with your racism.

    There are TWO pairs of Obamas. We are just on to the REAL monsters they are and not the facade the useless idiots like to think are the real ones.

    Skunky on April 7, 2012 at 12:11 pm

      He is what he is Skunky. Mr. Obama is the first president in my memory who does not appear to address everyone in his public speeches. From the State of the Union down to some public policy address, Mr. Obama rarely addresses the nation as a whole on important matters. Instead, he engages in “Identity Politics”, which assumes that gender, race, and sexual orientation determines your views in predictable ways. Identity is destiny.

      Worry on April 7, 2012 at 5:30 pm

What we are all failing to see, is that M & M Mars, Inc has had a century’s worth of FREE PUBLICITY for SKITTLES…You can’t buy that kind of publicity 🙂

Steve Epps on April 7, 2012 at 10:56 am

THE problem is you need trainig if your on a civilian patrol you should some kind of training when and how to use a weapon but to turn this into a racial motive is all wrong the black leaders are trying to set fire to the country because of 1 man how stupid is this

martin potashner on April 7, 2012 at 11:53 am

I think one of the things that continues to fuel this debate is that so many people who are making comments are willfully ignorant of the facts that have been presented and those same people are inventing information to backstop the opinion they’ve formed and wish to share. Subsequently, other folks with similar sympathies pick up on the convienient misinformation and propogate it.

Peeps are inventing narratives about voice experts, witness statements, findings from the official investigation, any lie that suits their purpose. A real circus to watch.

Richard on April 7, 2012 at 1:47 pm

The race and bigotry card is a blugeon to use on the white majority to shut them up. I am sick and tired of white liberals who are self hating, self loathing opologist of anything that is anti western. They cannot bend over backwards enough to appease and please our enemies hoping that their groveling before the savages will spare them. Unforunately they are in for a very rude and nasty awaking.

Drakken on April 7, 2012 at 3:26 pm

The media is to blame for the misconceptions in this tragic event. Their reporting was nothing more than an attempt to increase viewership and ad revenue. I am sickened by all our media outlets. Reliable newspapers are closing daily.

Paul Harvey was right in 1965 with his take on what satan might be saying. He said,

“And with promises of higher ratings, I’d have mesmerizing media fanning the flames”

Visteo on April 7, 2012 at 4:54 pm

ThX Deb for this blog. For once we ALL should be glad Obama is president to deal with this explosive media event. His career depends on how this is handled. He may already be in talks with Sharpton, Jackson and the others who capitalize on racism and racist spin. Good luck to you who want grab your rope and STRING THAT MEXICAN UP!!! (I apologize to those of you of Peruvian descent…Mexican makes my point a bit clearer)

Visteo on April 7, 2012 at 5:04 pm

Thank you Debbie. It is so hard to get the facts anywhere but here.

Joel Crain on April 7, 2012 at 7:55 pm

One good point to make, if they are spending all this time invsetigating him at least on one can say “unjistice”, “racist FBI faild to do there job”. well we know its gona be said anyway it alwys is. And most blacks will never find fault in another black. IE. OJ, R. Kelly, Obama. Rodney King, the list goes on and on. If the do ever oust them, it is some forgotten and all is forgiven.
Sry for any errors that may be contained in this email. I have so little let to say bot the over rated case.
I hope Zimmerman sues the news for editing the 911 tapes!

CrazyPeas on April 8, 2012 at 6:26 am

After 911 I came up with this dialog of an FBI agent reporting to Thomas Pickard.
Agent: Sir I have some good news and some bad news.
Pickard: OK
Agent: The good news is that under Louis Freeh we elimenatid descrimination and sexual harassment in the work place.
Packard: And?
Agent: It seems we didn’t have a whole lot of time left to pursue a few leads concerning this morning’s hijackings.
Packard: Not to worry, the Pres is fair man, I bet in 6 months we will be receiving commendations.
Agent: Wow and I was worried we might be fired.

Famous But Incompetent, indeed.

