August 1, 2008, - 10:12 am

“Religion of Peace,” Religion of Pieces Edition

By Debbie Schlussel
But, wait, this can’t be. After all, President Bush told us Islam is “peace,” (and CAIRMPACISNAICNAMAS tell us that the Koran forbids violence and killing). Hmmm . . . guess he meant, pieces.
Keep in mind–authorities are still looking for this woman’s head. She could only be identified from a tattoo on her torso:

The dismembered body of a British girl aged 17 has been found in a suitcase after she was murdered in Brazil, allegedly by a man who had hoped to marry her.
The torso of Cara Marie Burke, from Southfields, southwest London, was identified by her mother from a photograph of a distinctive tattoo that said “Mum”.


Hezbollah Now HipHopbollah:

The Cornrows of Islamic Murderer Mohamed D’Ali Santos

Mohamed D’Ali Carvalho dos Santos, 20, is alleged to have admitted photographing Cara’s dismembered corpse on his mobile telephone after killing her in Goiania, central Brazil.
He told police that he murdered Cara on Saturday after she threatened to tell his parents, who live in London, that he was a drug dealer addicted to cocaine. He said that she was also considering turning him in to the police.
Mr dos Santos, a Brazilian of Turkish heritage, is believed to have been living in Britain illegally and had told friends that he wanted to marry Cara to obtain British citizenship.

Like, no way. A Muslim would never–nevah evah–do that. I’m sure he only killed her because of her “Islamophobia.”
Watch the Disturbing Video News Report:

Lenita Aves, a spokeswoman for the Goiania Policia Civil, said that Mr dos Santos had admitted killing Cara with a single stab wound using a butcher’s knife with a 25cm blade.
“He has yet to show any remorse for what he has done. He has not cried or expressed regret of any kind,” she said. . . . “He has told us he murdered her on Saturday night, left her body in the bath and went to a party before decapitating her the following day.
“The murder was premeditated. He turned the music up on the stereo moments before the crime so neighbours wouldn’t hear her screaming.”

Detectives said that Mr dos Santos’s mobile telephone contained images of Cara when she arrived in Brazil as well as pictures of her dismembered body.
The secretariat for public security in Goias state said in a statement: “He took various photos of the chopped-up body with his cellphone camera, including photos like those of the Taleban, where the decapitated head is placed on top of the body.”
Police found Cara’s torso stuffed into the suitcase near a river in Goiania on Monday. Mr dos Santos is alleged to have admitted hiding her head, arms and legs in a rural area about 20 miles outside Goiania.

Like I said, Religion of Pieces.

13 Responses

The peace of islam, the honor of islam, (as in honor killing of women and little girls) is already here in America. Perhaps in our own local backyard. Did anyone happen to catch the Fox News Channel special on honor killings in America last week?

Rocky on August 1, 2008 at 10:50 am

This is just as bad as the crazy canuck on the Greyhound bus. Disturbing to say the least.

RadicalRightWinger on August 1, 2008 at 12:37 pm

When are women going to learn that when they cross these crazy islamists they are going to lose. Horribly. When they want a divorce the best they can hope for is the guy only takes the kids to the middle east and doesn’t kill them as well. They argue in a restaurant over a drink, they guy just might destroy their face for the act of defiance. These dogs should be dealt with harshly and cautiously. They aren’t playing by 21st century rules. They like the 7th better. Get used to it or wise up.

samurai on August 1, 2008 at 12:44 pm

During World War II we rounded up Japanese & others & put them in detention camps. Something like this could be done today; I think with the better technology today it could be done more efficiently. I guess there is a small portion of Muslims in the US who are really opposed to terrorism. If they could be reliably identified, maybe they could just be monitored & not rounded up.

c f on August 1, 2008 at 12:47 pm

Just wait until this comes to a neighborhood near you (From

I_am_me on August 1, 2008 at 12:51 pm

When we will wake up and end all Muslim immigration?

Exposing Islam on August 1, 2008 at 4:30 pm

Nothing new. The Religion of Peace just doing what it does best, the daily joy of murdering people!

Jackson Pearson on August 1, 2008 at 5:02 pm

Why are so many of these white women drawn to such primitive, ugly, violent, uneducated, ignorant, savages? I just can’t figure it out.
I’m not blaming her….he’s to blame 150%. But why do so many of these women present themselves as such easy targets to these barbarian muzlum predators?

Thee_Bruno on August 2, 2008 at 4:09 pm

What Bruno said! Yeah!

samurai on August 2, 2008 at 11:27 pm

Thee_Bruno, because young White men today are taught to be apologetic and weak, while other young men are taught to be bold and proud.

Sue Denemme on August 3, 2008 at 9:47 pm

Sue Denemme pulled this little gem out of her ass:
“Thee_Bruno, because young White men today are taught to be apologetic and weak, while other young men are taught to be bold and proud.”
1. You mean to tell me that there are two sets of curricula in schools? One curriculum is set aside for white men, and another set aside for “others”?
Who approves of these curricula? How about those of mixed race – which do they attend?
2. What do you mean about the “others” who are taught to be bold and proud? Are they taught that it’s OK to brutalize women and be proud of it?
Are they taught to murder and dismember women and be proud of it?
Are they taught to deal drugs and be proud of it?
Are they taught to be proud of their criminal behavior?
Are you talking about islam?
3. Which category of these men are you married to? Are you married to a person who attended the “bold and proud” curriculum? By your defense of the behavior of savages, I’d say you’re probably married to the “bold and proud” kind. I hope you don’t have kids (for their sake), and I hope you named your parents as beneficiaries of your life insurance policy.
BTW, I seem to recall the astronauts from the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo missions. They were all white, intelligent, brave, and proud. They achieved something for their country, and they didn’t have to murder innocent women to prove their manhood.
You’re one sick bitch!

Thee_Bruno on August 4, 2008 at 10:06 am

Dear Sue,
After re-reading your post, I may have been mistaken about your true intentions. I may have missed your sarcasm. If you were being sacrcastic, I apologize.
Please let me know.

Thee_Bruno on August 4, 2008 at 10:09 am

“Thee_Bruno, because young White men today are taught to be apologetic and weak, while other young men are taught to be bold and proud.”

After working in a public high school, this statement is very true. All of the thugs get all of the lovin. Even the girls are taught to be tough as nails, while the white boys are forced to embrace diversity.

Kevin on August 20, 2009 at 8:24 am

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