January 26, 2009, - 7:21 pm

See a Pattern Here?: Obama’s First Formal Prez Interview w/ Terrorist News Net #2; UPDATE: Video Added; UPDATE 2: Part 2 Video Added

By Debbie Schlussel
Last week, I told you about President Obama’s first call to a foreign leader–to Palestinian President/P.L.O. terrorist/Holocaust denier/Munich Olympic terrorist massacre paymaster, Mahmoud Abbas a/k/a Abu Mazen.
Today, Obama gave his first formal interview–to anti-Israel, pan-terrorist network Al-Arabiya (a rival to Al-Jazeera) a/k/a Terrorist News Network #2 (#1 is Jazeera).
Do you see a pattern here? It’s kinda clear. Obama is taking a stand: He’s on the side of the Islamic world and is signaling that to them, by honoring them with prominent firsts of his administration.
This isn’t just symbolism. It’s policy. It’s gonna be a long and painful 4-8 years of pandering to the Islamic world. It was bad enough with Bush, but we ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
Part I:

Part II:


Hmmm. . . I wonder if Obama was interviewed by the Al-Arabiya reporter who laughed when she learned that HAMAS rockets were being launched at Israeli civilians from the Al-Arabiya building in Gaza. That would be even more fitting–and part of the emerging Arabama pattern.
One other thing: I was interviewed by Al-Arabiya for a special they did on alleged Islamophobia in America on the fifth anniversary of 9/11. As an example of this Islamophobia, Al-Arabiya cited American law enforcement’s concern over several groups of Muslims who drove around the Midwest buying disposable cellphones and sending them to the Mideast. These Muslim Arabs lied to police and admitted they knew the phones would be used in IEDs.
Yup, sounds like Islamophobia to me. No coincidence that this is Obama’s first official network interview. Just confirmation of what I and so many others warned the 63 million about, but the 63 million either didn’t listen or didn’t care.

48 Responses

What? What’s to worry, Debbie? Rahm Emanuel is the second most powerful man in the country, we are told. Rahm & the other SuperEmanuel Brothers would never let President Obama act in anything but the best interests of Israel. Right?

thegreatbeast on January 26, 2009 at 7:47 pm

You’re right Debbie. Those warnings were not heeded by many – 63 million – and now, as if a strong enough foothold has not been dug, a much bigger, stronger, powerful one is going to take hold. “Sheeple” do not quite seem to understand the ramifications and the fact that their wives, daughters and granddaughters are going to have to be covered head-to-toe in black if they don’t wake up PDQ!
It is amazing what has happened to us, Americans, in just a few short years…

BT in SA on January 26, 2009 at 8:08 pm

Hi Debbie,
I would like to see your opinion of who President Huessein will invite for his first meeting in the Oval Office? I wonder if it will be Mahmoud Abbas. It could evan be Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for the first State visit and a stay in the the Lincoln bedroom.
Let us know what you think Debbie!

PrincessKaren on January 26, 2009 at 8:21 pm

I’m sure Big Brother Obama is planning to grant many more visas to Muslims to colonize our country.
He has sent so many messages to the Islamic world that he is one of them: his “Barack Hussein Obama” oath, the “we are a nation of Muslims” inaugural speech, and now these things Debbie writes about.
Let’s pray we survive these four years.

Gabe on January 26, 2009 at 8:33 pm

Good to know he isn’t on America’s side. But I guess that’s partly why people voted for him and they shouldn’t be surprised. Obama did tell them what he would do in the event he was elected President.

NormanF on January 26, 2009 at 8:35 pm

You’re not surprised, are you? Obama is a Muslim and is not even a natural born US citizen. He may not even be a citizen. His passport may be Indonesian, not US.

lexi on January 26, 2009 at 8:41 pm

You might be right. However, note that he invited Rick Warren to do the Inaugural Invocation and Rick Warren is famous for his opposition to abortion. Then Obama went ahead and changed things so that the USA now can fund abortions overseas.
My point is that Obama can be very honoring of people and make a big show of placing them in positions of dignity, but that doesn’t necessarily indicate his policy positions.

