January 20, 2012, - 2:42 pm

Palestinian Queen Buys 22 Karat Gold Shoes w/ Diamonds – “Let Them Eat Falafel”

By Debbie Schlussel

Yesterday, the King of the real “Palestine,” King Abdullah Bin Hussain of Jordan, attacked Israel in a Wall Street Journal op-ed piece, calling for a Palestinian State on Israeli land.  That’s because he, a member of the Hashemite minority in Jordan, doesn’t want to give the Palestinian majority, which may be as high as 90-some % of the Jordanian population, a state where they should really have one, if any:  Jordan.  So, to alleviate that “problem,” he married a Palestinian who lives in the country of Fifth Avenue, New York and occasionally makes appearances in Jordan, when she’s not doing propaganda work with Oprah Winfrey or others among her minions of butt-kissers.

Muslim Queen & Drag Queen: BFFs Queen Rania and Michelle Hussein Obama Hang Out

And while many Jordanians–particularly Jordanian Palestinians–live in poverty and have a very low standard of living, Palestinian Queen Rania has a new way to show them how to really live, something you should remember the next time the Jordanian mini-King and his Queen attack Israel or mention “poverty” in Gaza or the “oppressed” Palestinians:

An Indian jeweller has been hired to make golden shoes for Jordan’s Queen Rania Al-Abdullah.

The Calcutta jeweller, who wants to remain anonymous, has been asked to make two pairs of 22 carat gold shoes.

Each pair will weigh 750 grams and will be embellished with diamonds and topaz.

The Bengali daily newspaper Anandabazar Patrika reports the jeweller said: “The queen used to get her shoes designed in Peshawar but they were not made of pure gold, only gold threads were used on the leather.

“The shoes she wants now will be made from pure gold without leather or foam.”

The newspaper says Jordanian officials had reportedly paid an advance of £34,468 for the job and the remainder, “a substantial amount of money”, will be paid after delivery.

The jeweller says he has imported three kilograms of gold from London to be used in the making of the shoes over the next two months.

Wow, those shoes sound really functional.

Again, remember the Palestinian Queen’s diamond-encrusted gold shoes the next time she whines about the “poor Palestinians.” I’m sure the Palestinians would happily take the more than $55,000 it costs for these ridiculous, garish shoes, in addition to the gazillions in aid they already get from the U.S. and Israel.

Instead, Queen Rania and her hubby–with this shoe purchase and other swanky stuff they constantly buy on the Jordanian Palestinian dime–are telling the Palestinians:  Let them eat falafel.  And make sure it’s halal.

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106 Responses

I’m sure Michelle will be getting a pair of those herself at our expense….

Hakam Batarseh on January 22, 2012 at 3:42 pm

    I would expect atleast a minimally intelligent comment from you Mr. Batarseh. This is not a credible source of information and while I respect you are Jordanian….you live a blessed life in America. Any article to make a mochary of the first lady and refers to her as a drag queen warrants no further disrespect on your part. I am a republican myself. Be thankful for the opportunities you have found here because we know that you came here and made alot from a small liquor store in Gary, In. These opportunities were given to you by this great country. Respect is due…..

    Yours Truly on April 14, 2012 at 9:14 pm

    Mr. Batarseh,
    I will also have you know that this photograph of Queen Rania and Michelle Obama in the Yellow Room of the white house was taken during a meeting during her April 2009 US trip, Queen Rania joined leading education advocates Congresswoman Nita Lowey and Counsellor to the Secretary of the Treasury Gene Sperling to launch “The Big Read” as part of Global Campaign for Education’s global action week calling for quality basic education for all children and was hosted by First Lady Obama. I happen to be a part of this program and would encourage you – a father of four – to respect and appreciate such a cause.

    Yours Truly on April 14, 2012 at 10:58 pm

i think this mony is not so much for a nice queen who carry the palestinan problem in her mind

so it will be nice to make a nice dress from gold too

jordanians from palestinan origin are 50 percent in jordan
jordanian and palestinans who live in jordan are enough clever to not go into the fire you try to do between them
peace be in all arabic countries

sam on January 22, 2012 at 4:00 pm

    let every single woman in the world buy what ever she would… but if pays for it herself… not not to be paid from jordanian people’s pockets.. people here are starving

    razan on January 23, 2012 at 3:09 am

    Sam, from your severely broken English you must be a Jordanian. I am a Jordanian too so don’t feel bad.

