October 30, 2008, - 1:07 pm

HObama: And the All-Important Pimp & Ho Vote Goes To . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
. . . Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrats, and Gov. Ed Rendell’s people are trying to figure out how to win more of ’em over:

Allegheny County has 675 ladies ready to pull your lever.
They’re convicted streetwalkers, escorts and brothel babes collared in 2000 and from 2003-2006, uncovered during a Trib special report on local prostitution that will be published after the election.
Based on the prostitutes’ voter registration cards, they’re destined to become Obama girls in November. That’s because 78 percent of them registered as Democrats. Countywide, Dems make up only about 62 percent of voters, according to the Division of Elections.


Team HObama

The Illinois senator also has the advantage with local “johns” — 72 percent go Democratic. And convicted pimps: Four out of every five register Democratic. And for the most special of special interest groups — male transvestite hookers — they’re batting a thousand for Dems, albeit in drag.
“For years and years we had politicians paying too much attention to hookers, so it’s great to finally see hookers paying attention to politics,” said Dan Fee, a top Philadelphia Democratic consultant who helped Obama’s Pennsylvania primary campaign.
Fee’s tongue was firmly embedded in his cheek [DS: I’m not so sure about that], but pretrial detainees; people incarcerated for misdemeanors; and felons released from prison, on home arrest or in halfway houses can vote legally, according to the Pennsylvania Department of State. Based on registration addresses, Democratic sex workers likely will go the polls most heavily in Pittsburgh’s Uptown, North Side and Lawrenceville wards, with Republican prostitutes voting in Morningside, Allentown and Beechview.
“You don’t disregard any voter, but how would you even advertise with these women?” said Fee, Gov. Ed Rendell’s former spokesman. . . .
[P]rostitutes already display an impressive loyalty to the Democratic brand, at least locally. Not so with the Republicans . . . .
While about one out of every four county voters registers Republican, less than 10 percent of the oldest profession joins the Grand Old Party. What can a 72-year-old pro-business Senator from Arizona do to win over the Bordello Belt? Something involving a stimulus package?

No, just free gonorrhea and syphillis tests.
In the meantime, here’s accompanying music that I nominate as the new theme song of the impending Obama Administration:

3 Responses

You know, these Obama girls look no different than your typical psychoslut. That says everything, doesn’t it?

Squirrel3D on October 30, 2008 at 2:35 pm

I second the motion and in the feeling of progression, that song should be played instead of “Hail to the Chief” for the inauguration ceremony. It would be so beautiful.
“Hail to the Chief” belongs to Ronald & Nancy Reagan, anyway.

gravejoke on November 1, 2008 at 2:25 pm

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