December 31, 2008, - 10:15 am

Video of the Day: Ft. Lauderdale HAMASniks Slither Out From Under the Rock; Tell Jews to “Go Back to the Oven”

By Debbie Schlussel
I was going to go to last night’s Dearbornistan HAMASapolooza and film it. But I had better things to do. And it looks like I made the right choice. The Ft. Lauderdale version is so much more “enlightening” and revealing. This video, posted by Carl in Jerusalem, Pamela Geller/Atlas Shrugs, and Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch, is very entertaining.
As reader “I Am Me” points out, between 3:20 and 3:40, one of the “peaceful” Palestinians in a hijab tells Jews to go back to the oven. “Go back to the oven, you need a big oven.”
Toward the beginning we’re shown the sewer mouth of a Muslim woman dressed all “modestly.” Hmmm . . . doesn’t modesty of your actions matter more than your fraudulent uniform? Then, there’s another guy telling us how this is to show the “beauty of Islam.” More like the “perpetual ugly of Islam.” Kudos to Tom Trento for braving this toilet of Muslim excrement to film and report on this:

Ah, a nice taste of Gaza City on the streets of America. This is what we get for letting them come here in unlimited numbers.
Forget about “Free Palestine.” Free Fort Lauderdale. It’s become occupied by vermin and is badly in need of heavy-duty disinfectant.

26 Responses

Between 3:20 and 3:30 a simply lovely American woman wants to help us with our kitchen appliances. Isn’t that what she meant?

i_am_me on December 31, 2008 at 10:31 am

“Shots in Denmark Supermarket”

yonason on December 31, 2008 at 10:47 am

If they care so much about them, then, why aren’t they over there helping the palis? I’m tired of their propaganda b.s. and their media enablers. Back when digg used to be useful I had made a similar comment to a journalist about why they continually film those ambulances that line up to be shot and then streak of with no patients inside. He agreed they were enabling but his bosses wanted them to shoot it anyway.

ryukyu on December 31, 2008 at 11:24 am

Debbie, I have a young attractive friend who’s an Arabic (part Spanish as well) but she’s not committed to the Muslim faith as far as like most of her friends (a mix of Arabic and Mideastern Muslims). Once in a debate few months ago that she doesn’t like what Israel is doing to the Palestinians and Israel is bad for everyone. I asked her exactly what was her problem with Israel. She said “Jews. Bad people.” Again, I asked her who told her that Jews are a bad people? She said many people in her background and upbringing told her that. Once again, I asked her what is the basis of that? She doesn’t know but she knows the Muslim faith will prevail in the Middle East, even though her stand with the faith is not very clear. She’s very ambiguous and confused on the subject but insisted that Israel is wrong for everything. *sigh*
After the debate, I came away less than impressed with her than with the debate. I don’t get to see her often but the poor young woman is obviously confused and misinformed about the Jews, Israel and the Palestinians. What can I do to help her to see things in a different light about the Jews and Israel in general without making herself defensive and alienated?

Bobby's Brain on December 31, 2008 at 11:42 am

For those of you too young to remember here is
a historical note :
Who was it that changed our immigration laws
( in the 1970’s ) to allow scum like these into
this country ??
Answer : Fat Boy – Teddy kennedy !
There is always a starting point – these things
just don’t “happen”.

Hawkins on December 31, 2008 at 11:50 am

Bobby, you make a good point. As soon as the Pals stop brainwashing their children about Israel and the Jews, maybe there can really be peace.
I was shocked to see on the news last night that these groups dared to protest in New York City of all places, I could see it happening in Dearborn, but that is almost like the Nazi march on Skokie in the 70’s. But in an article on that and the Dearborn protests in Ha’aretz online, some of the posts to the equivalent of the comments section noted that there are 300,000 Arab-Americans in the Detroit area, and maybe 1/10 of 1% of them came out in protest, certainly not a support against them, but not a show of support (1000 protesters in NY is not too big either, obviously we have a decent-size Arab-American community though nowhere near proportionally like Dearborn’s).

hairymon on December 31, 2008 at 12:03 pm

The more educated and more well-off Arabs are, the more pro-terrorist, pro-jihad and anti-Israel and anti-Western they will be. Poverty and ignorance does not breed terrorism.