Jimbo on April 9, 2012 at 1:30 am

Wow Stan I don’t know from your post if you were being sarcastic or a cretinous, racist moron. I’m going to go with the latter. This case has caused at least two of the Obamedia to have egg all over their faces(NBC,CNN). Despite other posters on this board with their illogical rantings it does NOT change the fact that if Travon had been shot by another black male this would not be in the news. The media is still trying to paint this as a white man shoots black youth. As I have stated here before that facts are like kryptonite to doofus liberals. Like that the racist Zimmerman tutored black kids in his home. Can’t have good news about this guy getting out now can we. Just like the Fallace Body of Interrogation which is still being ran by that yes man idiot Bobby Mueller. This guy couldn’t find a criminal even if he walked right up to one. He will do all he can to make himself and the other two stooges the AG and the President look good while dragging Zimmerman’s name further through the mud. It’s funny that they can do this but not get to the bottom of the Black Panther Party voter intimidation in Philadelphia or the Fast and Furious case concerning Brian Terry. I guess we aren’t the cowards when it comes to race who act stupidly. Right Holder and Obama?

Ken b on April 9, 2012 at 8:00 am

It’s so sad that all of these “agendas” are being promoted, whether they’re racial, political, gun control, or others. To me the bottom line is this.

You’re walking down the street at night. You see an unfamiliar car following you. As you continue walking, the driver of the car gets out and comes toward you. You don’t know this man, he has no uniform on of any sort, but he’s coming up to you at night. You don’t know if this man is a sexual predator, a robber, a street tough looking to start some mess, or whatever. Words are exchanged and a fight takes place because you’re scared, angry, and your nerves are on edge. So you proceed to whup this strange man’s butt. So he in turn pulls out a gun and shoots you.

Later, he is released after a few hours, claiming self defense. Remember, he was the one who followed you, got out of his car…at NIGHT…and approached you. But he is let go and not charged.

Something is VERY wrong when a person can walk up and accost another American citizen, kill them, and then claim they were defending themselves.

D. O'Nay on April 9, 2012 at 2:19 pm

The main stream media makes me sick – they paint this story as the poor innocent black kid when in 99.9% of stories like this that is never the case. As for the new black panther idiots – they have a strong organization in Phila. most white people have moved out of Phila. The city is run by mostly blacks and the city is in the toilet – dirty, broke – pretty soon they will be cutting back on the welfare checks because they have hardly any taxpayers left – I’ll be rolling on the floor laughing when that happens – how you like us now!

MRobs on April 9, 2012 at 4:17 pm

The TRUTH about Black leadership’s exlpoitation of Blacks in such cases as the Trayvon Martin case from a Black person:



Michael Delbert on April 9, 2012 at 5:55 pm

I do notice in the media and defenders of Trayvon as usiung his death for their policital agendas.

Guns rights, stand your ground, racial profiling are just the few subjects being attacked.

My first question to the media is why are they constantly showing Trayvon when he was age 11 pictures and Mr. Zimmerman in the orange jumpsuit picture where he looks like some kind of criminal? I believe that these two questions really will let the public know that there are forces that are trying to put their dangerous agendas into play.

I laugh at how the lefty media is attacking people for asking such questions as racists and bigots. I wonder what the media response would be had Trayvon shot Mr. Zimmerman? Would pictures of Mr. Zimmerman be the ones where he is a smiling guy in two piece suit? Would Trayvon be shown in a hoodie?

I really wish that somehow these race huksters would see some court time as in a lawsuit but I prefer they serve jail time for the damage they do in race relations. No one wins and this just pushes the USA into a weaker state because of no unity.

Mario on April 9, 2012 at 11:33 pm

Not too much fuss over the flaming 13 year old in Kansas City Mo. Just move along nothing to see there. Or the Baltimore white guy on St. Pattys day getting beaten and stripped almost naked. Move along…. Or the 73 year old man jumped by several thugs. Or the chicago shootings every weekend. Shameful. The great uniter is showing his true self.

samurai on April 10, 2012 at 11:12 pm

All this outrage over hispanic on black crime, blamed on whites of course. Where’s the outrage over black on black crime? Blacks overwhelmingly victimize other blacks, with nothing said at all.

Tommy Thomas on April 11, 2012 at 1:39 pm

Yes, some things have not been handled correctly with this case…however, why is Trayvon being called a “thug with a rapsheet”. Does this have to do with the marijuana particles being found in a baggie…of a high school kid. If so, then more than half of the nations HS kids are thugs? Please tell me, what crimes has he been convicted of? I can’t find any…

The Duchess on April 11, 2012 at 6:48 pm


NiNJa on July 14, 2013 at 3:53 am

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