November 4, 2008, - 8:25 am
The Swedes Show Us What Our Media Won’t: Edyookayshun =Teacher Browbeats Student Over McCain Support
By Debbie Schlussel
Forget about reading, writing, and arithmetic. Our friend, Kenneth Sikorski of Tundra Tabloids, brings us the story of Diantha Harris who belittles pro-McCain students. He has the transcript and video. A taste:
Oh, Jesus, John McCain?! . . . So that means that your daddy could stay in the military for another hundred years!
Is she the new chairwoman of Child Abusers for Obama? Now you know why John McCain got trounced in mock-voting in our schools.
Let’s hear it for real world edyookayshun. Yes We Can . . . humiliate students.
Let’s also hear it for the filtering mainstream Obamedia. We only learn about this from a Finnish blogger and expert political analyst (Sikorski) writing on a Swedish documentary.
Oh, the work that some Americans (the media) just won’t do.
Debbie, this is the tip of the iceberg of what goes on in public schools. Kids who aren’t down the line left wing are mocked and browbeaten by low IQ teachers with the full knowledge and support of administrators, who are skilled at playing dumb. A significant number of kids actually end up believing the leftist/ socialist gruel they are fed. If you and I have kids we’ll have to send them to an Orthodox day school.
Anonymous1 on November 4, 2008 at 9:17 am