August 16, 2011, - 1:04 pm

Getting Groped by Agent “Ashley”: TSA Begins Tranny Sensitivity Training

By Debbie Schlussel

It’s bad enough being molested and groped by TSA screeners.  Now, however, you might have to be groped by a dude that thinks he’s a chick.  Welcome to the new and improved RuPaulian TSA.

“Ashley” Yang, a male by birth and always a male by DNA, thinks he’s a woman.  He takes hormone therapy, has long hair and wears cosmetics.  Problem is, he’s a TSA agent who wants to grope female passengers at the airport screening area.  And the TSA insisted he dress like the male that he is, pat down male passengers, and use the men’s restroom at Los Angeles International Airport.  And ultimately, “Ashley” was terminated.  But no worries.  “She” is back on the job with five months of back pay and a five-figure “pain and suffering” settlement you paid for because he didn’t want to use urinals and wanted to pat down women.  An he/she/it will be touching your breasts and genitals.

Sadly, we are in an age where the freaks are normal, and we normal people are the freaks.  The outrageous are outraged.  And we must quietly suffer their outrage for our noting they are outrageous.  And so it goes with “Ashley.”  He/she/it insisted he’s a woman and must be permitted to pat down female passengers, use the women’s bathroom, etc.  And the tranny version of the ACLU, the Transgender Law Center and its gang of lawyers with penises ensconced in silk lace panties, threatened a lawsuit against the TSA.  And, per usual, the TSA buckled.  Now, TSA agents will all undergo transgender sensitivity training (which I suppose means that you shouldn’t smirk when John and Tom exchange tips on mascara and the best fitting bras).  And you and I will not only be molested by a TSA screener.  We might be molested by one who was born with a penis and yearns to wear tampons.  Ick.

TSA spokesman Nico Melendez said he could not discuss details of the case because of privacy rules. But he confirmed that the required training of managers started this summer and was ongoing.

“It’s part of the world we live in today,” he said. “We need to be aware of transgender issues not only for our co-workers, but for passengers.” LAX, with a staff of 2,500 security officers, has as many as 100 managers, according to Melendez.

This is only “the world we live in” because we let it be. Because anything goes for every group no matter how strange. And we are forced to endure it at the expense of our rights and civil liberties, like my right not to be groped by a dude who thinks he’s Barbra Streisand and looks slightly less ugly than her.

I make no apologies for saying this:  I do NOT want to be patted down by this bizarro, Ashley Yang or anyone like him/her/it.  There is NOTHING normal about thinking you are a chick, though you were born with a penis.  And there’s even more abnormality with forcing me and you–whether you are male or female–with a person suffering from this mental pathology.

The RuPaul thing might have been cute–for two seconds–in the 1980s.  But that was from afar and limited to bad MTV videos, worse wigs and implants, and a cheesy one-hit wonder dance club tune.  It isn’t suitable for feeling me or you up.

It’s interesting how ten years after 9/11, we are less safe than ever and thousands of fake bombs and unscreened visitors breach security.  Yet, the TSA’s most monumental achievement is transgender sensitivity training for all employees, agents, screeners, etc.

Yup, ten years after 9/11, sensitivity training about the rights of non-Muslim, non-Arab, regular Americans still hasn’t been instituted and never will be.  If your name used to be Alexander or Arnold and is now Ashley, or if your name has always been Mohammed (or was Mohammed and is now Hamida), you are special.

For everybody else in America flying while non-Muslim and non-tranny, Tough S–t, America.


Their feelings–not keeping you safe on the plane–is the main mission of  the TSA ten years after terrorists murdered 3,000 Americans using planes.

Alhamdillullah–praise allah . . . or is that allah-ette (after the hormones kick in)?

So what if we killed Bin Laden?  Looks like his ghost is having a good laugh–many good laughs–at us from his watery grave.

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65 Responses

This incident really shows how political correctness has become deeply perverse. Left is right, black is white, 1+1 do not equal 2 etc.

Western culture is drowning in a sea of moral relativism — that is, anyone can do what they want and no-one can challenge them. It just so happens that much of what people want to do is not congruent with a healthy lifestyle and thus “anything goes” nowadays results in attempts to normalise weird behaviour which anyone with more than 2 brain-cells KNOWS is wrong.

No matter how much someone wants to be another gender, we as human beings are born into this world with our dna, chromosomes and essential human being already determined. Nature gave it to us.If you’re born a male, you ARE a male. That’s a scientific fact!

I resent having to call some bloke a ‘she’ just because that bloke THINKS they are a woman. I don’t care how much hormone treatment they have had — they were born a man and that cannot be rebuked by silly human actions such as cosmetic surgery and wig-wearing. And that’s an objective fact.

If some dude painted himself with white and black stripes, should we ignore common sense and start calling him a zebra? I mean, what if that dude really wanted to be a zebra……

And the biggest losers in all of this is the normal citizens who are molested on a daily basis based on some B.S security culture which was born after Muslims committed jihad on September 11th.The irony of September 11th is that it is the American citizens who are being ‘dimmified’ with all these absurd, politically correct , draconian security measures.

For a point of reference, to see if our society is really ‘balanced’, put on a balaclava and walk into a shop. I bet you don’t get ‘nice’ treatment but instead will be viewed as a criminal. However, don a burka and do the same thing and you are applauded by the multi-cultural brigade, standing with teary-eyed awe at the sight of a muslimitta dressed in a cloth-coffin.

But I digress……..

