January 27, 2012, - 2:15 pm

Has-Been Actress: AZ Gov Brewer’s Finger Should Be Shot Off For Pointing @ Obama

By Debbie Schlussel

As you know, this week Barack Hussein Obama had a confrontation with GOP Arizona Governor Jan Brewer.  Well, that didn’t sit well with has-been actress Aisha Tyler, most famous as an Islamic terrorist/double-agent who gets killed on “24.”  Tyler is now a co-hostess on CBS’ “The Talk,” which is essentially a rip-off of ABC’s “The View” only a gazillion times even more annoying, but with the same case of  lesbian chick, fat Black chick, thinner Black chick, Asian chick who is having sex with the head of CBS, etc.

On yesterday’s “The Talk,” Tyler seemed eager for the Secret Service to shoot off Governor Brewer’s finger, saying, “She’s lucky the Secret Service doesn’t shoot that finger right off.”  She then went on to attack Brewer and the Arizona immigration law.  Yup, a sitting, elected American governor no longer has free speech in America.  Apparently, it’s now “King Obama,” and you can’t talk back.  Got that?

Oh, and by the way, guess who Aisha Tyler supported for President? . . .

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64 Responses

Debbie, as Michael Savage said many years ago, “Beware the Government Media Complex”, and Dr. Savage is spot on what he said many years ago.

This is something you’ll expect from Aisha Tyler and her fellow-travelling far-leftstinian ilk, shilling and bidding for this president who’s acting like a thin-skinned dictator. And you’re DS about mentiong “King Obama”, last I checked, this is still a “Constitutional-Republic”, NOT a monarchy, and during the American Revolutionary War we fought against loyalism against the British and we won that war so we could become our own independent state and NO longer be ruled under British monarchy.

Far as I’m concerned, this bimbo Aisha Tyler needs to re-learn US History 101, because we are NOT a dictatorship state nor a monarchy state!

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on January 27, 2012 at 2:25 pm

    Thanks to Obama we don’t have secure boarders—–our nation is about the same!

    Cheryl S on January 30, 2012 at 8:25 pm

I met an ex secret service agent on vacation last week. He informed me that 99% of the secret service agents are very conservative. Sorry Aisha Tyler.

Tom C. on January 27, 2012 at 2:39 pm

I’ve yet to see any proof that Aisha Tyler is actually an “actress”. I know she tried her hand at stand-up comedy and I guess that went about as successfully as her current shot at political punditry is going….NOWHERE!

Miguel G on January 27, 2012 at 2:39 pm

Aishit Taylor is garbage. Once she got “big,” she dumped her agent who made this no-nothing a recognizable name, and violated her contract with him.

Incidentally, what did the other morons on the View II say in response to her fascist remark?

Jonathan E. Grant on January 27, 2012 at 2:40 pm

    The View is worse then the Talk—–I don’t care about there political view points!! I quit watching the View when that fat comic was on there –never went back… The Talk—–don’t wach it much—–

    Cheryl S on January 30, 2012 at 8:31 pm

Also looks like Obama is holding her arm while he is ripping in to her about her book. What a jerk. Never was a leader never will be. Wanabe dictator.

Tom C. on January 27, 2012 at 2:46 pm

The secret service wouldn’t have shot her. However the guns Obama and his moron Tzars & Patronage appointees let fall directly into the hands of Mexican cartels members are a pretty big threat to anyone and everyone in AZ. Just ask Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry…. Oh that’s right YOU CAN’T- he’s dead.

Mary SJ on January 27, 2012 at 2:53 pm

I’d like to kick Aisha Taylor right in the balls!

Though I must admit, her character is funny on Archer.

FrenchKiss on January 27, 2012 at 3:00 pm

He needs the Hispanic Illegal vote!!!

Hollywood on January 27, 2012 at 3:20 pm

Is it too late to draft Gov. Brewer for President?

sturgis on January 27, 2012 at 3:40 pm

Aisha Tyler is a ginormous NEVER WAS. She wish she was has been. Although beautiful, she has never set the world on fire. She is like Eliza Dushku that way. Prolly why she is bitter.

