August 12, 2008, - 11:47 am

Proof That Everyone Gets Their 15 Minutes

By Debbie Schlussel
A couple of years ago, I wrote about Hooman Hamzehloui, the Iranian Muslim real estate agent who was banned by the NBA from all games because he repeatedly called Dikembe Mutombo with racist slurs, including calling him a “monkey.” He was an Orlando Magic season ticket holder.
Well, apparently, even racist Muslims get their 15 minutes of fame. Mr. Hemzehloui–who claims he did not know that “monkey” is a racist slur against Blacks–e-mails to tell me that, of all things, he is now a motivational speaker:

I wanted to give you an update about my life.


Hooman Hamzehloui, Andy Warhol

Getting banned from every NBA arena for calling Dikembe Mutombo a monkey led Hooman Hamzehloui to fall into the deepest depression imaginable. He then turned this embarrassing negative into the greatest positive by abandoning his lucrative real estate practice to pursuit his life long dream of becoming a motivational speaker. Hooman wanted to be remembered for a legacy of helping others break out of their normal daily lives and live the life of their dreams.
The book “Mutombo and Me” is about the events following the night which Hooman Hamzehloui became infamous around the world for being the racist who was banned from every NBA arena. Unknowingly using words of racist hate, Hooman became the recipient of hate mail, death threats, and nasty calls. Hooman had always been an advocate against racism so he felt personally responsible for bringing out the hatred of people all over the world. Hooman who was well known in Orlando for his successful real estate practice and his super motivated personality, fell into a deep and dark depression. After being depressed for almost a year, Hooman discovered from within the purpose of this depression was to motivate him to pursue his dream of becoming a motivational speaker. This book will empower his readers to change the negatives of their lives into positives by motivating them to pursuit their dreams and desires.
Hooman Hamzehloui is now living his life long dream of being a motivational speaker and is sharing his compelling story with corporations, college students, sales professionals, prison inmates, and troubled teens. He is donating 25% of his book sales to the Dikembe Mutombo Foundation in the Democratic Republic of Congo. is empowering people to take total control of their future as they master their thoughts to achieve beyond their current abilities.

Hmmm . . . despite his bizarro lifestyle, Andy Warhol was more on the money than even he knew.

4 Responses

I wonder if he has learned not to hate Jews and Christians and that murder is against God’s Commandments….
Just wondering…. who’d give money to this Muzzie, anyway?

GOLDENMIKE4393 on August 12, 2008 at 12:19 pm

It’s because his real estate business is in the dumper anyway…..

Shootist on August 12, 2008 at 12:27 pm

Found his purpose? Who is he, Navin R. Johnson?

TheOmegaMan on August 12, 2008 at 3:02 pm

i’m so glad it’s only muslims who are racist!

rudy on August 13, 2008 at 7:26 pm

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