July 31, 2008, - 5:02 pm

HOprah Watch: Buy Your $5 Plastic Spoon – More Oprah Hypocrisy

By Debbie Schlussel
One of the things–among very many–that makes Oprah Winfrey so annoying is her hypocrisy.
For instance, she lectures women and families who appear on her show how they need to downsize and stop spending so much money–she tells viewers the same. She, of course, says this while she spends $500 on a pair of pastel cashmere Q-Tips.
Okay, I made that one up–there are no such Q-Tips (yet), but it’s not so far-fetched. While she lectures Americans on how to downsize–and continues to maintain her gazillion square foot Montecito mansion and several homes around the country–Oprah tells her “O” magazine readers every month to buy absurdly overpriced stupid items they don’t need. This month’s “O List” takes the cake (and cuts it, if you’re lucky), with four pieces of plasticware for $20. That’s right–a plastic spoon, knife, and fork cost $5 apiece.


Oprah Says You Must Spend $20 On These 4 Plastic Utensils

Guess what Oprah? If you go to the dollar store, you can actually get a whole bag full of plastic utensils (far more than four of ’em) for $1.
It’s interesting how little the anti-male, self-anointed national psychiatrist, Oprah, understands about people, while she lectures them on things like marriage and relationships. It’s just a hunch, but I’d bet one reason some husbands get mad at their wives is about overspending on stupid things . . . like exorbitant plasticware that Oprah told them is a “must have.”
$20 for four pieces of plastic silverware. . . . Sheesh!

3 Responses

*For instance, she lectures women and families who appear on her show how they need to downsize and stop spending so much money–she tells viewers the same. She, of course, says this while she spends $500 on a pair of pastel cashmere Q-Tips.*
The funniest thing I ever saw on Oprah was a few years ago (I wouldn’t have been watching except I was visiting my parents’ house and my mom happened to be watching) when a guest completely humiliated her.
He was an expert on germs and how long you should keep things around the house, e.g. toothbrushes, razors, sponges, etc. before tossing them. . .and how often you should change your sheets.
He stated that everyone should change their sheets on their bed once a week. Oprah then proudly declared that SHE changes her sheets every two days, as if she personally does her laundry. There was a pause and the expert stated, “That isn’t practical for most people.”
That woman is so out of touch.

Gabe on July 31, 2008 at 11:46 pm

Hi Debbie,
I have the good fortune of actually never seeing an Oprah episode,but could you add her to my list of people who should just go away?
Gratefully yours, Chief

Chiefscotty24 on August 1, 2008 at 10:03 am

I don’t watch the moron, but she actually tells people to downsize?!? Wow!
Hey, Ope, I’ll help you downsize. Just send me a couple of million so I can help YOU out a bit since I know you practice what YOU preach.
Actually, Ope serves a great service in that she helps me know which gals to avoid. Seriously guys, if you want to know if a girl is going to be squirrelly down the road, ask her if she watches Oprah. I had a previous gal who did and she turned out to be a loon.

Jeff_W on August 1, 2008 at 2:36 pm

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