October 5, 2011, - 1:12 pm
In Dig to Israeli Scientist, Nobel Prize Cites “Arabs,” “Islam”
Israel and the Jews can’t win for losing. And, often, they can’t win for winning, either. And so it goes with the Nobel Prize awarded to Israeli chemist Daniel Shechtman of Technion University in Haifa, a wonderful place where new scientific discoveries and inventions happen every day. In a dig to Shechtman, the Arafat-lovin’ Nobel Committee cited Arabs and Muslims, both of which hadn’t a thing to do with Shechtman or his discovery for which he won the Nobel.
THIS . . .

Daniel Shechtman’s Discovery Was an Israeli Jewish Discovery, NOT Inspired by Islam
NOT THIS . . .

So, in an obvious dig to Israel and Dr. Shechtman, the Nobel dhimmis blathered:
The Nobel Committee for Chemistry at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said Shechtman had discovered quasicrystals, which it said were like “fascinating mosaics of the Arabic world reproduced at the level of atoms” and which never repeated themselves.
[Emphasis added.]
HUH???? And, of course, what they really meant were “Islamic mosaics,” which were rip-offs of mosaics from many other cultures that preceded them, including Greek mosaics, Roman mosaics, etc. When some scientist makes some important discovery regarding cholera (which results in very watery diarrhea), the Nobels will gush that the discovery was inspired by “fascinating fecal material that is produced as Muslims go to the bathroom throughout the Arabic world,” right? Hey, I heard that Muslims invented Coca-Cola, indoor plumbing, and the internet, too. . . after someone else invented them decades before.
Reader G:
The pattern is similar to a mosaic, but it is similar to an ancient mosaic, a Greek mosaic, a Roman mosaic or even one from Crete or the Middle East, predating Islam. I find the paragraph to be so random and I find it so strange to use “Islamic mosaic” in a story about an Israeli chemist.
Not random at all, my friend. Just propaganda. And a dig. Islam and Arabs have absolutely nothing to do with this purely Jewish Israeli discovery. But they find a way to gratuitously insert it.
And today’s Detroit Newsistan and Karl Ritter and Malin Rising of Associated Press, always lookin’ for opportunities to ingratiate themselves with the Religion of Terrorists, even changed the Nobels’ BS “Arabic mosaics” statement to “Islamic mosaics.”
He was studying a mix of aluminum and manganese in an electron microscope when he found the atoms were arranged in a pattern — similar to one in some traditional Islamic mosaics — that never repeated itself and appeared contrary to the laws of nature.
Incredible. But no surprise. Whenever European liberals–especially the Nobel schmucks–get a chance to dig at Jews and Israel and promote Islam, they’ll take it. And where there’s no opportunity, they make one up, as in this case.
No shocker coming from the miscreants who gave a peace prize to terrorist-in-chief Yasser Arafat and then newly-elected Barack Obama (and who took bribes from the Chi-Coms).
Tags: Arabs, chemistry, chemists, Daniel Shechtman, Haifa, Islam, Israel, Israeli, Jew, Jewish, mosaics, Muslims, Nobel Committee for Chemistry, Nobel Prize, Nobel Science Prize, quasi-crystals, quasicrystals, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Technion, Technion University
The Nobel brain dead idiots awarded Yasaar Arafat a Nobel Peace Prize, betraying their lunacy, bigotry, Jew and Israel hatred, and their obsessive love for all things evil, violent, vicious, and malicious.
I have no recollection of any Israeli leader, Prime Minister, or whatever, ever receiving a Nobel Peace Prize, or anything whatsoever from the Nobel cult.
Is there anyone in Israel’s history who received a Nobel Peace Prize, an act which would put to rest the exhibited bias and love that so-called “Palestinian Arabs” have showered upon them by the violence, hatred loving masses?
William on October 5, 2011 at 1:20 pm