Barry on August 16, 2011 at 2:00 pm

    @ BARRY-THIS IS CLASSIC ‘muslimitta dressed in a cloth-coffin.’
    I had a muslimitta as a security gal at the Dallas Airport a few weeks back. I told the guy that I didn’t want the porn scanner, so he called her over and told her to do a patdown
    which I preferred over the excessive radiation emanating from the porn scanners. TSA is lying about the amount of radiation exuded and this is why doctors refuse the scans as do the pilots and stewardesses.

    Long story short, the bitch told me to spread my legs and put my arms in the air to which I said, I do not want the scanner…she shoved me in place and said to stand still and it’s over in a second. I regret so now that I didn’t call 911..but then my purse was still on conveyor and my cell was in there. I am still majorly miffed at this evil act of putting me in a radiation container that has proven to cause cancer. Are these the new ovens we are to accept? All I know is that this woman looked at me with total contempt and I swear she was mideastern and gloating over the power she had over me. For the record, I am attractive, look much younger than my 70 years, have a petite well built body, and was wearing form fitting summer clothing so if I were carrying anything there was no way to hide it with such clothing.

    I note that while there some muslim gal with full garb was let much for my rights as a born american. I am totally sick and tired of all the here in New England and these liberals out here are a sickening lot of people. Those Ivy League degrees only serve to make one corrupt,self absorbed, lying thieves with entitlement mentalities, and oh, did I mention freaking mentally ill? Oh yes, I forgot they are running the big house on the hill…all those crazy guys, only 55 congressmen stating they are for the ‘NO sharia law in US’ bill. This means that the four hundred plus asleep at the switch morons don’t give a fig if sharia prevails down the road. Wow, this stinkin govt can’t run out of steam fast enough, can it? Cash in your 401Ks now..they are already checking them out for they done have run out of money folks!
    And oh, never forget half of the tarp went overseas to help those who were equally stupid as americans in wanting uncle sam to take care of them from cradle to grave..a pox on all!

    Virginia Dare on August 17, 2011 at 12:58 am

      Like most sociopaths, these “leader” we face have a narcisisstic complex. This translates to believing they are close to, or even ARE, god.
      So when Sharia law becomes OUR law, they’ll just “convert” and take their place as mullahs, making us a de facto theocracy, and keepign themselves in power. They are unable to conceive of NOT having power, or of NOT being in charge – let alone that the Muslims migth well stick a knife in their back, rather than deal with treacherous scumbags.
      After all, Muslims have been treacherous scumbags for centuries now, why let in the competition?

      Jean on December 14, 2012 at 11:48 am

Spot on Debbie! Sadly conservatives have been duped into “tolerance” of almost anything and are not smart enough to realize that their own views will not be tolerated. Our values have been literally gagged by PC language that makes people fear standing up for their own values lest they be branded some liberal insult (racist, homophobe, xenophobe, sexist, etc…). If people do not cowboy-up soon and say what they really believe, it will be to late and we will be cursed with even worse than what we are seeing today.

eloopd on August 16, 2011 at 2:08 pm

I, wearing a business suit, went through the patdown, even after I offered to show the medical device attached to my body. They felt up everything (sick and stupid SOB’s).

The Moslem woman wearing a full body chador breezed right through security. To cop a feel on a white male is okay, but checking out a potential terrorist is politically incorrect.

Jonathan E. Grant on August 16, 2011 at 2:09 pm

    Jon, they are scumbags. There was a cute TSA agent I wouldn’t have minded a patdown from…

    Occam's Tool on August 16, 2011 at 4:34 pm

      SHE was cute…

      Occam's Tool on August 16, 2011 at 4:35 pm

        She may be, but she sure as hell wasn’t on duty at Newark recently. (I use the term ‘hell’ in connection with Newark advisedly)

        Nir Leiu on August 16, 2011 at 10:12 pm

          Detroit airport, on the way home from Cape Cod. Of course, no sane human uses Detroit as anything but a connecting flight, unless you are a Superhero like the proprietess of this site.

          Occam's Tool on August 17, 2011 at 2:39 pm

      If it was a cute woman searching me, that might have been different. I was searched by two guys.

      You know, you have to be pretty dumb, or pretty desperate, to take a job with the TSA.

      Jonathan E. Grant on August 16, 2011 at 5:01 pm

Such progressive thinking should be forced down the throat of dar ul Islam. Imagine Islamic womb-containers i.e. female Haj pilgrims @ Jeddah airport being subjected to such searches by guys such as Ashley Yang. Maybe they’ll be more accepting of it if instead of any Ashley Yangs, they were subjected to groping by some Aisha Younis’s, or some Fatima Jihad Ramadans…

I’d just like the current upheavals in places like Egypt, Libya, Syria, Bahrein, et al to be replaced by sex revolutions in all these places – feminazis rising against the establishments there, MEMBLA (Mid East Man Boy Love Associations) branches being set up in Mecca, Medina, Cairo, Tripoli, Benghazi, Damascus, Baghdad, Bahrein, Dubai, Muscat… If that can be achieved, the Mohammedans will be as screwed up as we are, and we can get some respite in the Islamic jihad against us. (Yeah, I know that Muslims indulge in those practices anyway, but I want it to be officially called that – that they won’t do w/o it being obvious to the world what they really are)

Infidel Pride on August 16, 2011 at 2:10 pm

I worked in Silicon Valley in the 90’s and there was a guy who wanted to be a girl and crossdressed for work. He insisted on going in and using the woman’s bathroom despite the complaints of the real women. Management stepped-in and designated a trans-gender bathroom that all of the gender benders could use. Maybe this solution could work at TSA. Maybe he/she/it should be employed to pat down other gender confused people.

fred on August 16, 2011 at 2:12 pm

That’s so gross. He should have been locked up in a psych ward long ago, instead of wandering among the population causing this kind of BS.

