February 20, 2009, - 3:15 pm

Movie Review Coming Soon

By Debbie Schlussel
For those of you looking for this week’s movie reviews, there were three new movies, this week. One of them, “Medea Goes to Jail,” did not have a critics’ screening. I hope you will forgive me that I will not pay to sit through this movie to review it. I could not make last night’s screening of “Fired Up!” and I hear I did not miss much.
I did see “Waltz With Bashir,” which is, unfortunately but predictably up for an Academy Award this weekend. I’ll be posting my review of this horrid FOUR MARXES PLUS anti-Israel propaganda (by anti-Israel Israelis), shortly. It’s the most baloney-filled, anti-Israel piece of propaganda I’ve ever seen. High quality Bin Laden cinema.

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