August 18, 2011, - 2:05 pm

English Language Exclusive: US Tax $s Pay for Ramadan Farmers Mkt in LEBANON!

By Debbie Schlussel

Happy Ramadan wishes and spending courtesy of the U.S. Government.  Yup, you’re paying for it. The USAID (US Agency for International Development) is wasting nearly $150,000 dollars on a Ramadan gift of a farmer’s market for Benin, a Sunni village in the Akkar area in Northern Lebanon. In fact, the market you are subsidizing operates on “Ramadan hours,” as it opens at “breakfast”–or the night-time Ramadan Iftar dinner–until the “second dawn,” which is the official beginning of daylight in Islam as it marks the time of the Fajr (dawn) prayer.


A close friend of mine, an immigrant from Lebanon, sent me this article from Lebanon Files, a Lebanese news site in Arabic (I’m providing you with the English translation, below).  My friend, a Druze Arab, was wondering why he–a U.S. citizen and taxpayer who was forced to flee Lebanon because of Muslim violence and extremism–is subsidizing Lebanese Muslims and giving them the Ramadan gift of a farmer’s market.  He asks:

Why do we need to help them out? Oh, I forgot–so they can make more money with which to kill us.


The United States Celebrates the Opening of the “From the Farm to the Consumer” Market in Benin

17 August 2011 08:37

On 16 August 2011, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the community in Benin celebrated Ramadan with the opening of the new market, “From the Farm to the Consumer”–the festival to promote local food products and handicrafts–in the town. The festival included about 30 local exhibitors, and cultural activities and attracted visitors of all ages. The festival receives visitors every day after breakfast at 10:00 p.m. until the second dawn, through August 19th.

The market was created and equipped through a grant of U.S. $145,000 under “Enable,” the capacity building and municipal services provision program of the U.S. Agency for International Development. It includes a market selling vegetables and fruit wholesale and retail on a land area 350 square meters donated by the municipality, sixteen viewing platforms, two stores for cooling, a water treatment unit, and the Office of Management. The market is part of a plan of local economic development established by the Development Committee of the Municipality of Benin, in coordination with the U.S. Agency for International Development, which provides opportunities for more than 150 farms to sell their products directly to consumers and increase their profits. In addition, it is expected to result in annual market income to the municipality of up to $19,000, helping them to do more in the development of the market and the town.

Dr. Jim Barnhart, Lebanon Mission Director for the U.S. Agency for International Development, toured the show before heading to breakfast in the courtyard with the municipal mayors and community leaders from the region. During the opening ceremony, Dr. Barnhart on the importance of responding to the needs of society, and encouraged partnerships between the public and private sectors in order to increase the capacity of young people and create a better living environment.

It should be noted that this grant is part of the U.S. Agency for International Development’s $11.3 million “empowerment fund,” which is implemented by the Cooperative Housing Foundation (CHF) in order to rehabilitate communities in more than 44 villages to improve the economy, raise incomes, and create employment opportunities.

When the Congress–Republicans and Dems–claim there was nowhere else to cut (as they just did in the budget deal), you should ask them why they didn’t cut the USAID budget and contributions. Read this article and ask yourself if your local farmer’s market gets Christmas, Easter, or Chanukah gifts of $150,000 to operate according to a religious schedule.

As I always say, the American government is strongly committed to the separation between church and state . . . but not the separation between mosque and state.

Happy Ramadan from the Benin farmer’s market. Hope you’re enjoying the Iftar Dinner/”Breakfast at 10:00 p.m.”

Oh, and by the way, the U.S. gives Lebanon’s Shi’ite and Sunni Muslims a gazillion more of your money. And that’s just in Lebanon.

Can you imagine if we funded Nazi groups around the world during World War II? Same thing here.

13 Responses

“U.S. Agency for International Development’s $11.3 million” and don’t forget that the actual monies distributed is only the tip of the taxpayer money iceberg. It costs an extra 4 – 12X of each dollar spent on government disbursement by way of bureaucratic overhead.

Warms the cockles of my heart to know that I’m working 60 hrs. week and still have to keep the air conditioner at 86, forgo vacations for the last 3 years and eat ramen noodles 3-4 X/week so i can keep pumping up the government coffers so they can giv emy money away to muslims in foreign lands.

DS_ROCKS! on August 18, 2011 at 3:03 pm

And I’m sure that we went over like good little dhimmis with heads bowed and all traces of Judaism/Christianity left in a box back the states. Goodness knows we can’t offend the natives. Blech.

cirrus1701 on August 18, 2011 at 3:15 pm

Here’s a story about how, during this “holy” month, theft of Israeli livestock by Arabs increases – no doubt for those Iftar dinners.

Raymond in DC on August 18, 2011 at 3:26 pm

The daily Islamic/Gubmint fleecing of the day. It’s disgusting all around.

