October 7, 2008, - 9:45 am

Pandering to Pelosi: NBC, SNL Pull Bailout Skit Video to Please Dems

By Debbie Schlussel
On Sunday, I posted video clips of two skits from the previous night’s “Saturday Night Live.”
One video, about the Bailout, mocked Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, and–to some degree–George W. Bush. It included examples of all the irresponsible, selfish people we’re bailing out. The second video, from SNL’s prologue, was a parody of the Biden-Palin debate which, while slightly mocking Joe Biden, was overwhelmingly against Palin.
Yesterday evening, readers began e-mailing me that one of the videos no longer exists. That’s because the liberals at NBC and SNL pulled it under pressure from liberals and Congressional Democrats.

Take a quick guess which of these videos NBC pulled?
If you guessed the bailout video, you know your NBC. So, if NBC and SNL are embarrassed by their excellent portrayal of Pelosi, Frank, and “the Bailout Kids”, and are willing to now suppress it, why not be fair and do the same with the anti-Palin video? Because they’re not fair. They’re biased, and they’re liberal.
Frankly, I thought both skits were funny and I believe in openness and free speech.
So I say to NBC: Free the Bailout Video. Or, at the very least, be fair and dump the Palin-Biden debate sketch, too.
But don’t hold your breath for the Peacock Network to do so. This peacock doesn’t change its feathers.

One Response

The bailout video was a masterpiece, all the way down to Barney Frank’s unhealthy salivating. I’ve read that it was suppressed in part due to the threat of lawsuits, but I suspect it is also because as soon as the bailout passed, its handlers said it probably would be insufficient, delayed in any beneficial impact, uncertain, etc. etc., and then, of course the stock market tanked & they are saying we will need more bailout.
But there is a bright side. At least the video was produced and shown. That’s a start.

c f on October 7, 2008 at 2:58 pm

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