It speaks to what a colossal moron she is after 3 years of disaster she is STILL in the Obama camp. Where is “Jason” from “Friday The 13th” when you need him?

Gov. Brewer should have been MORE aggressive to that crypto-Marxist. Of course I believe in respect for the office of the Presidency BUT I have no respect for the POS occupying the Oval Office right now. That is why I was glad Tim Thomas didn’t go (even though I don’t like hockey or care for the Bruins) either and compromise his values and act phony.

Let’s talk about the thin-skinned-ness of this piece of crap who STILL has not shown who he really is (but those of us paying close attention KNOW who he is from the bits of flotsam and jetsam that have been compelling clues). Funny how the Obama press are in high-dudgeon over the words exchanged BUT they do not tell the US citizens of how nasty Hussein Obama can be TO Republican governors and how he takes it all so personally and has it out for them.

Isn’t he suing Arizona? Wonder how THAT will go since states have state rights. Let’s talk about how nasty he is to Governors Chris Christie, Rick Scott, Rick Perry, Bobby Jindal and Wisconsin’s Scott Walker. Funny how people don’t talk about that or how Hussein Obama skates through just about EVERYTHING but can’t handle it when he is challenged. It’d be one thing if he had the ideas of a brilliant man or even wasn’t the lazy pig he is. Governor Brewer should have bit his jug-ears off!

If one is still in the Obama camp today they are either red, diaper, doper-babies or lacking brains and have no idea what the hell is going on in world. You would think the latter would be embarrassed to say anything when any learned person could hand them their ass in the debate. But today, the more Liberals DON’T know, the more arrogant they are.

And at least Governor Brewer wrote her own books. The fraud in the WH had an unrepentant, domestic bomber write his first one and some lackey tuchis-kisser write the boring second one…inspired by a racist Reverend!

Skunky on January 27, 2012 at 3:43 pm

Gov Brewer is more of a man than Obama will ever be. She doesn’t need vapid actresses to offer their skirts for her to hide behind.

Poncho on January 27, 2012 at 3:45 pm

This is an example of how liberalism leads to dictatorship and violence. She refers to inappropriately violent action without a second thought. These people do not change their mindset when they get power; Castro, Chavez, Stalin, etc. The ends justify the means.

Little Al on January 27, 2012 at 3:45 pm

Oh, and I would never watch “The Talk”. It belongs on the “Lifetime Network”. A network I NEVER, EVER watch. EVER!

However, I would love to watch it if it was truthful to how the “ChenBot” (the annoying, asian-chick sleeping with the boss) rules over “The Talk” like a fascist dictator. If they actually chewed the fat about how she canned Holly Robinson-Peete and cranky Leah Remini. THAT is the “talk” I wanna hear instead of their phony, estrogen-filled chatter-fest.

(I will NEVER forget when Howard Stern (when still on terrestrial radio) said that when Les Moonvees’ (who is the boss sleeping with the asian-chick) FIRST wife found out that he was having an affair with the Chenbot, she was so upset that she couldn’t even handle the subject of chinese food. He did not say this as a joke, just that he heard it through the grapevine and it cracked him up. Me too. For some reason even though I feel for the wife it is so zany I couldn’t help but think how funny and weird it was.)

Skunky on January 27, 2012 at 3:59 pm

Aisha Tyler isn’t an actress, she’s just another pretty black chick probably gotten into acting by affirmation action as result of liberal Hollywood’s obsessive need to cater to “diverse” demographic markets. You wonder why she is still on “The Talk” show? (hint: no acting job for her!)

Bob on January 27, 2012 at 4:04 pm

Here’s a caption for Gov. Brewer’s finger pointing pic.

Brewer “This is your last chance. Next time you come into my state, I’m going to have Sheriff Joe arrest you for being an illegal alien.”

Jarhead on January 27, 2012 at 4:07 pm


    In the old days, before the government was completed subverted by communists, this POS communist agitator ( “community organizer” in enemedia Newspeak ) would have been ‘detoured’ BY the government LONG before he became president (an unthinkable proposition).