This was the sentence I liked the best…

“When the Congress–Republicans and Dems–claim there was nowhere else to cut (as they just did in the budget deal), you should ask them why they didn’t cut the USAID budget and contributions. ”

You know it! We are being zoomed. And we have not even a so-called Conservative who will take a hard-line on Islam.

Even if Zero is a one-term Prez (I would not bet on it!) I think we have learned HERE (Do you know of any other site who tells it like it is? If you do, I’d wanna know MYSELF!) we have our work cut out for us. So much work to do and so much to change.

Skunky on August 18, 2011 at 3:53 pm

Don’t mean to change the subject folks, DS and everybody else, did any of you great folks heard that an islamist organization made a death threat to David Letterman yesterday because he said something pretty truthful about the late Osama Bin Laden. I read an article in the “NY Daily News” today about Letterman being threatned by koran-thumping muslims in the middle east, while I was reading that column in the paper, I said to myself, “this is a religion? A so-called religion that intimidates people, sends them violent death threats, etc.? I’m sorry, but islam is NOT a legit religion, it’s more of a backward ideology”! I’m no fan/supporter of David Letterman, but I hope he takes that threat seriously from that nutcase islamist in the ME and I assume Letterman has bodyguards to protect him from nutty people, and the samething can be said for Debbie Schlussel herself, I to hope she has bodyguards that’s armed with firearms to protect her from crazy people who want to harm her physically (and I hope DS is armed with a gun to protect herself from sociopaths who send her numerous hate-mails and death threats over the years)!

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on August 18, 2011 at 4:22 pm

the festival to promote local food products and handicrafts

Why would anyone, anywhere in the world, need to promote food? And why promote handicrafts? If people, either natives of the country or tourists, want them, they’ll buy them. I had, for years, a beautiful serape that my father?”?, brought me from Mexico, but I don’t think U.S. aid promoted it. I think Slavic embroidered peasant blouses are beautiful and wish I had one, but I don’t think the U.S. government should be paying old ladies to embroider blouses and tablecloths in Poland and Czechoslavakia. I mean, if you’re going to promote local handicrafts, outside of the U.S., why stop with Lebanon?

Miranda Rose Smith on August 19, 2011 at 1:48 am

    I had, for years, a beautiful serape that my father, of blessed memory, brought me from Mexico, but I don’t think U.S. aid promoted it. I think Slavic embroidered peasant blouses are beautiful and wish I had one, but I don’t think the U.S. government should be paying old ladies to embroider blouses and tablecloths in Poland and Czechoslavakia.

    The Hebrew letters don’t come out on this screen.

    Miranda Rose Smith on August 19, 2011 at 3:35 am

Good article Debbie. Hopefully we can end this program.

Truth on August 19, 2011 at 8:33 am

Gov’t funding is such a sad, sad joke. If my money is going to somebody, shouldn’t I have a say where? Planned Parenthood, ACORN, muslim brotherhood, and thousands of others that I don’t wish to support shouldn’t be on my “dole”.
I mentioned ACORN to people at work and nobody even knew what the hell it was. I’m not even sure myself!
If we stopped funding all the thousands of thousands of moochers out there, saving Americans Billions, even Trillions in the process, most people wouldn’t notice. Except for all the extra cash in our pockets to fuel a booming economy!

You know, we give the Arbs money so they can have money in return to buy our politicians with…?

As MRS said: “Why would anyone, anywhere in the world, need to promote food?”

or as I like to put it…WTF?!?

theShadow on August 20, 2011 at 1:43 am

As the Shadow put it…. WTF????!!!! I can not agree more. I am usually completely against foul language, but in this case it is needed.

Daniel. on August 20, 2011 at 3:15 am

In Afghanistan USAID is paying to have Afghan sweet melons flown (on commerical jets) to Dubai as a way for Afghans to make money and Dubai residents to enjoy the melons. All at a cost to the US taxpayers of an estimated cost of $18.00 per melon.

So what is a few $ millions among friends?

Stephen on August 20, 2011 at 3:49 am

Muhammadan co-workers have begged me to palm off food to them. If they eat anything, it negates prayer to their fictious deity. How would you like to be on a plane with a fasting pilot, at 4 PM?

Ramadamadingdong is anything but a solemn occasion. The fast is supposed to be done to emulate their false-prophet’s hardship, after he set out to obliterate freedom of conscience in Mecca. The “feast” aspect – where BHO digs into bled-to-death lambs at White House iftars – really celebrates the Genocide of Muhammad’s own family at the Badr-Massacre, which occured during the second ramadamadingdong. That lamb that BHO bit into is symbolic of the slaughter of “disbelievers” (kafir). What a f___king dhimmi! Or maybe he celebrates as did his philandering, child abandoner’ slave-of-allah pop.

Still waiting for a Rick Perry apology. I haven’t written him off yet. But I will if he keeps those filthy connections.

Choke Out on August 21, 2011 at 7:08 am

How about NO US tax dollars going to ANY country other than the USA?

Howard Greenstein on August 22, 2011 at 4:28 pm

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