February 14, 2007, - 1:56 pm

Take Senator Levin’s “Survey” on Dems’ Anti-Troop Surge Resolution

A reader sent me this info:

Hey Debbie,
I occasionally complain to Carl Levin via email and now I’m on his mailing list. I got this from him today:

The new Majority in the U.S. House of Representatives has scheduled four days of debate this week on the President’s plan to deploy more than 20,000 additional United States combat troops to Iraq.
I hope you will add your voice to this important debate.

Say Nice Things About Troop-Betrayer, Senator Carl Levin

The Resolution states the following:
Congress and the American people will continue to support and protect the members of the United States Armed forces who are serving or who have served bravely and honorably in Iraq; and Congress disapproves of the decision of President George W. Bush announced on January 10, 2007 to deploy more than 20,000 additional United States combat troops to Iraq.
Please click here to take the survey.
I look forward to hearing from you. I will send along my comments and the results of the Congressional debate late this week.
Thought your readers might like the opportunity to tell Carl what they think.

Yes, I think they would. Please readers go take the survey and tell Senator Carl Levin what you think of him and his opposing of our troops. Here’s the comment I posted in his comment section (unfortunately, he is my Senator):

Senator Levin:
Please retire. Also, your hanging beak glasses thing is atrocious. Ditto for your combover. We know you are bald. So, get a haircut. Please

Needless to say, I opposed that silly, troops-betraying resolution.

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18 Responses

Look for the treacherous DemonRats to pull out their long knives and stab our troops in the back. They long to see us defeated and humbled before the Leftists and other America haters of the world. After all, in their psychotic world view, we are the “Evil Empire.”

FreethinkerNY on February 14, 2007 at 3:13 pm

Mindless musings:
Look for the treacherous DemonRats to pull out their long knives and stab our troops in the back. They long to see us defeated and humbled before the Leftists and other America haters of the world. After all, in their psychotic world view, we are the “Evil Empire.”
Posted by: FreethinkerNY
Amerikkka IS and have for over half a century BEEN the “evil empire,” anyone who STUDIED history will know that the Nazi-‘fighters’ during WWII fought FDR and his “Jew” deal desire to get into the war was more vehement than the anti-Iraq sentiments of today!!!
WHEN at least a hundred friends and acquaintances of mine died and i offered my services to go to SAUDI ARABIA to get even, GW’s minions said NO…i’m STILL available

EminemsRevenge on February 14, 2007 at 3:50 pm

Someone forgot to take his Thorazine today.

FreethinkerNY on February 14, 2007 at 3:52 pm

This is pure Levin. Michigan with Stabenow and Levin and Granholm as Gov–we are such a sad socialist liberal state. These libs simply wear me out–they know that as long as they dish out constant blame to the Republicans, the “big bad business community” and promises of more graft/entitlements to Detroit–they have lifetime positions. I loved “let’s invent a new tax” Granny’s “no worker left behind” shtick last week–gotta have new taxes to fund more pork for the PR trough. I’m only emailing Levin because you say so Debbie–you know it means nothing to him.
Levin DOES do the best Benjamin Franklin imitation since old Ben himself–so wise, so combed over…oy. I need to throw up.

BB on February 14, 2007 at 6:26 pm

Do be careful here, folks!
If you approve the resolution you support the troops BUT DISAPPROVE OF THE PRESIDENT!
If you disapprove the resolution you DON’T SUPPORT THE TROOPS, but approve of the President!
Not an appetising either/or choice for the 35% of the country who BOTH support the troops AND approve of the President.
AH! Negative Assent! If this were a pyramid selling scheme, the Democrats would be in gaol!

eliXelx on February 14, 2007 at 6:36 pm

Doesn’t this guy Eminem know that splitting verbs is a no-no in polite company, and a sign of a lack of breeding?

eliXelx on February 14, 2007 at 6:41 pm

Thanks for the link to the survey. My comments were not too kind.
‘I feel that you and the other people in the Democratic Party that occupy leadership positions are not providing meaningful leadership. Your actions, proposal, and statements are nothing more than political snipping. You and your fellow Democrats do not care about anything except winning the White House. Your disappointments of the 2000 and 2004 elections have festered into a personal hatred George Bush. This hateful vendetta has poisoned your value system. Your hate has become so focused on destroying the person, George Bush, you have destroyed the Office of President. ‘

getrealnow4 on February 14, 2007 at 8:17 pm

The comment you posted on Carl Levin’s site is just sad. You had an opportunity to put forth a real argument that stated your position, instead you resorted to childish name calling. That’s the problem with a lot of “Pundits” like yourself, you have no idea how to put forth an intelligent argument.

