October 21, 2008, - 3:50 pm

I Warned You About Judge Abu Porno: ACORN-Esque Bush Judge Enables Voter Fraud, Ineligible Voters

By Debbie Schlussel
Whenever a Bush voter cites “the judges” as the reason he/she is glad we’ve had eight years of the failed George W., they cite Supreme Court Justices Roberts and Alito.
Yes, those Justices are great, but remember that we were going to get Justice Miers–because she was a good Bush brown-noser and wrote him mash notes–and only got Alito because conservatives were furious and outspoken.
And, as I tell most people who cite the Bush Justices, most important decisions never even get to the Supreme Court. They’re decided at the Federal District Court and Appeals levels. Remember, the Supreme Court accepts very few cases for consideration.
That takes us to the very liberal, very objectionable District Court judges Bush has appointed. Some of them are virtually indistinguishable from likely Kerry appointees.


Federal Judge Abu Porno a/k/a Stephen Murphy III:

Bush Slob Helps ACORN, ACLU, Obama

Take U.S. District Court Judge Stephen Murphy III a/k/a “Abu Porno” . . . now Judge Abu Porno (so nicknamed for his well-known penchant for looking at and sharing online porn with co-workers all day long at the U.S. Attorney’s Office–so much for Bush family values; I’m sure this porn addiction didn’t stop once he entered the Courthouse).
As you’ll recall, I opposed the Bush nomination of Murphy–first to the U.S. Court of Appeals and later to U.S. District Court. Aside from being a complete dummy, Murphy was comfortably in bed with the most extremist Muslims in the Detroit area. This slob and porn addict praised Hezbollah and joked about its presence on the State Department Terrorist list, saying he had no idea why the group was on the list because it does “humanitarian work”. He’s the one who allowed Hezbollah gazillionaire financier and tax defrauder Talal Chahine to flee the country and keep operating his Michigan restaurant chain from Lebanon even after he became a fugitive.
Murphy praised Marxist Congressman John Conyers as one of the greatest jurists he’s ever met (Conyers has a law degree but doesn’t practice, except when he’s holding Bush impeachment hearings). And he praised Ayatollah Khomeini’s Navy spiritual leader, extremist Imam Mohammed Ali Elahi, a man known for his anti-Semitic rantings and ravings and a friend of Hezbollah spiritual leader, Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah.
And Murphy was the one who made a sleazy deal for a guilty plea and light sentence for Hezbollah’s FBI/CIA spy Nada Nadim Prouty, Talal Chahine’s sister-inlaw. Murphy also refused to prosecute Muslim hate crimes against Jews, notably four Muslims who sent me rape, torture, and death threats, while he threw the book at non-Muslims who sent benign e-mails to Muslim extremists. Because of Murphy’s refusal to prosecute those who threatened the lives of myself and my family, your tax dollars paid extra for Department of Justice prosecutors to fly in from Washington to do his job.
Murphy made racist comments against Black people, in front of multiple witnesses, and he allowed corrupt ICE official Roy Bailey to remain on the federal payroll for four years after it was discovered that Bailey was on the take from Hezbollah and Chahine, allowing Muslim illegal aliens into the country and helping them gain citizenship.
Murphy’s relationship with FBI award revokee, marriage fraud perpetrator, and “former” Islamic terrorist Imad Hamad was so tight, many angry federal agents commented that this mancrush resembled an ambiguously gay relationship, with Murphy warning Hamad about all raids by federal agents and apologizing within hours for them.
Yes, this is one of those GUH-REAT “Bush judges” I keep hearing about.
Last week, we reaped the first of many rewards of this awesome Bush Judge, Abu Porno, with his pan-ACORNist ruling about voters who should be ineligible. His ruling is rife with fraud.
Thanks, George W., for this fine judicial specimen:

A federal judge in Detroit ordered state elections officials today to halt one of two methods for purging voters from Michigan’s computerized voting rolls.
U.S. District Judge Stephen Murphy III told state officials to immediately stop canceling the registrations of newly registered voters whose voter identification cards are returned as undeliverable by the post office. Murphy said state officials must restore the names of 1,438 people who have been removed from the rolls under this method since Jan. 1.
Murphy said a second practice — removing the names of people who apply for driver’s licenses in other states — also is illegal, but the prospects of restoring the names of about 200,000 people, only a few of whom were wrongly removed, “would risk grave harm to the public interest by permitting a large number of ineligible voters to vote.”
The judge said the plaintiffs and defendants in a lawsuit must figure out how to deal with that problem as the lawsuit proceeds.
The ACLU of Michigan and a national student group sued Michigan Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land last month to halt both practices on the grounds that they violate the National Voting Rights Act.
Michael Steinberg, legal director of the Michigan ACLU, said he was pleased by the decision.
“We are thrilled that thousands of voters who were illegally removed from voter rolls will be able to vote in November’s historic presidential election,” Steinberg said.