Hopewell on August 16, 2011 at 2:16 pm

    Actually, for transgender treatment and the pre-surgery review, the patients are supposd to dress and act as members of the opposite sex. The Harry Benjamin society guidelines are on line.

    Occam's Tool on August 16, 2011 at 4:37 pm

I’d go through the scanner than get frisked down. Its the principle of the thing. If I’m a suspect, they have the right to frisk me. But I don’t think I should subjected to searches and seizures if I haven’t done anything wrong. This security sideshow theater isn’t protecting our security and the people who still want to harm us aren’t inconvenienced in the least and we still don’t seem to learn the lesson this hugely inexpensive waste of time and manpower won’t stop another 9/11 from happening here in the future.

NormanF on August 16, 2011 at 2:58 pm

    NormanF ~

    You’re right. There are ample opportunities for our enemies to achieve widespread murder and damage.

    I would like to see an article by Debbie that covers how many airplane mechanics/safety inspectors, aircraft builders, pilots, airport security people, airport administrators, airport food preparation & food/supplies delivery people, airport maintenance/cleaning people are muslim. No doubt airports provide muslim prayer rooms.

    This passes for security? By the time someone is on airport property, it’s too late!

    Contrast this insane system to the simple idea used in Israel ~ no one gets near an airport unless they can successfully pass through the first few stages of security which use behavior pattern recongnition. No one touches anyone. They just ask questions and observe travelers closely.

    What is being done under the guise of ‘airport security’ has absolutely NOTHING to do with security. I see in every American institution and market sector that we are being systematically conditioned by totalitarians to accept their artifically engineered new ‘normals.’

    I hate flying, but if I must, I’ll strongly consider wearing a burka. And if questioned, I’ll say that I convert to islam just for the duration of my flight(s.) Freedom of Religion, right? If ‘Ashley’ has the freedom, with full accomodations, to turn his sex on and off, then I can turn my ‘religion’ on and off as well.

    Aurora on August 17, 2011 at 10:23 am

    Our search procedures are designed by the ACLU to interfere with security. They have not caught terrorist 1.

    Occam's Tool on August 17, 2011 at 2:40 pm

Some people don’t mind being groped! According to the Daily Rash, Michael Moore told Maury Povich that he became sexually aroused during a recent pat-down by a TSA agent!

Newt on August 16, 2011 at 3:36 pm

    That’s the only action he gets that’s free for him (Michael Moore).

    Occam's Tool on August 17, 2011 at 2:42 pm

How much longer are we going to put up with such nonsense? I’ve flown through Ben Gurion airport and there is no groping, no full-body scanning, no removing of shoes. If some young Israeli wants to ask me a few questions while looking for “tells”, no problem.

Instead, we have to deal with Janet Incompetano insisting they can’t and won’t profile, while not just giving Arab/Muslim travelers a pass but affirmatively hiring Muslim inspectors. We have to witness young kids crying “Stop touching me!” while their emasculated fathers stand by helpless, not protesting so as to avoid *themselves* being pulled aside. And grandmas suffering indignities in their sunset years.

Apropos, this morning on NPR they had a piece on the first TSA personnel being trained in behavior monitoring, but I had to chuckle when they questioned how effective they will be after their training. Israeli screeners are all ex-IDF while few of ours are. (Why aren’t we recruiting among our servicemen and women?) And many are college-trained in psychology. No, TSA drones will *never* be as good.

Raymond in DC on August 16, 2011 at 4:00 pm

One day, we will actually be under from the abusive rule from the subhuman vermin of the ACLU. Every time a terrorist attack succeeds in the US, some ACLU office should be sued Civilly as an Accessory to financial destruction and the attorneys should be disbarred.

They are traitors of the worst kind.

Occam's Tool on August 16, 2011 at 4:33 pm

Yes, Ashley seems to like having it both ways. I wonder when the TSA will feel as sensitive when Ashley sexually assaults someone?

Worry01 on August 16, 2011 at 4:57 pm

Sweet Babbling Buddha.

We are effing doomed.

Jack on August 16, 2011 at 5:12 pm

Wow. Did everyone read the original article? Yang says he liked the job patting down passengers because “She(sic) insisted that part of the job’s appeal was working with people.”

Groping little girls and blue-haired grannies in wheelchairs is “working with people?” That’s like a butcher saying he chose the job because he likes working with animals.

Just sickening. No wonder muslims hate us and target us.

DS_ROCKS! on August 16, 2011 at 5:33 pm

This is so absurd.

But remember! The TSA would not exist had Arabs (mostly Saudi) not attacked us on 9/11/01.

There is NO Santa Claus on August 16, 2011 at 5:40 pm

What a waste of human capital. The DOD, CIA, or some other org should have gotten hold of this Ashley and had her patting down inmates at Abu Graib or Gitmo……I bet the enthralled subjects would have been singing to no end.

Not Ovenready on August 16, 2011 at 6:04 pm

At least RuPaul knew he was a man and only a female impersonator….

YeahRight on August 16, 2011 at 6:49 pm

So where are the conservatives to say anything about this? Oh, almost forgot, the TSA was G.W.Bush’s wonderfull idea, and he could do no wrong. Most republican (phony) conservatives have no problem with this BS, as long as it makes them “feel” safe.

