December 30, 2008, - 7:04 pm

Sign of the Times: Everyone’s a Celebrity, Including This Guy I Never Heard of

By Debbie Schlussel
It’s a sign of the times when even the most minor person with the most minor role in association with a sort of celebrity dies, and it’s news. Here’s what I mean. Today, several papers I read published an article about the death David Alexander Smith a/k/a “ICE”–the choreographer of Olympic Gold Medalist Usain Bolt.
Why the heck would an Olympic track star from Jamaica, who is perhaps a Muslim that can’t spell Hussein(?), need a choreographer? Well, by “choreographer” they mean that he taught Bolt his, um, “touchdown dance”–this stupid “Gully Creepa” dance he did when he won his gold medal. This is a celebrity? Hilarious.
Next thing ya know, I’ll be reading the obituary of the person who once gave Obama a hanky in which to blow his nose while on the beach in Hawaii.
Here’s video of Usain (Pat and Vanna, I wanna buy an “H”) Bolt doing this Gully Creeper, er . . . Creepa thing. Watch it and tell me if the guy who, um, “invented” this stupid gyration is worthy of worldwide obituary notice. Below that is a news story from Jamaica about this dude. Strangely, they no longer speak English in Jamaica, and I need a translator for most of the people being interviewed.

6 Responses

On that same note:
Now that Hussein Obama got his 15 minutes of fame and the delusionals had their orgasms by selecting him as their “commander-in-thief,” the grown-ups should take over to start dealing with the serious problems facing America and the world.
Happy New Year!
We are screwed!

Independent Conservative on December 30, 2008 at 7:35 pm

this has to be the dumbest blogpost i’ve ever read in my entire life

chitown85 on December 30, 2008 at 9:56 pm

It’s shit like THIS that cause people to hate your guts!!!
USAIN is a wordplay on *You saying* and BOLT is synonymous with RUN in Jamaica…so WE found it hilarious that the world’s FASTEST MAN was so aptly named. will give you the impression that Jamaicans were against the Jews, but THOSE JAMAICANS cited here were English Colonists…as the Rastafarians [Lions of Zion] show…there is a deep RESPECT for Judaism—which is why i put up with your dumb ass.

EminemsRevenge on December 30, 2008 at 10:23 pm

Like the Who song…”in with the new boss, same as the old boss.” That is what the Obama Administration will be like. Change…I don’t think so. Or at least not the rhetoric Obama spewed while campaigning. Obama isn’t going to do anything different which bring real and necessary change to America. Obama is already re-negging on many things he said while campaigning. The scandals are already beginning with Obama and he hasn’t even taken office. My bet, is Obama will have the highest scandal rate or in the top three once his term or terms are finished.
And one thing for people to be on the look out for. Obama said that taxes will decrease for approximately 95% of working Americans. Well, Obama plans on reversing the Bush 10 year tax cuts. So, people will see an increase of their taxed incomed…yet Obama will explain he didn’t raise taxes per se. Just he stopped the Bush tax cuts. Wow, it’s going to be a long four years. Just wonderring how much damage Obama can do in that time span…I say a lot. The Obamanation ride is ready to start. Strap in, it’s going to be a long and very rough ride.

Tenn Scholar on December 31, 2008 at 4:34 am

On a lighter note: It is really unclear where the “celebrity” obsession got started. Some say it began with Mr. Coffee. Others dispute this theory. I have heard that if you go to France, and know no French, language that is, all you have to say is “Jerry Lewis” and the doors will be opened. What’s in a name? The feminist remake of the Charleton Heston classic, “Ben Hur”, now “Been Her” illustrates the potential for butchery. No pun intended. I, however, will never forget the passing of the fourth Lassie’s fourth Trainer in the fourth season, uhmm, uhmm…? Happy New Year to all of the Wonderful Unknowns. And you know who you are?

Roads Skolar on December 31, 2008 at 7:11 am

Way to disrespect an entire people, Debbie.
”Strangely, they no longer speak English in Jamaica, and I need a translator for most of the people being interviewed.”
I guess the Jews in Jamaica can’t speak english either.
People have stronger accents than others.

By the way, Jamaica has a 0.2% population of Muslims. It is an overwhelmingly Christian country.

Harry on September 19, 2010 at 2:13 pm

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