Of course, the ACLU is thrilled. So is ACORN. And so is the Barack Obama team. Imagine the voter fraud Judge Abu Porno’s ruling will engender.
Yes, the trial level is where most of the important decisions are made. And where Bush appointed many liberals and dummies, like Judge Abu Porno a/k/a Stephen Murphy III and Judge Marcia Cooke, a liberal public defender, whom Bush named to the federal bench because she’s Black. She refused to give a tough sentence to Abdullah Al-Muhajir a/k/a Jose Padilla, the Al-Qaeda terrorist chieftain who tried to acquire and bring a dirty bomb into America. She opposed federal prosecutors in the case, every step of the way.
This is Bush’s real legacy, where the difference between Bush and Kerry and Obama isn’t clear at all. And it demonstrates all too clearly why it’s important to have conservative candidates who are actually conservative, which Bush never was, and who aren’t ignorant, like Bush and Sarah Palin. Otherwise, they are handled, managed, and molded by advisors who pick guys like Murphy and chicks like Cooke. Oh, and Secretaries of State like Powell and Rice.
Read all about Hizzoner Abu Porno a/k/a Stephen Murphy III.

The Company Stephen Murphy Keeps . . .


U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy w/Islamic Terrorism Supporters Osama Siblani, Shereef Akeel, Imad Hamad & Noel Saleh

Even More of the Company Stephen Murphy Keeps . . .


Stephen Murphy with Terrorist Charity Officials Khalil Jassem (left), Ihsan Al-Khatib (far right) & “Former” Terrorist Imad Hamad (Murphy’s left)

8 Responses

Before the biggest bank heist in history last week, I would have said that GWB was the second worst President after Jimmy Carter.
Now that GWB and his henchmen at the Federal Reserve have nationalized our Banking Industry by force, I think GWB will go down in History as the worst President that ever served in office.
He will be known as the man that made the United States a Socialist Country and ushered in the New World Order without a shot being fired.

ScottyDog on October 21, 2008 at 4:15 pm

Not the best news I’ve heard this month. I wonder what the percentage of people in this country were alcoholics or on psych meds before Bush and this election biz got messy and what the rate will be in 4 years. I remember reading about the high rate of alcoholism in Russia in the 70’s. I understand it was related to the general feeling of helplessness in that system.

samurai on October 21, 2008 at 4:27 pm

I think GWB will go down in History as the worst President that ever served in office. He will be known as the man that made the United States a Socialist Country and ushered in the New World Order without a shot being fired.
Posted by: ScottyDog at October 21, 2008 04:15 PM
This is what happens when, even though the legal system provides for and yet, traitors are not impeached! But Americans did one better.. they re-elected a Bush!

Alert on October 21, 2008 at 6:00 pm


Daniel on October 21, 2008 at 9:09 pm

All I can say is WTF? We should all be enraged. But no doubt the MSM will not even cover this at all.
When will this country get real? We’ll spend untold billions on superficial steps to act like we are dealing with problems such as terrorism and yet this kind of crap goes on and on.
Where are you on this Rush, Hannity, Levin and company? I know that we won’t hear anything from anyone else. Coulter? Malkin? please.
Well soon we’ll have Obama and the “fairness doctrine” back–yes then we’ll really have freedom of speech. Sound the alarm, please while you can.

BB on October 22, 2008 at 3:05 am

Sorry for the double post… I have no idea what happened. I pushed the post button once and came back here this morning to see 2 posts on the forum one that I wrote and another that I did not.

ScottyDog on October 22, 2008 at 12:10 pm

Just when you think it can’t get any worse than this (Bush), Obama comes out of no where to win the Socialist Party nomination and most likely the presidency. It can always get worse. Watch and see.

ParaLyzer on October 23, 2008 at 3:35 am

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