    The fact this communist, muslim, illegal alien IS president reflects the depth of infiltration and subversion in USGOV.

    Sideshow Bob on January 27, 2012 at 5:31 pm

      The fact this communist, muslim, illegal alien IS president reflects the depth of infiltration and subversion in USGOV.

      Dear Mr. Bob (and you too, Jarhead:) He ISN’T an illegal alien. He WAS born in Hawaii.

      Miranda Rose Smith on January 29, 2012 at 8:35 am

You should read what local columnist E.J. Montini had to say about the incident. He called Gov. Brewer names like “Governor Conniption,””Ms. Temper Tantrum,”and other names like that. I don’t have the online edition of the column. But,I did read it in today’s edition of “The Arizona Republic.”

Ghostwriter on January 27, 2012 at 4:42 pm

Can you imagine the uproar by liberals if someone – even jokingly – mused about obama having his finger shot off for pointing?

DS_ROCKS! on January 27, 2012 at 5:41 pm

Obama has all the evident essentials needed to qualify him as “The Manchurian Candidate.” Why is there this- dark-cloud of secrecy- during his tenure at Harvard? Where are his transcripts? And where did the name “Barry Soetoro” come from?

Of course, if you bring all of this up, then you’re a “racist”-which is a very effective strategy.

Patrick on January 27, 2012 at 5:49 pm

All the hullabaloo about pointing a finger… at least she didn’t rub the side of her nose with her middle finger like 0bambi has done on several occasions.
The progs are complaining about how no one has had the temerity to treat the president this way. Intimating a lack of respect for the Bamboozler.
It just brings to mind a speech Pres.Bush gave at (IIRC) a MLK day remembrance. I can’t remember the year but after Bush gave his speech and sat down the moderator at the event started in on the President with all sorts of pointed remarks and generally vitriolic rhetoric aimed at the President. Bush just sat there calmly and took it. Never got upset, didn’t look happy to be sure, but never said a word to anyone.
They called it “speaking truth to power”. But no one was concerned about disrespecting the President or maybe giving him a letter or at least venting in a private meeting.

Well Jan Brewer, you were just “speaking truth to power” and God bless you for it.

BilboBaggins on January 27, 2012 at 5:56 pm

There is no justification for this kind of bad behavior, no matter how you feel about Obama. Gov. Brewer needs to act like she’s had some home training. You don’t stick a finger in the face of a POTUS, no matter what the circumstances or what he’s said. You may not like or respect the person in the office, but respect the office. This is yet another example of the decline of American morality and the rise of boorish “reality tv” confrontational culture.

Justin on January 27, 2012 at 6:59 pm

    Justin, it was President Obama who lit into the governor over a book she had written last year at that reception line. Grovernor Brewer did not start it. President Obama really does like to bully people when he thinks his opponents when they are least likely to fight back, as would be the case at a public event. Mr. Obama, to his chagrin, found that Governor Brewer was not going to play rag doll for him. The end of the encounter showed President Obama stalking off like a frustrated bully. I am not into worshipping authority figures, or declining to

    Worry01 on January 27, 2012 at 10:34 pm

    Idiots lile you irritate me so I am going to waste 2 minutes of my time,people always say the idiotic phrase:”respect the office even if you don t respect the man” ….Really? so was she pointing the finger to the office or to the idiot with big ears? yep,she was pointing her finger and talking to the idiot with big ears,she wasn t talking to the office,how idiotic that sounds,she came to say hello and nothing but that,just following protocol,the idiot with big ears broke protocol,not that he ever cared for it,let s face it ,Dumbo’s ears sees all thru political eyes and is thin skinned like an african date,for the record like a child he started the argument,and for the record I do not respect this machiavelian,manchurian,dictator-like “president”I consider him America s enemy,my enemy.

    Juan on January 27, 2012 at 10:44 pm

    You don’t stick a finger in the face of a POTUS, no matter what the circumstances or what he’s said. You may not like or respect the person in the office, but respect the office. This is yet another example of the decline of American morality and the rise of boorish “reality tv” confrontational culture.

