September 19, 2008, - 5:44 pm

Religion of Food Stamp/Bridge Card Fraud, Edition #298,340

By Debbie Schlussel
Yesterday, Michigan State Police and federal Department of Agriculture agents raided several gas stations, party stores, and homes–20 locations in all–and arrested 20 people for Bridge Card (food stamp) fraud. Ann of the great site, Refugee Resettlement Watch, asked me about their identities, since the media won’t report it.
All of those arrested were Shi’ite Arab Muslims, but of course neither that and nor the arrestees’ names were mentioned in any media coverage. Gee, I wonder why. Watch the politically correct, censored video report at right.
They were illegally paying Bridge Card holders cents on the dollar for Bridge Cards, then cashing them in for the full value, without any legitimate food sales.
As I noted back in February, a very similar series of raids over Bridge Card fraud happened then. And no media would name the arrestees, all of whom were Shi’ite Muslim Arabs. Michigan State Police Lt. Marty Bugbee–who headed up this investigation and the one in February–cited Hezbollah and said he believed the money from the fraud was going there, back during the February raids.
But, as I noted, politically correct Detroit Free Press editors Theresa Mask and Ritu Sehgal edited out a Freep reporter Dan Cortez’s paragraph mentioning the Hezbollah connection.
The same is happening here in Channel 7/WXYZ-TV reporter Kimberly Craig’s report. A complete PC-whitewashing of who is behind the Bridge Card/food stamp fraud: Muslims who support and fund Hezbollah.

7 Responses

This is one of my favorite threads of yours. You cover it when no one else does. Also will be reading Refugee Resettlement Watch from now on, as well. Thanks again.

dm60462 on September 20, 2008 at 11:33 am

Debbie, if you ever resort to a life of crime, I recommend ripping off the government. It’s as close to a victimless crime as anything. The ubiquitous Arab shopkeeps in inner city Miami were caught doing the exact same thing when I lived there 10 years ago. The food stamp recipients had little choice but to sell the coupons for a fraction of their face value, as it was otherwise inconvenient to try to trade them for essentials like crack cocaine, motel rooms or guns.

Anonymous1 on September 20, 2008 at 12:25 pm

Out here it’s called a “Horizon Card”. Meaning that you can see your independence and dignity running over the horizon.
It acts as both (yes; both) a food stamp and cash card for those victims of the local leftist school system. They usually get real help after going with the LDS Church’s Welfare System… and never again go back on welfare.

bhparkman on September 20, 2008 at 5:27 pm

First off your information is very incorrect. I happened to be in the court room yesterday. Majority were of muslim decent. That was not all who were arrested for this though. There was a group of 6 to 7 african americans, as well as two lil old men of arab decent, not muslim.

sweet_thang on September 20, 2008 at 9:59 pm

Sweet thang, I have yet to meet an Arab who is not muslim. Muslim descent is a misnomer. Muslim is NOT a race, it is a cult. Just as you have black, white, brown and yellow scientologists you have the same with muslims.

seeteufel on September 21, 2008 at 12:03 pm

Two things:
I would think that among law enformcement agents you would have many partiotic Americans who are “screaming on their insides” at this politically correct censorship. How to get their stories out without jeopardizing their jobs is the “millon dollar question”.
I would also think this would be good material for a book if someone would be so inclined as to write one. Given all the demands on her time I don’t think Debbie would take this up. This is unfortunate since her knowledge of the subject plus her credibility including her standards for proof would make her a great candidate to write such a book.

I_am_me on September 21, 2008 at 9:31 pm

Food stamps have nothing to do with feeding the poor. They are all about giving federal money to rich farmers. A Republican vote buying scheme which should have died long ago.

Burt on September 23, 2008 at 8:54 am

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