February 20, 2009, - 2:42 pm

Congrats!: Taxpayers Subsidize New HAMAS Wing of Jimmy Carter Library

By Debbie Schlussel
I know a Presidential library isn’t exactly the same thing as a real library. But I’m wondering if you can soon take out a draft of Mein Kampf from the Jimmy Carter Presidential library. Or at least see it on exhibit.
One exhibit that should at least be there, if Mein Kampf isn’t an option, is the HAMAS charter, calling for the end to the Jews, Israel, and pretty much anyone else who isn’t an extremist Muslim.
That’s ‘cuz Jimmuh has announced that his Presidential library will undergo a $10 million renovation to include his life after leaving the White House.
And since he’s now an official advisor to HAMAS, your tax dollars are likely funding the HAMAS floor of the new wing of this library.


How Much Will HAMAS be Promoted in Jimmuh’s Jihad Joint Presidential Library?

While some federal tax money initially goes to Presidential libraries, the rest is funded by private donors–which will pay for new $10 mill “renovation.” And if they’re American taxpayers, these donors usually get a tax deduction, subsidized by, um . . . you. That, of course doesn’t include the many Islamic donors and fat Gulf state sheiks who donated to Jimmuh’s House of Pain, er . . . Presidential Library.
On the other hand, many of those Islamic donors to “Jimmuh’s Joint for Jihad” do make income from everything they own here in America, so they’re getting tax deductions in addition to a whole museum of propaganda for HAMAS’ fave American. Two bites at the apple.
Jimmuh’s already raised $7 million of the $10 million. Since he’s done so much for them, I say HAMAS and Iran should return the favor and spring for the additional $3 mill. I guarantee they’ll get more bang for their buck than they get from their IEDs and rocket missiles.

2 Responses

Dear Debbie:
Just wanted to suggest a name addition when commenting on the “Peanut Brain” in the future…
To Wit:
Jimmi “the Dhimmi” Carter

billybob on February 20, 2009 at 3:31 pm

Mr. peanut should just go away.

Bob A. on February 22, 2009 at 7:53 pm

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