Shouldn’t they hire pedophiles to pat down the children?
They like working with people too.

theShadow on August 16, 2011 at 7:41 pm

Well said TheShadow, the TSA was originally started under the Bush administration that was made into law in 2002. I get kinda annoyed by some conservative commentators and conservative bloggers who are predominately making the TSA an Obama issue (yes the TSA has gotten worst under Obama).

Don’t forget the “DHS (Department of Homeland Security)” also was created under Bush as well, NOT Obama. And we all remember two and half years when the DHS gave out a report prior to the Tea Party rallies across the country, they (DHS) gave out a report on so-called “Right-Wing Extremist”! I also believe that report was forwarded to the white house by Mark Potok of the SPLC!

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on August 16, 2011 at 7:55 pm

Hey Sean R. don’t forget the B.S. TARP funds also started under George Bush that some conservative commentators and bloggers are making an Obama isuue. What’s next, the pointless war in Iraq or the drawn out one in Afghanistan that should have been over and done long ago? Obama’s got plenty of issues but Bush (with some “help” from previous administrations) got a lot of the ball rolling and it’s picking up size and speed faster than we can run.
I haven’t been this bummed since the Carter administration, and there’s no Ronald Reagan cowboys in sight. Damn, not even a sidekick!

theShadow on August 16, 2011 at 8:37 pm

BTW where do the femenists stand on this?
Support real women, or a man who thinks he’s a woman?
Well they hate real women (non-feminist) and despise children
I think…
…I hear crickets.

theShadow on August 16, 2011 at 8:48 pm

    Most Feminists HATE Male-to-Female transgendered. They seem more tolerant of Female-to-Males, though. Tell me again who hates whom: The males (with all the privileges, naturally) who want to step down a social level and emulate women to the best of their abilites – or the females who screech about how all sex with a woman is rape, even if she conesents or desires it? Yet these same women claim, “If it was a rape, it was a GOOD rape” (quote from the vagina monologues about how seducing a 13 year old girl into a lesbian encounter is a GOOD thing.)

    (I can’t speak too much about FTMs as I am not one. I leave the rest to your imagination. As for the topic at hand, Transgenderism/Transsexuality is these days less of a problem than before – AND MORE at the same time. After all, sex changes were a much bigger deal before, came later in life, were less effective, etc. Now, it’s possible for a MTF to pass – as the photo above would indicate. FTMs can also pass, given early time and good treatment, though they currently lack certain capacities that men do have – but they can get just as ugly, hairy but bald, hoary, and smelly as any genetic male. Though WHY eludes me. :-/ At least aim to IMPROVE yourself: Stronger, faster, more nimble, more graceful, more even-tempered, all good. ugly and aggressive, not so much. Male OR female, by birth or through adjustments. )

    Next, specific to this – was there any reason for this stupidity to become an issue?
    YES – Our effed-up LAWS MADE this a problem. See, if a MAN touches a woman in any way she doesn’t like, or even LOOKS at her wrong, it would be a sexual harassment lawsuit. BUT, if a women sticks her fingers up a man’s (ahem), that’s PERFECTLY OK. OTOH, if a woman does the same to a woman, well, it’s not a MAN, so she can’t be guilty of anything. Double standard much?
    But the point of this paragraph is that, had HE been this passable at the start, AND had documentation in order (change of birth certificate and Driver’s license, say), NO ONE WOULD KNOW. It wouldn’t be a story or an issue.

    Stop what is essentially GLOATING that you ARE who you believe you are. Some of us don’t have that luxury, and as a 38-year old genetic male with NO hope for the future… Have some compassion for those of us whose DNA actually f*cks with our heads. Bear in mind that doctors prescribed estrogen for morning sickness; that birth control is still estrogen and progesterone (messing with hormones); that there are tons of toxins out there that mimic estrogen, and will screw up normal physical development for male and female alike.
    You got lucky.
    Not all of us did.

    (Personally, I don’t mind being on the margin, and I take issue with those who DO shove it in your face. I have no interest in a “PRIDE PARADE” or similar, nor do I much like fat, pasty males parading around in dainties. Don’t much like fat FEMALES doing that, either. But I haven’t been able to keep my BMI under 30 in years, so i’m nto going to throw TOO many stones – just going to go the gym as often as possible to try and LOSE a few “stones”. Which has the added benefit of making me tough as nails, and strong as an ox – but in turn generates testosterone that induces the dysphoria every time I look in a mirror. Handsome guy, according to the women, but… I shouldn’t have to turn sideways to get though a 32″ door frame, dammit. I shouldn’t have to worry about breaking my girlfriend’s arm if I grab her as she’s falling. Not to mention, I have to process every gesture, thought, and word I engage in, so I don’t come across as gay, effeminate, etc – which could get me attacked when I was growing up, and was NOT TOLERATED by my parents. So – some baggage there, just trying to point out – it’s a legal liability to the TSA, and SHE (“Ashley”) should’ve done things correctly. This stinks of intentional activism. But my fellow conservatives could be a little sympathetic, too, just as I’m happy to NOT be known out in the real world. My problems are MY problems, the world doesn’t need or want to know. If it should BECOME known, though – MYOB. This isn’t destructive to the overall society. (The original article presents a situation which could be, though.)

    Jean on December 14, 2012 at 12:14 pm

Sorry, but NONE of you are getting it… The whole rigmarole of TSA (so called) security is nothing but bureaucratic CYA (Cover Your Ass)…

It’s all about politicians not wanting to take a stand on these matters (as it will backfire on them when there’s another attack) and goes through “civil servants” who do the same thing for “career” reasons.

