October 16, 2008, - 2:45 pm

You Know It’s a Bad Sign When . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
. . . Barack Obama now pulls most campaign money out of Michigan, since he’s confident of winning here, and the Republican National Committee pulls out of states like Wisconsin and Maine to shift dollars to “Red States” to protect its turf.
That’s the sign of a party that is losing the battle and being forced to do what I call “reverse containment.” It’s kind of like what we’ve forced Israel to do with it’s continuous self-amputations of Gaza and parts of the so-called “West Bank.”
It’s never a good sign for a warrior. It means he’s losing the war in borderline lands and must shore up his own land. That’s what the McCain camp is doing.
Never a good thing. It means you’re on defense.


What would you do at this stage of the game if you were running the McCain campaign?
I know one thing I’d do: Shut down the Sarah Palin fashion team. No lie, the McCain campaign reportedly spent thousands of dollars on a fashion team to select and buy new clothes–including a $2,500 Valentino jacket for her to wear at the Republican National Convention. The McCain campaign spent nearly $10,000 on clothes for Palin, just for the convention. What a waste of money when you’re tied to limits your opponent isn’t.
Is this really the kind of spending appropriate to a campaign–McCain’s–that is sorely limited in its budget because of campaign finance limits that McCain agreed to abide by, even after Barack Hussein Obama broke his pledge to do the same?
Dump the clothiers and haute couture spending and suck it up.

16 Responses

Well look deb, John McCain was the fall guy for the republicans becuase they wanted to lose to election in the first place. That’s why it saddens me that BHO is gonna win the presidency and welcome in the “change”: As in, change america into a socialist society.
I guess Sarah Palin is part of the problem too. I did call her “Sailor Iron Mouse”. (am I the only japanese anime fan in this place!!??)

Squirrel3D on October 16, 2008 at 3:28 pm

Hey if he loses (and I am not so certain he will lose), it will be because of him not Sarah Palin. Sarah I think was the reason he finally showed a bit of moxie last night. I loved the line “If you want to run against George Bush you should have done so 4 years ago”.
AS for the Palin bashers who claim to be conservative (Kathleen Parker, Heather MacDonald, and Peggy Noonan), someone on Hot air had the best line ever about those women
“Shouldn’t the three of them be troubling MacBeth?”

Ripper on October 16, 2008 at 4:24 pm

Is Hussein actually pulling everything out of Michigan, or is he just leaving it to his Acorn subsidiary?

I_am_me on October 16, 2008 at 4:32 pm

I agree with Squirell3D that the Republicans want to lose the election, but with a slight difference. I think they’d like to win, everything else being equal, but they’ve decided that they cannot win without energizing their dread b-a-s-e. i think they’re afraid that if they do that, things might spin out of their control; e.g. start a big thing about illegal immigration, abortion, which, let’s face it, the Republican elite couldn’t care less about, etc. So they’d rather lose than to win, if winning means taking the risk of energizing their base post-2008 with unknown consequences to them.