    Dear Justin: You may be right.

    Miranda Rose Smith on January 29, 2012 at 10:12 am

      What shallow end of the gene pool did you crawl out of? First off, Barry WASN’T born in Hawaii…there’s no proof other than what is believed to be a counterfeit birth certificate. Secondly, I applaud Gov. Brewer for taking the him to task; he has the audacity to point his finger at the citizens of this great nation while murmuring “You’re all screwed!”. He’s done nothing to alleviate the illegal alien problem; he’s done more to promote it by his ineptitude and inaction. The federal government won’t get off their pompous asses to uphold the law so it leaves the states no choice but to protect their individual sovereignty.

      I know….part of the reason I pulled the pin early was for that very reason.

      IceNoMore on January 31, 2012 at 10:18 am

        What shallow end of the gene pool did you crawl out of? First off, Barry WASN’T born in Hawaii…there’s no proof other than what is believed to be a counterfeit birth certificate.

        There’s also a counterfeit birth announcement in a counterfeit newspaper.

        Miranda Rose Smith on February 5, 2012 at 8:04 am

never heard of her – and she sucks

Rue Willy on January 27, 2012 at 8:29 pm

AishaTyler has always been a sassy little hottie. I have found some of her humor rather funny. However it always amazes me how Hollyweird types protect KING HUSSEIN OBAMA. Since 2004 when he came on the scene the MSM and Hollyweird will bludgeon anyone who question their Satanic Majesty. So Tyler and her cute little ass is in sh*t fit cuz Brewer got up in their King’s face.

I’ d to refer to him as King Nothing as in the Metallica song. He ain’t done anything to warrant a title.


CaliforniaScreaming on January 27, 2012 at 9:03 pm

Drama Queen!

SueAnn on January 27, 2012 at 9:12 pm

It is nice to know what a nice little brownshirt this alleged actress is. President Obama is more feared than loved even in his own party. The man is thin skinned, petty, and is evidently in love with himself. Many have tried to speak with President Obama in a civil way, but he seldom reciprocates unless under duress.

Worry01 on January 27, 2012 at 9:31 pm

    Worry, you are correct and you reminded me of a tidbit that I should have included in my initial post.

    All those within the Washington scene (meaning congress and the bureaucrats) know by now that the Potemkin facade of Hussein Obama was just as hollow, fake and light-weight as those faux greek columns he used before he was sworn in as #44 President. He is not intelligent, he is not a hard-worker, he is not warm, he is not caring and he is NOT nice. In fact, as Worry alluded to, he snubs MOST democrats on his side. He sees himself better than they are. He has no interest in them in a snobby way. He shuns them and retreats to his very inner circle. These are the solons on HIS side, too. BUT they don’t tell US that!

    It’s one thing if one’s personae is like the CW but that is NOT how Obama portrays himself. He is the world’s champion of phonies and only gets away with it because he has millions of ass-lickers who don’t dare tell us the truth.

    The bastard is a malignant narcissist. The most glaring proof is how he views abortion. Many of you know how he voted in Illinois on partial-birth abortion and his many statements show how evil his mind thinks when it comes to the unborn (“I don’t want my daughters punished with a baby” as if a consensual act that leads to pregnancy is punishment and a surprise and his recent statement that “…continue our efforts to ensure that our daughters have the same rights, freedoms, and opportunities as our sons to fulfill their dreams.”)

    Yeah, he’s warm and caring alright. How many women feel great about their “dreams” when they have a death of a baby they carry with them for the rest of their lives?

    “We have elected the enemy”~Jim Quinn

    Skunky on January 27, 2012 at 10:12 pm

I learn something new here just about every day. While I am aware of “The View,” I have never actually watched it. Up until now though, I had never even HEARD of “The Talk.” Being a heterosexual male, I reckon I’ll probably wind up trudging through life without having the pleasure of ever seeing or hearing either one of these programs, which are obviously veritable cornucopias of intellectually stimulating banter.