D*Rek on February 14, 2007 at 9:08 pm

Bad boy of the internet, who some have called the Dave Chappelle of blogging, EminemsRevenge tells it like it is!

Dan on February 14, 2007 at 11:26 pm

Have to agree with D*Rek on this one. Childish name calling is all well and good, but one would think that life or death matters deserve an actual answer to dumb ideas.
CONFESSION: I generally consider myself pretty liberal, and am more or less reading this blog out of curiosity.
That being said, I opposed the war initially (thought we should finish up in Afghanistan and nail OBL) but now that US credibility is on the line I think that we need to see it through if at all possible.
Now, THAT being said, I voted for Kerry last presidential election just because it seemed like Bush and the neocons just wanted to stay the same course that was not working in the first place. Now that Bush actually wants to react to the situation and try a new strategy (hopefully one that works) we getÖ*drum roll*Öcomplaining!
Ai ya.

FeynmanFanGirl on February 15, 2007 at 12:14 am

Unless it is a binding resolution that actually means something, I think that Congress should spend it’s time on actually accomplishing things for the American people. This Resolution serves only to express opinions, opinions that that do nothing but embolden our enemies by presenting a non-cohesive, defeatest attitude in a time of war. This makes life worse for our deployed troops, and in effect, DOES NOT support or protect them as the Resolution states. It is a cowardly act for Congress to have words without actions behind them simply for the purpose of political agendas.

linda4psu on February 15, 2007 at 9:30 am

Unless it is a binding resolution that actually means something, I think that Congress should spend it’s time on actually accomplishing things for the American people. This Resolution serves to express opinions, opinions that that do nothing but embolden our enemies by presenting a non-cohesive, defeatest attitude in a time of war. This makes life worse for our deployed troops, and in effect, DOES NOT support or protect them as the Resolution states. It is a cowardly act for Congress to have words without actions behind them simply for the purpose of political agendas.

linda4psu on February 15, 2007 at 9:31 am

The only part of the Bush policy that has failed is that it was not implemented with OVERWHELMING force! As to “Senator” Levin and the rest of his siditionist allies, I would recommend they all review in detail the last three years of Linclon’s presidency. Especially the statements by then Senator Van Landingham of the “Peace Democrats”. Amazingly, the parallels are almost identical to the rants of the socialist left (formerly democrats). Many of the elected officials, both Democrat and Republican, should be arrested and jailed as seditionists. If anyone has forgotten, we are at war and as such, any congressmen who willfully take actions to damage our national and military morale should be considered saboteurs. If anything, they need to create a new party: the YELLOW Party. Bend over and take it because that’s the way you like it. What a bunch of cowards! I could puke.

FreeAmerican on February 15, 2007 at 10:20 am

The Democrats are trying to cut and run just like they did during Vietnam for those of you that are old enough to remember.
That resulted in 2-3 million people being killed in Cambodia.
John Kerry and Jane Fonda were the communists sympathizers that forced America to withdraw by undermining our troops then and are doing it all over again now.
This time the enemy will come to America if we turn tail and run. Muslims respect only one thing and that is Overwhelming Force.

ScottyDog on February 15, 2007 at 10:33 am

“ScottyDog”, can you please explain to me exactly how the people who are fighting in Iraq would come over here in “Overwhelming Force” if we were to leave? Last time I checked, they don’t exactly have an invasion force, let alone a method of getting that force half way across the globe.
On 9-11 we were not attacked by an invading army with hi-tech weapons, we were attacked by 19 people with box cutters. The way to secure this country isn’t to destroy another country, it’s to put money and resources into making our security better at home (money for port security, border security, intelligence operatives, etc). The next attack on this country isn’t going to come in the form of an army, it’s going to come in the form of a small group of people exploiting the security flaws we have here.