c f on October 16, 2008 at 4:37 pm

Well, McCain was not really the base’s choice. The “independents” and “moderate Republicans” voted him as candidate – not the conservative base. The Leftist’s chose McCain.
Now, remember; McCain was used in the 2000 election as an independent for the Cardinal Al Gore to win. He’s always been a RINO, and is not trustworthy based on a lot of history.
Is he the best choice for Republicans? No – they could’ve changed him for better. Party elections aren’t bound by law. This could’ve been avoided through other means. The Dem’s have the Super Delegates to fix party elections. The Republicans don’t have many safeguards as they want to avoid the idea of Super Delegates. It’s well intentioned, but there is no way to ensure their elections aren’t fixed from either outside or inside.
So what is the campaign’s major idea? Run like a moderate: a mixture of both Leftists and freemen. Mark Steyn once compared the UN to a mixture of good and crap – you have some good, but it’s covered with crap. That’s McCain’s campaign to the letter.
If he loses, then I won’t be suprised. This whole thing was outside the hands of the US citizens, and they are furious! Many are pulling their money out fo the market to safeguard it in gold, platinum, silver, and cash (same as me). That’s not soley from a federal/Leftist sabotage of the housing and morgage market – they don’t want to loose everything to the New Leftists.
I won’t go on with what McCain should do. He’s doing exactly what I thought he’d do, and that’s screw himself up by embracing Leftists. This report of using Palin like this was expected. Yes; she did excite the base. Yes, she is attracting families that experience a handicapped child. But is Palin, a former beauty queen, needing a fashion team?
McCain obviously didn’t study his Art of War. In war, you bring the necessities in weaponry and logistics, and forage off the enemy. McCain brought his forage (fashion team), and not use his resources to advance against the enemy. He included the enemy to build a coalition of the self-destructive and PC – the entire reason to have a fashion team.
Osama/Obama is using the first rule of war: all warfare is based on deception. He, most of the Dems, and the MSM are the deception – while the real New Left is in the shadows stealing the election. We all know who these people are. That is the enemy to strike – while using their own deception to do it.
Strike at the New Left through Osama/Obama as Debbie and Atlas have done; the MSM – investigate reporters, editors, publishers, etc. and expose their personal lives like they do ours. The Dems through their own tactics as Rush did with Operation: Chaos. Ruin their use of “racism” by tarnishing them through their only means of enforcing racism – the courts. Attack the courts like the you’d attack the press – expose them thoroughly and shamefully.
And to finally ruin them all: we must project to them a real sense that we don’t care what they think about us. That is the epicenter of their power. Socialism, communism, marxism, fascism, liberalism – all leftism can only really exist when the target cares about what the devil worshipper projects onto the target. All their accusation exist on this plane. The target does possess an aboslute free self – that is the real target of the Left; to fulfull the rebellion of Satan by removing the agency of man to chose. That was his plan from before Adam. You must know with all you being that you are free, and then the left cannot harm you except physically, and even then they have no real chance of victory.

bhparkman on October 16, 2008 at 9:46 pm

Since someone mentioned Kathleen Parker I certainlly think she is a conservative (she defends the family and children having both parents) and her criticism of Palin I think was fair and to hate Parker shows neocon types that aren’t real conservatives and don’t believe in free speech and criticizing a canditate who she feels is a liability which many do think at this point she is more of a liability then an asset to McCain’s campaign although I agree the bigger issue is McCain himself. As I have said I know many consevative who didn’t like Huckabee and no one claimed they weren’t conservative so I reallly don’t understand the hatred to those who have criticized Palin when many had problems with Huckabee and he was pro choice too and also better on some other issues like divorce (he and his wife have a covenant marriage which allows divorce in more limited situations ie adultry) which I have never heard Palin speak about this issue. Although Huckabee fiscally was a liberal. Parker unlike many conservative has defended Fathers and men in general (Debbie to be fair has defended fathers overall although occaisonally is a little harsh on some men when what can they do sometimes as their wives because of no fault divroce can rule over them as they see what happens to men who don’t act like patsies and our men should come before Muslim women IMO who most don’t care for us regardless.) I see NO EVIDENCE that Palin cares about divorce and children having both parents. Palin thinks she is a victim and supports TITLE IX even though this has led to the closing of many male sport teams and only some smaller female sport teams. How is that CONSERVATIVE??
Despite all this at this time my thought process is that I am voting for McCain (and hope McCain doesn’t die in office) I didn’t hear the whole debate but the parts that I did hear in a number of cases McCain certainlly showed himself to have some substance when it is obvious Obama has NO SUBSTANCE WHATSOVER. I heard the part about competition in schools and vouchers and that idea I liked and some teachers should be fired if they are doing a lousy job which McCain said. His idea on health insurance is more realistic and what he said about abortion (McCain has a mixed record but did vote AGAINST PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION) and that the health of a mother can be interperted as anything which McCain said and Obama’s lack of any soul when it comes to even not helping babies who were born in a botched abortion is sick. Abortion itself poses some risk don’t know greater then the risk of not having one but I would wonder.

