February 25, 2009, - 1:31 pm

Why the Trashing of Brilliant Bobby Jindal? Rumor: Team SarahMessiah Behind Some of it

By Debbie Schlussel
I’m not surprised to hear liberals trashing Bobby Jindal’s speech last night in response to the Obama speech. That was predictable.
But I am surprised to hear the Republican–some of it conservative–trashing of Jindal. Jindal is a brilliant, articulate conservative, and the guy I most like out of those being talked about as possible Republican nominees for President in 2012.
Since I was in the middle of re-arranging furniture, I listened to the speech on the radio, and I thought it was just fine. Because I listened to, rather than watched it, I think I heard it more than those who saw it on TV, and I liked it. It wasn’t a spectacular speech, but it had its moments.
I liked how Jindal asked if we really want the same federal government that “helped” during Hurricane Katrina to help us now. He gave a great example of how the feds got in the way of a Democrat official in Louisiana, a sheriff, who was sending out boats to rescue people (because the boats didn’t have certificates of insurance).


Bobby Jindal & Family

There was nothing wrong or objectionable with the Jindal speech, and it had some uplifting stories, such as the personal story of his parents and the doctor who allowed his father to pay him back in installments for delivering Jindal when he was born. That’s the kind of doctor my Dad was. But try finding a doctor to do that today and a patient who actually makes the payments.
Like I say, the liberal trashing of Jindal is predictable. He matches Barack Obama in every category and exceeds him, and they don’t like that.
But there are rumors that much of the conservative trashing of Jindal has been spurred by the jealous Team SarahMessiah freaks, who rightly see Jindal as a huge threat to Sarah Palin’s chances to get the Republican nomination in 2009.
Where Palin has repeatedly displayed her ignorance, Jindal consistently displays brilliance. She’s a religious Christian, but so is he minus the housing and encouragement of Baby-Mama-dom in his children. He’s an effective Governor who never–previously in his career–taxed his citizens for a multi-million dollar sports center boondoggle. Oh, and he’s never vocally supported Title IX and other non-conservative big government discrimination programs. I bet Bobby Jindal can tell us which newspapers and magazines he reads–or at least be able to lie and name a few when asked. I think he knows what the right to privacy is–and that it’s a made up corollary to the Constitution invented to justify nationally sanctioned abortion. And I’d even put money on the theory that Bobby Jindal can name some Supreme Court decisions other than Roe v. Wade with which he disagrees. He’s a Rhodes Scholar, and she went to six different colleges in six years and barely graduated with a degree in journalism (the universal degree of dummies and athletes). Yes, the contrast is stark.
In short, Bobby Jindal’s the real conservative, whereas Sarah Palin is the pretend conservative whose blind ambition far exceeds her basic knowledge of conservative principles, let alone commitment to them. And he can actually articulate this clearly. Moreover, despite his minority status (in case you didn’t know, he’s of Indian descent), Bobby Jindahl’s success has little to do with that, unlike someone else who was picked and has arisen merely because of her internal plumbing and little else.
It was an insult to Jindal, last night, when I heard ABC News’ Aaron Katursky say on ABC Radio that the Republicans picked Jindal to deliver the Republican response because they want a minority and because, as Katursky claimed, “Republicans now realize that White men are in the minority.”
Bobby Jindal’s the real deal. And that’s why we hear so much trashing of Jindal today in the news.
There are two people who should and very much are afraid of him–and are: Team Obamessiah and Team Sarahmessiah.
And that simply adds to his luster.
(Oh, and please Team Sarahmessiah members, don’t send me the vile, hatemail–much of it blatantly anti-Semitic–which you sent the last time I exposed your heroine as an empty skirtsuit. Don’t tell me–as you did–that I’m committing a “Holocaust” on Sarah Palin. Sorry, but my great-uncles and -aunts cooking in ovens ain’t the same as me writing a little realism about Sarahmessiah. And don’t–as an Arab supporter of Sarahmessiah did–send me e-mails attacking Jewish settlers in Israel as terrorists and praising Muslim imams. Or telling me that Track and Van Palin are more normal names than Debbie–a shortened version of a Biblical name–which you claim is a “dumb name” and a “fat girl’s name,” among other dumb comments I received from you about my name.)