    What you are saying is not true, the ratio of Palestinians living in Jordan as of 2011 is 87% percent according to the UNICEF but this is something that you will never accept because you, and all those who for the intelligence department (mukhabarat) like yourself, will do whatever they can to persuade everyone into thinking otherwise. It’s ok though, the whole world except for you knows that 87%-90% is indeed correct.
    Anyways, your Kind and Queen are both corrupt and the author of this article exposed them for who they really are.
    Keep living in denial, Sam. I’m laughing so hard at your pathetic attempt to argue in English. Go kiss your king’s ass some more you puppet.

    Bala Sam bala Moe on January 23, 2012 at 6:30 am

      To start with I am in no means fan of the King or his wife at all and hope to see them leaving Jordan for Jordanians who have made precious sacrifices for there country.

      But at the same time I am not silly to believe such fabricated story like the one this writer tries to premote,it makes no sense what so ever to say the palestinians make up to 90% of the population in Jordan!it makes me question your credibility as writer and person fogive my harsh words but u are making a joke of yourself already just by saying that specially for those of us who are close to jordan and know what u are saying is totaly false. Example for those whome dont know much about Jordan if just one of the Jordanian tripes well known as Bani Hassan count one million and fifty thousand people out of 5 and half million the total population of jordan,that leaves us with 4 and a half million which means about 84% of the population how ever I want to draw the attention of the reader this just one single clan of the tribes of Jordan and I have not counted the rest of the Jordanian tribes such as Bny Abbad,Bany Sakher,Al Adwan and many more which nearlly two third of the of the total population.
      The actual truth of the Palestinian presence in Jordan does not exceed 30% to 35. Some may be surprised by this great differences between the ratios and some wonder why? I ‘ll say that any rates declared on the presence of the Palestinian brothers in Jordan is political overvalued rates in a bid to aid received by the Jordanian state to help them to contain the expenditure of Palestinian refugees in Jordan if the fighers are high then the aid increases. logical ofcourse.

      Those who tries to promote this idea are simply promoting the Zionist ideology (perhaps unknowingly) to set up alternative homeland in Jordan for palestinians by saying Jordan contains already %90 of them.
      Just think

      True Jordanian on February 25, 2012 at 11:27 am

    Peace will never be in any arabic country – lets face it – you camel jockey’s have been beheading each other for centuries with no end in site. Get real dude – muslims just can’t stop killing each other.

    MRobs on February 9, 2012 at 4:29 pm

around 2 millon israeli are russians. why dont they go back to russia, Stallin is dead so its safe to go back to russia now and revolution everywhere in the middle east so they better hurry up before its too late

ibrahim on January 23, 2012 at 1:16 am

What is the source of your information. It seems you know nothing about the population demography of Jordan.
Killing innocent Palestinian people and obligating the rest, who stayed a life, to leave their country and stole their land is not an important issue to mention. The magic solution is to let them have another country in Jordan. Really criminals.

Peace on January 23, 2012 at 2:16 am

you information about the population in Jordan is sheeting.

Jordanian on January 23, 2012 at 6:26 am

    sheeting!! hahahaha! All Jordanians seem to be morons.

    Go learn English then kiss your king’s ass you puppets.

    87%-90% of the population in Jordan are Palestinians. wake up!

    sheeting? hahahahahahahah

    stupid Jordanians

    Khordanian on January 23, 2012 at 7:21 am

      Do you really spend all your time trying to insult people over the internet ?? Go get a life mate. Dumb arse zionist jew !!

      salman al assaf on June 7, 2013 at 5:30 pm

unfortunatly if the shoes of Queen Rania cost about 60000$ how much the cost of her underware will be???????????
jordan people you have to proud of that!!!!!!!!

jordanian from ajlun on January 23, 2012 at 10:25 am

for all jewis we are coming soon will be coming and jewsh life will be short coz we gona burn you all till we finch the last one of jewsh . just burn pigs and dogs then the life will be clean

hasan on January 23, 2012 at 11:44 am

    Oh please!!! You are not going anywhere buddy boy!! Have you watched the NEWS lately?
    News flash …The Jews OWN YOU and OWN YOUR KING. Just stop embarrassing us with your stupid posts… have you ever read the history of the middle east since 1900
    Also, use the technology that the Jews invented properly
    1-think of a good response, then type it
    2-please please.. for the sake of everything that is holy read what you have written and spell check

    another Jordanian with broken english on January 23, 2012 at 12:15 pm

    Two things, hasan:

    1) Genesis 12: 1-3.

