March 15, 2012, - 4:32 pm

Attn, Islamic Terrorists: Recruit Seniors or Pay $100 – TSA’s New Way to Avoid Profiling, Real Security

By Debbie Schlussel

The TSA has basically just admitted that removing shoes and jackets, examining laptops, and going through the pat-down at airport security checkpoints is not effective and doesn’t do a damned thing.  No, the agency didn’t explicitly say so.  But it announced it will no longer do these things for senior citizens, aged 75 and older, or for people willing to pay $100 a year in a new program called, “Precheck.”  Yes, as in the past, you can buy–or age–your way out of all of these hassles.

DHS’ Lesbionic Woman & TSA Chief Pete Pistole Announce New Program for Terrorists: Pay $100 & Avoid Full Security Screening

And what the TSA is saying by eliminating these processes for some groups is that they don’t really work in the first place.  If they did, the TSA wouldn’t be sending an instant message to Islamic terrorists to recruit old Muslims and Muslims with no criminal record willing to pay $100.  I think Al-Qaeda will even front the hundy.  The TSA didn’t just say, “We’ll stop fully screening 75-year-old little old ladies from Pasadena and their similarly aged husbands.”  The agency will also stop fully screening 75-year-old little old Mohammeds from Dearbornistan and their similarly aged four sharia wives.  And that’s why the policy is useless.

The $100 Precheck program began in October as a pilot at a few airports, but now it’s being rolled out by Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano and TSA chief Pete Pistole to every airport.  And they won’t say how many people applied or how many were rejected.  You can bet the second number is very low, since we know that DHS spends very little time on background checks for people seeking visas and immigration benefits–less than six minutes per person.  They aren’t going to spend more time on hundreds of passengers flying every day.  And once you’re approved for the program, they don’t spend time re-checking you each time you fly.

You won’t see the Israelis offering airline passengers a chance to evade proper screening by paying $100 or showing ID that says they are 75 years old or older.  But that’s because the Israelis profile.  They don’t make everyone go through security theater.  They know what they are doing, and they are successful at it.

Does the TSA really think that committed Islamic terrorists end their desire to blow up planes at age 74?  I have news for them.  Ever hear of Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, who was 74 at death?  He’s the dude who issued the fatwa to blow up 300 U.S. Marines and civilians when Hezbollah blew up the U.S. Embassy and Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983.  At the end of his life, he was every bit as hateful as in 1983.

How about Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the founder of HAMAS?  Though he was just 67 (though he looked like 97) when he died, here’s a tip:  had he lived to 75 or older, he wouldn’t suddenly have an epiphany to stop approving and fomenting Islamic terrorist attacks against innocent civilians.

And there are plenty of older Muslims, who see their lives as mostly complete, other than becoming martyrs and going to paradise.  Some of them will agree, at age 75, after they’ve fathered (or mothered) children and had grandchildren to go out with a bang to please allah.

If these pat-downs, shoe removals, etc. were so effective, we wouldn’t do away with the policy for older Muslims.  But since we’re doing away with it for older Catholic and Protestant grandmas, we have to do it for everyone else.  And Al-Qaeda, HAMAS, and Hezbollah are taking note.

The same goes for the $100 annual fee to go speed through security without removing shoes, belts, jackets, liquids, and laptops and avoid the full-body scan.  It’s just like the former Trusted Traveler program.  And it’s baloney.  Sure, they screen people ahead of time to make sure they aren’t criminals or known terrorists or non-U.S. citizens.  But here’s the thing:  that’s not who Al-Qaeda recruits.  Both Nidal Malik Hassan, the Fort Hood Islamic terrorist, and Faisal Shahzad, the would-be Times Square bomber, would qualify for the “Precheck” program.  Before their attacks, neither was on the no-fly list and both were U.S. citizens.  You wanna fly with them and their liquids and shoes?  You think they should get to breeze through security because they paid their C-note?  If your orange juice and my shampoo are potential bombs, so are theirs, regardless of their age or if they aren’t on the no-fly list.

The security hassles we all go through at the airport are absurdly stupid.  And, yet, if all it takes is paying $100 or reaching age 75 to get out of it, that’s even more of a joke and a de facto admission by the Department of Homeland Security that it’s all a pretense and a fraud.

But we knew that already it was phony and a joke.  Now $100 or being a member of the Early Bird Special Club is the punchline.

23 Responses

This whole p.c., islamo-pandering fear of “profiling” boggles the mind…I mean,literally. How can liberals be so f*cking stupid?

