August 11, 2008, - 2:38 pm

On John Edwards’ Affair: A Couple of Blind Items on Some Hypocrites I Know

By Debbie Schlussel
I’m glad the mainstream media finally exposed–if kicking and screaming–the hypocrisy of John Edwards. That said, even though I’ve made a couple of snide references to him on this site, his affairs are not the biggest issue with him. First of all, we know that this is Democratic family values, and sometimes, Republican ones (Newt Gingrich, David Vitter, etc.).
But second, the most objectionable thing to me about John Edwards will still and always be what an incredibly leeching, scumsucking trial lawyer he was and how he amassed his fortune off the backs of doctors and other professionals who actually provided something of substance to society. What he did in his marriage I just don’t care about so much as I do what he did to America and would have done more of had he been elected to the White House.


John Edwards & 2 Talk Show Hosts Have Something in Common

However, almost as objectionable to me are two very prominent, fraudulent conservative talk show hosts who’ve been going on and on and on and on over the last few weeks about Edwards, when both are currently married and both are known philanderers. I won’t say their names here for obvious reasons, but I will tell you about them, because hearing them carry on makes me see visions of giant black pots.
* First, there is the local conservative talk show host in a major market, on whose show I used to appear and whose show runs on a station that carries Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. This senior fat pig–an uber-panderer of Sean Hannity’s–repeatedly called me at home and asked me about my dating situation, telling me,

You know, I’m really in love with you, and you know, my wife and I–even though we’re still married–our marriage is over and we’re just together for convenience, and we both have an understanding to do our own thing, so if you’re interested . . . .

Disgusting. Whenever they tell you they have an “understanding” with the wife, it’s a unilateral, imagined “understanding.” This person repeatedly called me and hit on me in this piggish manner. It creeped me out.
Yet, this hypocrite has been gloating over John Edwards. Hello . . .? And this scumbag recently guest-hosted a nationally syndicated radio show of another conservative. Sad. And gross.
* Then, there is the married nationally syndicated conservative talk show host who only hires female interns, assistants, and producers because he likes to proposition them. To my shock, this person once got very upset with me when I briefly colored my hair red, as if this person had some vital, personal interest in me being blonde. It was a very weird, dark energy and gave me the creeps. To make matters worse, a local conservative radio talk show host out West tells me he lost his job at one radio station because an awful female radio host this national talk show host is extremely close with and rumored to be seeing on the side wanted the slot. This national host told the station that if she didn’t get so-and-so’s show slot, “I’ll pull my show from your station.”
This person has been going on and on and on and on about John Edwards for weeks. He even talked about how you never cheat on your wife or go to a hotel room with someone who is not your wife. Well, duh. Too bad this person can’t tell it to his mirror.
So, while it’s a good thing that the mainstream media–again, kicking and screaming–is finally (though unwillingly), at least with John Edwards, applying the same scrutiny as they do with conservative politicians, I just wish the couple of hypocritical, philandering talk show hosts I know are cheating–or trying desperately to–would shut the heck up.
You don’t have to be a Christian to know what they say about glass houses.

23 Responses

Ok–I offer a free hamburger and fries to the first DS blogger who can de-code this for us. Any wise one(s) out there–help us–who are these losers?

BB on August 11, 2008 at 3:11 pm

Maybe the National Enquirer will get on it & tell us who they are.
I think one of the reasons that this Edwards affair is getting so much press, once the MSM found they couldn’t squelch it is that Edwards is a moralist like Spitzer. It seems like most of the leading Dems are obnoxious moralists of one kind or another, but Edwards is one of the worst about his two Americas, and all the other drivel. The other thing that makes it easier for talk show hosts to talk about this is that they can attack the Dems without having to worry about whether they should differentiate themselves from Bush.

c f on August 11, 2008 at 4:07 pm

These two freaks are sickos for harassing you…. but I don’t think anyone can blame them for being obsesssed with you. You’re HOT HOT HOT!!! 🙂

cinerx on August 11, 2008 at 4:36 pm

John Edwards is nothing less than, a phony $500 dollar Dick-Head.

Jackson Pearson on August 11, 2008 at 4:39 pm

Today, modesty, decency and values are considered quaint. We have men who cheat on their wives and no shame is attached to it and we have women who think of nothing other than showing men their raw sexual power rather than their femininity. The times have truly changed in the area of relations between the sexes and not for the better.

NormanF on August 11, 2008 at 4:42 pm

Most alpha males are vulnerable to marital infidelity. It comes with their leadership.I don’t know how their wives tolerate this sort of behaviour.Some of them have the galls to divorce these skirt chasing pimps as they should. Sex addicts regardless of gender should steer clear from matrimony.

American Sabrah on August 11, 2008 at 4:45 pm

Debbie’s point is decent behavior should not be a matter of partisan controversy. There was a time in this country when every one knew the rules. Sadly, no one knows what the rules are any more. A married man should stay faithful to his wife. There was a time when I wouldn’t have to say it since every man behaved respectably but now I feel I have to say it since my views seem freakish. They probably are since if I was married, I’m certain I’d never want to be like Bill Clinton, Ed Spitzer and John Edwards. As a man, they give me the creeps! Then again, I’m very old-fashioned!

NormanF on August 11, 2008 at 4:48 pm

Let’s not forget that the presumptive Republican nominee for President also cheated on his first wife.

