July 24, 2008, - 2:11 pm

HOprah Watch: Oprah Book Club, Child Sex & Porn Edition

By Debbie Schlussel
One of Oprah’s fave authors, Oprah Book Club authoress Billie Letts, has a “charming” new book out . . . pimping child porn and molestation. And she even has the chutzpah to title it, “Made in the U.S.A.”
Yup, this is the kinda crap Oprah is easily convincing America’s women to read:

Do not judge Letts’ new Made in the U.S.A. (Grand Central, 355 pp., $24.99) by its summery cover illustration of lightning bugs flashing in a twilight sky.
This novel is touted as the moving tale of two children who overcome all odds to find a home – the search for home being a favorite Letts theme.


Oprah: The Dreck Girl

Instead, the story of 15-year-old Lutie McFee and her brother, Fate, 11, presents us with the death of their caretaker (the ex-girlfriend of their missing father) at the checkout line at Wal-Mart; and rum and Cokes served to Lutie by a child predator, who then gets her to pose for a porn magazine.
Lutie becomes addicted to cocaine and does a porn film, all so she can afford a home for Fate. Did we mention Lutie is raped – not once but twice – brutally beaten and slashed across the face?

Talented authors have long mined toxic home lives for insights into the inhumanity present in too many families.
But Made in the U.S.A. is a despicable example of a writer with a loyal following being inhumane to her characters – and her readers.

7 Responses

This is liberalism… Oprahified – where everything is leveled down to the lowest common denominator – the sewer of our civilization.

NormanF on July 24, 2008 at 2:59 pm

To be assigned reading in public schools in 3Ö2Ö1Ö Itís a perfect fit for public school libraries; doom, unhappiness, victimization, fear, powerlessness. What ever happened to happy childhoods? Not that mine was a shining beacon, but I always felt the POSSIBILITY was there for people to be happy and live a good life because I was indoctrinated with that point of view through books that portrayed it as the norm. Not, as happens now, where every piece of fiction a child is assigned to read assumes rape, violence and substance abuse as the typical life of an American child.

dm60462 on July 24, 2008 at 6:21 pm

I am not surprised. what do you expect from a racist woman who has no interest in helping actual slaves in Africa but milks the guilt trips of liberals for crimes they did not commit?
She has no heart and no soul

Schlusselfan on July 24, 2008 at 7:02 pm

Great post. To me Oprah has done more harm to the American women than she’s done to help. I have a link on my for you, mind reciprocating?

Jamie on July 25, 2008 at 6:31 am

Peking Opera Oprah style with a dollop of sexualized masochism (The White-Haired Girl meets Little Eva meets Emmanuelle). Yummy! . Condemn your porn and eat it too. Love the title! So subtle and clever!

poetcomic1 on July 25, 2008 at 9:00 am

Peking Opera Oprah style with a dollop of sexualized masochism (The White-Haired Girl meets Little Eva meets Emmanuelle). Yummy! . Condemn your porn and eat it too. Love the title! So subtle and clever!

poetcomic1 on July 25, 2008 at 9:00 am

Why are child porn and child slavery big plot trends these days? Seems like every time I pick up a popular genre fiction writer, the plot involves children being sexually abused!

CaptShady on July 25, 2008 at 2:48 pm

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