Perpetua on January 26, 2009 at 8:44 pm

I remember the early days of the Bush Administration. In those days, we were treated to weekly lectures from the State Department about “the cycle of violence”. Then came 9/11/01 and all those lectures ceased.
I’m afraid that this Administration’s actions are going to embolden terrorists and directly lead to a catastrophic attack sometime in the next 12 months.

There is NO Santa Claus on January 26, 2009 at 8:46 pm

I’m no fan of Obama, but you people are nuts.
“He has sent so many messages to the Islamic world that he is one of them: his “Barack Hussein Obama” oath, the “we are a nation of Muslims” inaugural speech, and now these things Debbie writes about.”
This is on par with stupid leftist stuff like, “I’m seriously afraid that George Bush won’t give up power and will declare martial law on the day of the inauguration.” You might think his policies are ignorant or wrong-headed, or that they might lead to disaster, but get a grip – he’s not intentionally trying to destroy America.

LibertarianBulbasaur on January 26, 2009 at 9:08 pm

It isn’t just the 63 million who voted for him, bad as that is. It is the Republican pundits and politicians who are now, in efffect, supporting him, thus enabling the illusion that he is middle-of-the-road. While these actions are, indeed symbolic, such as making the first call to Abbas, I think they are also trial balloons, to see if he can get away with it. Of course, if he can, worse will follow as you point out. But the Republicans smile, and support his nomination of a tax cheat to run Treasury, presnt no alternatives whatsoever on foreign policy, and so on. We’re not headed for a repeat of 1994 by any means.

c f on January 26, 2009 at 9:19 pm

Then that’s it….we’re now seeing the real CHANGE that Obama wants to give to us.
I don’t know what to say anymore, and to all the “whore-shippers” of this man.
The only thing I know is that he used blacks like pawns to get him voted into office. It didn’t work on me and the very small handful of other blacks that never fell for this fruad.

Squirrel3D on January 26, 2009 at 9:51 pm

You get who you voted for.
I wonder, what those Independents who voted for Hussein were thinking?
Wait a minute, they weren’t thinking.
They were too emotional and shallow.
I even wonder if they have a brain in the first place. Maybe they do, but it’s a brainwashed brain, a dysfunctional brain. It is mental retardation in its purest form.
Enjoy the spectacle, you asked for it, idiots!
Alas, the rest of America will have bear the burden of your idiocy.

Independent Conservative on January 26, 2009 at 10:17 pm

*This is on par with stupid leftist stuff like, “I’m seriously afraid that George Bush won’t give up power and will declare martial law on the day of the inauguration.” You might think his policies are ignorant or wrong-headed, or that they might lead to disaster, but get a grip – he’s not intentionally trying to destroy America.*
If you can’t see the difference, you must be a liberal calling yourself a “libertarian.” Well, he is trying REMAKE America, which will destroy everything that our Founding Fathers intended it to be. And he is sending a strong message to the Arab world of these intentions.
From Hussein’s perspective he is making America into a new country that Hamas and Al Qaeda could love and not want to attack, hence his choice of a first telephone call to a foreign leader and his first interview. From our perspective, that signals his intention to destroy America as we know it.

Gabe on January 26, 2009 at 10:24 pm

On the other hand, Hussein wants to remain popular, so he basically begging Al-Qaeda not to attack America on his watch because he knows that once attacked, the Obama-Messiah will collapse.
Watch every move he makes, it’s all about himself and his popularity. Don’t be a fool.