It’s NOT about actually preventing another attack but rather about being able to say “we did everything we could to prevent the attack”.

Eliezer on August 16, 2011 at 9:04 pm

Sounds so screwed up, it has to be the government.

samurai on August 16, 2011 at 9:31 pm

I think one of the few and rare types of people who are REALLY discriminated against in America are Transexuals. I also think that political gays should STOP with their stupid agenda (because I believe that gays in 2011 have come extremely far and like black Americans and other minorities, they now use their political power to keep “whitey” cowed and to erode the freedoms of the majority). If the gays want to be active, the only true discrimination is against Transexuals.

I have known many and I have seen them DAILY made fun of cruelly to their faces. I hate this to happen to ANYBODY who is not hurting another. When they have jobs (and many don’t work unfortunately as they are continually made fun of) they must have a stiff upper-lip to steel against the people who cruelly mock and belittle them. Many are very sensitive, so it is most likely that Transexuals DON’T work.

I DO happen to believe this is a major psychological disorder (and the Transexuals would get angry at me for saying so, but I used to NOT think so but now I am convinced having known many that it IS) and I don’t think it’s “normal” either. I have an affinity for them because their general demeanor is non-threatening and even peaceful and sweet. A lot of that has to do with their identity confusion. And these sorts (for the most part) are not overtly sexual because most cannot afford a full sex change and if stuck with the genitalia of their DNA gender rather than what they “feel” like, it it very bothersome to them and they hate to look at and handle said genitalia. Most bind so they don’t have to acknowledge it/them for the most part.

I also don’t have a problem if people are uncomfortable around them due to religious reasons. One can understand that. What I would hope is that people would at least be civil to them. And I also don’t have a problem with someone NOT wanting to be “molested” by them as a TSA employee. I hate the TSA in ANY gender/form/person as they are. I am against them and I am sure it will only get people more upset if they are being handled by a transexual.

We have a HUGE problem here in Boston. Our legislature is trying (again!) to pass a law to let Men and Women use ANY bathroom they want BECAUSE of the Transgendered. I am STRONGLY against this. Just as DS said, we are being inconvenienced to let a fringe minority have all the sensitive treatment they want. This is a serious problem because I know that the Transgendered ARE harassed when using a bathroom (usually males using female restrooms) and because of this, the Lefty Massachusetts legislature is going to make ALL public bathrooms a free-for-all.

That is OUTRAGEOUS. Something has to be done but I am AGAINST that stupid law. And I am against making businesses make available a THIRD bathroom for those who are gender “confused”. I also understand that normal people don’t want the Transgendered using the bathrooms…but as of now, I think it is the lesser of all evils if they just used the bathrooms of the gender they “feel” because for the most part, the Transgendered are very docile and not trouble-makers and just want to do their business and leave.

So bottom line. I know it is a severe psychological disorder (but many, if not harassed could and should be gainfully employed), I don’t think they should get special status, I understand people have the right to see them as “freakish” but I guess all I would ask is that people at least treat them civilly. (And I know the Transgendered would get angry at me for thinking that their identity IS a major mental illness. I just think it is. When I was Liberal, I did NOT. But since then, I am not PC and reacting to what I have seen and I believe that it is not “normal”)

Also, I know that most do not know this, but there are MANY differences between Transexuals, Transvestites, Cross-Dressers and Drag Queens. My post only refers to Transexuals. And most of my opinion is based on the fact that most are docile and sweet. I have no tolerance if they are pervy and are bothering other citizens…just as I don’t with “normal” citizens off all types.

Oh, and I’m against TSA “Transexual Sensitivity Training”. More identity politics to be sensitive to a minority. If people are professional and polite and civil, there is NO NEED for such BS.

Skunky on August 16, 2011 at 10:42 pm

    Nicely reasoned response, Skunky.
    I agree with not just having a bathroom free-for-all. I find it funny though, that women are always allowed “women-only” spaces, yet men don’t even have that (Curves being a national chain coems to mind; what place can bar women and get away with it? And at the same time, a woman can enter the men’s locker room or bathroom with impunity and no fear – if she’s even OFFENDED, she’s allowed to sue.. WTF?)

    ANYWAY – Thank you for the compassion. I am mentally MTF, but I’m not going to make any transition – too old, too masculine. Just keep hunkering down, mapping out the reactions in my mind so they aren’t “girly”. And for the harassment angle – when I’m noticed, it comes from Men AND Women. Never MANLY enough, whether the speaker is male or female. I am what I am, I’m sensitive to others – that’s a sin? For whatever reason, I imprinted primarily female behaviors: how I walk, how I carried my books in school, how I gesture when I speak. Had to re-learn that as I grew up, to conform and not get beaten to a pulp.

    Yet, there’s something wrong with ME…

    I also need to argue a little, I really hate the term “disorder” now (though it IS descriptive, I concede) because of how ALL these conditions are being twisted. It is a literal dis-ordering of the brain and endocrine system; granted. but allowing psychiatrists and counsellors and surgeons et al control and define “us” (all humans) this way infantilizes us, makes us subservient. Same as we’ve seen government grow and abuse powers in the last 50 years, it will happen in psychological fields, IS happening, HAS happened (Hysteria; lobotmy; intentional mis-diagnosis and mis-treatment of illnesses) We DO require, for society’s sake, a certain path by which a social congruence can be created, but at this point, there are certain stupidities that should be altered. (Birth certificate sex, for instance, which cannot be changed, EVER, in certain states. Meaning, a MTF post-op will go to a men’s prison for their crime, or even if WAITING for trial – de facto remand, given many’s financial circumstances.)

