August 22, 2008, - 11:23 am

More From the “How’s the Iraq Invasion Workin’ For Ya” File: Iraq Welcomes Saddam’s Russian Oil Companies

By Debbie Schlussel
Well, you don’t need me to tell you that all the lefties who said we invaded Iraq for cheap oil we’re wrong. At over $3.60 a gallon, it still ain’t cheap and it’s at least $1.50 per gallon higher (on average) than when we invaded.
But perhaps you’d be surprised to know that not only are we not getting cheap oil from Iraq, our oil companies aren’t even getting the major access to Iraqi oil. The Russians–and Chi-Coms–are, or soon will be.
The Iraqi rationale: We don’t want to rely on the Americans and British who helped liberate us. We don’t trust them. We prefer Saddam’s preferred Russian oil companies.
But some commentators are suggesting–and I believe it–that America suggested this boneheaded move. Leave it to Bush and Condi Clueless to never miss an opportunity to screw America in foreign policy:


Welcome to the New Iraq

An Iraqi Cabinet minister invited Russia’s Lukoil on Wednesday to renew its bid on the vast West Qurna-2 oil field and urged Russian companies to seek roles rebuilding dilapidated power plants as Iraq searches for foreign investment to revive its oil industry and infrastructure.
“I hope Russian companies will take part in the bidding,” Iraqi Electricity Minister Karim Wahid told a news conference in Moscow. “Lukoil is welcome to bid for the service contract at the second or third stage of the tender in March or September.”
Lukoil signed a contract for West Qurna-2, one of the largest oil fields in the world, in 1997. Former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein declared the deal void shortly before the 2003 U.S. invasion. West Qurna-2 is believed to hold 6 billion barrels in proven reserves.

Lukoil’s officials have repeatedly said they continue to consider the contract valid as it was not revoked within the international legal framework. But in a recent interview with the an-Noor newspaper, Iraqi Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani referred to the contract as no longer valid.
Wahid and Russian Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko had earlier agreed to set up two working groups to develop power industry cooperation. Wahid also called on Russian companies to bid in tenders to revive the country’s power plants and build new ones.
He said Iraq is eager to renew deals signed in the 1990s and early 2000s. “We are currently reviewing their technical and economic terms, but not their political component,” he said.
The Iraqis are anxious to find foreign investors to help modernize their vast oil industry, which suffered from years of neglect under Saddam’s rule and during the 13 years of U.N. sanctions following the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.
Iraq is also anxious to reach out to partners in Russia, China and other countries to avoid relying too heavily on American and British companies. That could feed criticism that the 2003 invasion was aimed at seizing control of Iraq’s oil.
Janusz Bugajski of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C. said that the timing of the Iraqi announcement was interesting given sharp U.S. criticism of the Russian military action against Georgia, but that who initiated the move was unclear.
“Did someone within the U.S. suggest that Iraq reach out to Russia as a show of good will, or did Russia want to show that they are indispensable in the Middle East, that they are a player?” he said.
“Russia wants to go back into areas where it has lost influence,”
Bugajski said.

So, let me get this straight. We invade Iraq, spend gazillions and lose thousands of U.S. troops, with thousands of others severely maimed. And THEY–those who want to revive the former Soviet Union and who are already doing biz with Iran and Syria–get the oil benefits?
Hello . . . ? Anyone home at the State Department? Maybe, too many people are at home there. That’s the problem.
For the record, I was all for the Iraqi invasion, but not for the way George W. and his myriad of minions screwed it up beyond belief. I supported installing in a Sunni, pro-American benevolent dictator, not “free” elections in which barbarians elect Shi’ite barbarians as an extension of Iran. And I supported taking steps to benefit America, not Russia’s expansionist dreams of a reborn Soviet empire.
By the way, check out talk show host and friend Steve Gill’s great bumper sticker. Very apropos.

10 Responses

I initially supported the invasion of Iraq for two reasons: (1) I believed the intelligence reports that Saddam was a threat and (2) I was insufficiently informed on the jihadist nature of Islam and the violent, anti-democratic and uncompromising attitudes of Muslims living in those societies. Of course, the administration/government was (and continues to be) ignorant regarding the Koran, Hadith and Sira.
Since I thought Saddam was a threat, I didn’t question the idea of spreading democracy back in 2002. However, the administration still clings to the fantasy of “bringing freedom to ordinary moms and dads” and the establishment of a “democratic Iraq that is an ally in the war on terror.” Iraq will be an enemy, just like the other Arab-Muslim countries that we pretend are pro-American because they accept our foreign aid, weapons and protection.
So what is the point in destroying American lives and wasting American treasure to make sure that enemy is unified and highly functional. An Iraq full of divisions, squabbling with itself and struggling to build its own infrastructure is the desirable outcome. This scenario would give the phony “Iraqi people” plenty of activities to distract them from participating in jihad against the West.

4infidels on August 22, 2008 at 12:36 pm

But that’s how the American people want it. ‘No blood for oil’. If the Bush administration had force the Iraqi government to take no-bid contracts from American oil companies could you imagine the outcry? Look at all the mess from Haliburton that this Admin had to deal with. The American people said ‘no blood for oil’ and the Administration listened. American should be happy to see that we won’t be giving American companies any advantages.
Besides, we are going to be oil free in 10 years after Huessein is elected.

