August 12, 2008, - 3:20 pm

Funny Bad Art Story of the Day: When the Giant S–t Hits the Fan

By Debbie Schlussel
This story is hilarious and really needs no comment, except maybe that that’s what deserves to happen to what some people mistakenly think is “art”.
And that someone’s electricity “went to sh-t”:

Giant Inflatable Turd Escapes Moorings and Brings Down Electricity Line
An inflatable dog turd the size of a house has blown away from a modern art exhibition in a Swiss museum before bringing down an electricity line and smashing a greenhouse window.
“Complex Sh-t”, a sculpture by the American artist Paul McCarthy, cast loose its moorings and was lifted by a sudden gust of wind from the Paul Klee centre in Berne and carried 200 yards to eventually make landfall in the grounds of a children’s home.
Museum authorities said the work had an automatic safety device that was supposed to make it deflate in the event of a storm – but it failed to operate.
The museum’s director Juri Steiner said Mr McCarthy had not yet been informed of the fate of his artwork, and that he had not yet decided whether to reinstall it in the centre’s garden.
The sculpture was featured in an exhibition called “East of Eden. A Garden Show”.
The Paul Klee centre’s website described the show as containing “interweaving, diverse, not to say conflictive emphases and a broad spectrum of items to form a dynamic exchange of parallel and self-eclipsing spatial and temporal zones.” [DS: HUH?! What the heck does that mean? That’s excrement as much as the exhibit.]
In other words, so far as the harsher critics of modern art might be concerned: what happens when la merde hits le ventilateur.

Exactly. Bah-Dum-Bum-Ch.
Sorry, but I don’t think I’m gonna post a picture with this story, for obvious reasons of taste and aesthetics.

7 Responses

Well, Debbie, guess we just have to score one for the “excrementally challenged”…
There’s no accounting for “taste” any more…in much of anything in our society. Gak.

Floyd R. Turbo on August 12, 2008 at 3:33 pm

All I can say is HOLY S–T! WHAT THE F–K WAS GOING THROUGH THIS BULLS–T ARTIST’S DIRTY MIND TO HAVE CONCOCTED SOMETHING LIKE THIS?Somebody better throw in a litter box b/c you know where this scuplture is going to go after its been displayed.The name suites it fine and I’ll leave it at that.

American Sabrah on August 12, 2008 at 3:37 pm

Debbie you don’t appreciate modern art. You are so vulgar.

poetcomic1 on August 12, 2008 at 3:41 pm

LOL, It’s proof, that s**t does happen!

Jackson Pearson on August 12, 2008 at 3:43 pm

I think to call something like that “art” would be stupid, but I don’t really find it offensive, unless there is more to the story than has been told. I think a turd like that would make a good float in a parade if it had B. Hussien Obama’s picture on it.

Ron Taylor on August 12, 2008 at 5:14 pm

“American artist Paul McCarthy”. Thanks Paul, for giving the world yet another reason to look down upon this country, it’s culture, and it’s citizens. We’ll be awaiting your return with a 50 gallon drum of whupass, you LOSER!!!

spiffo on August 12, 2008 at 6:35 pm

HEHE there is a sense of irony to this

mindy1 on August 12, 2008 at 10:30 pm

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