November 3, 2008, - 9:17 pm

Um, Why is My TV Weatherman Telling Me to Vote for Obama?

By Debbie Schlussel
On Sunday Morning, I watched in disbelief as I heard weatherman Andrew Humphrey tell the Detroit TV audience to vote for Obama. No, Humphrey didn’t flat out say, “Vote for Obama on Tuesday”. As a graduate of the University of Michigan and MIT, he’s smarter than that.
No, meteorologist Andrew said on WDIV/Local 4 (Detroit’s NBC affiliate, owned by the liberal Post-Newsweek), “And on Tuesday, it’s your chance to get out and make history on this very historic election day.” Well, I think it’s pretty clear what he was saying, and very unclear what this had to do with the weather.
I called Channel 4’s newsroom immediately to complain and I got through. The news staffer said that he also meant Sarah Palin–that we could make history by electing either Obama or Sarah Palin. Uh-huh. The Detroit Free Press reports that 98% of Black voters here are voting Obama. The other 2% are undecided, and he isn’t one of them. Do you really think he was telling us to make history with Palin (not that that would make it okay–it would be equally objectionable)? And why the heck is this in a . . . weathercast?


I know Andrew Humphrey, though not well (he’s liberal and definitely voting Obama). I like him–really smart and nice guy. But, dude, just give me the damn weather.
Keep the politics and other pronouncements to yourself. There’s a reason it’s called a “NEWScast”, not an OPINIONcast.
Maybe you think I’m making a big deal out of an innocent statement. I suppose that Andrew–who is no militant–could have said something far more blatant and egregious. But come on, I think we know what the weatherman was telling us to do on election day.
The only “history-making” that should be mentioned in a weathercast is record precipitation or temperatures.
It’s amazing that in no less than Rev. Wright’s alleged “U.S. of KKKA” people get away with this.
Here’s my new weather term: Partly Obama (partly cloudy). When there’s a blizzard outside, it’s SnObama–kinda like what Obama does whenever he’s asked for specifics about anything, as in he gives you the SnObama.

19 Responses

Ok, this was not an innocent statement. Huel Perkins and FOX2 have been doing the same kind of thing over the last 8 months. Very obvious.

rickster on November 3, 2008 at 10:17 pm

People just hate that kind of arrogance from the media – being told the election is over before a single vote has been cast. The polls are all off. There’s something brewing under surface, so we’ll have to wait til tomorrow night to find out what that means.

NormanF on November 3, 2008 at 10:24 pm

Yes, I’d like to make history also, by somehow helping to insure that we hold this union together by maintaining it as a constitutionally limited republic.

rickster on November 3, 2008 at 10:26 pm

Well, he went to the U of M. That says it all.
I’m not surprised that a weather reader manages to talk about Obama. After all, courses in Shakespeare, History of Religion, Physics, etc. etc. manage somehow to talk about how evil George Bush is, so this is the same thing.
–MS in Meteorology from MIT, Cambridge, MA
–BSE in Meteorology from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

c f on November 3, 2008 at 10:31 pm

What is going to happen in less than 24 hours, is what I call an “Obamanation”.

ParaLyzer on November 3, 2008 at 10:47 pm

In less than 24 hours this country is going to have an “OBAMANATION” on its hands.

ParaLyzer on November 3, 2008 at 10:48 pm

The last time I checked all newscasts were, in fact, opinion-casts.

uwbadger on November 4, 2008 at 12:27 am

[Look at Andrew. Do you really think he was telling us to make history with Palin?]
Exactly what are you implying, Debbie?
[Maybe you think I’m making a big deal out of an innocent statement.]
Yes, I do. But have a happy Obama day nonetheless.

Norman Blitzer on November 4, 2008 at 3:55 am

Ooooh Debbo, I think you’re losing it.
Presidential election days are always historic, how can they be anything else? Who has a greater chance of shaping history than the President of the USA?

No Pasaran! on November 4, 2008 at 7:17 am

“And on Tuesday, it’s your chance to get out and make history on this very historic election day.”
Fair comment, I’d say. How can a day for electing a President of the USA be anything other than historic?

No Pasaran! on November 4, 2008 at 7:27 am

Does MIT offer a major in Black Studies? I’m shocked. What could this weather-reader possibly have studied at MIT?

lexi on November 4, 2008 at 9:33 am

MIT is my alma mater..It’s predominantly a sciences institute, but is has other internal schools, such as the sloan busines school and has unfortunately become more libera arts focused in some of it’s adjunct peripheral studies aras.
for the record, meteorology is considered a distinct science, aligned with geological and climactic studies areas. Science is no longer “pure” but over the years, has become a platform for political ideology as well. Not that it’s new, just that it’s more blatant these days.
Perhaps this guy is just really an “Underground Weatherman” LOL

Mistress_Dee on November 4, 2008 at 9:52 am

forgot to add that there are a lot of shared study curriculums with Harvard from MIT- you know how to get to Washington, dont’ you? Just go to Harvard and turn left. LOL

Mistress_Dee on November 4, 2008 at 9:56 am

[Does MIT offer a major in Black Studies? I’m shocked. What could this weather-reader possibly have studied at MIT?
Posted by: lexi]
I wonder how many more regular posters at DS are racists?

Norman Blitzer on November 4, 2008 at 12:38 pm

wow. are we REALLY so myopic and so ridiculously sensitive that a t.v. personality can’t say “be part of history and get out there and vote” without risk of offending someone? whatever. either way this election goes will be historic- for the first time in united states history there will be either a black man or a woman in the white house. it took as long as it did because we hold our own selves back, as is sadly confirmed by whiny commentaries like this.

nlb77 on November 4, 2008 at 4:34 pm

I tell you what is historic, is watching the dummying down of America where a Communist and Muslim can be elected to the Presidency all with the MSM providing the propaganda enabling him to do so.
Joseph Goebbels would be proud.

ScottyDog on November 4, 2008 at 9:02 pm

He was probably talking to the folks out there in t.v. land that are identical to the idiots that Jay Leno’s man on the street inerviews talk to. The ones that can’t answer a single simple question correctly. Their minds are focused on dancing with the stars and american idol.

samurai on November 5, 2008 at 12:14 pm

I wonder if Andrew H. feels ‘duped’ now, as many Americans do who supported and voted for Obama.

Bobby on July 25, 2011 at 11:29 pm

I don’t feel Andrew or anyone feels “duped”. Whose perfect in this world? Surely, not you Ms. Schlussel. Are you the only one who can have an opinion?

Only people who spit the trash that you spit out of your mouth is bad for copy or press. Get a life!

Jim on June 23, 2012 at 1:48 am

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