40 Responses

Let’s not get into paranoid conspiracies. I like Jindal and the substance of his speech was fine (outside of the homey stories he told) but he did come across as a bit of a dork. The thing about him that worries me is that some people claim that he is the candidate of Team Bush – the same team that gave us G.H.W. Bush, Bob Dole, G.W. Bush, and John McCain. Anyway I am much more impressed by two South Carolinians – Senator Jim DeMint and Governor Mark Sanford.

Ripper on February 25, 2009 at 2:24 pm

Hi Debbie,
As well as those supporting Sarah Palin, there is a group Of what I thought were Republicans who criticize Bobby Jindal as a “creationist”. Over at Little Green Footballs, Charles and his lizard posse seem to think that no one who can be associated with the term “creationist” is electable. They are lumping any sort of Intelligent Design in with Creationism as far as I can tell. What do you know about this? What do you think?

Perpetua on February 25, 2009 at 2:45 pm

As a Louisiana resident, I can tell you that Bobby Jindal is a brilliant man. His conservative credentials are solid. Hopefully, by the time Obama’s first term is finished, we’ll be over this “cult of personality” obsession we have with him and give a true intellectual with proven conservative ideas a chance. I met him at a rally when running for governor. He spent more time than I expected explaining his positions to me – a nobody. He’s a good man. You’re right, Debbie.

Allen on February 25, 2009 at 3:02 pm

Sorry Deb. When it comes to choosing Jindal as a good choice for a future GOP leader, we should keep looking.
Jindal + exorcism:
Jindal + creationism:

guitarguy on February 25, 2009 at 3:07 pm

I didn’t have any problems with Jindal’s speech. No question he is extremely intelligent and articulate.
Having said that, it would be refreshing to hear him and/or other major Republicans come out squarely against illegal immigration, affirmative action, and our bi-partisan policy of coddling terrorists and pro-terrorists. Jindal is certainly not alone in this, but it would be nice to see him take the plunge.
It is good that he has come out against some limited aspects of the bailout, but I’d like to see him go farther. I like Gov. Sanford’s rather vocal comments about it, and in spite of Jindal’s attributes, it is hard not to think his dark skin played a role in selecting him.
He has a lot of good attributes, but I think that discussion of his overall political position will be helpful (I think the same thing about Palin) in getting him to improve those aspects of his position that are weak.
Time will tell whether Palin is behind the criticism. If she is, it is inexcusable.

c f on February 25, 2009 at 3:21 pm

Hi Deborah.
I was thrilled to know that you like Bobby Jindal. I have to be honest with you, even though I like Sarah Palin for her strong social conservative views, I honestly think that she is a bit weak as a person. The mistakes you alluded added more to my beliefs about her. I’d take her anyday, if she had been runing against Obango, the affirmative action president, but if there are other options, please, bring them on!
Thank God, we (theo-conservatives) have Bobby Jindal. I don’t know if he’ll run in 2012, but if he does, I hope he gets nominated. He’s great. He’s smart. He talks nicely.
Some bogus “conservatives” do’t like him because he is pro-academic freedom (freedom to criticize evolution) but forget them. I am sure those non-social conservatives are pretty much like George Soros puppet John McCain.
Anyway, Deborah, I value your opinion a lot, and I was thrilled to read that you like him.
Now I am off to see what Coulter thinks of him!
God bless

Mats on February 25, 2009 at 3:39 pm

There is a lot of truth in all the above comments.
But mostly I agree with Debbie. I think Palin
raised a lot of expectations with her nomination
speech, but then began to fail in many basic ways.
Although she has great surface appeal, as evidenced by the large crowds she attracted, she
was woefully unprepared for the traps the liberals
laid for her. Jindal doesn’t have her appeal but
he can easily answer any dumb reporter.

Hawkins on February 25, 2009 at 3:43 pm

Conservative supporters of Palin are right on one issue: The media tenaciously investigated and mocked her while they were unwilling to critically examine Obama’s record and personal history.
That the right may be on target when it comes to issues of media bias concerning Palin doesn’t change the fact that she has no business being a national figure in the Republican Party. She was clearly in over her head during the campaign and an embarrassment to any serious-thinking conservative. Her family life is more like a reality show than a model of traditional American values. From the second McCain picked her, he cost himself any credibility with undecided independents and moderate democrats.
Instead of being the ideologically pure cultural conservative that her supporters imagine, Sarah Palin is combination of ruthless ambition, selfish opportunism and monumental ignorance. Making her a martyr and an icon of conservatism and promoting her as a 2012 presidential candidate is sure way for Republicans to give us another term of Obama.