DS_ROCKS! on March 15, 2012 at 4:38 pm

I’d pay the C-note now to avoid the stupid pat-downs and molestation that isn’t making us safer. OK, I’m not a gramps yet but why does it have it have to be age-restricted? For travelers who want a smooth flying experience, if it was available to every one, as I suspect it will sooner be, the government zip thru program is a wonderful bargain. What’s left for TSA to do if every one signs up?

Good question.

NormanF on March 15, 2012 at 4:57 pm

The Israelis don’t have our useless and PC security theater cuz they profile potential terrorist threats. They don’t pretend every one is a terrorist and haze them. No they look for people named Mohammed and Hamida and they decide if they pose a threat.

So the TSA has admitted what they do and what they will do in the future won’t keep a single Islamic terrorist from boarding a plane to try to hijack it or blow it up. Instituting profiling would offend CAIR and powerful federal officials who go to their Iftar shwarma dinners.

Don’t look for common sense to be introduced in American aviation security policy any time soon.

NormanF on March 15, 2012 at 5:08 pm

Without even the world recession as a consideration tourism to the USA is down. Travellers seeking punishment/humiliation by bird brained TSA agents have sought other destinations.

Radiation experts have exposed the hasty introduction of this barbaric invasion of people’s privacy all but to no avail. The Dumocrats continue to inflict nu-age policies on ordinary Americans whilst the perpetrators of heinous crimes are coddled in cotton wool by the WH incumbent and his coterie of likeminded advisors who use sanitising methods to make them appear half normal.

Norman F is correct. Israel does not use any of this equipment. The Israelis however have invented a machine for checking shoes which means travellers don’t have to remove their shoes, this has not been taken up by the TSA. If the level of the IQ of these TSA security officers had to be increased and the use of ‘working dogs’ utilised to their maximum potential, matters would change.
From the nu-memo it appears that looking into pensioners incontinence diapers and colostomy bags has lost it’s appeal. Clawing back revenue and the job creation of this stimulus package hitting pensioners will be advertised as a winning situation. Protests in the form of every pensioner wearing a burka will do just fine……maybe ‘grey power’ will show their true medals at the next election.

Eyes Wide Open on March 15, 2012 at 5:40 pm

    More than that. Our present security check program is not only a fraud – its a form of submission to Sharia – we dhimmis get humiliated, poked, prodded and fondled and Muslims are laughing at us and aren’t the slightest in any way inconvenienced or deterred by what happens in those airport cattle lines.

    If it really worked, Debbie wouldn’t be reporting so many Muslim While Flying incidents.

    If they get to do dry runs anyway, subjecting us to absurdly stupid searches and pat-downs won’t keep potential Islamic terrorists from doing their dry runs in our skies.

    Its just as well DHS and TSA are now abolishing it through the backdoor.

    NormanF on March 15, 2012 at 6:25 pm

that is what happens when a country is so stupid and elects a mixed breed muslim mongrel street organizer to be president.

who then hires a bulldyke like napolitano too. or a black racist holder as att-gen who says black p0anthers are allowed to stop white people from voting. and everyone should be allowed to vote with NO ID.

What has happened to this country!

Bill Co2 on March 15, 2012 at 5:41 pm

I’ve been flying twice a week for the last couple of months. My airport just finished building a brand new terminal equipped with a body-scanner. However, you have a choice of which line to go through: body scanner to the right or metal detector to the left. Why even have the body scanner there in the first place if you’re not going to force passengers to use it? I don’t use it, simply because I feel dopey standing there with my hands above my head like I’m being arrested – why in the hell would a terrorist use it?

Hopewell on March 15, 2012 at 5:51 pm


Just cough up the $100 and join PreCheck. Now you can avoid the whole BS rigmarole and head straight for the boarding area.

I have to slightly disagree with Debbie. Since they already let Mohammed through without the time-consuming checks the rest of us face, its not really a security concern any more. We should get what Mohammed now gets.

Anything less is simply telling Americans they can’t be trusted as much as potential Islamic terrorists already are. And that makes no sense whatsoever.

Now, I would agree with Debbie a stringent profiling program to keep Islamic terrorists off airplanes would be much better – but if they’re not going to introduce it, no good justification still exists for TSA to continue to molest Americans, period.

NormanF on March 15, 2012 at 6:04 pm

Last nights South Park gave a very good example of the TSA.

Hollywood on March 15, 2012 at 6:18 pm

It’s a bribe.

Damon on March 15, 2012 at 6:26 pm

Is the $100 the pre-paid blood money? This is bizarre. It is almost like buying hunting tags for infidels.

