August 25, 2011, - 4:04 pm

HUH?! Top Homeland Security Official Wastes Over $225,000 on Motivational Speaker, All Day Picnic

By Debbie Schlussel

Just before the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 Islamic terrorist attacks, Department of Homeland Security agents–you know, law enforcement from the agency created because of the attacks and the agency that’s done little to prevent future such attacks–will be spending a lot of your money on three days of picnics, silly motivational speakers, and hanging out at a Detroit-area hotel.


Brian Moskowitz (Right) w/ Palestinian Terrorist Imad Hamad: Wastes $225K of Your Money on Picnic Event

It’s been a while since I’ve written about Brian Moskowitz a/k/a “Abu Moskowitz,” the Islamo-pandering, philandering, do-nothing liberal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Special Agent in Charge for Michigan and Ohio.  But that’s not because he hasn’t been up to no good.  He recently spent, by some accounts, nearly $100,000 to remodel his office for the SECOND time in four years.  And, now, he’s wasting much more of your money, over $225,000 of it on a picnic and a motivational speaker.

Demoralized ICE agents are livid about Abu Moskowitz’s spending of tens of thousands of dollars for three days of time and money wasting, including a motivational speaker day, an all day picnic for ICE agents, and a final travel day on September 9th.  The event will cost taxpayers about $45,000 in per diem, lodging, and travel costs to bring over 100 ICE agents from all over Michigan and Ohio to Detroit for three days.  That’s in addition to the $173,250 in salaries you will have paid out for the ICE agents, while they are hearing a motivational speaker and attending an all-day picnic at Rotary Park in the Detroit suburb of Livonia, Michigan.

ICE agents tell me that Moskowitz is spending $7,000 to pay a former FBI agent to deliver a motivational speech to them on September 7th.  This includes the motivational speaker’s $6,000 fee plus about $1,000 in expenses.  Agents wonder how a former member of a competing law enforcement agency can motivate them.  They also wonder how they are supposed to be motivated when the Obama administration (and the Bush administration before that) curtailed their ability to investigate and arrest illegal aliens.  They say the best motivation they could get would be the replacement of their boss, the incompetent, overpaid Moskowitz, whose biggest “achievement” is being liked by area Muslims, including Palestinian terrorist Imad Hamad, who helped him recruit Muslim and Arabic-speaking agents. . . . oh, and, again, getting his office lavishly remodeled twice in four years.  That’s not counting the ICE Superbowl pins he procured.

September 8th is the all-day picnic–well, if you count 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. as “all day.”  Uh-huh, apparently, they need to change the term “banker’s hours” to “ICE agent’s hours at an Abu Moskowitz picnic.”  September 9th is a “travel day” to return from the all-day picnic. And you wonder why agents, themselves, call their agency, Immigration and Customs EnFARCEment.

The last time Moskowitz held one of these mandatory all-day picnics for agents, his reason was to deliver a speech urging his agents to stop talking to me and this website.  And you can see how that worked out.

Over $225,000 of your tax dollars at work for motivational speeches and picnicking at ICE. Alhamdillullah [praise allah].  Who needs Bin Laden to muck it up when Homeland Security is doing the job all by itself?

Shukran [thanks], Abu Moskowitz.  Your work on behalf of the Brotherhood is inspiring . . . er, motivational.

By the way, just to clarify, make sure the hot dogs at the picnic are halal, Habibi.


23 Responses


howardroark on August 25, 2011 at 4:29 pm

Two remodels in four years? What is he doing in that office? I guess the parties mess up the decor.

RE the FBI motivational (sic) speaker, it’s probably more than $1,000 in expenses. These retired motivational speakers are always overweight, and he probably will consume vast quantities of food at our expense.

There is nothing more phony than these motivational speakers. It’s really a racket. They generally have no training, and make empty remarks about motivation and leadership without any knowledge of the context under which their listeners function. They have phony games and exercises that accomplish nothing except wasting time.

Of course these speakers fill up time and prevent anything substantive from being discussed, which I guess is the whole idea.