4infidels on February 25, 2009 at 4:02 pm

I like Jindal, but think it’s good that he has 3 years to get more national exposure and to brush up his presentation skills. Better to make the mistakes now (and learn from them) than during the election cycle. While I like Sarah Palin personally, I just don’t see her as presidential material at this point: not enough national and international experience (attending CPAC doesn’t qualify), not enough national security experience, etc. Jindal doesn’t have that experience either, but if he can exorcise Louisiana out of the Katrina mire than he’d be hard to ignore.

Kalifornia Kafir on February 25, 2009 at 4:09 pm

Re: Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs
I used to post regularly there but his blog has become almost unreadable due to his obsession over “creationism”. In fact many people are referring to him now as “The Darwinist Rage Boy.”

Ripper on February 25, 2009 at 4:09 pm

If Palin had any brains, she would keep a low profile, emerging only to use her popularity to campaign for Republicans in front of friendly audiences and raise funds, while studying up on issues so that she could re-emerge as a more thoughtful, articulate and knowledgeable player on the national scene.
Instead she has encouraged her supporters to cast blame on Republicans, the McCain campaign and the media for her poor performance while heading out on a woe-is-me media tour. This has only served to highlight her inadequacies from the campaign, keeping them in the news and undercutting Republican efforts to set a forward-looking, positive direction for the party in preparation for 2010. In short, she is the gift that keeps on giving–and not in a good way.
And who had the brilliant idea that her daughter, Bristol, should do an interview on national TV?

4infidels on February 25, 2009 at 4:16 pm

“They are lumping any sort of Intelligent Design
in with Creationism as far as I can tell.”
Creationism IS Intelligent Design.
If a person thinks the Earth is merely 10,000 years old……I say that person should not be considered as a candidate for POTUS.
Ditto for anyone who believes in exorcism, a/k/a, Bobby Jindal.

guitarguy on February 25, 2009 at 4:19 pm

Although not a Palinbot I have 3 observations regarding her
1. She did not cost us the election in 2008. McCain did. Frankly I doubt any GOP candidate could have defeated The One thanks to George “the grave digger of the Republican Party” W. Bush.
2. For all her shortcomings (and she had shortcomings) I would still rather have her in the White House then the charlatan we currently have there. I am not into the purity of losing. Can anyone here imagine a Palin or McCain (or any other Republican president not named Bush) presidency sending $900 million to Gaza? Yeah I don’t think so.
3. I suspect (and it is just a hunch) that the hidden reason why a lot of the women here who like to bash her is because she (Sarah Palin) reminds them of the good looking, vivacious, girl who stole their boyfriend back in High School/College days.

Ripper on February 25, 2009 at 4:33 pm

“Some bogus “conservatives” don’t like him because he is pro-academic freedom (freedom to criticize evolution) but forget them.”
He’s free to criticize whatever he wants.
The problem begins when he legislates creationism over science.
And we’re not ‘bogus conservatives’.
We just don’t appreciate the government legislating unproven doctrine as ‘science’.
They went after Sarah Palin over bogus creationist comments.
Any guesses as to what they’ll do to someone who truly believes it?

guitarguy on February 25, 2009 at 4:37 pm

From your first post, you betray yourself as an ignoramus. Plenty of us believe in ID–I’m sure it’s well over half the country. To NOT believe in ID takes much greater faith–you think you are equal to dirt and dust, eh?
Have you EVER seen dead matter become alive–it doesn’t/can’t happen, not without an almighty creative act of the Creator (you know the one our Declaration of Independence says is “self-evident”)–but you see Jindahl as a loony for believing this?)
You should challenge your pea brain by viewing the Ben Stein movie, “Expelled, Intelligence Not Allowed.” Let the light in, dude.

BB on February 25, 2009 at 5:26 pm

“Plenty of us believe in ID–I’m sure it’s well over half the country.”
To merely believe in ‘X’ does not imply that ‘X’ exists. Even if half of the planet believes it, that doesn’t make it a reality.
“Have you EVER seen dead matter become alive–”
Have you?
And who’s implying that dead matter can spring to life?
“To NOT believe in ID takes much greater faith–you think you are equal to dirt and dust, eh?”
Ben Stein?
Ben Stein wouldn’t know science if it bit him on the ass. And his movie was a bomb, and has been roundly criticized and it’s flaws exposed.
Real nice.
Let me guess: You’re a christian.

guitarguy on February 25, 2009 at 6:25 pm

Oh my, he’s an actual Catholic not in name only like Pelosi and Biden. We can’t have that.

