January 13, 2009, - 1:01 pm

“Dear World”: Important VIDEO Message to the World of HAMASniks and “Disproporationate Response” Dolts

By Debbie Schlussel
This video is a reading (by radio host Rich Levin) of an important column that was one of my father’s faves. It’s a must-view for anyone who thinks Israel is “over-reacting” to HAMAS or is engaging in “disproportionate response.” And for anyone who isn’t a true expert on the Muslim War on the Jews a/k/a the Arab-Israeli conflict.
I’ve posted this video before. But it remains relevant with the times. Ever more so as their war on us escalates. While you may think the author is too controversial, he was actually a visionary in many ways. He said that the Jews could not live in peace with the Muslims, who are bent on their destruction. But, while the Israeli mainstream and even the Israeli left now seems to have adopted that view, it is too little, too late. And instead of transfering Jews out of Gaza and the so-called West Bank, the author was for transfering the real interlopers–the Muslims–out, the way they did to a million Jews in Arab Muslim lands, expelled from their homes and countries.

I’ve met the late author of the column read in this video, and I must say that despite the unfair vilification of him, I was impressed. The speech I heard him give didn’t contain an ounce of extremism. And I was impressed with his conduct in the face of undue critics in my presence.
I’m sure he’s turning over in his grave now, watching what’s happening.

18 Responses

See what you get when you chose to be the chosen people of God?
Well, suck on it and stop complaining and whining.
Be glad you still got a piece of land to bury your dead.
You caused 9/11 and all the miseries of the world.
Insha’allah we will crush you and throw you in the sea, pigs!
Gamal Abd El Nasser should’ve nuked you.
Allahu Akbar!
The Virgins are on our side!
Allahu Akbar!

Independent Conservative on January 13, 2009 at 1:37 pm

Why Debbie, it seems you’ve had a visit from a follower of the sub-human pig muhammed.

KrazyKafir on January 13, 2009 at 1:58 pm

Like Debbie, I have always admired the Rav. Unfortunately, the first Bush administration thought he was a piece of dirt. If the first Bush administration had treated his murder seriously neither World Trade Center attack would have taken place.
Look at Independent Conservative’s line about the virgins. This is obviously satire. He is one of us.

i_am_me on January 13, 2009 at 2:31 pm

Deb, have you actually seen this video? The first part is dedicated to persecution and murder of Jews by Christians!!! The reason Jews left the “world” for Israel is because Christians kept killing them!!!
[“Dear World”: Important VIDEO Message to the World of HAMASniks and “Disproporationate Response” Dolts]
The video does nothing to disprove the belief of a “Disproporationate Response” by Israel now.

Norman Blitzer on January 13, 2009 at 2:41 pm

Ahhh… that would be Meir Kahane, z’tl”. I read his works as a young man but I didn’t realize at the time he was a religious Zionist. I read that article and I thought he was spot on and its timeless because all of it is true. It could be written in any era and the message remains as relevant today as when it was written. He will be missed.

NormanF on January 13, 2009 at 3:37 pm

My opologies to you Independant Conservative. Still goes for muhammed, though.

KrazyKafir on January 13, 2009 at 4:07 pm

Too late now “KrazyKafir,” no Virgins for you.
You’re a “kafir” anyway, I’ll kill you and I’ll get them Virgins.
Thanks for the gift!

Independent Conservative on January 13, 2009 at 4:31 pm

Independent Conservative:
Be careful. No one said what species they are.

i_am_me on January 13, 2009 at 4:35 pm

Meir Kahane was a great man. His asassination by the Muslim was an act of terror that went unpunished. If Giuliani had been mayor of NYC I’m sure that Muslim would not have gotten off scot free.

lexi on January 13, 2009 at 4:54 pm

Independent Conservative:
Be careful. No one said what species they are.
Posted by: i_am_me [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 13, 2009 04:35 PM
That’s what I was afraid of:
The Virgins are all MEN !!
Allah damn it !!

Independent Conservative on January 13, 2009 at 5:20 pm

A great historical perspective of what it has been like to be a Jew. I like what it has to say.

BB on January 13, 2009 at 6:10 pm

After watching the above video, please view the following videos and decide for yourself which path the United States should take: The path provided to us by our Constitution or the path leading to our death and destruction:

ramjordan on January 13, 2009 at 7:15 pm

Incidentally, this disproportionate nonsense is ridiculous. Are they saying that 800 more Jews should be killed?
A proportionate response really means that one uses enough force to end the agression against the nation — not some measuring cup nonsense.
As someone who worked with the great Rabbi, I can tell you he was a good man. He was concerned with Jews not getting killed anymore.
As Debbie Schlussel pointed out earlier, his call for separation between Jews and Arabs has been taken up by his leftwin enemies in Israel, but they don’t have the guts to throw the Arabs out so they throw the Jews out: Gush Katif, Amona; etc.

Underzog on January 13, 2009 at 8:33 pm

[Incidentally, this disproportionate nonsense is ridiculous. Are they saying that 800 more Jews should be killed?]
No, what they’re saying is 800 Palestinians civilians shouldn’t have been killed.

Norman Blitzer on January 13, 2009 at 9:28 pm

And when they say “Jews to the ovens. You need a big oven”? What does that mean? I think even you know the answer.
Whatever Israel is doing it’s not enough. They’re certainly going to have to kill a lot more.
Besides, don’t these Muslims love death? Don’t they want to go to paradise where they’ll have 72 white raisins? They should get down on their knees and thank Israel for sending them on their way.
These savages can’t have it both ways. That can’t say death is wonderful and then when they bring some violence upon themselves, whine about their casualties.

Underzog on January 13, 2009 at 10:54 pm

RE : US ? Israel Policy !
Guys, Relax – everything is cool now. Hillary is
on the job. She will practice “smart policy” as
opposed to the “dumb policy” of W. supporting Israel. I have also heard experts like Aaron Miller on CNN sayig that Bush just “didn’t try hard enough”, and other experts saying US policy
will now be more “balanced”. Like we need 800 more
dead Jews to balance out the 900 dead Arabs !
So there is the Obama miracle : Try harder using
a smart policy and being more balanced. W. never
understood that !! And expect to see Bill in the
trenches as he promised !

Hawkins on January 14, 2009 at 9:59 am

The video does nothing to disprove the belief of a “Disproporationate Response” by Israel now.
Posted by: Norman Blitzer”
I see you took your stupid pills this morning Normie.

Ripper on January 14, 2009 at 1:40 pm

No, what they’re saying is 800 Palestinians civilians shouldn’t have been killed.”
Where did you get that information, from Hamas?

Ripper on January 14, 2009 at 1:41 pm

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