NormanF on December 31, 2008 at 12:47 pm

Looks like there’s another Islamo-fun-fest this weekend…
Event Title: Gaza Protest at Dearborn City Hall
Event Category: Community Advocacy
Organization: Congress of Arab American Ogranizations-CAAO
Venue: Dearborn City Hall, 14615 Michigan Avenue
Start Date: Friday, January 02, 2009
End Date: Friday, January 02, 2009
Start Time: 5:00 PM

jokermtb on December 31, 2008 at 12:47 pm

Unfortunately we havent seen anything yet. Muslims are biding time until they get a nuke. They will have no guilt in using it, as the Imam states “because once people really understand the beauty of Islam, THEY WILL HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO ACCEPT IT”. Nice conversion techniques.
Still waiting for KING HUSSEIN COBRAMA to forge an opinion on this conflict. Oh yeah he cant say anything because “there is only one president at a time”. However he did condemn Mumbai bombings. Back to more serious things, Golfing and getting a tan on the white half of his body.

californiascreaming on December 31, 2008 at 1:40 pm

In a few weeks, I’ll be sixty-three years old.
When I was growing up, America was different.
What the heck has happened to us in just the last generation or two, or over the past couple of decades?
There was a time when public demonstrations against Israel or against Judaisim were unheard of.
Prior to forced racial integration, our society practiced much higher standards in morality, literacy, appearance, and conduct.
Miscegenation, homosexuality, abortion, euthanasia, unmarried couples, children born out of wedlock, “political correctness”, “hate speech”, and “hate crimes” legislation didn’t exist, at least, not on the planet I was living on.
Our courts still adhered to the Constitution of the United States, and we citizens still believed (literally) in the Holy Bible.
So, where did it all go?
With our courts and public officials now flagrantly ignoring the Constitution of the United States and inalienable rights, and with our contemporary legal system increasingly favoring perversion, deviance, tyranny, and wickedness, it appears to me that lines are being drawn in the sand, lines which can not be crossed, and must therefore lead to massive bloodshed among ourselves, as circumstances compel men to take up arms in order to protect their families from these overwhelming evil influences.
I see no other option.
Thank you.
John Robert Mallernee
Official Bard of Clan Henderson
Armed Forces Retirement Home
Washington, D.C. 20011-8400
NOTE: “My unpopular and controversial personal opinions are independent of my Scottish clan.”

writesong on December 31, 2008 at 2:23 pm

I understand that there’s already a new social entitlement program that’s being demanded by the Islamo-extremist crowd,and has alread been earmarked for rapid passage by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid- the new program will be called “Be-head Start”…

Mistress_Dee on December 31, 2008 at 2:45 pm

Look at these anti-Israel demonstrators. Note their hatred, their implacable murderous impulses toward Israel, toward Jews. And note well one other thing, the one thing that should be obvious, but is, somehow, missed. It is that most of these protesters, their mouths foaming with hatred like rabid dogs, are all religious Muslims, invoking their faith, praying on the street, Submitting. They are all soldiers, fighting for, or at least demanding, Allah’s hegemony over an infidel state. The precepts and canonical texts of Islam do not allow infidels dominion or autonomy over the Faithful; the infidel state of Israel is, to them, an abomination, and an especial abomination because of Israel’s being located within the heart of Islamdom, a situation which, to believing Muslims, is intolerable, and which must not be allowed to prevail. These are Hamas supporters because, as Muslims, they can be nothing but. Hamas (the Islamic Resistance Movement), Hezbollah (the Party of Allah), Fatah, and all the rest of the innumerable parties, groups, armies, and brigades waging jihad across the globe, even in areas far from, and having nothing to do with Israel or Arab Palestine (Mindanao, Acer, Nigeria, Chechnya, Kashmir- the list is virtually endless) have only one thing in common, and one objective – to fight until the primacy of Islam, and Shari’a, have been established across the globe, everywhere on earth. And from the viewing of this demonstration, and the behavior, the garb, the oratory and utterances, one other thing should be obvious. To distinguish between the Gazan government, whose charter is clearly based on the precepts of Islam (google it, and read it for yourself) and the Gazan citizenry is, essentially, a distinction without a difference. The Gazans elected Hamas to lead them, and they did so knowing full well what Hamas represented. It must be assumed that the great majority of Gazans agree with the platform and the objectives of their leaders. And this is because nearly all of the Gazans are Muslims, who share the ideology of Hamas – its belief in Muslim (and Arab) supremacy, its belief that Jews are degraded and hated by Allah, and its belief that Israel must be destroyed. As Muslims, as Believers, this is how they must act. Israel, ignorant of Islam’s full malevolence, still believes, it appears, that most, or many, of those in Gaza are opposed to the extremist, maximalist platform of Hamas. But there is no rational basis to believe this. There is, and will be, from Gaza, and Hamas, which came to power by popular demand, nothing for Israel but jihad without end. There is only one thing for Israel to do, and that is to keep fighting there, ignoring all international demands for Israel to stop defending itself, until Hamas surrenders unconditionally, even if it means inadvertently killing some (or many) civilians. This war must be won, or Israel will be on life support. And should Israel prevail, the next step must be a massive population transfer. Virtually all of Gaza’s population should be uprooted, sent to Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, anywhere within Islamdom, but not here (remember the video you just saw?), not anywhere in the West. Israel should then retake Gaza, and permanently incorporate it. It needs to do this. Watch the video again, if you don’t believe me.