Minnie Mouse on February 25, 2009 at 7:53 pm

Jindal is liberals worst nightmare. He is more intelligent than them in every way. There will be no “Gotcha” questions. He really needs a better speech coach, though.

californiascreaming on February 25, 2009 at 8:50 pm

I like Palin and Jindal. I think they both have a lot to offer conservatives. I would be happy to see them both on the national stage. Right out of the box Palin was trashed. I get a little tired of her crtics saying she is dumb and needs more experienc…bla bla bla. Look who we have in the White House, a man who can not get of the campaign trail and govern and who has never done a full days work since he was on ACORNS payroll. To be honest, I was surprised today that Jindal has been so critizied, I thought his speech was fine and where he delivered it was the govenors mansion so what the flip was wrong with that? I think if conservatives are going to get back to running this nation we need to unite. Perhaps I am being a little sophmoric here but I am on bailout, spending, Obama overload. Go Palin…Go Jindal!

formerwm on February 25, 2009 at 11:58 pm

I hadn’t heard or seen Jindal’s speech so I tried reading the transcript of it off one of the websites. After reading the first couple of sentences I was glad I hadn’t tried to watch or listen to it because I would have smashed the radio or thrown something at the TV. Every time I listen to a Republican the next four years am I going to have to listen to the speaker kiss Obama’s ass for five minutes as a preamble to the rest of his speech? I’m not going to listen to a Republican, or someone from any other party, kiss Obama’s ass in this manner any more. Praising Obama in a speech opening is the same as praising Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Min, Castro, or any other Marxist and I’m not going to listen to it, no matter how high of an opinion I have of the speaker otherwise. Never mind Jindal’s dorkiness. If he, or any other Republican, wants to be heard by larger numbers of conservatives then they’re going to have to find some way of speaking without kissing Obama’s Marxist/Muslim/Black-Supremacist/Constitutionally Unqualified ass!

CornCoLeo on February 26, 2009 at 12:29 am

Criticizing evolution is not the same as promoting creationism or ID.
Jindal’s Law gives teachers the freedom to criticize the theory of evolution without having the darwin cops breathing down their necks.
Since most americans suport academic freedom, Bobby is within the wishes of the american people.
The “Darwin Only” thought police is the elitist, arrogant, self-centered, minoritary group of people who want to brain wash everyone else (soviet style) with the evolutionary mantra.

Mats on February 26, 2009 at 4:37 am

“The “Darwin Only” thought police is the elitist, arrogant, self-centered, minoritary group of people who want to brain wash everyone else (soviet style) with the evolutionary mantra.”
The ‘Darwin Only’ criteria is a bogus claim.
Darwin’s theories are proven science.
ID and creationism are not proven science.
The complaint (from the ‘Darwin crowd’) is that ID/creationism is not science, and should not be taught as such.
And why smear scientists as “elitist, arrogant, self-centered, minority”…???
Do you regard the scientists who provide vaccines, medical cures, etc. as elitist, arrogant, and self-centered….?

guitarguy on February 26, 2009 at 7:27 am

** The ‘Darwin Only’ criteria is a bogus claim.
Darwin’s theories are proven science. **
That wasn’t the topic at all. The topic is: are we free to criticize the theory or not? What do you think? Do you agree that school teachers should have the freedom to offer ONLY the scientific (not religious) evidence against abd for the theory of evolution?
** The complaint (from the ‘Darwin crowd’) is that ID/creationism is not science, and should not be taught as such. **
Where exacly is it written that Jindal wants creationism to be taught? Find me a citation, pelase.
*** And why smear scientists as “elitist, arrogant, self-centered, minority”…??? ***
I didn’t. I “smeared” darwinists.
*** Do you regard the scientists who provide vaccines, medical cures, etc. as elitist, arrogant, and self-centered….? ***
No, but then again they don’t use the law to limit discussion of vaccines, medical cures and other things. Only darwinists use the legal system to prevent people from hearing what scientists are saying about the problems with the theiry.

Mats on February 26, 2009 at 7:49 am

Let me backtrack on Mark Sanford.