    And I won’t even START on the “training” bull. The training itself is insanity. As mentioned elsewhere, had this employee marked off “Female” on the applications, it’s likely no one would’ve ever heard anything. Trainign just makes it an OBVIOUS issue, makes everyone uncomfortable, and is usually the WORST way to accomplish these goals.
    Role-playing a sexual harassment situation comes to mind, especially since the MAN is assumed to be the harasser most of the time. These days, anything is possible… But you can BET he is less likely to talk to HR for an ACTUAL event, than she is to talk to HR about a PERCEIVED slight. 😛

    Jean on December 14, 2012 at 12:51 pm

A little legal advice please

I am not sure what my rights are when it comes to TSA patdowns. I can’t opt out, but these guys grope and expect you to stand still. I want to ask if these guys are homosexuals, transexuals etc? I want to request that the patter be changed. IS there a limit to what they can patdown?

When can I call 911 and claim assault?

Lonewolf on August 16, 2011 at 11:00 pm

Edith Starr Miller from 1932 had the right idea about the tolerance of evil and the intolerance of good in our today’s society:

“Today, most of the good people are afraid to be good. They strive to be broadminded and tolerant ! It is fashionable to be tolerant — but mostly tolerant of evil — and this new code has reached the proportions of demanding intolerance of good.”

Rob on August 16, 2011 at 11:37 pm

Funny..I was introduced to Ru Paul and he couldn’t have been nicer. Nicely dressed in a suit with shaved head. I didn’t even know who he was until someone pulled a photo of him in drag, then I recognized him/her..whatever. I do not get the trans-testical thing, sorry.

#1 Vato on August 16, 2011 at 11:39 pm

Why is “it” still working if “it” cashed in on a big settlement check? Just waiting for a passenger to get upset and hurt “it’s” feelings and file another lawsuit? or did the lawyer take too much?

ender on August 17, 2011 at 2:03 am

This whole episode is ridiculous. If I were to dress up as a woman and insist to the TSA that I’m a “female trapped in the body of a man,” would the TSA staff then be required to assign female TSA agents to pat down my family jewels? I don’t think so. And I’m not planning on testing out my theory the next time I go to the airport. But if any males reading this are brave enough to give the experiment a try, I’d be interested in hearing the results.

Ralph Adamo on August 17, 2011 at 3:26 am

In thinking about this, I thought of an interesting variable that prolly would not be thought of. I would really be offended and be very annoyed and hostile (without apologies) to a TSA agent (and just for the record, I would be unhappy with ALL TSA agents because I am against them 100%) who was a bisexual. I think of bisexuals as the true “its” because I think they are the true perverts of the whole “gay” genres. They actually get turned on by “all”. As I previously mentioned, Transexuals are generally non-threatening and sometimes can be downright asexual. I’d prolly be one of the few that if i had to endure a TSA groping would rather go to a transexual because I’d feel it would be the most non-threatening of the bunch. I’d be more at ease and less anxious.

Strangely enough, a British paper had TWO articles on the transgendered today. One predictably on Chaz Bono. I’m sympathetic to the Chaz Bono “situation” but I must say that his whole change is strange to me because it seems that his gender change was more recent than something he struggled with for years. He said he struggled with it for years but as a public personality, one never really saw that when he was a lesbian activist. Of course the public does not know all about him, but one thing about REAL transexuals is that they struggle with the gender identity their whole lives. If this is not so, then there can be HUGE regrets down the road if one goes ahead with a gender re-assignment. So that sits very strange with me and being so, it may be an even more severe mental problem than one having a gender identity disorder. That’s intense if you ask me.

I also feel Chaz Bono’s relationship will not last. He was a she and had a relationship with a lesbian…who I assume is a REAL lesbian. And being as such, she will eventually resent being in a realtionship with a “man”. The whole dynamic (in their case) is like a house of cards looking to collapse. And not to make the topic even more complicated, but many transgendered feel they are not “gay” once they switch genders and I assume Chaz Bono thinks of himself as a straight man now rather than a “gay” man…which he never was as he was born female…and was a lesbian. And not to further complicate a strange issue, but I know some biological men turned transexual “women” think themselves LESBIANS because once they switch genders, they want relationships (AS women) WITH women. So in being with their DNA gender, they are not gay in that respect. Very, very complicated, I know.

Skunky on August 17, 2011 at 4:38 am

If the TSA had an employee who thought he was a dog, would they have to give him a job sniffing out drugs?

Miranda Rose Smith on August 17, 2011 at 5:41 am


    CornCoLeo on August 17, 2011 at 8:38 am

This is yet another reason for the TSA to be declared DOA!

Bob Porrazzo on August 17, 2011 at 6:34 am

I guess I’m a little behind the times. I don’t really know the difference between gays, transexuals, bisexuals, cross-dressers, transvestites, drag-queens, ad nauseum. So many different kinds of psychologically disturbed (euphemism) individuals.

Just like most of us are better off not knowing all the different types of mind-altering drugs — better to avoid all of them, it is better to just avoid all these types unless absolutely necessary, if only for health reasons, both physical and psychological.

And of course, all these special programs and accomodations for them strain our financial resources even further.

And unfortunately, we have already gone way too far in unisex bathrooms. Just go to any family restaurant and see who takes young children into which bathrooms, or go to most college campuses, most of which are financed by the taxpayers to one extent or another.

The arcane distinctions discussed in some of the posts above are irrevelant to most normal people, and are better avoided.