commonsense on December 31, 2008 at 3:45 pm

If we don’t wake up soon and realize that these people don’t want peace, they will kill us in the name of Allah and feel like they are doing right, then we will find that we have completely and permanently lost our country, our rights and our freedoms.
THERE IS NO PEACEFUL ISLAMIST, they are just biding their time. There isn’t one of them that wouldn’t slit a throat or behead a child in the name of Allah. Forget that and we’ve lost.

David Roberts on December 31, 2008 at 4:59 pm

RE : John Robert of Clan Henderson
I was greatly moved by your comments. I am older
than you and also a veteran ( and a legal immigrant – 1950 ). Like you, I grieve for the America we have lost to political correctness and multiculturalism. The younger people have no clue ! I don’t know how to stop the decline, but I
saw it coming plain as day with the “flower children” and so-called “anti-war movement” which
piggy backed on to the civil rights movement. These were used by the liberal politicians to gain
power and begin the destruction of this once great
land. Reagan was but a speed bump in this downward
spiral. All this is eloquently described by a former particiapnt in this tragedy – David Horowitz in his autobiography “Radical Son”. I was
deeply moved by this book and encourage everyone who wants to understand the 60’s and how we got here to read it.

Hawkins on December 31, 2008 at 6:59 pm

Here come the Muslims to the Big Island of Hawaii, where Jews (including myself), Christians, Mormons, and Buddhists have all lived happily together for many years:
As is apparent from the article, Muslims=Trouble. This story has it all: fradulent fundraising, legal Jihad, attempts to create a different regulatory standard for Muslims. The Big Island is a very happy and peaceful place where a variety of people get on very well together. That is certainly under threat with the arrival of Muslims.

sonomaca on December 31, 2008 at 8:07 pm

I heard that the toilet known as Dearborn, Michigan has been churning again with pro “Palestinian” and Hamas supporters protesting.
How do these types of turds always find the time to be in the streets yelling and protesting? The rest of us are too busy trying to work for a living.

rtaylor174 on January 1, 2009 at 1:55 am

There is only one answer; deport all the alien Moslems and the native born will be a whole lot quieter and more amenable to Americanization. I am disgusted with our dhimmitude as a country. I grew up in Fort Lauderdale, and to see this group of Moslems demonstrating on Broward Blvd. nauseates me! My dear dead conservative parents must be rolling in their graves, and my immigrant grandfather likewise. When I see Moslem women in their head rags and long sacks, it’s all I can do to stop looking daggers at them – or yelling at them – or something. Besides I don’t want jail time, but to see women subjugate themselves to the Moslem life is sickening!!! And they would do this to us all!!

Jamieos on January 1, 2009 at 12:58 pm

Dear Debbie;
You know what I think? No you don’t. So here’s what I think.
I don’t know exactly how many people voted for “The Messiah”, but I’ll bet you at least fifty percent of these voters did not know one damn thing about B. Hussein O. They didn’t know about his communist mentors, his relationships with terrorist, political thugs, radical preachers, and other assorted ne’er do wells.
Others did know about his friendships with Jew haters, whitey haters, America haters, etc., but they did not care. Maybe they thought these associations were good a thing.
Some did not know, or care about his his far left points of view.
Some voted for him just because he’s not Bush, or McCain, or because he’s fifty percent Negro, or because he’s tall, or the belief that he picked Sarah Palin for vice president, or because cherry pie taste delicious.
I think the same sort of thing could be going on here with these protesters. They don’t know what is happening over there in Israel, and Gaza. Or why it’s happening. They don’t know the history of Israel, the Jewish people, or the area known as Palestine. And maybe they don’t care. Maybe they just think it’s hip/cool to be involved with a big protest. You know that “Everybody wants to get in on the act” mentality. And then there is the possibility that they just hate Jews. Because you know; Cherry Pie taste delicious. Or some other cockamamie reason. So it doesn’t matter what the Jews do. They’ll find something to hate them for. They just want something to bitch about. It’s like a phobia.
So there you have it. This is what I think. Because I know you were just dying to know.