Little Al on August 25, 2011 at 4:37 pm

I have been waiting for another post on the outrageous and anti-American waste product “Abu Moskowitz”. I just can’t believe this incompetent fool from the bizarro world still has a job in this crap economy. This POS continues to do damages in all possible realms in his “Gubmint” job and yet never seems to lose it and everyday he demoralizes all that have to see this rancid POS in action. Just lovely. 😐

If you have not searched DS’ archives on “Abu Moskowitz”, please do. You’ll not believe it and her research is very compelling.

And while you’re at it, don’t forget to look into the US Attorney “Abu Porno”. Just shocking.

Skunky on August 25, 2011 at 4:39 pm

I have been waiting for another post on the outrageous and anti-American waste product “Abu Moskowitz”. I just can’t believe this incompetent fool from the bizarro world still has a job in this crap economy. This POS continues to do damages in all possible realms in his “Gubmint” job and yet never seems to lose it and everyday he demoralizes all that have to see this rancid POS in action. Just lovely. 😐

If you have not searched DS’ archives on “Abu Moskowitz”, please do. You’ll not believe it and her research is very compelling.

And while you’re at it, don’t forget to look into the US Attorney “Abu Porno”. Just shocking.

Skunky on August 25, 2011 at 4:39 pm

What can an FBI agent tell these people? How to play video games on their computers all day long, like they do at headquarters? How to put up with incompetent fellow agents who were hired on a quota system?

Yes, according to my sources (and yes, I do have a few), at least half the FBI agents spend their time doing….nothing. Video games on the computers, talking with their wives and girlfriends or boyfriends on the telephone, etc.

For all of his faults, J. Edgar Hoover was a tough boss who got 12 hours of work out of his employees each eight hour day.

Those days are gone forever.

Jonathan E. Grant on August 25, 2011 at 4:41 pm

Jonathan E. Grant–

All you need to know about the incompetence of the FBI was their epic botching of the investigation on Bob Hanssen, the special agent who spied for Soviet and Russian intelligence services against the United States.

And–it didn’t stop there. His wife got his full pension even after he was put in prison.

My country sure ain’t tis of Thee anymore.

Red Ryder on August 25, 2011 at 7:09 pm

    Red, that is a very good point about Robert Hanssen. Yep, that is ALL one would have to know. Also, your point about adding up all the OTHER RH types. Ugh!

    LOL on Chris Farley. I can see him with the belly and the belt. That character was hysterical.

    (Apologies for the double-posts. That ONLY happens on a iMac. Man, I am NOT an iMac fan. So many glitches that PCs never have.)

    Skunky on August 25, 2011 at 9:07 pm

Well, the first mistake is thinking that ICE is any sort of a law enforcement agency. I don’t think anyone (including ICE employees themselves) would ever argue that ICE is law enforcement.

ICE is INS, and like INS, ICE is a regulatory agency. As the court system incessantly points out, immigration “law” is not really any sort of law at all.

Remember: ICE has the lowest qualifications in government for its “investigators” for a reason. One does not even need a high school degree, or to even be able to speak English.

I am sure it is bad enough being an ICE agent–let them at least enjoy some government-funded entertainment.

King David on August 25, 2011 at 7:11 pm

“He recently spent, by some accounts, nearly $100,000 to remodel his office for the SECOND time in four years.”

Something tells me all the ‘old’ furniture is sitting at his and his family’s and friends homes. I’m thinking he’s got a helluva nice looking entertainment room in his basement!

theShadow on August 25, 2011 at 7:35 pm

Think of how many Abu Moskowitzes there are in the government, and then do the math. Wonder why we have a deficit.

Red Ryder on August 25, 2011 at 7:46 pm

@ King David
If the motivational speaker was Chris Farley, THAT might be entertainment! And don’t forget, there’s no such thing as “government-funded”. It’s taxpayer funded, always.
You do make a good point though.

theShadow on August 25, 2011 at 8:34 pm

How about the Gettysburg hay rides and Holacaust Museum trips organized by ICE HQ? While both sites are obviously very sacred, do we really have all that money to spend on per diem, hotel rooms and airfare for out of town agents to attend for something people should and do spend their own money to go see?

always amazed on August 26, 2011 at 1:17 am

@ King Dumbass

You forget to mention (purposely?) that the majority of the i.c.e. management, from HQ to the RAC level are legacy customs dweebs? All the reports, paperwork, et al is all legacy customs…the “I’m gonna screw you when I get the chance” mentality; yep, all born of the same inbreds. INS was just as inept but print all the facts, just not those convenient for your petty cause.