Worry on March 15, 2012 at 8:53 pm

Also, they are randomly molesting passengers at the GATE now. The other day I got my balls grabbed and my pubes stroked (by another dude) in front of about 100 people while waiting to get on the plane – not 15 minutes after being body scanned and getting chewed out for having a piece of paper in my pocket. I’m sure the high-school grad TSA agent (who is just a guy trying to do his job), is going to risk said job for being a racist by selecting Akbar as the one to be felt up. Nah, why bother with all that BS when you can just pick the guy in Red Wings and Carhartt and be on your way.

Hopewell on March 15, 2012 at 10:14 pm

Is that “keep your shoes on…” sign real or a spoof? This thing is sickening.

How can liberals keep pretending all of this destruction, terror and infringement on our lives and liberties aren’t “man-made disasters”, or some other p.c. crap, but are because of muslims and muslims only?

DS_ROCKS! on March 15, 2012 at 10:30 pm

The whole idea of the pre-check is ridiculous. What if someone changes _after_ they have been approved?

I_AM_ME on March 15, 2012 at 11:11 pm

    As Debbie wrote, Al Quaeda, HAMAS and Hezbollah are going to recruit US citizens with “clean” records. An Islamic terrorist won’t be one on the no-fly list. If they’re going to do it, no one can read their minds. The only way to stop them is to PROFILE them BEFORE they get on the plane but that’s not going to happen.

    And if we’re not going to do it, it makes no sense to strip search Americans while Mohammed and Hamida can already zip right past them and get on the planes. The PC security theater hasn’t prevented a single Flying With Muslim incidents in recent years. And it didn’t stop Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab – the Detroit underwear bomber from trying to blow himself up on a plane full of innocent passengers.

    We either do it right or drop the fraud and TSA is doing the latter rather than doing what the Israelis do to make our skies safe.

    NormanF on March 16, 2012 at 12:58 am

Keep those shoes on, you busy traveler, you. That sounds like the sort of ad you would see if there were airport brothels.

Worry on March 16, 2012 at 12:51 am

Does the word “Moron” come to mind? Was not Osama Bin Ladin a senior? It seems that seniors who have already lived their lives and who do not have children at home would volunteer gratefully to reserve their seventy two virgins, on a Virgin Airlines flight of course. Oh, I forgot the first class free wine that never gives you a headache.
“I’m cliiimbing the stairway to heaven”.

Ron Wolf aka "Columbo" on March 16, 2012 at 1:19 pm

Does Napolitano do anything right? She was the gov’na here in AZ and I thought she was a pretty good guy. She gets to DC and all of the border issue lawsuits she filed against the Feds when she was the head of this state has gotten her deaf ear from the whacko Gov Brewer. Napo has lost all credibility and just wish he’d step down from that post of his

TS likes DS on March 16, 2012 at 1:58 pm

We’re f****d…You’re especially right about older Muslim martyrs-in-waiting. I’m afraid you’re prophetic here. Wait till Shiite A-jad fans hear about this new offer.They’ll be lining up faster than even the Sunnis.

Not Ovenready on March 16, 2012 at 3:08 pm

crappy nappy was a crappy governor and a worse homeland security leader ts you should look at her actual record because she dam near left az banlrupt.she did not try to get the illegal aliens out of az but she did harrass those who did.she is such a liar which is why bongo picked her.when i was a young paratrooper in the sixties i always flew with a hand gun in my pocket and i never had any problem with any of the pilots i flew with.we use to compare our guns because they carried gun a well and we were never hijacked. you are on flight 11 heading for the world trade center,who would you rather have sitting beside you,me with a gun in my pocket or ted kennedy with his big mouth?

BRUCE on March 16, 2012 at 3:49 pm

that’s my point Bruce. When she was the leader of AZ, all she did was criticize how DC wasn’t paying for holding prisoners before deportation and many other illegal immigrant-related issues. She gets to DC and has THAT job now and does not remedy that which she fought for. She won’t come back to this state, either. She must be afraid someone might kick her in the balls

TS likes DS on March 16, 2012 at 5:36 pm


ANIELLO CORRADO on March 17, 2012 at 6:54 pm

I feel sorry for vacation spots like Las Vegas. Many Americans are so outraged by this Security Circus, they won’t fly anywhere they don’t have to. I only fly once a year, back to Detroit at Christmas to see my parents and relatives.

This last trip I had to remove my shoes and belt, then ordered into the microwave scanner, then patted down because I didn’t take my wallet out of my pocket. They actually searched my wallet. I felt like I was being processed for entry into prison. No way would I fly anywhere just for myself for a vacation.

I don’t think security would have been any different under a John McAmnesty administration.

Joe G on March 18, 2012 at 1:42 pm

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