November 6, 2008, - 9:03 am

Michael Moore Likely Guest in Obama White House: The Emanuel Connection

By Debbie Schlussel
Barack Obama’s choice for White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, likes to tout the fact that his father, an Israeli-American, fought for Israel’s independence–helping Menachem Begin and the Irgun by passing secret code to them.
But what you may not know is that his more dominant parent–an American-born woman whose liberalism trumps her Judaism–founded and ran a rock’n’roll club in Chicago and was an anti-war protester, who frequently took the Emanuel kids to anti-war rallies. That’s what shaped them, not their father. In fact, Rahm Emanuel is the one who forced Israeli Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin to shake terrorist Yasser Arafat’s hand at the White House, a most disgusting moment.


What you may also not know about the Emanuels is that Rahm Emanuel’s brother, Ari Emanuel, is a big-time Hollywood agent. He is founder of Endeavor, one of the big three agencies for actors and entertainers. And one of his biggest clients–literally and figuratively–is Flabulous Filmmaker Michael Moore. If you watch HBO’s “Entourage”, then you are familiar with Ari Emanuel, sort of. You see, Emanuel’s real life is the life on which lead character, Ari Gold (played by Jeremy Piven), is based. Ari Gold’s clients on the show–thug Mark Wahlberg, Sacha Baron Cohen, and other big names–are Ari Emanuel’s real-life clients.

Calorically Gifted Filmmaker, Wife, Agent Ari Emanuel

As one of the most powerful figures in the agent biz, Emanuel has a very interesting sense of selective outrage. Although Ari Emanuel spoke out against Mel Gibson’s anti-Semitic tirade to a Jewish Los Angeles-area cop, he’s been particularly reticent on client Michael Moore’s anti-Israel statements and Palestinian leanings. He knows on which side his bread is buttered. And, again, the Emanuel boys were influenced more by their anti-war mother than their brave soldier father, a brilliant medical doctor.
That’s why you shouldn’t be surprised when the Emanuel Brothers invite Michael Moore to the Onaugural festivities and later as a White House guest. Don’t be surprised if his corpulent self is at a State Dinner . . . if he can find a tux big enough. Yes, in addition to Oprah, Michael Moore will become an Obama insider.
The confluence of far-left Hollywood and Obama will be ever present in the White House Chief of Staff.

Look for This Real “Sicko” @ The Obama White House

One other thing about Rahm Emanuel: He lost half a finger when he accidentally chopped it off while working at a fast-food restaurant as a kid. But there are stories about how he’s allowed admiring fans and women to believe he somehow got it serving in the Israeli Army. That’s a myth. Although he spent time volunteering in the IDF during the Gulf War (when frankly he was likely of little use), that isn’t how he cut off his finger. The guy is neither an Israeli, nor a hero. And many wonder if he even remembers he’s a Jew . . . or an American. Include me among that querying category.

12 Responses

Thanks a lot for that information Debbie. Priceless stuff as usual and a necessary antidote to the expected BS that Obama must be so pro-Israel if he can choose this dud as his chief of staff. Even I…and I am not easily fooled…thought Obama must be on the side of good for selecting the son of an Irgun fighter. It is a constant battle these days against the forces hoodwinking us and you Debbie are fighting on the front line. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your work and dedication to the truth. Melanie Phillips over here in the UK is also a kindred spirit.

johndoe on November 6, 2008 at 11:13 am

Ahh, the change. “E” sounds like a lot of phoney libs. Lost a finger in combat? Wow, the lib chicks at the club must eat that up.

samurai on November 6, 2008 at 11:59 am

I’m still waiting for Michael Moore’s mockumentory on childhood obesity.

piker on November 6, 2008 at 1:11 pm

You can’t get information like this anywhere else on the Internet. Debbie is the hardest working person in the media and by far the most honest. Spread the word about this site. HITS make the blog world go round. I’d hit it…TWICE a day at least. I found out about DS from a colleague at work last year. A day without DS is a day without the truth.

ParaLyzer on November 6, 2008 at 1:45 pm

Obviously this appointment is meant to throw a sop to those misguided Jewish voters who voted for Obama. But our president-elect has already said he’s looking for ways to involve Iran and Syria in discussions so our relations with them can improve. Like improving our relationships with Germany and the Soviet Union (sic) in the 1930s. Unfortunaitely Putin will run rings around him just like he did around Bush II.
The information you provided is very interesting. I was completely unaware of it.

c f on November 6, 2008 at 2:10 pm

The McCain ads about Obama as celebrity were certainly true. This guy loves to hang out with the “stars”. He’s just been voted “most popular”, and that means all the guys want to hang with him (and all the girls want to be with him…I have no doubt that the likes of Charlize Theron, Scarlet Johannsen, and Halle Berry would “entertain” him, no problem).

sonomaca on November 6, 2008 at 2:16 pm

In honor of COBRAMA and Michael Moore I will celebrate COBRAMA’S inauguration by buying a gun. Lets make 1/20/09 NATIONAL BUY A GUN DAY. Why should libs have all the fun on that day?

californiascreaming on November 6, 2008 at 2:21 pm

I’m enjoying the extreme anguish Muslims are having over the appointment of Emanuel.
I guess Rep. Emanuel is yet another one of those Orthodox Jews who did NOT vote for Sen. McCain. :+)
Rep. Emanuel voted for the invasion of Iraq. Where’s the outrage from the anti-war left? The silence is deafening.

