October 13, 2008, - 6:11 pm

EXCLUSIVE: Hezbollah High Principal Caught in Scandal

By Debbie Schlussel
Since 2006, I’ve been writing about Dearbornistan’s Fordson High School a/k/a Hezbollah High, the nation’s first majority Muslim public high school funded by taxpayers. Upward of 90% of the students at Hezbollah High are Muslim Arabs.
I’ve also written about the school’s principal, Imad Fadlallah, the cousin of Hezbollah spiritual leader Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah. Imad Fadlallah has used Hezbollah High to impose his own personal shariah system, eliminating prom, harassing Christian teachers and coaches, and promoting Islam everywhere, including on the football field.


Hezbollah High: Violent, Bigoted Fordson Principal Imad Fadlallah is Hezbollah Spiritual Leader/Terrorist Mohammed Fadlallah’s Cousin

I’ve written about how Fadlallah allegedly hit students. And I’ve also written about allegations that Fadlallah altered grades of Muslim students, allowing them to graduate, and graduated students with barely half the credits necessary to graduate in Dearbornistan public schools.
Now, what’s this I hear from sources that Dearborn Public Schools is allegedly set to unveil the results of an investigation of Fadlallah regarding improperly graduated students without sufficient credits? Yup, Fadlallah has been graduating students who earned only 23 out of a required 44 credits from his Hezbollah High.
There is a huge cheating scandal going on at University of Michigan -Dearborn among its Muslim Arab students–mostly those from Hezbollah High. Now, we know why.
What will happen to Imad Fadlallah? Probably nothing. This is Dearbornistan, remember?
So, how did Fadlallah get away with this kind of thing? Well, he is protected by the Muslim chorus of whiners and harassers that plague Dearbornistan’s every inch of bureaucracy and government.
That includes the recent past Dearbornistan Public Schools Superintendent John Artis, who was rewarded with a cushy post-retirement job at ACCESS–the tax-funded and United Way-funded Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services, which helps Muslim illegal aliens bilk America.
Oh, and sources say that Artis was also rewarded with a luxe vacation at Imad Fadlallah’s South Lebanon home. Complete with Hezbollah protection, I’m sure.
This is how America works when we let Islamists and shariah fanatics take over. And this is how it is going to be all over America, because we did nothing to stop it.
Read more about Imad Fadlallah, here and here.

5 Responses

First of all I can’t believe that nobody else has commented yet on this story.
Another thing that gets me right off the rip is that all of these nice little sharia law things get implemented and nobody has the balls to stop it.
It’s horribly obvious that all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

samurai on October 14, 2008 at 12:46 am

samurai, I share your sentiment. Here in WA state, I asked my esnator about the means in the immigration system, to ensure enemy of USA do not immigrate to USA.
No reply!

Alert on October 14, 2008 at 4:24 am

Red Dawn + Idiocracy = 2008 America
I know it is quite the generalization, but it kind of fits.

cirrus1701 on October 14, 2008 at 10:38 am

“Yup, Fadlallah has been graduating students who earned only 23 out of a required 44 credits from his Hezbollah High.” Actually you only need 23 credits to graduate highschool. Check out the story at pressandguide.com. Never post without fact checking.

radiodiva on October 17, 2008 at 1:39 pm

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