Independent Conservative on January 26, 2009 at 11:28 pm

This must be the terrorist version of TAQQUAY they talk about??? where they lie thru their teeth to claim they dislike Obama and keep everybody and anybody distracted while Obama and everyone attempts to hide the fact that Obamaís church just RE-PRINTED the hamaís manifesto.
Meanwhile the TERRORISTS go lieing thru their teeth to claim they dislike Obama and and how heís just like BUSH to keep everybody from finding out that.
MEANWHILE the press babbles on incessently about GITMO and Abu Gharib how so-called shocking etc, etc,etc, yet; the press seems to constantly overlook mentioning that a heinous torture manual confiscated from an al-Qaeda safe house in Iraq, that comes complete with requisite disturbing illustrations on mutilatilating prisoners and inflict as much pain and harm on them as humanly possible in direct violation of every international human rights and POW convention ever howled about by leftards the in entire globe, simply isnít considered newsworthy by our media.
Meanwhile they want to ìhideî the fact that right now Obama seeks ON BEHALF OF TERRORISTS everywhere to UN-DO all the protection measures Bush put into place against terrorists once AGAIN placing the USA at risk for yet another worse than 911 scenario attack by terrorists.
It is important that WE THE PEOPLE make sure we kick into every lobby group (whom will send them info on whom their representatives/senators are) and we make sure that WE THE PEOPLE let WASH DC KNOW that if they attempt to ìshirkî their responsiblity to protect our flag, our seal our allegience and freedoms and Nation that WE THE PEOPLE will make ëcertainí that they go by way of Balagovich.

SassyFrassy on January 26, 2009 at 11:52 pm

Lexi is right on the money too. It’s become very obvious that this guy is in bed with the enemy and should be impeached for practices detrimental to national security. Of course he’s not even a citizen so wtf?

samurai on January 27, 2009 at 12:11 am

Those who claimed this was going to be the second Jimmy Carter administration hit the nail on the head.
I still remember Jimmy Carter’s reaction after the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. He couldn’t believe they would ever do such a thing.
Sometime in the near future something is going to happen and Obama is going to be exposed for the naive numnuts he really is.

i_am_me on January 27, 2009 at 1:06 am

Little Barry sure is showing his true colours,no pun intended. He is an anti-semite, he can say otherwise all he wants but his action show it to be true. He is anti-capitalist, again his actions are daily proving that point. He finds US supremicy in world afairs an afront to his “turd world” values and beliefs, this is evidenced by his efforts to reduce the US to being just one of the many.
I spent nearly half my life serving my country against the very same ideology that now infests the White House. I am completely discusted at the fact that this miserable excuse of a man has been elevated to be Commamnder in Chief. Even more so, I am angry at the mindless sheep who put him there.

bill on January 27, 2009 at 6:51 am

To the people who brought it up…Obama doesn’t even have a US passport and is not a citizen. He ran the whole campaign and no one bothered to check his credentials. LOL. Some of you people are really dense and it’s amazing you can even turn on your computer.
I’m not a fan of pandering to the enemy but our current policies don’t work. We can either choose to lump billions of muslims around the world as our enemies or we can choose to understand that within the classification of people known as “muslim” there are groups with different beliefs. We can be friendly with those groups who will be friendly to us and then only have to fight the millions of extremists. There are many muslims who are victims of the extremists and we can bring them to our side. WE CANNOT WIN A WAR AGAINST A BILLION ANGRY MUSLIMS. And before you accuse me of being a weak liberal pacifist, Neville Chamberlain like appeaser, my father fought in both ’67 and ’73 wars.

Cousnits on January 27, 2009 at 8:14 am

Oh and one more thing, Obama sent drones into Pakistan against militants on his 2nd day in office. So don’t be fooled that he’s not going to fight the war on terror. He’s just not going to invade the wrong country in order to do so.

Cousnits on January 27, 2009 at 8:25 am

The drones into Pakistan does not support your argument. In fact, it mitigates against it. He will invade the wrong country. During the campaign he said he would invade Pakistan. Now that might turn a billion angry Muslims against us.
As for the drones themselves, that is part of a standing CIA order left over from the Bush administration that the CIA can hit a target in certain areas of Pakistan when it is available without seeking permission. My guess is the administration has not yet had enough time to go over and rescind those orders but they soon will.

i_am_me on January 27, 2009 at 8:45 am

Voting for Obama :
The figure of 75 % American Jews voting for Obama
was mentioned in a previous post. It bears mentioning again. Other than Blacks at 98 % US
Jews are the second most loyal Democratic bloc.
They vote for the Clintons, the Obamas and they
diss the strongest supporters of Israel ( the
Evangelicals and the Conservatives ) Until the
majority of US Jews get their heads out of their
behinds it is gonna be a long slog ! Anyone who
believes a Clinton or an Obama must have a mental
disorder. Jews are supposed to be intelligent people ! Did they not
learn anything from Auschwitz ????