Irving on January 27, 2012 at 11:32 pm

Aisha Tyler? Named after Mohammed’s child bride of 6 9?

Infidel on January 27, 2012 at 11:59 pm

Jan Brewer is what a Republican is when they stay in the conservative way only witb the cojones that are missing in Capitol Hill,I ll tell you she d make one heck of a senator,maybe she ll take Mc Cain s seat,which I think is finally retiring…to snakes reading our comments: Skunky Rocks!!! if you want to steal her handle,why don t you borrow some intelligence too?

Juan on January 28, 2012 at 9:40 am

I’ve never seen more hateful and small minded speech then those who tend to disagree with President Obama, you forget that this man has a family, a wife and children who may read this stuff. Imagine you being under a microscope for everything you do and having to read or listen to people who have no knowledge into your affairs make ridiculous and incinderary remarks. He’s not perfect nor has he made all the right decisions but I’ve not seen or heard of any president in American history that was perfect and beloved by all the people. We forget that he was elected by millions of Americans from various backgrounds and the defeat of his opponent was sound ( not close at all).

With any freedom (such as the freedom of speech), there is an obligation to be responsible, to refrain from volgure and divisive language, to speak in a way that seeks to enlighten the reader, to speak from the facts and not speculation and assumptions and to disagree without being hateful. You sould speak in a way that moves the heart and not our darker intentions for This is the true value of free speech.

What I’ve read on this site from its creator and commentator and the majority of those who’ve commented on her stories and commentary, is some of the worse examples of free speech gone astray.

The Barrister on January 28, 2012 at 9:46 am

    Another Liberal impervious to the truth. Truth hurts, huh “Barrister”. And look at you, when you don’t like what you hear you wanna take our first amendment rights away. Look in the mirror before you point your myopic finger at those of us who know what Obama is doing.

    The Zero has a past you know. Not all of his machevellia is hidden by the press. Open YOUR eyes.

    Skunky on January 28, 2012 at 10:01 am

    Hey Barrister, you’re a putz and schmuck, WTF are demanding, that we live under a dictatorship and no longer call out any of our elected officials? If you comment here again Barrister, why don’t you be honest with yourself and say that “I would like for this country to become a dictatorship, because I want President Obama to have full and absolute power”!, if you say something like that, it proves that you’re a crypto-fascist.

    Bro, this is a “Constitutional-Republic” and I would advise for you to re-read the US Constitution & Bill of Rights, any type of criticizim against this wannabe dictator president is NOT disrespectful you moron. Speaking of which Barrister, did you say all of this when George W Bush Jr. was president for 8 years? Did you that it was disrespectful for all criticizims against Bush, etc.? I bet you NEVER said such stuff when Bush was in power, and that makes you an ultra “hypocrite”!

    And it proves how much of a fraud and phonies you friggin left wingers are, as I said Barrister, this is NOT a monarchy (ie, Great Britian, Morocco, Jordan, etc.) but a Constitutional-Republic. And those of us who commented on this blog have EVERY god given right to call out and criticize this president of ours and the rest of these elected officials in office.

    “A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

    Sean R. on January 28, 2012 at 1:14 pm

She’s not a muslim; she’s a Negro with stockholm syndrome.

bikerrich on January 28, 2012 at 10:47 am

Never heard of “The Talk” or Ass-hat Tyler. Have heard of Barry Soetero and Harrison J. Bounel though. Yeah, we’re hateful here. We hate marxism, treason, identity fraud, moooslims who say they’re christians while attending black separatist “churches”, and everything else that Barack ObaMao (Mr. we need a civilian security “force” as strong and as well funded as the military) espouses.

CornCoLeo on January 28, 2012 at 10:50 am

Show me a “hard-working socialist,” that doesn’t covet the opulence of others.

Patrick on January 28, 2012 at 10:54 am

The Barrister…
“With any freedom (such as the freedom of speech), there is an obligation to be responsible, to refrain from volgure and divisive language, to speak in a way that seeks to enlighten the reader, to speak from the facts and not speculation and assumptions and to disagree without being hateful. You sould speak in a way that moves the heart and not our darker intentions for This is the true value of free speech”.