D*Rek on February 15, 2007 at 11:56 am

You need to work on your reading comprehension.
I said;
Muslims respect only one thing and that is Overwhelming Force.
Something we have not used since we invaded Baghdad. The rules of engagement are a joke.
If we had taken out Fallujah, for example, the Muslim fighters would not be emboldened to hide in mosques knowing we will never bomb because of PC sensibilities. We could have stopped them in their tracks if Bush had ordered Moqtada al-Sadre and his army destroyed instead of allowing him to build his army for Jihad against the great satin.
If we loose in Iraq by leaving it will only encourage them to come to America in greater numbers to continue the Jihad.
I was trying to point out that we should use over whelming force against the enemy and defeat them.
Ask your self why we have not fought this war or any war since Vietnam to its logical conclusion, that is destroy the enemy until they beg for a unconditional surrender. We have stopped short of doing that and that is why we have no respect in the world. They think we are weak and we will give up.
History has shown them, they are right. Just look at Vietnam and Somalia.
BTW-They already are here in places like LA and Dearborn. The terrorists did attack us with high tech weapons, our own modern jet liners used as ballistic missiles.

ScottyDog on February 15, 2007 at 8:03 pm

The reason we have not used “overwhelming force” since the march to Baghdad is becaues that strategy would not be effective in this battle. Mainly because we have no idea who the enemy is.
Going into the Iraq war, we knew that the Iraqi army was the enemy. But who is it now? Not only are there Suni and Shitte’s, but there are several factions within each of those main groups. To make things more complicated, they are fighting amongst each other.
I’m sure you’ll counter by saying that “Al Sadr is an enemy, let’s go get him”. Well, that’s all well and good, but the problem with that is, since he is the most power Cleric in Iraq going after him would result in his two million followers rioting in the streets. Not to mention the probable collapse of the Iraqi goverment because not only does his party control a signifigant number of seats in the parliment, he is the biggest backer of Al Maliki.
And I’m sure the next thing you’ll say is “Let’s go after Al Qaeda”. Great, as soon as someone points out how we can tell them apart from all the other Iraqi factions, I say let’s go. But given that the number of Al Qaeda fighters is very small compared to the other fighters in the country, even doing this would have little effect.
Furthermore, if we go in with overwhelming force and level everything in front of us, it would be counter productive. Say we level an aprtment building that is housing a dozen terrorists. On the plus side, we kill 12 enemies, on the minus side we’ve made dozens of civilians killed, not to mention severalfamilies homeless. Now, ask yourself, how many of those now homeless family members are going to pick up arms against us because in their eyes, we were the ones that took their homes and loved ones from them.
One last thought. You really need to go back and look at 9-11. We were attacked by a covert group of individuals with Box Cutters and an innovative plan. While they ultimatly did attack us with “high-tech” weapons, they were weapons that they got from us. An attack like 9-11 will never happen again, because we’ve learned their tactics (and if you need evidence of this, look at what happened to Richard Reed “The Shoe Bomber” when he tried an attack on a plane)

D*Rek on February 15, 2007 at 8:33 pm

You have just displayed why we are losing this war and not winning by posting your analysis of why we cannot use the necessary force, overwhelming force to win.
During WWII we bombed civilian targets in Germany and killed thousands of innocents. We also used the A Bomb and killed thousands of innocents in Japan.
As of result of these actions, both countries begged us for a ceasefire and saved hundreds of thousands of American lives in the process.
Our political leaders have lost the stomach to fight wars and win. We are so concerned about the loss of “innocents” lives that we have lost sight what it takes to win a war. War is hell and a gruesome business but if we cannot fight to win we should not even be there.
I have read many of the Military blogs and read numerous letters by solders that are serving in Iraq. They know what needs to be done but are prevented from doing so.
I will give you an example. One of our helicopters was fired upon flying over Baghdad on a combat mission a couple of weeks ago, The gunnery Sargent had to call the pentagon via sat comm link to get permission to return fire.
It took ten minutes for the decision to be made by the higher ups but by that time the insurgents had blended back into city. Any wonder why so many of our helicopters are getting shot down.
Previously, the Bush administration was running this war just like LBJ did back during Vietnam. I was involved in that mess and do not want to see it repeated.
The new GWB troop surge and the new battle plan has changed. According to our guys on the ground, things are turning around now.
If you would like to know what our guys really think about the war in Iraq and want to learn the truth on the ground, I urge you to read reports by embeds that are not with the mainstream media.
One of the better ones is here:
BTW-If you think 911 will never happen again, you are naive.Security has not changed all that much except for PR by the TSA. We are as wide open as ever. They have flunked every single security test that has been conducted since the new TSA was created.

ScottyDog on February 16, 2007 at 5:35 pm

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