Hawkins on January 27, 2009 at 8:54 am

Hawkins, how much money did Halliburton make from the invasion of Iraq? You must be joking. With no compete contracts from the army. Whistleblowers who tried to bring to light the overcharging of the army for Halliburton and KKR services and that got quickly quashed by the Bush administration.
Julie McBride, told lawmakers that her job as KBRís “morale, welfare and recreation coordinator” at Camp Fallujah entailed helping the company exaggerate its costs by over-counting the number of soldiers who used recreational facilities, like an Internet cafÈ and fitness center. “Under the contract, the more facilities, equipment, staff and administrators Halliburton can show a need for, the more profit Halliburton makes,” McBride testified.
From: http://newstandardnews.net/content/index.cfm/items/3697
To i_am_me
I cannot believe that the CIA would allow drones to launch without consulting with the current administration. It affects the perception of Obama’s strategy around the world and they wouldn’t do such a big move without his approval.

Cousnits on January 27, 2009 at 9:16 am

Hawkins, how much money did Halliburton make from the invasion of Iraq? You must be joking. With no compete contracts from the army. Whistleblowers who tried to bring to light the overcharging of the army for Halliburton and KKR services and that got quickly quashed by the Bush administration.
Julie McBride, told lawmakers that her job as KBRís “morale, welfare and recreation coordinator” at Camp Fallujah entailed helping the company exaggerate its costs by over-counting the number of soldiers who used recreational facilities, like an Internet cafÈ and fitness center. “Under the contract, the more facilities, equipment, staff and administrators Halliburton can show a need for, the more profit Halliburton makes,” McBride testified.
From: http://newstandardnews.net/content/index.cfm/items/3697
To i_am_me
I cannot believe that the CIA would allow drones to launch without consulting with the current administration. It affects the perception of Obama’s strategy around the world and they wouldn’t do such a big move without his approval.

Cousnits on January 27, 2009 at 9:17 am

Hawkins, one more thing…Treason? What about the Scooter Libby, Cheney–Valerie Plame saga? The Bush administration outed a covert CIA operative, putting the American intelligence community at risk in retaliation for her husband’s op-ed piece against the faulty evidence used to justify going into Iraq to look for WMDs in the first place.
Clinton’s dalliance with an intern was disgusting, but it doesn’t even come close to the disgusting breaches of power committed by the former administration.

Cousnits on January 27, 2009 at 9:25 am

RE : i_am_me & Halliburton !
I see that you have taken your daily stupid pill !
What the hell does Halliburton got to do with US
Jews voting almost unanimously for a sleuth Muslim
President or supporting the Clintons who have taken millions from the Saudis ????? There are
courses such as Logic 101 you could sign up for !
If you are one of those US Jews who consistently
vote Democratic and diss, as you just have, people
who consistently support Israel, then you have just made my point !

Hawkins on January 27, 2009 at 9:33 am

There is a tipping point. When my ultra-left college brainwashed niece is like SO sick of Islam this and Islam that…maybe,just maybe….

poetcomic1 on January 27, 2009 at 9:40 am

Starting out your rebuttal with an ad-hominem attack only indicates that you are incapable of supporting your argument with facts or logic. You stated in previous post that the Clinton’s and the Obama’s are only interested in lining their pockets but there are severe conflicts of interests in the way that the government awarded contracts to Cheney’s former company. That was the point that I was attacking.
Obama is not a muslim and you know this.
Immediately following 9/11 all flights were grounded. Except for a flight getting Bin-laden’s kin out of the US. So, who is pandering to the Saudis or our powerful oil interests out there? That was the Bush administration.

Cousnits on January 27, 2009 at 9:45 am

RE : I am me !
OK ! I get it now ! Israel was under threat from Bush and Cheney !!!!! How could I have missed that. I must be the one taking stupid pills.
But now that Bush and cheney are gone, Israel is safe !!!! Hallelujah !!!!!