    2) “another Jordanian with broken english” is correct in his reference to how it was a Jewish man having invented a computer and other technology. (Credit also to Sean R. in a comment that appeared here last night but disappeared due to a server issue. Also, if you don’t believe me, I can also provide a youtube link via Debbie to prove not only that point, but other things that you’d have to give up becuase Jews invented them.) Therefore if you don’t appreciate the Jewish people, then please never use a computer again–as just one example–, you Nazi Muslim scumbag.

    JeffE on January 23, 2012 at 10:48 pm

    Your post is a perfect example of why muslim countries will never advance past the 7th century and why muslim countries have contributed nothing of substance to the world – you just can’t fix stupid!

    MRobs on February 9, 2012 at 4:34 pm

if her shoes from gold then her shoes deserve alot of kisses
the king abdulla will be tired of kissing..kiss her lips..her pussy…her shoes

jordanian from ajlun on January 23, 2012 at 12:14 pm

    I am a Jordanian and this article got my attention, as any news about Jordan. Debbie Schlussel might be a good blogger, but I can assure you that she is not a good writer nor she is a good liar. A good writer will always seek to list the truth and checks the facts before showing others what he/she wrote. Debbie, even while listing lies and forgery, she could not even make then look semi real. She stated that Palestinians are about 90% of the population of Jordan; This information is so big, even Israelis do not believe it. Then she says that the jeweler received about $50,000 as a down payment for the shoes then purchased 2 kg of Gold from London; why from London, Is gold available in London only.
    Debbie, please learn how to lie first then start writing your lies. Trying to neither smear the name of the King or the Queen of Jordan with your lies does not nor it will ever work.

    Jamal Rousan on January 23, 2012 at 1:04 pm

I am a Jordanian and this article got my attention, as any news about Jordan. Debbie Schlussel might be a good blogger, but I can assure you that she is not a good writer nor she is a good liar. A good writer will always seek to list the truth and checks the facts before showing others what he/she wrote. Debbie, even while listing lies and forgery, she could not even make then look semi real. She stated that Palestinians are about 90% of the population of Jordan; This information is so big, even Israelis do not believe it. Then she says that the jeweler received about $50,000 as a down payment for the shoes then purchased 2 kg of Gold from London; why from London, Is gold available in London only.
Debbie, please learn how to lie first then start writing your lies. Trying to either smear the name of the King or the Queen of Jordan with your lies does not or it will ever work.

Jamal Rousan on January 23, 2012 at 1:09 pm

    Jamal Rousan,

    You wrote:

    “Debbie Schlussel might be a good blogger, but I can assure you that she is not a good writer nor she is a good liar. A good writer will always seek to list the truth and checks the facts before showing others what he/she wrote. Debbie, even while listing lies and forgery, she could not even make then look semi real.”

    Any examples to back this up? See below.

    You continue:

    “She stated that Palestinians are about 90% of the population of Jordan; This information is so big, even Israelis do not believe it.”

    Tell that to Khordanian and Bala Sam bala Moe.

    Khordanian writes,

    [“sheeting!! hahahaha! All Jordanians seem to be morons.

    Go learn English then kiss your king’s ass you puppets.

    87%-90% of the population in Jordan are Palestinians. wake up!

    sheeting? hahahahahahahah

    stupid Jordanians”

    Khordanian on January 23, 2012 at 7:21 am]

    It looks like Khordanian anticipated your comment.

    So has Bala Sam bala Moe, who writes in response to Sam on January 22, 2012 at 4:00 pm:

    [“What you are saying is not true, the ratio of Palestinians living in Jordan as of 2011 is 87% percent according to the UNICEF but this is something that you will never accept because you, and all those who for the intelligence department (mukhabarat) like yourself, will do whatever they can to persuade everyone into thinking otherwise. It’s ok though, the whole world except for you (sam) knows that 87%-90% is indeed correct. …”

    Bala Sam bala Moe on January 23, 2012 at 6:30 am]

    Yes, Sam and also you as well.