Are you fu*king kidding me? Where the hell did you cut and paste this from? Some progressive new age bullshit magazine?The Atlantic maybe? Freedom of speech is meant to protect speech that you don’t like. Speech you disagree with. Speech that angers you. You don’t get to control what people say. Didn’t you learn that in law school? Or are you an affirmative action graduate? And what the hell is “volgure”anyway?
If you meant vulgar, then let me be volgure and tell you to STFU.

BilboBaggins on January 28, 2012 at 3:43 pm

Aisha Tyler should have her f!@#ing finger AND her mouth shot off!!! It’s called free speech as protected by our First Amendment to the U.S, Constitution!!! Aisha Tyler, you truly are an incredibly stupid, despicable f!#@ing bitch!!!!

Dave on January 28, 2012 at 4:43 pm

The Barrister,

In addition to what others have already said in response to your post, I have a comment in response to this:

“I’ve never seen more hateful and small minded speech then those who tend to disagree with President Obama, you forget that this man has a family, a wife and children who may read this stuff. Imagine you being under a microscope for everything you do and having to read or listen to people who have no knowledge into your affairs make ridiculous and incinderary remarks.”

Sean R. has already asked if you said the same thing when George W. Bush was President. But aside from that, when Obama decided to run for President, he knew–or should have known–that he was going to be scrutinized-* and that his family, including his children might read either this criticism or any other criticism of him elsewhere on the internet and in the media generally. And this also goes for anyone who wants to run for President.

In this case, this post by Debbie wouldn’t have been written if only Obama hadn’t gone and tried to embarass Gov. Jan Brewer in public like he did. Then Aisha Tyler-** wouldn’t have made her moronic comment, and then this thread wouldn’t exist. So if Obama’s family is suffering through hardship over this, then Barack Hussein Obama need to look no further than his mirror to find out who is to blame for this.

*-Unfortunately, though not by the Lamestream media.

**-Before I read this I had never heard of her.

JeffE on January 28, 2012 at 6:45 pm

I volunteer to give her a bare-assed spanking, and it should be televised on The Talk…my leather wrapped ping pong paddle is standing ready 🙂

Steve Epps on January 28, 2012 at 8:28 pm

The governor better be careful–the military could pick her up in the middle of the night as suspected terrorist and be held for the rest of her life without a trial. Thank you John McCain and others for that provision in the NDAA.

John Greene on January 28, 2012 at 9:28 pm

Someone who calls themselves “Juan” wrote:

“Idiots lile you irritate me so I am going to waste 2 minutes of my time,people always say the idiotic phrase:”respect the office even if you don t respect the man” ….Really? so was she pointing the finger to the office or to the idiot with big ears –Dumbo’s ears sees all thru political eyes and is thin skinned like an african date,for the record like a child he started the argument,and for the record I do not respect this machiavelian,manchurian,dictator-like “president”I consider him America s enemy,my enemy.”

And this guy called Pres. Obama thin-skinned??? Does the above post sound like it was written my someone who is emotionally mature? With a rant like that, “Juan” sure soumnds close to the edge himself…

Just remember, Pres. Obama may have started the argument (so Gov. Brewer says), but it was she who was caught on camera doing the “finger waving” instead of handling it with poise like a governer of a state is supposed to do. She forgot the old maxim all people who play sports know….more times than no, the referee will miss the original infraction, but they almost always catch the retaliation!

Justin on January 30, 2012 at 11:04 am

    Justin, since you’re an Obamabot Zombie it’s funny to see you STILL in his camp three years after his disastrous election with his love of socialism (he NEVER stands for the power of the INDIVIDUAL…he’s a lover of big gubmint with him as dictator…socialism for THEE but not for ME)and his habitual habit of lying and ostracizing even people in his own party. You take the BIZARRO opinion of The Zero because you warp your mind to believe he is a benevolent and good leader. It’s not our fault if you can’t see the light.