There is NO Santa Claus on November 6, 2008 at 9:16 pm

I’m wondering what you think about the claims that Rahm Imanuel is a Mossad agent. A recent clip on memritv shows a Lebanese journalist making that claim and it seems that the issue came up before when he worked for Clinton.

ubi revera on November 11, 2008 at 11:38 pm

The reason why Ari (and Rahm) are nice to Moore is that Moore put the blame for 9/11 on the Saudis, a position the was encourage by the Israelis. It deflects from any inspection of who benefited from the events of that horrible day. Moore is a dupe for the “false flag” plot about 9/11 and Gibson is a easy target for vilification.
Talk about Rahm Emanuel being a Mossad agent is far from speculative. There are American journalist that report Rahm Emanuel’s code name was “Mega” and that he was instrumental in getting Monica Lewinsky placed close to Bill Clinton.
I can’t believe you called the Emanuel boys father “brave.” He was a member of a group that even the Israelis classify as a terrorist group. They were responsible for blowing the King David Hotel, a market place and railroad station. Irgum killed hundreds of innocent Palestinians people and British citizens. Dr. Benjamin M. Emanuel (Aurbach) was personally involved in smuggling weapons into Palestine and was also involved in a failed attempt to blow up a train full of Palestinian peasants. After Rahm’s appointment Benjamin Emanuel was quoted slurring all Arabs as floor cleaners.
Most ridiculous of all is your last sentence.
“The guy is neither an Israeli, nor a hero. And many wonder if he even remembers he’s a Jew . . . or an American. Include me among that querying category.” Emanuel has dual citizenship holding both Israeli and American passports. Rahm is so Jewish, something he never forgets, that he asked permission from his Rabbi to work on a Jewish holiday. And if Rahm was so useless volunteering for the Israli army why was he back there right before the Gaza invasion?
Rahm Emanuel said that he and Obama ran Blagojevich’s re-election campaign. He was trying to bribe Blago and BUY Ombama’s Senate seat. He. Rahm, spoke to Blago and his staff 21 times trying to get the Illinios Governor to appoint an Emanuel staff member member to be a temporary replacement Congressman for Emanuel’s seat.
I could go on and on but let me just say the Emanuels are bad news.

Cove on January 14, 2009 at 4:02 pm

The reason why Ari (and Rahm) are nice to Moore is that Moore put the blame for 9/11 on the Saudis, a position that was encourage by the Israelis. It deflects from any inspection of who benefited from the events of that horrible day. Moore is a dupe for the “false flag” plot about 9/11 and Gibson is a easy target for vilification.
Talk about Rahm Emanuel being a Mossad agent is far from speculative. There are American journalists that report Rahm Emanuel’s code name was “Mega” and that he was instrumental in getting Monica Lewinsky placed close to Bill Clinton.
I can’t believe you called the Emanuel boys father “brave.” He was a member of a group that even the Israelis classify as a terrorist group. They were responsible for blowing the King David Hotel, a market place and railroad station. Irgum killed hundreds of innocent Palestinians people and British citizens. Dr. Benjamin M. Emanuel (Aurbach) was personally involved in smuggling weapons into Palestine and was also involved in a failed attempt to blow up a train full of Palestinian peasants. After Rahm’s appointment Benjamin Emanuel was quoted slurring all Arabs as floor cleaners.
Most ridiculous of all is your last sentence.
“The guy is neither an Israeli, nor a hero. And many wonder if he even remembers he’s a Jew . . . or an American. Include me among that querying category.” Emanuel has dual citizenship holding both Israeli and American passports. Rahm is so Jewish, something he never forgets, that he asked permission from his Rabbi to work on a Jewish holiday. And if Rahm was so useless volunteering for the Israli army why was he back there right before the Gaza invasion?
Rahm Emanuel said that he and Obama ran Blagojevich’s re-election campaign. He was trying to bribe Blago and BUY Ombama’s Senate seat. He. Rahm, spoke to Blago and his staff 21 times trying to get the Illinios Governor to appoint an Emanuel staff member member to be a temporary replacement Congressman for Emanuel’s seat.
I could go on and on but let me just say the Emanuels are bad news.

Cove on January 14, 2009 at 4:06 pm

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