Little Al on August 17, 2011 at 8:39 am

Just to clarify a matter. “Gender Identity Disorder” (relevant in this case) is indeed classified as a psychiatric disorder; homosexuality and bisexuality are not. I don’t think that cross-dressing is so classified, but I am not sure.

But really, passengers/customers have rights too. Since gender is obviously relevant in the selection of who screens whom, it’s absurd to pretend suddenly that gender confusion is irrelevant.

I couldn’t agree more TSA is a nasty joke. Al Qaeda is planning something big, taking its time to get things right, and TSA (and the courts) are being utterly unserious.

skzion on August 17, 2011 at 11:16 am

Debbie, while I usually agree with most of your posts, on this issue you are way off base. If Ashley Yang is Transsexual and has been diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder then she is a woman. The fact that she hasn’t yet gone through gender reassignment surgery makes no difference; Ashley is a woman and should be treated as such.

Debbie, you’re a smart woman, perhaps you should learn about what transsexualism is really about before you go off pontificating from ignorance.

If your not sure where to go, e-mail me and I would be glad to explain and educate.

Jessica Manko on August 17, 2011 at 12:24 pm

Welcome to our upside down world where anything goes and there is no sensibility or sensitivity. A desert island looks inviting, but at this point I’m sure even the most remote have been invaded by the super jerks.

Naomi R on August 17, 2011 at 1:34 pm

Pay the price for your arrogance, America. Pay the price for your eagerness to intervene in every corner of the globe, pay the price for the stupid wars you fight for your ideas of freedom and liberty that nobody needs, for all those civilians you kill in “justified” bomb campaigns and now drone strikes, for the cheap oil and bananas you consume, for your stupid belief that this will never, ever turn into a boomerang and get back to you in any possible way. Pay the price for thinking you will never pay the price.

Personally, I do not like to be groped by anyone: male, female, straight, gay, lesbian, transsexual, hermaphrodite, blonde, brunette, ginger, white, black, muslim, baptist, rasta–why the Hell does any of this matter? You are like someone who is about to be hanged and worries about the color of the rope.

Begletz on August 17, 2011 at 3:16 pm

Debbie, while I usually agree with most of your posts, on this issue you are way off base. If Ashley Yang is Transsexual and has been diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder then she is a woman. The fact that she hasn’t yet gone through gender reassignment surgery makes no difference; Ashley is a woman and should be treated as such.

Debbie, you’re a smart woman, perhaps you should learn about what transsexualism is really about before you go off pontificating from ignorance.

If your not sure where to go, e-mail me and I would be glad to explain and educate.

Jessica Manko on August 17, 2011 at 12:24 pm

Psssstt! Over here! *whispers* If it has a penis, it’s not a woman!

Ah, the modern human. Blindly devoted to ridiculous and absurd notions such as that society as its existed for millenia is the problem, not the infinitesimally insignificant number of people with psychological disorders, oops, I mean “Gender Identity Disorder”. Surely, society can, nay MUST, adapt and change itself for them! To not do is, dare I say, INTOLERANT, DISCRIMINATORY even! How awful! Change, you damnable sexual heathens! Change, I say!

How amazing that humanity was able to exist for thousands, even millions, of years without the genius that is present in this generation!

How glorious that our betters in this age of the world are FINALLY able to “educate” us rubes that people who have penises but wear dresses and people who have vaginas but cut off their boobies so they can wear suits and ties are COMPLETELY normal! How scrumtrilescent! Obviously, it’s us, people who were able to discern the differences between male and female by the end of kindergarten who are the true wackos!

How wonderful to live in an age where men can have babies!! Well, I mean, the person still did have a vagina and lady dna and stuff, but she had flat boobies and the media said she’s a man so she must be!

We are truly, TRULY blessed to be alive now, at this time, and witness the natural order of things as it’s existed since humans first learned to make fire be turned completely on its head by our moral and intellectual betters.

matt on August 17, 2011 at 7:57 pm

If it has a penis its a man plain and simple.I am so sick of our PC culture!

Alice Lee on August 17, 2011 at 8:25 pm

“I would be glad to explain and educate” wtf??!!

You need to re-examine your head, Jessica. To actually propose that a hulking, crane-necked Asian with five o’clock shadow burning through caked-on makeup and wearing a skirt is a “woman” in any sense of the word simply because he has mental diseases is preposterous and inane.

“Transexuals” do not even exist; it is tantamount to me taking a bird, plucking it, amputating it’s legs and wings, throwing it in the water and then suddenly proclaiming that it is a fish.

DS_ROCKS! on August 17, 2011 at 8:38 pm

    “Transexuals” do not even exist.

    Well, that’s just not true. There are many who do actually change from one sex to another, (not just someone cross dressing.) Just because you don’t like doesn’t mean is doesn’t happen.

    Pete Bone on August 17, 2011 at 9:26 pm

“There are many who do actually change from one sex to another…”

You apparently didn’t “get” my analogy. Let me break it down for you –

merely cutting off or reshaping an external organ(s) and popping hormone pills does not mean that one’s sex has been “changed” in any way shape or form. It just means that someone has undergone plastic surgery to change their appearance and/or is ingesting hormone therapy for elective, recreational purposes.

If you truly believe that people can “change” their sex, then you’re a victim of delusional thinking.

DS_ROCKS! on August 17, 2011 at 9:57 pm

    “recreational purposes”…REALLY just for fun?!?!?

    I got your analogy, it just happens to be wrong.
    If wearing a pink shirt makes you a girlie man,(, then cutting off your penis certainly makes you a girl.

    Pete Bone on August 19, 2011 at 10:37 pm

    Unfortunately true. No argument.