Bring on those fake NASCAR T-shirts…never mind the real work.

IceNoMore on August 26, 2011 at 3:01 am

He recently spent, by some accounts, nearly $100,000 to remodel his office for the SECOND time in four years.

Was that his money or the taxpayer’s money?

Miranda Rose Smith on August 26, 2011 at 3:41 am

Very good investigative work. Well done.

The Radio Jihad Network on August 26, 2011 at 9:09 am

yep, fake nascar shirts, fake super bowl shirts, fake mlb jerseys, investigating old folks care homes as part of critical infrastructure. it’s a shame what our homeland security has become. at least the legacy customs agents have all the dibs on management positions and internal affairs positions.

always amazed on August 26, 2011 at 12:21 pm

Unfortunately this porcupine head was trained in the old Customs way of doing things by his mentor at the Chicago office (where, by the way, the skank SAC also spent a bundle on remodeling her office and putting in a private bathroom when ICE first moved into that building) Things haven’t changed, he was always trying to get himself press for the most mundane things, you always saw him in his familiar tight fitting collar and suit floating around the press conferences where it was usually another agency that did the investigation and subsequent arrests, and ICE just participated by placing detainers, or providing transportation services. His only claim to fame was that he was hand-picked to be the DSAC in Chicago by the skank SAC ( who thought of herself as a the “Oprah” of the ICE SAC Chicago office, handing out GS-14 promotions, like Oprah handed out cars, to the most unqualified “agents” based on their loyalty to her, and most of them were females, that’s why it was called the “kotex mafia”, some of which are still there especially a skank ASAC). This clown was part of that regime, and it seems he was trained well judging by the continuous screwups he perpetrates as a SAC. Self aggrandizement, superficial self importance and a comfortable knowledge that nothing stands in the way of their bureaucratic bungling is the norm.

BroMan on August 26, 2011 at 12:27 pm

Skunky writes, “(Apologies for the double-posts. That ONLY happens on a iMac. Man, I am NOT an iMac fan. So many glitches that PCs never have.)”

Oh, please! I’m writing on an iMac. Maybe it’s you. And, FYI, I did computer support for 25 years. Worked on PCs too. We’re in a post-PC world, Skunky. Live with it.

Red Ryder notes that Hansen’s wife “got his full pension even after he was put in prison.” Absolutely ridiculous. She should have been given her own prison cell, not his pension.

Raymond in DC on August 26, 2011 at 12:42 pm

    No Raymond, it is NOT me. When I work, I am on different iMacs and I do have problems on them I never have on PCs. I don’t know much about PCs or iMacs to be all bloody lovey-dovey about them (and I never would since the are technology) but I know enough to know by using many of each, that I have problems and it’s always (for me) on iMacs. I don’t like ’em. Big deal. And it was only mentioned because one of my posts was double-posted…and that only happens for me on iMacs. It’s my experience and my opinion.

    Nothing to get shirty over for crying out loud. Get over it.

    Skunky on August 26, 2011 at 4:23 pm

It’s ridiculous how much he’s spending! Especially since NOBODY except his little group of yes men wants to go. He had to make both days mandatory for everyone. We should all show up at the park and protest.

BadIce on August 26, 2011 at 1:27 pm

Scumbags on parade. Surprise, surprise.

Occam's Tool on August 26, 2011 at 1:29 pm

All of the offices are a joke. He spends that kind of Money on his precious SAC(nope… too easy) and goes to a meeting in Cleveland and calls the office a dump.
Management is a joke all the way around. No wonder OPR is coming nothing will happen, but it will be good to see the a-holes squirm

Abu Hater on August 26, 2011 at 9:39 pm

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