August 20, 2008, - 3:30 pm

Heather Locklear on “T.J. Hooker”, She Ain’t: Meet HAMAS’ Female Cop

By Debbie Schlussel
Remember Officer Stacy Sheridan on “T.J. Hooker”? Well, meet the HAMAS, um, “counterpart”, Lt. Mariam Al-Bursh in her “sexy” uniform.
If HAMAS is trying to tell us that Islam isn’t sexist, they’re not trying too hard. Al-Bursh is one of 53 females in the 11,000-strong terrorist police force controlling Gaza. That’s less than 0.5 percent (five thousandths) of the HAMAS police force.
Let’s hear it for Islamic “equality”, (un)babe:

On drug busts, she is unarmed and wears a long blue-and-gray robe and head scarf that reveals only her blue eyes. When she interrogates a drug dealer, a male colleague must be present because Muslim custom doesn’t allow her to be alone with a strange man.


Our Sexy Police Chick, HAMAS’ “Sexy” Police Chick

No problem, said al-Bursh — the measures are meant to protect her.
“These limits are to the benefit of women. Not against them,” she said.


Hamas has had to fine-tune the dress code, allowing the female cops to have side slits in their robes to allow for easier movement while running. Al-Bursh can now wear pants under the robe.
She says the dress code helps, because the robe gives her an air of authority and suspects can’t identify her.

An “air” or a whiff? Pants and side-slits–uh-oh, might turn a Muslim man on.

At a recent drug bust, her job was to search the women, and she found marijuana seeds hidden in a suspect’s bra.
“We know the secrets of women,” al-Bursh said.

Sure you do.
This reminds me of the old slogan they used to use in Virginia Slims cigarette advertising to women: You’ve come a long way, baby. In Islam’s case, it should be: You’ve regressed a long way, baby.
Can’t wait ’til the show, “RENO HAMAS 911.” Who needs “Charlie’s Angels,” when you can have Chukri’s 72 virgins . . . er, revirginized.

4 Responses

“On drug busts, she is unarmed”, “When she interrogates a drug dealer, a male colleague must be present because Muslim custom doesn’t allow her to be alone with a strange man.”
Whats the use of being a cop than if you cant do cop things?

RadicalRightWinger on August 21, 2008 at 10:25 am

They just don’t understand how pathetically laughable they are with these female “cops”. The males are equally as silly and stupid.
None of these morons could find their ass with a 12-man posse.

undaunted on August 21, 2008 at 10:36 am

One of these days my head will definitely explode.

iowavette on August 22, 2008 at 5:00 pm

“When she interrogates a drug dealer, a male colleague must be present because Muslim custom doesn’t allow her to be alone with a strange man.”
What earthly good is she?
Just cut out the middle-man and let the sitter do the work.

interestinconundrum on August 24, 2008 at 7:02 pm

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