    Then you contnue further:

    “Then she says that the jeweler received about $50,000 as a down payment for the shoes then purchased 2 kg of Gold from London; why from London, Is gold available in London only.”

    Did you read Debbie’s link? It appears on the words: “a new way to show them how to live.” In any case, you didn’t say what the truth is instead or provide any evidence to back up what you wrote other than your say so.

    Now back to the beginning of my comment of your accusing Debbie of even so much as being mistaken, let alone your stronger accusation of her being a liar and a forger, and my question:

    “Any examples to back this up?”

    The answer is no. You’re just venting because Debbie wrote what you didn’t want to read and hurt your feelings with the truth being totally irrelevent to you. Poor baby!

    JeffE on January 23, 2012 at 10:39 pm

      Sir, Let us assume that what Debbie wrote about the queen is true and that the queen of Jordan bought shoes worth one million dollars. The question here is why the queen cannot by whatever she wanted with her own money. Debbie did not provide us with any proof that the King or the Queen used money belonging to any one besides themselves. We have seen and read about people spending millions of dollars on a birthday party. At least if the queen ever needed money, there are many Debbies who wish to by our Queen’s shoes; ask Debbie if you do not believe me.
      As of Jordan population, the main population groups are Jordanians and Palestinians. Palestinians who migrated in 1948 and 1967 are Jordanian citizens and they have full citizenship. The Jordanian Palestinians mostly live in Amman and Zerqa, yet they do not have the majority of votes to win the whole city councils. they are the simple majority in those two cities, but the rest of Jordan is more than 60% of the population and the Palestinian are less than a minorities on those areas. Even according to the American Embassy in Amman, Palestinians do not reach 50% of population. In spite of all that, Palestine belongs to them and this fact is not in doubt. The Palestinians are welcomed in Jordan and we support them in their struggle.
      Debbie’s envy of the queen is obvious and her bias toward His Majesty is clear. Let us remember the bare facts, Debbie will never amount to more than Debbie, while Rania and Abdullah are Queen and King already and we cherish them.

      Jamal on January 24, 2012 at 3:45 pm

Hey Debbie, what’s it to you? We want our queen to wear the best. And wether palestinians make 90% of Jordan’s popullation or not in not an issue in Jordan. Why is it to you? Jordan will always be Jordan and Palestine will always be Palestine. And we will return!

tamara on January 23, 2012 at 2:50 pm

“The shoes she wants now will be made from pure gold without leather or foam.”


Are these her workout shoes, so she doesn’t have to bother with ankle-weights?

Michelle on January 23, 2012 at 6:23 pm

Normally somebody lives in the west doesn’t know much or doesn’t care what happens there. I always read such articles which are sent to the so called writer by somebody else. You are 100% know what i mean and who sent it to you. Palestinians know where is their homeland.

mideastern on January 23, 2012 at 8:16 pm

your information regarding the population, I am not sure did some one lie to you or where you got your information from.
the population is 45% to 55% where Jordanians are more, any way that is not a big deal because we are all brothers :).
try to work harder and know where to get your information from.

gaith_dallas on January 23, 2012 at 11:09 pm

Tamara writes:

“Jordan will always be Jordan and Palestine will always be Palestine.”

See my link below, but first–

mideastern writes:

“Palestinians know where is their homeland.”

I know where the “Palestinians” homeland isn’t at–Israel.

Now for my link.


JeffE on January 23, 2012 at 11:17 pm

It is obvious that you hold a big-time grudge for our enlightened King and Queen, whom I hold great respect to. It is also apparent that you had received or were promised to receive big-time money or some other grant to attack our throne symbol by whom?! by the Jewish lobby and others who have interest in knocking down our Monarch for standing out to Israel. People in Jordan are far more aware of their Queen’s authenticity and such lies will have a negative impact on them. Debbie, sorry – your evil endevour did not work.

Raja Seikaly on January 24, 2012 at 1:23 am

Shoes or no shoes, the issue is Israel and its occupation of Palestine. This is not an issue that can be concealed with criticism to this leader or that. The Fascist state of Israel will end; like it or not, it will.

