January 20, 2009, - 3:15 pm

Photo of the Day: Meet Al Sharpton, “Education Expert” (& High School Grad)

By Debbie Schlussel
Check out this Reuters photo and read the caption. Is it just me, or do you also scratch your head wondering what Al Sharpton is doing as a panelist in a forum on education? I mean, after all, this is a guy who graduated high school, and that’s it. He dropped out of college and spent his college years as a tour manager for James Brown. That’s quite an impressive credential in advising America how to improve its schools.
That’s not to mention the disgusting fact that a high school named for one of American history’s most prominent Jews, Supreme Court Justice Benjamin Cardozo, would invite one of America’s most famous Jew-haters to pontificate about anything there.
Then, there’s John McCain. That this guy–just like Sean Vannity and Bill O’Reilly (who constantly give this Black supremacist Nazi a forum)–doesn’t have the guts or the least bit of principle to say, “I’m not appearing at a forum with this racist, bigoted anti-Semite who incited the murder of Yankel Rosenbaum and several Black employees of Freddy’s Fashion Mart,” says it all. We already know that Al Sharpton is at home with the Obama White House and will probably be a guest there. But don’t think a McCain White House would welcome this putrid scumbag any less.


Here’s a refresher on Weird Al’s “interactions” with the Jews, which included shouts of “Kill the Jews” and “Burn Down the Jew Store.” Not interested–nor should anyone else in America be–in what he thinks we should do to “improve” American education.

8 Responses

so — a dumbed down anti-semite. Just like the Emporer’s new clothes. Even so-called conservatives don’t have the guts to say that Sharpton not only has no educational knowledge, but that he is a bigot. But I know he’ll say that the schools need more money.
Just another step in the dumbing down and increase of bigotry in the US.

c f on January 20, 2009 at 3:33 pm

“….do you also scratch your head wondering what Al Sharpton is doing as a panelist in a forum on education? I mean, after all, this is a guy who graduated high school, and that’s it. He dropped out of college and spent his college years as a tour manager for James Brown. That’s quite an impressive credential in advising America how to improve its schools.
Posted by Debbie at January 20, 2009 03:15 PM”
You missed two points:
1 – Al Sharpton is Black.
It doesn’t matter what credentials or experience he has to be an important person in America who can talk about anything and having idiots applauding or cheering for him.
Look at Hussein Obamba, for example.
It’s called “Affirmative Action”
2 – John McCain is THE “Maverick” par excellence.
And as a “Maverick” he is unpredictable.
Yes I voted for him in November, not in the primaries, but did we have a choice?
I am glad he didn’t win the elections because I would rather see a liberal empty suit governing this country and ruining it temporarily at least, than a conservative-in-name-only (like George W. Bush) full of crap whom you can’t tell or predict if he’s your enemy or your friend.
And in all cases, it doesn’t matter who is the president among the two because this country is going down with the type of so-called “leaders” we have these days.

Independent Conservative on January 20, 2009 at 3:40 pm

Most Americans recognize that shakedown artists like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are working an immensely lucrative racket, sponsored by the conspiracy for world government and implemented by the nationís Communist government schools. Train white boys ñ honkies ñ from kindergarten through high school and college to believe they are guilty of ìracism,î and when they are grown they will collaborate in shaking themselves down. Hey, if it ainít broke, donít fix it, right Jesse?
Because of intense, lifelong brainwashing, not enough Americans yet understand that Mike (Martin Luther) King, Jr., is an even bigger fraud; that in fact everything we have been told about him is phony, even starting with his name, which his father changed to enhance their career in religion. As part of the uncelebration of the phony holiday inflicted in his name, here again is our annual rendition of the facts.
There are five aspects of the King career: his Communism, his violence, his plagiarism, the fact that he was a sexual predator who made Bildo Clinton, the Arkansas rapist, look like a cloistered monk; and the fact that he did not believe in Christianity.
We shall look at each, but first letís consider the holiday itself. Where should such a holiday come from? And where does BHO, BHO come from,he is a post turtle, the racist Rev Joseph Lowery, Andy Young along with the Mike King clan Al & Jesse learned from the Mike King communist club,

Johnny V on January 20, 2009 at 6:45 pm

Al Sharpton (a classmate of mine from 1967 -68 at Junior High School 252 in Brooklyn) has never really been called to account for the Tawana Brawley fraud.

Ripper on January 20, 2009 at 8:42 pm

For someone who’d rather watch a cartoon than the *schvartze* get sworn in [and be a witness of history] you sure love calling a spade a klansman!
And y’all wonder why there’s so much anti-AshkeNAZI sentiment out there…Goebbels would love your and Coulter’s opinion[ated] “journalism”

EminemsRevenge on January 20, 2009 at 10:29 pm

EminemsRevenge yes the name fits just right. You probably lived next door to Eminiem going to good old Detroit public school were you learned to be as stupid as your comments. You want to talk journalism the F****** liberals have almost every outlet so they can tell you hollow head dumb F****’S what to think and what to do.

ohboyohboy on January 21, 2009 at 12:14 pm

oTbtkI ycbdoaecdjri, [url=http://xetvgfyszdob.com/]xetvgfyszdob[/url], [link=http://qlhewpgmgqcv.com/]qlhewpgmgqcv[/link], http://trbkwyvfslcd.com/

xcmkkhl on July 17, 2009 at 2:30 am

The people had a problem with the Son of God too. He had ability to speak too, but never went to school. There is no rule that says one must go to school in order to speak.

russell l lee on September 12, 2013 at 9:21 pm

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