Ripper on February 26, 2009 at 9:41 am

“The topic is: are we free to criticize the theory or not?”
Sure! But with science, not with religion.
Science is fact-based.
Religion is faith-based.
“What do you think? Do you agree that school teachers should have the freedom to offer ONLY the scientific (not religious) evidence against abd for the theory of evolution?”
When arguing evolution (science), religion is off the table.
Religion has absolutely no place in a science argument.
I have no issue with anyone’s desire to adopt a religious path.
But I absolutely have a problem when anyone attempts to bring a ‘god’ into science.
Bob) “I wonder how the Earth was created?”
Joe) “Easy! God created it!”
Bob) “Really? Based on……what?”
Joe) “The good book says so!”
You have to be very careful, here.
If you – or anyone – wants to allow religion to enter a scientific debate, you have to allow ALL RELIGION to enter that debate.
Which ‘god’ should the scientific community favor?
The god of Abraham”
If we agree to allow religion into science, what happens when you travel to a different country (India, for example), does the science change?
Does a doctor/scientist/professor get off the plane and declare: “OK. I’ll forget what I’ve been teaching back in the states and adopt this country’s scientific principles.”….?
That’s a huge can of worms.
Maybe more like a Pandora’s box of worms.
(And there’s no way I’ll enter into a ‘My religion is more valid than his religion!’ debate.)
“No, but then again they don’t use the law to limit discussion of vaccines, medical cures and other things.”
There was no need for them to ‘use the law’.
They were men of science.
They used facts.
The ID/Creationists use the law because they have no facts to back their claims.
“Only darwinists use the legal system to prevent people from hearing what scientists are saying about the problems with the theiry.”
They use the legal system to prevent non-science being taught AS science.
And what the heck is a ‘darwinist’…..?
What is that?
Some lame attempt at a slur?
Some lame attempt at being clever?

guitarguy on February 26, 2009 at 10:26 am

[From your first post, you betray yourself as an ignoramus. Plenty of us believe in ID–I’m sure it’s well over half the country. To NOT believe in ID takes much greater faith–you think you are equal to dirt and dust, eh?]
BB, you are a complete idiot on so many levels.
First off, so what if plenty of you (even half the country) believe in ID? They and you are stupid. As for the “equal to dirt and dust”, yesterday was Ash Wednesday where a Catholic priest says the following before putting ashes on the forehead:
Ôø?Remember you are dust,
and to dust you shall return.Ôø?; and of course Genesis 2:7-
“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”
[Where exacly is it written that Jindal wants creationism to be taught? Find me a citation, pelase.]
Right here (sort of):
Plus he signed into law, a bill which opens the door to such theories being taught in the classroom although it does stipulate that no religious doctrine be taught:

Norman Blitzer on February 26, 2009 at 11:07 am

Deb, sorry to have to burst your bubble, but Mr. Jindal would not qualify for the presidency under the Natural Born Citizen clause of the US Constitution. His parents were born in INDIA. The clause says BOTH parents must be US citizens. Of course you know where I am going with this. Obama’s daddy–KENYAN BORN! And why won’t the fascist enabler media report on it???
Now I am not a member of teamSARAHBOT, just team Constitution party. And Chuck Baldwin and Darrel Cassel should be President/VP.
I was on a chatroom at The Plains Radio Network before they decided to charge for chatting and one of the chatters accused me of supporting Obama when I mentioned you blasting and rightly so Palin. Needless to say I called this person a PalinBot or SarahBot.
Both political parties have sold us a bag of sh!t and we are force fed it…BUT NO MORE! Twenty-seven states are thinking about or have proposed some kind of sovereignty act to tell the federales…YOU ARE OUT OF LINE!
Oklahoma was the first state whose house passed such a resolution. And with Republicans in both the OK house and Senate, it should sail through despite a possible veto from OK’s leftist union supporting governor.

By the way, I think Jindal did a fine job and was angered at the Fixed News all-stars in their heads about the way they blasted Jindal. I LIKE WHAT HE SAID NOT HOW HE SAID THEM! These elite fascists are wondering when the next Georgetown Tea Party is!

NEPatriot on February 26, 2009 at 8:14 am

I’m from New Orleans, and I know from first hand experience: Jindal is the real deal. He doesn’t play political games, although he is a successful politician. The reason he got SO MANY votes for governor (and for congressman) is because so many people in Louisiana respect his integrity and his vast abilities; and also because the Katrina governor, Kathleen “Blank-0”, was so miserably incompetent.
(Isn’t that how it happened with Reagan? A super-incompetent, Jimmy Carter, gave Reagan his chance, and then he proved himself on the job.)
As far as Palin goes, she would also make a fine president, because she stands her ground and doesn’t back down, a quality that most Republicans are sorely lacking in — otherwise known as “backbone”. And she would fight FOR America, rather than destroy America, as the current president is doing.

