August 25, 2011, - 4:52 pm

Shocker: Ground Zero Mosque Financier Scammed Insurance Companies – FIVE Federal Lawsuits

By Debbie Schlussel

The New York Post finally noticed something that private investigator Bill Warner and CBS News reported a year ago:  that the two-blocks-from-Ground-Zero mosque money man, Hisham Elzanaty, is involved in Medicaid fraud and insurance scams.

Insurance scamming and fake medical bills isn’t just the case with the money man behind the two-blocks-from-Ground-Zero mosque.  It’s the case with financiers of  many mosques and Islamic organizations around America.  It’s the reason why the U.S. government–when it can’t go after suspected terrorists for other reasons–can often go after them for insurance fraud.  They commit it with some frequency. The same goes for phony medical claims and kickback schemes. It’s just one of the many ways to come up with easy money and easy money to launder to terrorist groups, too.

By the way, I looked up this Elzanaty guy and there are FIVE federal lawsuits against him (beginning in 1999) filed by various insurance companies, not just the one described below. Clearly, this guy has done a lot of scamming. Here’s the complaint in the lawsuit described below.

The self-proclaimed leading moneyman behind the Ground Zero mosque ran a $5.1 million insurance scam that cashed in on car-accident injuries, a lawsuit alleges.

Hisham Elzanaty, 52, ran the “highly developed and sophisticated kickback scheme” for years, Allstate Insurance claims in a federal suit on Long Island.

The scheme routinely submitted inflated medical bills to Allstate and involved illegal fee-splitting, court papers say.

Allstate claimed that Elzanaty fraudulently incorporated medical professional corporations in The Bronx — which were then used to bill the company for care of patients involved in wrecks.

The operations were fraudulent because Elzanaty is not a licensed medical professional, as required by law, court papers say.

Elzanaty did not return requests for comment.

Gee, I wonder why. And I wonder why the New York Post didn’t catch the four other federal lawsuits against him that I spotted.

11 Responses

Debbie, great job by both you and Bill Warner (who originally broke the story a year ago on his own blog) for posting/writing this story on cyberspace so we can know who exactly the financier for the Ground Zero mosque is and his shady background and insurance fraud!

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on August 25, 2011 at 7:34 pm

I second what Sean R. said.

JeffE on August 25, 2011 at 9:55 pm

Debbie,you are doing a great job investigating. I find your imformation very focused and factual. G_d bless you!

Larry Michael Lounsbury on August 25, 2011 at 10:30 pm

C’mon! Muslims can cheat infidels anytime they want!

Tanstaafl on August 25, 2011 at 11:49 pm

    It’s their duty!

    Nir Leiu on August 26, 2011 at 3:14 am

Good Job Debbie!
The Mosque at Ground Zero should not be allowed , it’s as simple as that, and

Hisham Elzanaty should be thrown out of your Country ASAP!

Obama’s and the NATO’s Libya Media Hoax: Fabricated Scenes of Jubilation and Euphoria on Green Square


Mallory on August 26, 2011 at 10:08 am

Good Job Debbie!
The Mosque at Ground Zero should not be allowed , it’s as simple as that, and

Hisham Elzanaty should be thrown out of your Country ASAP!

Obama’s and the NATO’s Libya Media Hoax: Fabricated Scenes of Jubilation and Euphoria on Green Square


Mallory on August 26, 2011 at 10:08 am

Lift up rock, shine lights on maggots. Watch them squirm.

Kudos, Debbie.

Occam's Tool on August 26, 2011 at 1:27 pm

Well, at least the New York Post finally got around to reporting on a tiny part of the real story of one of the characters behind the Ground Zero Mosque plan. We’ll give them credit for that, even though good reporting would have involved researching and reporting on all the available and verifiable information. Apparently, the Mosque-man Elzanaty had to scam a major insurer like Allstate to prompt the wake-up call. Unfortunately, New York Mayor Bloomberg isn’t paying any attention, and he is still having a good cry over the need for Muslims to have the “right” to build a Mosque near the Ground Zero site because he’s so incredibly principled, and so very deeply and profoundly concerned with “religious” rights.

Ralph Adamo on August 26, 2011 at 1:32 pm

Its not a mosque, and its not at ground zero. Fail.

Reason on August 26, 2011 at 5:57 pm

Dear Debbie,

I said it a time and a time again that the very foundation of Islam is treachery, treason and terror. That is simple to remember. The other pillars of Islam are; fabrications, falsifications and obfuscations. These are the core of the doctrine of abrogation in Islam. It is the duty – the religious duty – of a moslem to steal, defraud or kill any non-Moslem. These are the basis of peace in Islam

G. R. SCHAROUBIM on August 26, 2011 at 9:38 pm

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