adam6275 on October 16, 2008 at 11:32 pm

Kathleen Parker has never been conservative. She’s good friends with Tipper Gore. Peggy Noonan was fired from the Reagan Administration—granted it was under Donald Regan….but when Regan, himself, was fired—-Noonan was never invited back, which tells you something.
As for the $2,500.00, your source , Debbie, is very sketchy. I believe Palin’s wardrobe is paid for by the RNC, not the Campaign. Frankly, the money they spent on her convention accoutrements was well worth it because that was one of the greatest speeches of our lifetime, and yielded big returns in campaign donations (6 Million ?).
Furthermore, why should Palin look flawless ? They certainly aren’t going to get any more mileage out of a dowdy Palin.
Debbie has been crabbing on Palin since the moment the announcement was made. No wonder McCain pulled out of Michigan !

Maxine Weiss on October 17, 2008 at 12:35 am

Uh, Maxine. I have read many of Kathleen Parkers artice’s from the Jewish World Review site and her overall idea’s are not liberal in any way. You know who Kathleen Parker’s friends are that you are claiming she is friends with Tipper Gore. Do you think Palin supporting Title IX is a conservative position? Do you think believing women can do everything just as good as men are is a conservative position? That may be officially a Republican position now but I don’t think that is conservative position. Is defending fathers as Kathleen Parker does a liberal position because inquiring minds want to know.

adam6275 on October 17, 2008 at 1:46 am

I think McCain should throw the kitchen sink. Please get Larry Sinclair airtime. Someone pay him to be at an Obama rally. Force this dirty rumor into America’s living room.
This campaign was decided by the MSM. Just like Hillary, McCain’s biggest enemy wasn’t Obama it was the media. The media has won the war in Iraq, defeated Hillary and now is about to defeat McCain. The media is full of itself, they admit bias and say “Watcha gonna do about it?”. McCain wanted to be a gentleman and got mowed down by the liberals. In fact I would have gone on every show every night and demanded to be on Olbermann, Cooper, Maddow, Couric, Gibson, Brokaw, King, Oprah, the View and Campbll Brown, kicked all their assess and the conservative base would be cheering. What does he do goes on Letterman today and says “I screwed up” I would have said “Hey Jerk, you lied to the American public about me cancelling, doctored photos while sitting with that punk Olbermann. I have serious busines, you are just an overpaid court jester. I demand an apology now. Dont you ever try and shape public opinion with your lies and definately not about me.” The media uses the scare tactics of McBush to scare independents. Now McCain has been “Swiftboated” by the MSM and he really is done unless Rezko turns on Obama or an unseen revelation of Obama comes out. Or maybe the American public breaks out of the Obama trance. I think the “Bradley effect” may come into play in battleground states.
And Maxine “Debbie has been crabbing on Palin”. Ouch! Palin was a gamble. She was new, a fresh start. We all knew if nothing big happened Palin was a great call. However if something bad happened (economy collapse) it would expose her. He rolled the dice that nothing would happen but it did. If she was at a Republican primary debate she would have been crushed.
Latest Gallup Obama 49 McCain 47. Cross our fingers. If he pulls close nationally, battlegrounds states will close fast.

californiascreaming on October 17, 2008 at 1:57 am

I hope the majority of conservatives think like californiascreaming. The longer the Republicans carry on deluding themselves that it was the media’s fault, or Bush’s fault, or McCain’s fault the better.
When they finally come round to the fact that it’s their conservative ideology that’s out of step with the American electorate, then and only then can they start to re-build themselves as an election winning machine.
The longer that takes the better, so carry on deluding yourselves boys and girls, you’ll hear no complaints from me.
“Latest Gallup Obama 49 McCain 47. Cross our fingers. If he pulls close nationally, battlegrounds states will close fast.”
Dream on.