PrincessKaren on August 22, 2008 at 1:27 pm

The biggest irony to me is Syria’s increased friendship with Russia, tied in with closer relations between Russia and Iran. One of the motivations of inviting Syria to Bush/Rice’s phony peace conference a few months back was the idiot notion that we would attract Syria away from Iran. We don’t hear to much about that anymore. I guess these Iraq policies that you are writing about are a combination of anti-semitism, and stupidity. It is clear that Russia has won a major victory in Goergia, and is stregthening its position in Eastern urope, tne Mideast, and in SW Asia. As you say, they did it without major sacrifices.
It is painful to read the news all the time, but especially now. It is clear what Bush’s legacy will be; incompetence and appeasement.

c f on August 22, 2008 at 3:46 pm

“W” is damned right now no matter what he does, so don’t go BDS on me.
The reality is that both parties have had a couple of hundred years to put together a long-term strategy for the country that would evolve with the times. Neither has done so and now I sit here contemplating the fact that two communist governments have outflanked the most innovative and open society in the history of time as it relates to petroleum and nukes.
Again, my head is going to surely explode. It might be a blessing.

iowavette on August 22, 2008 at 5:16 pm

For the sake of lefties arguments, let’s say Iraq didn’t have a drop of oil. The leftist donkeys would have then railed, that the U.S. invaded Iraq, for their rich and plentiful sand dune’s. Yeah sand, that’s what Iraq war was all about! /Sarcasm

Jackson Pearson on August 22, 2008 at 9:10 pm

Wait till the Iranians and the Shia know we’re leaving. With no Saddam to stop Iran or intimidate the Shia, Iran will simply own southern Iraq, and it’s oil fields, and have even more control over the Persian Gulf. And Bush thinks we can offer security guarantees to Georgia, Ukraine, and eastern Europe. And we’re broke. We’ll have to stay and protect Kuwait and Saudia Arabia, with Russia and Iran playing us like a violin. I voted for Bush twice, but his strategy has failed miserably.

John Harper on August 23, 2008 at 5:29 am

I agree with Deb that the Bush/Rice team is a complete disaster: Not so much deliberate, perhaps, as Keystone Kop-like. Let’s make a list: Made Iraq and Afghanistan safe for Shari’a Law (while I supported both invasions, I didn’t see this as a goal); made Israel stop attacking Hezbollah before the mission was finished; ignored Lebanon while it was de facto taken over by Hezbollah in the past year; permitted Syria to regain its sway over Lebanon; waved off Israel from attacking Iran; sat on our thumbs for the first few days of the Russian invasion of Georgia; ignored Iran’s practice of killing and maiming US troops in Iraq (I have seen some of the victims at Walter Reed and BAMC — NOT pretty); ignored Venezuela’s dangerous moves in South America; and this is only a partial list. The unifying theme seems to be “benign neglect cum conflict avoidance.” Sadly, Obama will be worse; McCain no better.

gunjam on August 23, 2008 at 12:31 pm

Reagan-Republicans have an objective understanding of the concept of “freedom.” Neo-Con goofs do not. Reagan fostered regime changes without consequent rioting and guerilla war. Bush’ nation-building has been a catastrophe. There were ZERO Heroin factories in Afghanistan until the Karzai government convinced US Goof-One to indulge the trade. Those idiots are sufficiently stupid as to hand Iraq to Iran.
Re Sunnis: most of the 3.5 million refugees from Iraq are Sunnis. Bush indulgence made Baghdad a dismal Shiite city. Now Maliki refuses to incorporate Sunni elements into the armed forces. Why? Maliki knows he is dealing with idiots in Washington.

prevail on August 23, 2008 at 5:28 pm

While we continue to occupy Iraq, we have done NOTHING to end Iraq’s participation in OPEC. As you know, OPEC is an illegal cartel setting petroleum prices.
At the end of the day, if you want cheaper automotive fuels, I can’t encourage you strongly enough to support the Open Fuel Standard Act of 2008 (H.R. 6559 and S. 3303).
A summary of the Open Fuel Stnadard Act of 2008 can be found at:

There is NO Santa Claus on August 24, 2008 at 12:16 am

I just read one comment on another site that I liked (Got forgive me for borrowing another one’s wit); I allow myself to improve it yet a bit:
1. The whole visible universe starting from now on is declared the sphere of American interests.
2. There are no other interests in the vicible universe but those of USA.
3. All other interests are declared illegal.
4. All other countries must have the only interest which is – to support, protect, defend and promote the interests of USA.
5. All countries must express their happiness of doing that freely, openly, joyfully, loudly and visibly.
6. If any of the other countries will try to defend its interests it will be destroyed.
7. If any of the other countries will try to have its interests it will be destroyed.
8. If any of the other countries will express its happiness of serving to American interests not enough joyfully, loudly and visibly – it will be destroyed.
I’m sorry, Debbie, but one country cannot reckon only its own interests in our small world and in the same time try to stop all other countries of doing the same, which they nevertheless try to do because USA gives them nice example of modus vivendi.
Our small globe has pretty modest size comparing with appetites of USA that are growing day by day. It seems that our globe becomes to small for the growing desires of USA and cannot accomodate this uncontrollable growth any more.

DonParry on August 25, 2008 at 4:26 am

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