August 4, 2008, - 1:35 pm

Fatah Palestinian Terrorists Seek (& Get) Refuge in . . . Israel: “Evil Zionist Entity” Rescues Terror Supporting Scum From Other Terror Supporting Scum

By Debbie Schlussel
Yesterday, Mahmoud Abbas, the U.S.-backed Palestinian President a/k/a Israel’s “Partner for Peace,” refused to give asylum to 180 pro-Fatah Palestinians who fled Gaza after fierce clashes with HAMAS. Their leader Abbas refused to let into the Fatah-controlled portion of the Palestinian Authority.
Abbas refused them entry, even after 11 Palestinians were killed and more were wounded during a HAMAS assault on their Gaza City neighborhood. His reasoning: He wanted them to continue the Fatah presence and continue to fight HAMAS in HAMAS-controlled Gaza.
So where did they go for asylum? Israel–the evil Jews, that’s who. You know–the evil Zionist entity.
HAMAS v. Fatah . . .



Unfortunately, Israel–ever the humanitarian sucker–granted 150 of these terrorist supporting Israel-haters asylum. Fortunately, Israel had the good sense to send 30 of them back to Gaza to go find their 72 virgins in Gazastan heaven.
This story shows us 1) how cowardly the Fatah Palestinians are, 2) how hypocritical they are, turning to Israel for asylum, and 3) how barbaric their Fatah leader, Abbas, is–since he who won’t do a thing to help his own people. Oh, and 4) how stupid Israel is–constantly embracing and helping its enemies.
But don’t worry. The world is already finding a way to ignore the 150 Palestinians Israel took in and blame Israel for not embracing 30 of its enemies as they fight each other in the HAMAS-Fatah death match.
With Israel, if it gives an inch, its enemies seize many kilometers (for a worthless piece of paper).

8 Responses

Its funny, Debbie. You would think the world would laud Israel for saving Arab lives! Of course that gets ignored and the world pays no attention when Arabs murder Arabs. Its to be expected. The only time it gets apoplectic is when Jews defend themselves against Arab Nazi aggression!

NormanF on August 4, 2008 at 2:29 pm

Just like the Blacks/Jews relationship in the US. For many years, liberals have sought to say both sides are equally to blame for the tension in the relationship, thereby excusing black anti-semitism. Most Jewish people are taken in by this and keep trying to figure out how to shed their ‘remaining racism’. The Israeli mindset is apparently the same. Welcome the terrorists just as Jews in the US welcomed black anti-Semities; but now the cluster of anti-semites wlecomed by Jews in the US has increased, since they also welcome Muslims to their silly appeasement gatherings.

c f on August 4, 2008 at 3:23 pm

You mean… the Arab terrorists didn’t flee to Egypt?
Fancy that! :+)

There is NO Santa Claus on August 4, 2008 at 3:50 pm

And don’t forget, the evil Zionist entity is also the destination of choice for black Muslim refugees escaping the genocide in Darfur. They have to travel though Egypt though, where they are murdered if Egyptian officials catch them. The world has managed to ignore that too.

sonofsheldon on August 4, 2008 at 3:53 pm

What makes this story even more remarkable is that the IDF risked their lives to save these bastards. The were being shot at during th whole operation.

I_am_me on August 4, 2008 at 4:53 pm

You forgot to mention that they were dressed as WOMEN!!!
An aside, for all you prolifers:
Just like the Blacks/Jews relationship in the US. For many years, liberals have sought to say both sides are equally to blame for the tension in the relationship, thereby excusing black anti-semitism. Most Jewish people are taken in by this and keep trying to figure out how to shed their ‘remaining racism’…Most Jews that i know have assimilated to the RIGHT—and have BECOME racist, no matter how “liberal” they claim to be.
The Afrikaan Americans are caught up in old school Malcolm X—look to Darfur or in the ghetto and it’s the Arab Muslims that are the leeches sucking the life out of Black folk!

EminemsRevenge on August 4, 2008 at 9:39 pm

Please tell me they’ve got these Fatah in a cage somewhere and not in the general population?
That’s the problem here: giving a mountain lion shelter from the storm in the packed and locked barn. The farmer goes to the barn to find bloody walls, skeletons, and one fat mountain lion.
If Fatah can’t take the heat, then they can surrender!

bhparkman on August 5, 2008 at 4:16 am

If the so-called Palestinian Authority won’t take in Palestinian refugees, what does that tell you about the viability (or need) of a Palestinian Arab State?
Isn’t this the same Palestinian Authority that turned down a sweetheart deal in 2000 because they wanted “the right of return”?
Just thought I’d ask some rhetorical questions here.

There is NO Santa Claus on August 5, 2008 at 4:29 pm

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