    And you also have not been paying attention to the vendetta that your hero, Zero has with REPUBLICAN governors. You dismiss his bullying of Bobby Jindal, Rick Scott, Rick Perry, Scott Walker, Chris Christie AS WELL AS Gov. Brewer. You love your “Dear Leader”!

    So please, if you wanna sell CrAzY at least sell it to your brothers in arms who keep their heads WILLINGLY in the sand. It don’t sell here and we just point and laugh at you.

    Skunky on January 30, 2012 at 1:12 pm

“Ma, Ma where’s my Pa?
Gone to the White House, ha ha ha!”

This little ditty was recited during Grover Cleveland administration.

Obama has made decisions that warrant a “wag of the finger”. He doesn’t get a pass because he is a media favorite.

Tanstaafl on January 30, 2012 at 1:32 pm

Skunky, I was raised to respect figures in authority, no matter how much I dislike or diagree with them. In other words, I have “home-training”, something “conservatives” used to be about back in the day. If that somehow makes me an “Obama zombie” or whatever, then so be it. I forgot that now I’m dealing with a generation raised on Jerry Springer, Maury Povich, Jersey Shore, and reality TV, who believe that being loud, disrespectful, boorish, and coarse is the natural order of things.

Justin on January 30, 2012 at 2:47 pm

    Justin, I was raised proper too. In fact, not only was I raised proper but I was also taught to FIGHT BACK against liars and charlatans.

    In this case, your deferment is foolish and stupid. I felt that GWB should be respected because he was NOT what the media and the Leftists said he was (they tried to make him into a monster)…and with that said, I also feel a lot of his foolishness and DANGEROUS policies (which I learned HERE) were not talked about in Conservative circles.

    Obama is a charlatan who is FAKE, FAKE, FAKE to the core, hides things about his TRUE feelings and background and he’s trying to dismantle USA and take away my individual freedoms and Liberties. I do not respect an evil man like that and I never will. If I had the chance to meet him or his ugly wife I would decline. Why don’t you ask the Venezuelans how they feel about Hugo Chavez? Pay close attention that they can’t bad-mouth him!

    But you sound really foolish with your sick pandering. I don’t roll like that!

    Skunky on January 30, 2012 at 6:21 pm

Justin, since you said in you’re last comment that you “respect figures in authority, no matter how much you dislike or disagree with them.” Did you have respect for George W Bush Jr. when he was president for 8 years (he to was a figure in authority)?

Bro, we have the 1st amendment in the US Constitution & Bill of Rights, guess what Justin, speech that’s unpopular and that irrates you and angers you is PROTECTED under the 1st amendment whether you like it or not. We don’t need NO type of amendment that’ll protect polite speech, PC speech or speech you like, etc., we don’t live in North Korea, Venezula, Cuba, Iran, Saudi Arabia, China, etc. where the people in those countries are forbidded to speak out against their government or regime!

And another thing, this country is NOT a monarchy like Great Britian, Jordan, Netherlands, Morocco, etc., and this country was build on anti-loyalism and that’s why we fought against the British in the American Revolutionary war so we could become our independent state and cherish the freedoms and liberties that were currently enjoying today.

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on January 30, 2012 at 5:31 pm

Sean, the George Bush question is strange to me because I don’t understand why people assume I’m an Obama supporter just because I prefer public officials behave themselves while in public. As tough as it is for many to understand in today’s vitriolic political environment, I believe respect should be accorded to the office of the President of the United States, no matter what their party or ideology or my party or ideology. Maybe it’s because of my age and the era that I was raised, but I cannot even CONCEIVE of putting my finger in the face of any United States President, no matter how strongly I felt about an issue.

And if you’ll read other posts on this topic, I am not the one acting irate and angry. It is the ones who seem to support Gov. Brewer’s actions who seem somewhat…well…unhinged (did you read “Juan’s” response?”). I don’t understand why you brought up the 1st Amendment….you don’t see me calling for the arrest of Gov. Brewer. I’m just expressing my displeasure at her lack of decorum in dealing with a POTUS. Freedom of speech DOES NOT free you from criticism of what you say. And we live in a time where reality TV is teaching people that the way to resolve issues is to get in someone’s face. But I expect better on a governor.