Hourman on August 11, 2008 at 4:52 pm

American Sabrah, power is the greatest sexual aphrodisiac there is. For the alpha male cheats not to plow the field so much as to demonstrate he can have women submit to his whim. I would hazard a guess that for powerful men, the danger inherent in committing adultery and easily having women who succumb to their power is more thrilling than the sex. But its also what ultimately destroys them. Pride goeth before a fall, as Proverbs rightly says.

NormanF on August 11, 2008 at 4:52 pm

“Then, there is the married nationally syndicated conservative talk show host who only hires female interns, assistants, and producers because he likes to proposition them.”
I’m not 100% sure about this, but this sure sounds like BILL O’RIDLEY or whatever his name is.

cinerx on August 11, 2008 at 4:54 pm

I’m guessing one has a dog and the other has a hit song on YouTube.

Sue Denemme on August 11, 2008 at 5:01 pm

As a general rule, my primary concern with candidates for public office is the policies they propose.
Besides, if Gd wanted our elected leaders to act like angels, he’d give them a heaven to govern.

There is NO Santa Claus on August 11, 2008 at 5:36 pm

Now, the Clintons are letting it be known they are simply appalled that Edwards was less than forthcoming about his affair.

Sue Denemme on August 11, 2008 at 5:57 pm

Sue Denemme: Has a dog, or HAD a dog? Was this dog named Sprite?

lexi on August 11, 2008 at 7:10 pm

Frank B–kman, or Warren Pierce are the only locally syndicated hosts I could think of. Mitch Albom couldn’t be the one (liberal). C’mon, this is f’in driving us crazy!!

samurai on August 12, 2008 at 12:02 am

Paul Smith is a lib too.

samurai on August 12, 2008 at 12:04 am

Frank B—man, or Warren Pierce are the only local conservatives on 760. Oreilly is obviously the pig with the past who surrounds himself with women on the air as well. I’ve tired of him and barely pay attention to the old pervert any more. Beckman is a islamo panderer and WAS a footbal player years ago so he’s my odds on favorite for the pig title. He also appears to be fat from his picture as well.

samurai on August 12, 2008 at 12:18 am

What Americans forget is that John Edwards, Ellliot Siptzer, Bill Clinton are Ameirca’s representatives, electecd by Americans themselves. In a way, these people reflect America’s weakness. Even after being impeached, Bill has no shame in appearing in front of people, representing the Democratic Party. In addition, Hillary, who should have atleast, divorced slick Willy, has no shame in sticking to the “stick” for political reasons. Where is the family value in this? John Edwards went even further to cheat on his cancer infected wife. What message does that send? That it is ok to throw your suffering spouse under the bus, like John McCain did to his.
As they say, in a democracy, people get the government, they deserve.

Alert on August 12, 2008 at 2:49 am

Debbie, we know you have your lawyer reasons for not telling us the names. Just pretend to be a reader and post some last names here so we know who they are 🙂

cinerx on August 12, 2008 at 3:47 am

I like to kid around a bit about how hot you are and why you should marry me, Debbie….of course, I’m not kidding about you being hot.
But, seriously, bravo for being a nice, decent lady and for speaking up about this no matter if the creeps are libs or supposedly conservatives.
It’s a shame and one of the reasons I’m not a McCain fan as a politician.
Far too many people think this has nothing to do with how politicians govern, but I think it does matter. How can you trust a person if they can’t be loyal and honest to the person closest to them and to whom they have promised to be faithful? I know you can’t disqualify a person for just infedility, but I think it gives a clear view of a person’s character.

Jeff_W on August 12, 2008 at 9:31 am

Profile Summary of these perps:
1) two very prominent, fraudulent conservative talk show hosts
2) who’ve been going on and on and on and on over the last few weeks about Edwards, when
3) both are currently married and both are known philanderers.
perp 1:
local conservative talk show host in a major market, on whose show I (DS) used to appear and whose show runs on a station that carries Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. This senior fat pig–an uber-panderer of Sean Hannity’s–
(this would have to mean a biggie on WJR—hmmmm
That means Paul W Smith, Frank Beckmann, or possibly McCulloch–definitely not Mich Albom–I know Debbie has respect for this liberal–,—hmmmmm — I wonder?? I don’t think any of these guys is a known philanderer–so I’m puzzled here??)
last clue—
4) this scumbag recently guest-hosted a nationally syndicated radio show of another conservative.
Somebody must know who this is? Come on now….
Perp 2:
1) nationally syndicated conservative talk show host
2) who only hires female interns, assistants, and producers
3) This person has been going on and on and on and on about John Edwards for weeks. He even talked about how you never cheat on your wife or go to a hotel room with someone who is not your wife.
This last part sounds like a direct quote–so again–DS blogging “sleuths”–a free hamburger and fries is in your future if you can solve the great DS philanderer perp quiz.

BB on August 12, 2008 at 9:34 am

I am aware of the “local talk show host out West” and the story…the nationally syndicated talk show host has to be Sean Hannity.

Rioisla on August 12, 2008 at 11:36 am

Debbie, J. Edwards is an ambulance chasing POS and his existence offends me. I’m guessing some of the money he paid to Baron was destined for the mistress. If there is any justice, he will go to jail for theft of campaign funds, etc. Also, I’m offended we aren’t dating.

Anonymous1 on August 12, 2008 at 10:31 pm

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