    What it CAN do is change how OTHERS relate to YOU, and how YOU see yourself.

    But genetics still play their part – even if the genetics are in fact the CAUSE of the problem. How about we allow people to live their own lives, especially when it really doesn’t affect us?

    Jean on December 14, 2012 at 12:34 pm

First, my own comment:

Thank you Debbie for reporting what is a horrifying story.

I also agree with all of those comments that agrees or adds to with Debbie’s post.

Now for me to respond to someone.


[“Debbie, while I usually agree with most of your posts, on this issue you are way off base. …”

Jessica Manko on August 17, 2011 at 12:24 pm]

You know, Jessica, I have been a regular reader here for almost two years and I have not seen a single comment from you. I suspect that you haven’t even been here prior to today.

As for the rest of what you said in your post, two other readers here have already responded.

JeffE on August 17, 2011 at 10:03 pm

So, HE still can’t pat down females or use their restrooms, correct?

Paula on August 18, 2011 at 6:43 am

I have seen interviews with shemales who cut-it-off, and they are always bitter.

Choke Out on August 18, 2011 at 8:54 am

“She-male” is a term used in porn, and as derogatory to transsexuals as the word “Sheenie” is to Jewish people. (Not that I’m sure most you care, since you wear your prejudice with such pride.)

I find it a bit ironic that a woman who defends infant circumcision dismisses adults who alter their genitals by choice.

Is this any worse than a lesbian patting down a straight woman? Or a gay man patting down a straight man? (I know, most of you hate them, too.) You’d have no way of knowing what the person patting you down is thinking. So…most of you are putting down one person, when it’s the process that sucks.

For that you have mentally-disordered religious fanatics to thank, not the people with gender identity issues.

But any scapegoat in a storm, right?

You Like Scapegoats on August 18, 2011 at 10:01 pm

    Didn’t know about the infant cicumcision bit…
    But I’d LOVE for girls to have that little hood removed, let’s see how they like exposed genital all the time.

    (And I know there is often a different focus, and I find it abhorrent – but so is male genital mutilation, and if you’re so effing fond of equality AND male circumcision – you’re painted into a corner here.)

    Personally, I’m against ALL such attacks on infants. Separating conjoined twins, GOOD. Reparing problems with an infant’s heart or lungs or face (cleft palate) or club foot – GOOD.
    Ripping off something that’s SUPPOSED to be there? BAD.

    If an adult decides, that’s his (her, since we brought up genital alteration) business, kindly keep your effing nose out of what offends you anyway. You are not allowed to enforce YOUR judgement on ME, just as I am not allowed to force MY judgement on YOU.

    Jean on December 14, 2012 at 12:32 pm

Many hack-it-offs would like civil service jobs so they can hack-if-off at public expense.

Why do they bother? They can’t change the voice. They stand out like sore thumbs. Arguably, they commit suicide at extraordinary rates, because they know they CAN’T fit in.

Did you know that the APA’s bible – DSM IV – sets illness criteria, based on a mere show of hands at their annual meetings?

The first DSM, was three-sixteenth of an inch; DSM V will be several inches thick.

Choke Out on August 21, 2011 at 7:23 am

    Choke Out,
    The voice and 5 o’clock shadow are the two immediate give-aways. Voice can be altered with voice therapy, and beard shadow can be removed. Neither allows for change of identifying documents, and some states forbid changing documents at all – meaning, thw individual in question will ALWAYS be deemed a member of the “wrong” (meaning, their genetic) sex. At least conservative types set parameters on this, though – at least giving the chromosomes as an identifier is a standard. (Neglects those who are non-conformist there though. XXY / Kleinfelter’s syndrome, for instance. Hey, nothing’s perfect.)

    Better than the lack of standards for “life” (re:abortion) or “assault weapons.” Pussies for allowing that sort of shit to go unchallenged… Everyone ships their kids off to government schools, plops the kids in front of mass-media programming, then complains about the “young generation,” who arguably don’t know shit from shinola. But the parents made the choice, the kids just echo back what they’re “taught” (or learn on their own, sometimes. Rarely.)

    As to the DSM-v: the “disease” of GID has been modified so it’s not a “disease” any more. However, the people pushing their pet psycho-disease theories are the ones who were on the committee to define GID and the related issues, which means EVERYTHING not conforming the “normal” “hetero” gender binary (I feel sick having to type that out) is, in fact, a DISEASE, or paraphilia. the absurd reduction is, a woman wearing pants is cross-dressed. Despite our social acceptance, women wear dresses. If she has even a SLIGHTLY sexual thought while cross-dressed, she has demonstrated mental illness akin to pedophilia. Insane, huh? Lunatics are running the asylum.

    But they say anyone who does not CONFORM –
    to unwarranted searches
    to police exessive force
    warrantless surveillance
    irradiation of food
    destruction of small business
    murder of unborn
    “lesbian rape = good”
    “Man = bad”
    DUI checkpoints
    Duluth model of “domestic violence” -> Man bad, woman good
    Give up right to arms / self defense
    police entrapment
    endless wars against “them funny folks over there” 😉
    no budget / endless borrowing / inflation
    credit card debt
    obeisance to authority
    political correctness
    enforced charity (IRS)
    Enforced theft (IRS again)
    mega-corporation control of food, media, fuel, electricity
    etc, etc, etc. –
    WE are the crazy ones.


    Jean on December 14, 2012 at 12:27 pm

What do banks look for when applying for an car loan?

godivag on February 7, 2012 at 4:46 pm

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