No Pasaran! on October 17, 2008 at 10:48 am

No pasaran! spewed the following:
“When they finally come round to the fact that it’s their conservative ideology that’s out of step with the American electorate, then and only then can they start to re-build themselves as an election winning machine”.
Oh Really just what part of the conservative ideology is out of step with America?
If you think that America is ready for a full blown socialist agenda put forth by the “one”, you are mistaken.
Actually californiascreamin is correct about the MSM. They should have their FCC licenses revoked for attempting to influence a presidential election.I do not think GWB will have any interest in doing that because he is no different than the rest of the elite in this country.They all are trying to install an empty suit into the White House and change this country from a Constitutional Republic into a Fascist Socialist State.

ScottyDog on October 17, 2008 at 1:49 pm

Well done ScottyPup, that’s exactly what I was hoping you would say. Carry on everyone, blame the media, blame ‘the Socialist’ blame everyone but yourselves.
Don’t mind me.

No Pasaran! on October 17, 2008 at 3:29 pm

No Pasaran!,
Good to see the Leftist’s still assign Deb’s site to an SS officer – means we’re doing something right.
We do blame the media and will continue to do so when they are to blame. We only blame ourselves in that we didn’t act sooner against you folks. The founding documents clearly state we, the people, are completely in charge of the situation and ALL LEVELS OF GOVENRMENT, and we reserve the right completely by the will and providence of our Father in Heaven to keep those liberties and regulate that government He gave us.
In that sense, you are still able to preach your leftism by our love of liberty and decent humanity – not because you retain a superior argument. Constitutionally speaking; you’re ideology and your ideology’s past actions are thoroughly outlawed and are subject to justice.
You retain a right to free speech, but only if that speech does no harm to the States and nation in favor of the enemy. That is the context of treason.
Also, we are not accepting responsibility for the Left’s actions. The left attempted to defraud the law, mass murder children in the womb, and turn our country over to the international leftist community through Leftist ideologies with forethought and we will not accept the blame for it. We have shown great mercy since Marburry vs. Madison. Sooner or later we must exercise justice.
Osama/Obama will loose – even if he wins the election by theft through his secret societies. He lost when he subscribed to an ideology that praised the devil as it’s founder (read Saul Alinsky’s “Radical’s” book, first edition dedication). That is the nature of evil – it consumes itself after feeding off the good. Osama/Obama is being consummed from within, and sooner or later it will devour him.
Do yourself a favor No Pasaran!: abandon your ideology while you still have a chance. When folks at your level make such comments; they’re not just trying to pass blame like they’re taught, they’re looking for redemption. Leave it and learn charity and to build – save yourself before you get deep into it like Osama/Obama did.