EJO on January 1, 2009 at 2:38 pm

Anyone who watches this video and can’t understand what we’re up against needs some serious help. After serving in the Military and having to see my country being overrun by a bunch of barbarian fanatics turns my stomach. I never thought I would live to see this day in a million years. My only suggestion for true patriotic Americans is to be legally well armed and fight this scourge to the death.

Juggler on January 2, 2009 at 7:05 am

Well isn’t that video special! Just love that tollerance there Debbie…
Here’s a special quote found on the internet…
Prophet #1 …. wants you to kill on his behalf, is a documented pedophile and murdered untold thousands.
Prophet #2 Lived a pure life, never harmed anyone and surrendered his life for the salvation of his followers.
Seems like a no brainer to me, but then again a religion based on ignorance, tribalism, envy and mudererous bloodlust….well, draw your own conclusions.

ob3 on January 2, 2009 at 3:38 pm

I don’t know why you are promoting Pamela Geller. She is divorced and seems to like judgement regarding men and maybe worse then that. Furthermore, she makes herself into a sex object.
It is this kind of immorality among women that puts the West in trouble. If you really cared about men Debbie you wouldn’t be promoting Pamela. G-d is going to hide his/her face from us when divorced hate anothr religon when they aren’t fulfilling their own relgion which a woman is suppose to be a man’s helpmate although on the man’s side he is suppose to leave his father and mother and cling to his wife. Even is some corrupt Male Rabbi’s push divorce and tell women they don’t have to be married which has made many think that Judaism is a religon that hates fathers.

adam6275 on January 3, 2009 at 6:04 pm

I don’t know why you are promoting Pamela Geller. She is divorced and seems to like judgement regarding men and maybe worse then that. Furthermore, she makes herself into a sex object.
It is this kind of immorality among women that puts the West in trouble. If you really cared about men Debbie you wouldn’t be promoting Pamela. G-d is going to hide his/her face from us when divorced hate anothr religon when they aren’t fulfilling their own relgion which a woman is suppose to be a man’s helpmate although on the man’s side he is suppose to leave his father and mother and cling to his wife. Even is some corrupt Male Rabbi’s push divorce and tell women they don’t have to be married which has made many think that Judaism is a religon that hates fathers.

adam6275 on January 3, 2009 at 6:04 pm

Nothing wrong with Pamela Geller, nor what she’s doing. Please tell her we love her, and to keep up the great work.
Fuck Hama’s. I hope the IDF hits them hard, often, and mercilessly. Eradicate the ugly, evil bastards.
Go Israel…

Jackson Pearson on January 3, 2009 at 11:18 pm

Well I don’t love Pamella Geller. I don’t see how she is helping the West in any way in fact her behavior is exactly what of the things that is going to bring to totaliaritanism to this country. I’m sick of divorced women who have very disturbed families hating another religon when their own religon has allowed them to do what they want. THere is much more to Judaism then keeping Kosher and Keeping Shabbos.
Any anyway Geller is a big Palin supporters. and have crticized Debbie on her blog. THese women are going to bring totalitarianism to this country and they blame everybody for the countries problems except they themselves are part of the problem are part of the moral meltdown of this country which will lead to totalitariansim.

adam6275 on January 4, 2009 at 7:58 am

what a lousy video, why all the attention !!they did not put what the jewish mob on the other side were shouting “kill all women and children in palestine “, before the crowd responded and when people are mad they say things they don’t mean , a one sided video from a known israeli teacher of hate sholomo madoff aka ” tom trento ” lol, that is not his name , look at him, he is a jew whom his grandparents lived like kings under muslim rule , and now he is twisting video and preaching hate what a shame

the truth on January 6, 2009 at 10:13 am

what a lousy video, why all the attention !!they did not put what the jews on the other side were shouting “kill all women and children in palestine “, before the crowd responded and when people are mad they say things they don’t mean , a one sided video from a known israeli teacher of hate sholomo madoff aka ” tom trento ” lol, that is not his name , look at him, he is a jew whom his grandparents lived like kings under muslim rule, when jews were fleeing from germany , and now he is twisting video and preaching hate what a shame

the truth on January 6, 2009 at 10:14 am

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