Jim on February 26, 2009 at 10:50 pm

I am glad you agree that school teachers should be free to offer the scientific evidence for AND against the theory of evolution WITHOUT religious texts and doctrines.
If you honestly believe in that, then you, me and Bobby Jindal are on the same side.

Mats on February 27, 2009 at 4:16 am

That’s right. The Law clearly stipulates that only science be taught, without religious doctrines. This goes to show that the darwinsit rage boy Charles Johnson and other darwinists are really totally off topic.

Mats on February 27, 2009 at 4:30 am

“If you honestly believe in that, then you, me and Bobby Jindal are on the same side.”
The ID’ers are claiming that ‘ID’ is not faith-based, when it clearly is.
Don’t be fooled, Creationism = ID.
……and let’s not forget Mr. Jindal’s brush with ‘exorcism’….

guitarguy on February 27, 2009 at 8:36 am

You already agreeded that you suport academic freedom, so there is no need to trash other ppl’s religious beliefs.

Mats on February 27, 2009 at 9:03 am

guitarguy and Norman Blitzer–what a match of idiots who are legends in your own minds. You think most people buy into Darwinism–think again. Smell the coffee, you morons.
Darwin smacked in new U.S. poll

BB on February 28, 2009 at 3:14 pm

“…there is no need to trash other ppl’s religious beliefs.”
Gov. Jindal can believe anything he likes.
However……if he chooses to run for POTUS, we have to understand that – like it or not – his beliefs will be in the crosshairs.
Katie Couric/Diane Sawyer/Matt Lauer/Charles Gibson: “Governor Jindal, as the 2012 GOP Presidential candidate, could you address your statements regarding your particpation in an exorcism? And, as a follow-up question, do you really believe the Earth is only 10,000 years old, despite evidence proving that it is, in fact, many millions (if not billions) of years old?”
Gov. Jindal may be a very nice man……but is this what you want to deal with during the next election?
Is this the best the Republicans can do?
If yes, then prepare yourselves for four more years of Obama.
“Darwin smacked in new U.S. poll”
So what?
To merely believe in ‘X’ does not imply that ‘X’ exists. Even if half of the planet believes it, that doesn’t make it a reality.
People used to believe the Earth was flat.
People used to believe in Zeus.
I have no problem with religion being taught in school….AS RELIGION.
Your parents and teachers must be so proud.

guitarguy on March 1, 2009 at 6:39 pm

You already agreeded with Bobby Jindal on academic freedom. Can’t you see that?
You and Jindal agree that teachers should be free to use scientific evidence FOR and AGAINST the theory of evolution. So, basically, you and Bobby are on the same side.

Mats on March 2, 2009 at 9:12 am

“You already agreeded with Bobby Jindal on academic freedom.”
Mats…..you really should learn to comprehend what you’re reading…..and what I’m stating.
Academic freedom is fine….
Science in a science class.
Religion in a religion class.
Math in a math class.
All good!
Religion in a science class?
Not good!
Teacher: “Class? Today we’re going to have Bishop Flanagan explain how the Earth was formed. Bishop?”
Bishop Flanagan: “Thank you. Ok class. Now if you’ll all open your bibles….you’ll see that the Lord created the heavens and the Earth in just a few days……Any questions?”
“So, basically, you and Bobby are on the same side.”
Jindal believes in exorcism.
I don’t.
Jindal believes the Earth is approx. 10,000 years old.
I don’t.
Jindal believes that we should consider religion/a deity when discussing science.
I don’t.
Jindal has no qualms bringing religion into a non-religious (science) discussion/teaching environment.
I do.

guitarguy on March 2, 2009 at 1:32 pm

“You and Jindal agree that teachers should be free to use scientific evidence FOR and AGAINST the theory of evolution.”
…….but religion ain’t science……

guitarguy on March 2, 2009 at 1:33 pm

Hey there would you mind stating which blog platform you’re working with?
I’m looking to start my own blog in the near future but I’m having a difficult time
choosing between BlogEngine/Wordpress/B2evolution and Drupal.

The reason I ask is because your design and style seems different then most blogs and
I’m looking for something unique. P.S Sorry for being off-topic but I had to ask!

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