bhparkman on October 18, 2008 at 10:43 am

bhparkman, here’s the thing. The American mainstream media is in service to its owners, i.e. capitalism. Nothing it ever says or does is designed to damage capitalism. To suggest that there is a left-wing bias to American media, is counter-intuitive and demonstrably wrong.
Conservatives always get the support of America’s media, whether they are hard-liners like McCain or moderate conservatives like Obama.
“We do blame the media and will continue to do so when they are to blame. We only blame ourselves in that we didn’t act sooner against you folks.”
And who are ‘you folks’ and what could the likes of you possibly do against me?
“The founding documents clearly state we, the people, are completely in charge of the situation and ALL LEVELS OF GOVENRMENT”
Pity no level of government taught you to spell.
“.. and we reserve the right completely by the will and providence of our Father in Heaven to keep those liberties and regulate that government He gave us.”
Your alleged father in heaven has nothing to do with, or to say about the American constitution.
“In that sense, you are still able to preach your leftism by our love of liberty and decent humanity – not because you retain a superior argument.”
I don’t preach Leftism. I am a Socialist and I don’t need you or anyone else’s permission to state my views. that’s because I live in a democracy.
“Constitutionally speaking; you’re ideology and your ideology’s past actions are thoroughly outlawed and are subject to justice.”
Really? Gosh! I didn’t know that. Doncha just love America’s support for free speech…
“You retain a right to free speech…
Oh good, thanks.
“…but only if that speech does no harm to the States and nation in favor of the enemy. That is the context of treason.”
How could any speech do harm to the States? And exactly who is this enemy of yours that I’m not supposed to be in favor of?
“Also, we are not accepting responsibility for the Left’s actions.”
Well that’s a relief. ‘cuz we are certainly not taking the responsibility for your side’s multifarious cock-ups.
“The left attempted to defraud the law, mass murder children in the womb, and turn our country over to the international leftist community through Leftist ideologies with forethought and we will not accept the blame for it. ”
Really? Gosh.
When did all this happen? I must have slept through all that.
Or maybe it happened when I was in Habana undergoing my ‘How to collapse Capitalistos Infrastructuesros’ classes? (Those inverstemnt banks don;t fall apart on their own y’know.
“We have shown great mercy since Marburry vs. Madison. Sooner or later we must exercise justice.”
You and who’s army?
“Osama/Obama will loose – even if he wins the election by theft through his secret societies.”
Oops, you need to go back to the nice man in the white coat and ask for some more of those anti-paranoia pills. You need to double your dose.
” He lost when he subscribed to an ideology that praised the devil as it’s founder (read Saul Alinsky’s “Radical’s” book, first edition dedication). That is the nature of evil – it consumes itself after feeding off the good. Osama/Obama is being consummed from within, and sooner or later it will devour him.”
On second thought, he’d better quadruple it.
“Do yourself a favor No Pasaran!: abandon your ideology while you still have a chance. ”
It’s your (and by that I mean you and Osama bin Laden) ideology that has brought the world’s economies to their knees, destroyed the environment, and fostered wars, racism, and religious bigotry. You could hardly put a cigarrette paper between your world view and that of the Islamofascists.
So I guess people like you need to examine their views, before you destroy humanity.
“When folks at your level make such comments; they’re not just trying to pass blame like they’re taught, they’re looking for redemption. Leave it and learn charity and to build – save yourself before you get deep into it like Osama/Obama did.”
See my previous answer. You need to save yourself. Start with extensive psychological therapy.

No Pasaran! on October 19, 2008 at 2:53 pm

Wow! I stuck a nerve!
(better than I thought it would!)
Seriously, mate, ditch Osama/Obama before he ruins you. The Democrat candidate may have Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
http://www.faithfreedom.org/obama.html (Thanks to Atlas Shrugs for the link).
Also, I’m not accepting or validating your accusations. See my previous posting (5th from the top) – that’s how you guys act to gain power. Your accusations are worthless ’cause I retain my authority and sovereignty; you Leftists can’t get it. Keep trying if you want; you’re only doing violence to yourself.
I understand how needy you are to have that power over people. I really do. But these actions will only ruin you. Look at McCain’s actions in this posting; he spent thousands of dollars on Plain to get exactly what you also want – power to solve his lack of affection.
No Pasaran!, go to your local Humane Society or Animal Shelter and get yourself a pet. Take good care of the animal, and it will show you affection back! Try to grow a vegetable garden also; that is really a labor of charity with excellent returns. I promise, it will build your self esteem to taste those fresh carrots and lettuce.
I’ll pray for you, mate.

bhparkman on October 19, 2008 at 5:22 pm

That’s really weak BHP, I’d expected more from you.
I could never support anyone as right wing as Obama, the rest of your post is just gibberish. My advice for you is to stop posting while intoxicated.

No Pasaran! on October 20, 2008 at 1:50 am

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