Hawkins on January 27, 2009 at 9:59 am

The ‘Big O’ is correct. We are not their enemy. They, however, are the enemy of all civilized men/women. How long before an American is subjected to the same treatment as Geert Wilders? With Obama in office, soon.

VBurckard on January 27, 2009 at 10:28 am

Cousnits: No, you’re not a weak liberal pacifist. You’re a grovelling, boot-licking, stupid, weak liberal pacifist.

lexi on January 27, 2009 at 11:00 am

Obama is indeed a Muslim. He was a Muslim when he lived in Indonesia (he was not a US citizen at the time) and his spiritual advisor Jeremiah Wright is a Muslim.
Not that there’s anything wrong with being a Muslim–unless you like wearing a tablecloth over your head and like to stick your butt in the air while knocking your head on the ground 5 times a day.

lexi on January 27, 2009 at 11:03 am

Well, finally Barack Hussein Obama is admitting how close he is to Islam and the fact that he has lived in “Muslim countries”:
What fools believed that Barack Hussein Obama was not a closet Muslim? Oh, because he CLAIMED he was a Christian.
Cousnits states,
*And before you accuse me of being a weak liberal pacifist, Neville Chamberlain like appeaser, my father fought in both ’67 and ’73 wars.*
You are still a “weak liberal pacifist.” Just because your father was brave doesn’t make you brave.

Gabe on January 27, 2009 at 11:09 am

Must be awesome to live in a world where facts don’t matter and you can claim whatever you want. Therefore, you can choose to live in a world where the Iraq invasion was a great success and that we didn’t actually break the balance between two muslim groups, Sunni and Shia, and embolden Iran as the great power in the region. Saddam Hussein was a tryant but going after him was a major tactical error that made Ahmedinajad more powerful and diverted our troops from going after actual terrorists who were a threat to the US in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Taliban still runs around freely in Afghanistan and US supported Hamid Karzai is the president of Kabul only as he has limited effectiveness in the rest of Afghanistan, b/c our troops are tied to being in Iraq and not enough are available to fight in Afghanistan.
Also, Obama was born in Hawaii and therefore was born a US citizen and is one for life. Unless he renounced his citizenship at some point in his life then he was always a US citizen. If not, believe me this would have been a huge issue in the campaign and this just wasn’t the case. Regardless of your feelings about Jeremiah Wright, he’s a pastor for the Trinity United Church of Christ, so it’s simply wrong to say that he’s a muslim.
I am not against fighting terror and I supported wholeheartedly the current Israeli incursion in to Gaza. I am against blanketing an entire group of billions of people as enemies. We can choose to continue the failed policies of the previous administration that will continue to financially bankrupt our nation while richening the defense sector while keeping us unsafe or we can choose to realize that the current policies aren’t working and figure out a new tactic.

Cousnits on January 27, 2009 at 11:33 am

We all saw this coming a thousand miles away. He is sympathizer for Muslims and their terrorists. Israel is on their own. KING HUSSEIN COBRAMA wants to win over the hearts and minds of Muslims by throwing America and Americans under the bus.

californiascreaming on January 27, 2009 at 12:48 pm

Cousnit, you live in a world where America is the clumsy wrong headed gorilla. Your dad fought the wars, not you so don’t come off like you’ve a license to gripe more for it.
We can win against a billion crazy muslims we just have to kick the media out of the middle east and treat the muslim extremists like the Japanese in WWII. Gotta do what ya gotta do. We won’t win by kissing their ass. Clinton allowed the middle east to fester into the cancer it is now. That’s unforgivable and the country will eventually wake up to that. It may be too late but they’ll realize it.

samurai on January 27, 2009 at 1:49 pm

Cousnits why try something else why not do what we should do and that is not allow any Muslims into the USA. If you think it’s okay to let some religion in that is holly book states that we are less than dog shit than I don’t know what else to hit you upside your head with! And I agree about taking out Suddam that we have given Ahmedinajad more power. But just like Vietnam if the government jack asses would have let the military do their jobs and stay out of it then you would not have the problems today. If we would have let the military go in with the troops levels they wanted so they could stop people from crossing the border and coming into Iraq things would have been a lot different. And believe me if it was done right Ahmedinajad would not be saying a pep because he would know he is the next towel head to be going to a dirt grave!