Basil on January 24, 2012 at 1:31 am

first of all I thank the writer about this matter, and I have to say that we know it even if we did not know details, not just that; we hate this leaders and their wifes, but keep in mind that we hate them cuz they are like puppets in the hand of Israil.
so if u think that we love them or even respect them u have to think again.
finally I have to say something to our historical enemy Israil we are coming, be ready the war is a matter of existance for us.
remeber 2006 , south Lebanon, so be creative and leave our land peacefully or we have to get it back by force
(frogive me if I wrote any spelling-wrong words)

SyrianHetler on January 24, 2012 at 1:32 am

    Seems every time you camel jocky’s pick a fight with Isreal you LOSE! As any intelligent thinking person knows – history tends to repeat itself. Then again when dealing with the inferior muslim mind one must remember they are incapable of self reflection. It never ceases to amaze me that middle eastern culture has not advanced much since the 7th century – but like I always say – you just can’t fix stupid!

    MRobs on February 9, 2012 at 4:42 pm

This article’s main intent is that Palestinians should Live in Jordan, not in Palestine.

Palestine is the name of the Land Israel Occupies, this is clear by checking all historical, legal and United Nations documentation available to this writer.

Percentage of Palestinians living currently in Jordan for any reason is the problem not the solution, the land of the Palestinians is Palestine from which they were removed by force and they should be allowed and helped to live on their land.

As many of our jewish fellows were removed forceably from their lands in Europe and should be allowed to live peacefully there without fear for their lives.

The Cause of the Problem is prejudice and hatered in Europe while the ultimate victim became the Palestinian people.

Bassam on January 24, 2012 at 3:07 am

This is the biggest lie any body could ever have said, you are a liar, and for your own knowledge Jordan is Jordan, and Palestine is Palestine on the west bank dear whether you like it or not

Maha on February 2, 2012 at 9:37 am

I wonder how can a person move wearing such heavy shoes ..this article is pure nonsense …her Majesty Queen Rania might have done some mistakes in her expenditure but her devotion to Jordan and to Palestine will never be questioned . All jordanians from both origins will ALWAYS work to get back Palestine. We might sometimes have internal differences but we are one against a common enemy. 100%of jordanians and 100%of arabs who are christian and muslim will always work together to get Palestine back no matter what anyone writes or says . This article will only be of importance to people who do not know us. In Jordan we are one hand when it comes to Palestine .The families are intermarried but we are unrelenting and will never forget Palestine .

G.b.s on February 5, 2012 at 12:18 pm

The percentage of Palestinians in Jordan does not exceed 35% composition of the Jordanian people and demographic population is made up of rural and desert cities. Residents of rural areas where peasants live and farmers including Muslon and Christians as well as in the desert Bedouin tribes live and they live in the province of south, central and eastern regions in the Jordanian desert. In cities home to all the families of the Kingdom in addition to the displaced Palestinians who were expelled by Israel during the occupation of the land of Palestine, whether in 1949 or 1967 and some of them live in camps to this day. There minorities Jordanian Circassian and Chechen origin, Druze and Baha’i are minorities engaged in normal life in the Jordanian society. Jordanians of Palestinian origin flatly refuse to be Jordan Land alternative to Palestine, as well as the Palestinians on the land of Palestine. Jordan and Palestine, Lebanon and Syria all are Levant and this is what it looks sons of this country to achieve in the future. (Levant)

sami samara on November 9, 2012 at 6:10 pm

I mean Levant ountres of cham

sami samara on November 9, 2012 at 6:16 pm

This piece has absolutly wrong statistics in regards of Jordan poulations. and again a queen buys 22 kirat Gold shoe and Israel occupying palestine and killing its people, Gaza population are starving, settlers are taking over houses of palestenians in Jerusalim how are these facts relevant to queen Rania’s shopping expensis?! if she stops buying her gold shoes will these facts stop! come on! get real for god’s sake

Donia on June 7, 2013 at 9:33 am

The truth is right in front of you. Yet you are too blind to see what she have done wrong. Queen Rania you are rotten come clean for what you have lied about… every one knows about your faked stories about your lover and boyfriends just be honest you do have boyfriends and lovers

anonomous on April 15, 2015 at 2:16 pm

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