November 6, 2008, - 10:08 am

Your Day in Deep Celeb Political Analysis & Obnoxious Gloating

By Debbie Schlussel
The D-List celebs, plus Oprah, are running the asylum.


8 Responses

Damn! It would have been good to see Oprah laid out in hospital on a drip. Oh well, next time.
And Curtis should be ashamed of herself. Her father was a Hungarian Jew who donated a million dollars for the the central synagogue in Budapest. And now she’s cosying up with another ideology,passing as a religion, that wants to wipe Jews out.

johndoe on November 6, 2008 at 11:04 am

Well if the Obama win wasn’t scary enough … I think I’d actually watch Oprah if she did her show from a hospital ‘with a drip.’
Speaking of Drips … the thought of Michael Moore sitting in the Oval Office visiting President Obama should send most of us to a hospital.

Jimmy Lewis on November 6, 2008 at 11:04 am

“Speaking of Drips … the thought of Michael Moore sitting in the Oval Office visiting President Obama should send most of us to a hospital.”
All I can say is that I hope they have a few dozen industrial sized barrels of lysol, and line the furntiture if he does. lol
A couple of years ago, I found it to be the extreme of irony, when, as part of a “get out the vote” effort, Michael Moore was tossing out packages of underwear to them. 😀
Now who, in their right mind would acceept underwear from Michael Moore?

Mistress_Dee on November 6, 2008 at 12:24 pm

Ethan Hawke pretty much says it all. New York City residents have all the answers- we here in the midwest need them to tell us how to live.

MarySJ on November 6, 2008 at 12:41 pm

Old (VERY old) joke – sorry but I just couldn’t resist:
Did you hear they arrested Oprah on drug charges?
They looked up her dress and found a ton of crack.

I_am_me on November 6, 2008 at 12:50 pm

Hey, wait a minute! I understand world history, geography, cultures, religions, the difference between right and wrong, knowing that some “folks” want to kill me because I don’t bow to Mecca…oh dear. Guess I’m not that educated and enlightened after all.
Who knew?

cirrus1701 on November 6, 2008 at 1:19 pm

The people on Wall Street are not celebrating, and the last time I checked it was still part of New York.

Burt on November 6, 2008 at 3:17 pm

Just watched the new “Get Smart” movie. Like Seigfried said in response to his side kicks sad comment about a bomb going off in Hollywood where all the actors are. “Yes, what will we do with out their razor sharp political advice.” I could do with less. I’ve left my t.v. off for 3 days EXCEPT for cage fights and “Get Smart”.

samurai on November 6, 2008 at 3:29 pm

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