December 5, 2008, - 2:38 pm

Dumb “Race Victim” Protest Sign of the Day

By Debbie Schlussel
You knew this was coming. From outside the Las Vegas courtroom at today’s O.J. Simpson sentence of nine to 33 years behind bars:


9 Responses

Filed under “Ebonics woked fo me”
Dig those white sunglasses and the straight hair. Classic. Is that a mullet?

californiascreaming on December 5, 2008 at 4:57 pm

I would not have expected anything less. Aren’t these the same people who want to extend the vote to (other) felons? They are the same ones who want to protect the criminals and terrorists who are assaulting us, they don’t want us to listen to our enemies convesations when they are plotting to destroy us, and so on. This is just consistency.

c f on December 5, 2008 at 7:37 pm

I had the opportunity at the time of OJ Simpson if the glove don’t fit, you must acquit trial, to watch it from start to finish. Clearly, OJ was guilty as any sin committed, however, was given a blatant pass by blacks on the jury. He walked free as an arrogant cocky bird, seemingly untouchable. So to see this today was justice delayed, but nevertheless, paid.

Jackson Pearson on December 5, 2008 at 8:41 pm

One goes to jail…one goes to the White House!
Both conned the sane people and we have and will be paying for their sins. What a country!!!

arejaymack on December 5, 2008 at 9:32 pm

I guess she didn’t get the memo: Oj prefers blonds.

Southernops on December 5, 2008 at 11:25 pm

I am not a black male hater. He was found not guilyty in the first case. OVER. I am mixed on this one but that is the sentence. OVER.
Bob A.

Bob A. on December 7, 2008 at 6:46 pm

Agree with you Jackson.
Bob A.

Bob A. on December 7, 2008 at 6:48 pm

I’m waiting to see what the Surpeme Court says about Donofrio’s Obama “natural born citizen” suit. I keep expecting America to wake up, but maybe we won’t this election. If not now, when? OJ was let off in the first criminal case, but lost the civil case, now this. But who really cares anymore? I find for me the horror of an Obama presidency overshadows everything else. That’s why I’m focused on the SCOTUS. I guess the cases will continue as long as Obama is not in jail, but it seems that nothing can stop him. The really frightening thing is t as Obama is not in jail, but it seems that nothing can stop him. The really frightening thing is that there is hardly any American that knows anything about Obama or seems to care, and the MSM, judges, and government officials are all protecting him. hat there is hardly any American that knows anything about Obama or seems to care, and the MSM, judges, and government officials are all protecting him.

Rip Alinsky on December 7, 2008 at 8:24 pm

I’m waiting to see what the Surpeme Court says about Donofrio’s Obama “natural born citizen” suit. I keep expecting America to wake up, but maybe we won’t this election. If not now, when? OJ was let off in the first criminal case, but lost the civil case, now this. But who really cares anymore? I find for me the horror of an Obama presidency overshadows everything else. That’s why I’m focused on the SCOTUS. I guess the cases will continue as long as Obama is not in jail, but it seems that nothing can stop him. The really frightening thing is t as Obama is not in jail, but it seems that nothing can stop him. The really frightening thing is that there is hardly any American that knows anything about Obama or seems to care, and the MSM, judges, and government officials are all protecting him. hat there is hardly any American that knows anything about Obama or seems to care, and the MSM, judges, and government officials are all protecting him.

Rip Alinsky on December 7, 2008 at 8:24 pm

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