ohboyohboy on January 27, 2009 at 1:50 pm

You attributed to me things I never said. While I have always voted Democratic until this year, I made no secret of the fact on this site that I was voting for McCain because I felt the war on terror was the only issue and I believe the Jihadists need to be squashed.
I have spoken out against those who did vote for Obama.
I never mentioned anything about Haliburton.
I vehemently disagree with Cousnits because he is way off base.
Please make sure you are responding to the right person in the future.

i_am_me on January 27, 2009 at 2:13 pm

Obama was elected with the support of both Jews and Jew-haters. Sort of ironic.

Ripper on January 27, 2009 at 2:19 pm

Re: Valerie Palme
Are you just dense, an ideologue or were dropped on your head as a baby? The person “outing” Valerie the tart Palme was liberal lefty Richard Armitage – friend of phony Colin Powell.

Ripper on January 27, 2009 at 2:24 pm

Hey there, “i am me” why not go to KOS or Huffington and comment there where your comments will be well received. Then you will get positive feedback and maybe that will relieve your serotonin deficit. Really, I hope you feel better soon!
Hawkins, all I can say is….Sadly, you are correct. Please don’t blame me, I wasn’t in the 78%. I am amazed at the 78%’s willful blindness or was it appeasement mentality, or the effects of Hussein Koolaid on the Jewish brain – (we’re not heavy drinkers ya’know).

crazycatkids on January 27, 2009 at 2:37 pm

Which comments of mine are you referring to? I think you are as careless as your pal Hawkins in attributing comments to me that were made by others.
I was as anti-Obama as one could possibly be.

i_am_me on January 27, 2009 at 3:11 pm

Eagleburger was right: Obama is a SNAKE OIL SALSEMAN.

jozef on January 27, 2009 at 3:34 pm

Re: Halliburton
Halliburton contracts relating to Iraq are “cost +
” contracts—with the Halliburton profit margin being set at 3%. There have been numerous audits conducted, and when Hallburton overcharges, they have to pay the money back, pay for the audit, and pay a penalty.
“Cost +” contracts barely surpassed putting money into a CD at a bank. So yes, the more stuff Halliburton sells, the more money they make, but the return on investment for government contracts is low.
The idea that Bush would raise millions of dollars in campaign contributions and that Cheney would personally give up millions dollars in options so that Halliburton can add to their revenues while lowering their ROI is laughable.
Do you really think that Cheney is like Dr. Evil (Austin Powers movies), and that he is dumb enough to utilize hundreds of billions of dollars in an unpopular way to increase the bottom line by a couple of million?
The idea that Cheney was in this for profit is laughable. Unlike Obama, Chaney and Rumsfield had lucrative private sector jobs.

JSobieski on January 27, 2009 at 4:04 pm

I heard Eagleburger describe Obama on a Fox interview back in October as a “charlatan”. I think that was a good description.

Ripper on January 27, 2009 at 4:10 pm

Drear i_am_me :
My sincerest apoligies for confusing you with
our dear friend Cousnits, who from all accounts
is overdosing on stupid pills !
Even tho I am not Jewish, I always sympathize with
a people who value freedom and are willing to die for it. It is demoralizing to see US Jews sacrificing their own because their minds have
been warped by Liberalism.
P.S. I am just as hard on RINO(s) like McCain.

Hawkins on January 27, 2009 at 4:13 pm

Obama is just exercising his training, his life long ambitions. We might as well get used to the feeling of frustration, the poverty, the international ridicule, since we don’t have the backbone to rid ourselves of the usurper.

Rip Alinsky on January 27, 2009 at 6:01 pm

in the video, pt 2, at 1:20 he says we are a “muslim” country first and mumbles on thru the rest rearranging it from his inauguration speech. wow .06% of the population makes us a muslim country. wonder what the 78%+ christians in America think about that.

ender on January 27, 2009 at 9:11 pm

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