I’m all for people speaking out strongly against their government if they want to…Lord knows I’ve done it on more than one occasion. But once you become an elected official such as Governor of a state, you just can’t run off at the mouth just because you’re angry or feel like it. You’re representing your state, meaning you have to have th emotional maturity to know how and when to fight your battles.

Justin on January 30, 2012 at 7:38 pm

    Justin, you have spent more time and thought expressing your high dudgeon that an elected official pointed HER finger at another elected official than taking Obama to task for all the destructive things he has done to USA and how he just lies, lies, lies.

    Who do you think you’re fooling?

    People have a lot of passion on this because the want America to REMAIN free. If Zero’s plans come to fruition (and they will if he gets another term) NO ONE will be able to lift a finger to him AGAIN.

    Do you know of Hugo Chavez? Or what happened when Kim Jong-il died? The ones who didn’t cry, DIED. And there are some North Koreans who are in death camps now because their crying for “Dear Leader” was not emotive enough.

    It’s not my fault you’re an idiot and get outraged by stupid things and stand by idly while USA is being remade into something that in the end even YOU won’t like. Useful idiot!

    I’d like to see you show as much disgust at NDAA. No, you crap on about foolish things like a fool.

    Skunky on January 30, 2012 at 8:17 pm

The Governor should have stuck her finger
up his arse which may better reflect where
he prefers it anyway.

Commander Zsvartz on January 30, 2012 at 8:08 pm

You meant to say a sitting, elected, natural born citizen Governor.

Ron McIntosh on January 30, 2012 at 8:27 pm

Skunky, I’m still trying to figure out what Hugo Chavez or North Korea has to do with what we’re talking about. As long as I and other Americans have our guns (legally or illegally), I don’t think we have to worry ahout becoming Venezuela or North Korea. And last I looked, we do have a viable opposition party who is working to unseat the President (hell, they’re on the news 24-7 endlessly debating, they control talk radio, and have Websites too numerous to mention). And why should I take Pres. Obama to task? Last I looked and heard, there are thousands of Websites, commentators, Presidential hopefuls, radio stations, politicos, columnists, and so many others who are doing it…what can I say about President Obama that hasn’t already been said a thousand times?

I have no interest in “fooling” you or anyone else on this site…hell, I don’t even KNOW you. You say I’m “Outraged”, yet you and every person I’ve addressed are the ones who start going into these crazy rants, and start name-calling, all in the name of “passion”. But again, in this “Jersey Shore/Basketball Wives” nation of ours, that seems to be the norm now…

Justin on January 30, 2012 at 9:08 pm

    Justin, you’re a MORE ON!

    You’re not fooling anyone here. We can smell simpering Liberals when they stink up the joint.

    And you’re still crapping on about the treatment of poor MaObama and his just desserts.

    It would never occur to you to crap on about his use of executive orders, his forcing (in one year) Catholic organizations to “get over” their religious ideology and do what the STATE wants, his hiring of Czars, the NDAA or his stopping of the XL Pipelne.

    You don’t show outrage for Pigford or “fast and furious” or his close ties to GE and all the perks they get. You don’t show outrage for his many vacations and parties at the WH.

    But you’re beside yourself that a sassy governor gave it back to the thin-skinned creep and that we express our 1st amendment rights here.

    GET. OVER. IT. We don’t care. We care about all the things you don’t which are more important than your sooky issues.

    Skunky on January 30, 2012 at 10:26 pm

Um….Skunky…did you ever consider that I didn’t address or show “outrage” over the other topics you mentioned is because….well….Debbie’s commentary was about the exchange between Pres. Obama and Gov. Brewer. I thought that was the topic we were supposed to be addressing. If Debbie writes a column on the other “Obama” issues you brought up out of the blue, then I will address them.

Justin on February 1, 2012 at 12:33 am

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