August 28, 2008, - 10:38 am

Mo’ Detroit Stoopid, DNC Denver Edition: The Continuing Saga of Rep. Conyers’ Crazy Wife, Monica; New Detroit Leader?!

By Debbie Schlussel
Even in Denver, Monica Conyers–Detroit City Councilwoman and beard, er . . . wife of U.S. Congressman John Conyers–can’t tone down her hood in-your-faceness. The cause of her latest outrage: her suite wasn’t big enough. Woman of the people.
Oh, and by the way, if Kwame Kilpatrick gets deposed as Detroit’s Mayor, she becomes President of the Detroit City Council. And you wonder why Detroit is finito. Forty years of this kind of behavior at the top of the city, that’s why:

A suite dispute between Detroit City Councilwoman Monica Conyers and staff at her Denver hotel resulted in a call to police Tuesday.
Conyers claims she called police when the hotel threatened to have her things removed from her room. The hotel claims a Denver Police officer working security called for back-up when she created a “commotion” because she wanted to stay in a suite.


“I don’t know if she was yelling a little bit or not,” Conyers’ spokeswoman, Denise Johnson said. “We know that the councilwoman is very passionate. . . .”
The issue started Monday, when Conyers checked in to the Magnolia Hotel, her accommodations while attending the Democratic National Convention.
When she checked in, the hotel had Conyers, her husband and two sons in a room with two queen-sized beds, Magnolia spokeswoman Dana Berry said.

Yup, that’s the Democratic National Convention–working families struggling to . . . get by on two queen-sized beds in a suite. Rough life.

Conyers’ spokeswoman, Denise Johnson, said the councilwoman had expected a suite, despite the hotel’s suites only offering one king-sized bed.
“You put two adults with two teenagers in one bedroom, it really wouldn’t work out,” Johnson said. “It’s a matter of privacy and what their anticipation was.”

That’s kind of funny on two levels. First, the Conyers never had their sons share a bed while they also shared a bed? This is “slumming it”–sharing beds in a suite for a few nights? Man, are they out of touch with their Detroit constituents who are lucky if they have a bed in a homeless shelter at night. (And they are out of touch. They used Congressional staff to cook and chauffeur their sons to Detroit’s most expensive prep school in the suburbs, while Conyers opposes school choice for everyone else.)
Second, it’s kind of funny that this spokeswoman for Conyers implies that the married Conyers couple needs their privacy for sex or something like that and can’t go without for a few nights of the convention. I guess she’s the last person who knows that everyone else thinks John Conyers is gay.

The hotel acquiesced Monday night, with Conyers’ understanding all suites were booked Tuesday night and the family would have to move, Berry said.
But between 4 and 5 p.m. Tuesday when asked to leave for her new room, Conyers demanded to stay, Berry said.

That’s when police were called, as a result of Monica Conyers’ hysterics.
Exit question: Did she call anyone in the dispute, “Shrek”, or tell them, “Do it, Baby”?
For a refresher on that and the world of Monica Conyers, watch this flashback video.
Here’s my choice for the new Monica Conyers theme song:

2 Responses

We need that 8th-grader to keep her under control.

c f on August 28, 2008 at 2:47 pm

“guess she’s the last person who knows that everyone else thinks John Conyers is gay.”
Who’d thought!

Jackson Pearson on August 28, 2008 at 9:16 pm

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