July 27, 2011, - 6:55 pm
What Inner City?: Detroit Mayor Spends Time Seeking Leniency for Millionaire NBA Drunk Driver
Apparently, things have improved so much in the City of Detroit that its Mayor has nothing better to do with his time than write letters asking suburban Detroit judges for leniency in sentencing NBA multi-millionaire drunk drivers. And, apparently, those judges are supposed to take into account that the drunk drivers were once abandoned by their fathers? Huh?
Judge Kim Small Gave Jalen Rose What He Deserved
That’s what happened today at the sentencing of racist multi-millionaire former NBA star and current ESPN commentator Jalen Rose for drunk driving. He got 20 days in jail, and it’s big news in Detroit and around the country. Rose drew 48th District Court Judge Kimberly Small, who is the nation’s toughest judge when it comes to drunk driving. On the eve of sentencing, the Detroit Free Pressistan did a full court press for Rose by doing an unwarranted front page hit piece on Judge Small in the Sunday paper for the “crime” of being tough on drunk drivers and always giving them jail time. It’s not like Rose was just over the alcohol limit. He had six martinis in a row and blew a .12 blood alcohol level. He was very drunk when he drove and crashed his SUV. It’s by the grace of G-d, that he didn’t kill someone.
For the record, I know and like Kim Small, have appeared before her in court, and we are friendly. While she is tough, she is smart, fair, and knows the law. I always know that if the law and facts are on my clients’ side, Judge Small will be, too, as in this case. She knows what she is doing, and she’s consistent in being tough on criminals. When I lived in her district, I was proud to vote for her.
Incredibly, for today’s sentencing, many, many famous Detroiters wrote letters asking that their mega-rich, mega-racist, drunk driver friend be given a lighter sentence. Even more incredible, Detroit Mayor Dave Bing wrote a letter on Rose’s behalf talking about how he was a successful NBA star and gives money to charity. What the heck does that have to do with his drunk driving? Does Mayor Bing really believe that rich former sports stars, like himself and Rose, deserve a different set of justice than the rest of us? Apparently so. And what is Bing doing wasting City of Detroit resources on Rose? Rose lives in the fancy suburbs (where he was drunk driving), not in the City. He was one of those who took illegal loans from gambling ring operator Ed Martin in the University of Michigan basketball scandal. He’s not worthy of the Mayor of Detroit’s time, involvement, or intercession.
Also incredible, at today’s sentencing, Rose’s lawyer said that because he was abandoned by his father as a child, he should get a lighter sentence and the court’s sympathy. HUH? Rose is an adult in his 30s. He’s made millions of dollars and is gainfully employed. What does his status as an illegitimate kid have to do with his drinking of six cocktails, then putting his keys in the ignition and heading out on the road?
I’m glad that Jalen Rose didn’t get treated any better or any differently than the usual drunk driving defendants in Judge Small’s courtroom, merely because he is famous, rich, appears on TV, and has important friends. That he will spend time behind bars is a humbling experience he needs far more than the usual poor schnooks who appear before Judge Small after drinking too much and getting behind the wheel.
Rose is lucky that Judge Small is allowing Rose to attend his 93-year-old grandmother’s birthday party before he reports to jail. Not all defendants are so lucky when they appear before other judges.
As longtime readers know, I’m no fan of racist multi-millionaire former NBA star Jalen Rose. His comments during his ESPN “Fab Five” documentary were ridiculous.
And, next week, he won’t be Jalen Rose, haughty former jock with millions in dollars and racist thoughts. He’ll be Jalen Rose, Oakland County Jail resident.
Exactly what he deserves.
Tags: .08, .12, 20 days, 20 days in jail, 48th District Court, accident, blood alcohol level, crashed, Dave Bing, David Bing, Detroit, Detroit Mayor, driving drunk, drunk driver, drunk driving, ESPN, Fab Five, Jalen Rose, Judge Kim Small, Judge Kimberly Small, Judge Small, Kim Small, Kimberly Small, Mayor Dave Bing, NBA, sentence, sentencing, six martinis, SUV
That’s what I call “justice”. Although with regards to celebrities, a lot of people think they should be treated differently from the rest of us… cuz of fame, the right connections and being arrogant.
Just what Detroit’s Mayor thinks a rich suburban guy’s entitlement should be!
Go figure.
NormanF on July 27, 2011 at 7:24 pm